Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

RE: Discussion – Week 3

Interactive Unit 1: The Philosophical Perspective
Interactive Unit 2: Religion and Ethics
Witt, C., & Shapiro, L. (2015). Feminist history of philosophy. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2018 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.). Retrieved from
Masolo, D. (2016). African sage philosophy. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2016 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.). Retrieved from
Garcia, J., & Vargas, M. (2018). Latin American philosophy. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2018 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.). Retrieved from
The second half of the 20th century brought major changes into the lives of women and people of color. The Civil Rights and social movements in countries like India, the United States, and South Africa, along with feminism in various parts of the world, gave a voice to these groups and allowed their philosophers to participate in the main philosophical discourse of the time. Even this short history of philosophy of women and people of various cultures and races produced a diversity of new ideas unique to their struggles and issues of existence. In this Discussion assignment, you will explore other voices of philosophy, for example, feminist, African, and Latin American philosophies.


To prepare for this Discussion:

Review Interactive Units 12 and the web pages listed in the Required Resources for this Discussion.
Consider how cultures that produced the dominant philosophical ideas in the past have viewed the roles of women and of the various racial and ethnic groups in their society.
Reflect on what you most closely identify with your nationality, your social class, your sex, your family, your race, your religion, or something else. Think about how this may influence the philosophies with which you identify most closely.
With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 7 of Week 3 a 2- to 3-paragraph response in which you evaluate how the philosophies of women and people of various cultures and races have affected dominant Western philosophies. How are their traditions different from and/or similar to the Western philosophical tradition? Consider whether the emergence of these other voices changed the focus of the main philosophical discourse. Why or why not?

Popular Press analysis for Health Economics

Option 1: Popular Press analysis for Health Economics

Collect and analyze four newspaper or magazine articles relating to different health economics concepts.
The following “rules” apply:

A copy (link) of each popular press article should be included and follow the discussion.
The popular press article must have appeared in print since the beginning of the current semester.
The source and date of each popular press article must be indicated.
Analyses must be word-processed and double-spaced.
The analysis of each article is limited to a maximum of two pages.
Popular press articles must appear in:

The following major newspapers:

New York Times
USA Today
Washington Post
Washington Times
Chicago Tribune
Los Angeles Times
Wall Street Journal
Boston Globe
And the following major news magazines:

Business Week
U.S. News and World Report
The Economist
Topics of Focus:

Choose a topic based on the content presented in the course.

Topic should be: The Demand for Medical Insurance: Traditional and Managed Care Coverage


1. Pretend your in a course of study in the Masters of Education program and you have learned about the importance of communication and leadership to be an effective educational professional. In a two-page paper, reflect on what you learned about the importance of communication in your field (Department of Juvenile Justice) and the different leadership styles and strategies that you can use in order to maximize learning.
2. Examine how your coursework in the M.Ed. program and your work experience have helped you to grow in the areas of communication and leadership and how you have used or will use these competencies in your current and / or future position.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Behavior: use and translate research evidence to inform and improve practice, policy, and service delivery.

For this assignment complete the following:

Using the competencies from your learning agreement, you will create a 10-15-page PowerPoint presentation (recorded) with narration for each slide, and notes for each slide.

Background and Instructions

Analysis of COVID-19 Through the Lens of the 9 Social Work Competencies
The situation with COVID-19 is extremely dynamic.  Many agencies/communities continue to monitor the spread of the virus in order to make proactive decisions necessary to protect community members.  The purpose of this assignment is for social work students to demonstrate integration of the nice (9) social work competencies to analyze the impact of COVID-19. 
Directions:  Using either your agency or community placement setting, discuss the following: 
1.    Where applicable include what you know about the COVID-19 pandemic (e.g. properties, spread, incubation, duration, fatality, etc.) and CDC guidelines for best practice during a pandemic (these must be cited within the PowerPoint and in the reference page of the presentation using APA guidelines).
2.    Use the nine (9) social work competencies to analyze the impact across systems (micro-macro) for each competency as specified below.  Full descriptions of the competencies for your field course are available at:
3.    Summarize findings and recommendations for your agency and community.  Describe how this assignment impacted your understanding or beliefs about the role of the profession in responding to a pandemic.
Students completing this assignment will receive 20-hours of field credit.  Students should notify their field coordinator and field liaison if they choose to complete this assignment.  This project should be 10-15 slides (not including title or reference page) and adhere to APA format.  Students should submit the final project to their field instructor for review and to your field professor for approval. 
1.    This is a professional presentation and will be evaluated from both factual analysis and practical application to your field experience.
2.    Please see this webpage for formatting tips:
3.    Please do not read from the slide
4.    Please review for standard writing expectations and use of current APA guidelines
5.    Each competency will need to be represented on a separate slide (minimum of nine- you may need more to avoid overcrowding) addressing the following:
Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior

Examine and apply an ethical decision-making model to the steps being taken to mitigate the spread of the virus at the individual, local (agency), community, and State levels.  In addition, students should consider the following:
a.    Policies and laws
b.    Personal and professional values
c.    Relevant standards in the Code of Ethics
d.    Role of other professionals involved
e.    Ethical use of technology, etc.

Note:  here is one resource- there are many

Competency 2: Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice

Discuss cultural structures and values that marginalize, discriminate, oppress, alienate and/or create power and privilege.  Responses should also include a thoughtful analysis of:
a.    Diversity, culture, equity, and inclusion
b.    Intersectionality of those involved 

Competency 3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice

Discuss local and global interconnections that impact social justice and strategies that promote social and economic justice and human rights.  List three (3) strategies to eliminate structural barriers to ensure equity.

Competency 4: Engage In Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice

Based on a literature review, describe 2 evidence-based approaches that informs practice relevant in this situation.

Note: This is where you would use a minimum of three (3) sources for your analysis

Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice
Identify 1 local, state or federal policy and 1 public health policy and their role in services provided by the agency or community.  Create evaluative analysis table of the effectiveness of these policies (who benefitted and who didnt).

Policy type    Role in Services    Who Benefited    Who did not benefit
Public Health            

Competency 6: Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

Identify 2 HBSE theories and discuss how they apply in this situation.  Describe your engagement approaches across systems based on these theoretical frameworks and constituencies strengths and needs. 

Note: Again, a table would work here (you can not use this example, but you can use the format):

Theory    Application    Engagement across systems
    Strengths     Needs
1.    #1
2.    Social Learning Theory    Individuals learn how to respond to a crisis through the observation    Micro- Talk to clients directly and provide them w/facts    Builds trust and allows questions to be answered    Cant reach everyone
        Macro- provide schools with handouts and tips    Reaches families with resources    Some (like the elderly) dont have school age children
        Mezzo- update webpage with accurate resources    Allows individuals a reliable source of facts and empowers individuals to reason    Competing with larger media and misinformation
3.    #2         Micro       

Competency 7: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

Identify 2 theories and discuss how you would use them in assessing your agencys or communitys strengths and needs.  Reflect on your personal experiences and reactions that affect your assessment and decision-making.

Note: Remember this would be application of assessment

Competency 8: Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

Describe 2 evidence-informed interventions you would use to achieve identified goals.  Discuss how you would collaborate and communicate in interventions.

Note: you will need to identify two advanced interventions (not theories)

Competency 9: Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

How would you evaluate the effectiveness of your interventions?  Identify 2 evaluation approaches you would use.
Note: This will need at least two (2) separate evaluation methods
The assignment was shared by and adapted from a field director, Julie Navarre (Michigan State University), to assist students in the critical analysis and application of policy from a social work perspective. 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The term Project Charter refers to a statement of objectives in a project. This statement also:

Sets out detailed project goals, roles, and responsibilities.
Identifies the main stakeholders.
Sets the level of authority of a project manager.
Write a two-page APA formatted paper, illustrating (compose detailed examples of) the three elements that could be included in a project charter. Your examples should relate to a single project and should be as realistic as possible.  Then describe why each of the three elements is valuable to the project charter.

unethical behavior in sports

Choose the area you would most like to coach or train.  Identify the age group and state how you would handle these behavior issues.  1. Performance enhancing drugs. 2. Cheating, whether it be on the field or eligibility issues. 3. Fan or Parental abuse. 4. Medical issues, such as how would you handle injuries on the spot and monitor safe practice and training issues. 5. Sportsmanship issue, taunting, blaming, excuses etc. 6. Describe any other issues that might pertain to the athletic event you choose  and how you would handle those issues.  Describe what consequences you would impose for violations of these behaviors. 

English is my second language so please do not use word that  may do Know as a non native american.

literature analysis

Literature Analysis—  selected article

3. While reading your selected article, consider some of the following questions to help guide your summary:
a. Why, according to the authors, is this issue important?
b. Why, theoretically, do we expect a relationship between your selected X and Y?
c. What do we already know about this topic and what is left to discover?

4. Next write up your analysis of the literature focusing in three separate paragraphs on: a) why we expect a theoretical relationship between X and Y, b) what previous studies have found (including the authors of the article if they conducted original research), and c) what future research should consider.  You do not need an introduction or conclusion, but each of your three paragraphs should start with a topical sentence; I expect part a and b will take up most of your analysis. Your analysis should be a minimum of two double-spaced pages and a maximum of four.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Papers should be 4-5 pages in length (not including title and reference page), Times New Roman, 12-point font, and double spaced. The research paper should contain the following sections. Students MUST use subheadings A-F in the paper A. Description of the public health problem / issue. Is your issue a 2020 leading health indicator or related to a 2020 objective? Describe the problem indicating the burden of disease including morbidity, mortality, and changes that have occurred in recent years. Describe the course of the disease or condition using the concepts of incidence, prevalence and case-fatality. B. Populations at Risk Identify at at-risk groups (those with an increased probability of developing and/or experiencing bad outcomes). Are there disparities? What are the specific risk factors? Modifiable (behaviors / smoking) and nonmodifiable (genetics / age)? C. Recommendations Identify options for potential interventions to address the problem. For each of the options identify the primary focus in terms of When (Primary, secondary or tertiary prevention), Who (individual, at-risk group, population) and How (education, motivation, obligation, invention). Discuss any specific interventions / programs that have been successful at addressing the problem from research. D. Current Initiatives Are there specific organizations or agencies (national or local) working to address this problem? What is their mission and what specifically do they do? Have there been any media or communication campaigns to address the issue? How does health policy affect the issue? Are there related laws or legal issues? E. Area of Focus Select one key issue related to this health topic and explore it more in depth. For example, if your topic is childhood obesity, an area of focus might be food marketing and its effect on childhood obesity, or policies related to school based physical activity programs to prevent childhood obesity. Issues of controversy? Is this issue controversial to some people? Are there opposing sides? Why? F. References List at least 5 references in APA format. Be sure to include in-text citations throughout your writing. These should be high quality sources that provide accurate and reliable information. See the suggested sources below. You may also use websites for non-profit organizations or other agencies that work to address the problem you are researching. Suggested Sources: Healthy People Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Medline Plus National Institutes of Health US Food and Drug Administration American Dietetic Association American Public Health Association
Paper type

Give an example of when you, a parent, or a sibling faced one of these scenarios of organizational justice. Give details about the event and tie it to the concept of choice.

Organizational justice can be broken down into 4 categories: distributive, procedural, interactional, and deontic. Give an example of when you, a parent, or a sibling faced one of these scenarios of organizational justice. Give details about the event and tie it to the concept of choice.

Unit 2 assignment

Unit II Assignment


For this Assignment, you will complete the Unit II Assignment worksheet. This Assignment will allow you to demonstrate what you have learned in this unit.

Click here to access the template for this Assignment. Save all of your work directly to the template, and submit it in Blackboard for grading.

To assist you with the math required in this assignment, the CSU Math Center has created an example problem using the necessary formulas. Click here to access this example.