Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

End-of-Course Reflection Paper

This reflection entry is your final assignment for LAWS310. You will write an essay in the first person. The final essay should be 2-3 pages long.

Answer the following:

What were your expectations at the start of this course?
Describe your experiences during this course as to course assignments.
What have you learned or experienced that was useful for you in your current career?
How will this course help you in your future career?
How has this course helped you to develop?
Of the topics covered in this course, which were the most relevant to you?
What were your favorite things about the course?
What were your least favorite parts?
If you could change anything in this course, what would it be?
Which topic/course objective do you wish we would have spent more time on?
Looking to the future, what skills/knowledge learned in this class do you see yourself using?
Overall, how would you rate your performance in this class? Why? What you could have done better.
Closing thoughts on this course.

Legal Environment of Business



2018 Cengage

Integrated experiential learning-Viacom project

Viacom Project: Key question and analytics tool
Requirement: Hypothesize your Viacom projects key question and identify the statistical and analytic tools that might be useful in this project proposal. 250 word and reference.

Sponsor: Viacom
Company name:  Viacom
Industry: Media and Entertainment
About us: Viacom is home to the worlds premier entertainment brands, including MTV, Comedy Central, and Nickelodeon, that connect with audiences through compelling content across television, motion picture, online and mobile platforms in over 160 countries and territories. Website:
Project title:  Visualization for Audience Performance
Project Description:  Some background- as a media and entertainment company Viacom creates content, and creates content on behalf of client advertisers, which we distribute to our various platforms, one being our social handles. On our social handles we target many different types of audiences. For this project we hope to understand which audiences have been most successful for us in the past, and using this knowledge can we understand which audiences will be most valuable for us in the future. Audiences on social come in all shapes and sizes, some may be very niche and specific, for example all tennis-players above 65, and some may be much more broad, for example anyone living in the US above 18. Each audience will have a unique behavioral profile that we wish to understand. We want to students to strategize, given the performance and delivery data that we have on our social audiences, what types of audiences should we focus our resources on given various objectives.  First, we want to understand the performance of our content across the various audience types. For example, how many impressions, video views, engagements have these audiences accrued, how many times have the audiences been targeted for various ad campaigns, and how much does it cost to target them. We also want to understand the size of the audiences and how that may relate to performance of given ad campaigns. The objectives we want to optimize for are total impressions, total reach (unique impressions), total video views, total engagements, engagement rate (engagements/impressions), high video retention, and low cost. We’re looking for understanding on which audiences should be used given the objective, and can we understand attributes of an audience may contribute to good performance in a given objective.

Goal:  Students will be expected to create visualizations of the performance of the audiences; these may include average number of impressions delivered per ad, average cpm per ad etc. Also, which audiences or group of audiences would be most suitable for a given objective and what are audience attributes that contribute strongly to performing well in a given objective. Students are expected to summarize their results in a powerpoint presentation.  Students will help Viacom understand if they are reaching the right audience on their social media channels by analyzing the performance of various ad campaigns that target various audiences. Students will develop an analysis using real-world data to understand what drives success in reaching the right audience for the right objective. Finally, students will gain experience in summarizing their results using visualizations and presentations.

Remediation Assignment on Academic Honesty

-10-12 pages Be in correct APA style, clearly written, contain appropriate headings and be free from grammatical & spelling errors. An abstract and table of contents are not required.
– Include at least 15 scholarly references that are no more than three years old.

Learning activities
1. Visit Capellas Writing Center
Review the resources located in the Writing Center. Pay particular attention to the section regarding Academic Honesty.
Take the Writing Self-Assessment–attached
2. On iGuide, read:
The Capella University policy 3.01.01, Academic Honesty– attached
The Capella University policy 4.02.02, Learner Code of Conduct–attached
3. Research what the American Psychological Association states on this topic:
APA Ethical Principles reference the discussion on integrity in the writing process
APAs Publication Manual see the chapter Crediting Sources, and the introductory
discussion When to Cite
REFLECT on all of the information you have gained from reviewing the materials.

Written assignment
Incorporating your learning from the above sources:
1. Discuss the concepts of plagiarism, academic honesty, and academic integrity, specifically as
they relate to integrity at the personal, course room, and university levels;
2. Discuss the principles and protocols of citing ones sources;
3. Clarify the differences between quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing;
4. State the specific changes you will make to insure that you do not plagiarize again.

social anxiety

    This assignment involves writing a research paper about any one major category of psychological disorder (e.g., mood, substance abuse, psychosis, developmental, anxiety, etc.).  Within this major category (e.g., anxiety disorders), one will select one (and only one) specific disorder to detail (e.g., simple phobia; not simple phobia, plus social anxiety and generalized anxiety disorder).  Please note that one is to research a topic using the course textbook and then offer materials from the text ones opinion is not being sought.  Opinion may be offered, of course, but done sparingly and on a very secondary level.
Technical Standards
The paper needs to conform to the following standards:
    Paper Structure Headings (Bold) and Sections:
o    Abstract (separate page)
o    Introduction
o    Psychological Disorder
    Diagnostic Category
    DSM-5 Criteria
    Cause(s) of Disorder
    Course of Disorder
    Treatments for Disorder
o    Conclusion

    Include a Title/Cover Page: PSYC270, Dysfunction, Student Name, Instructor Name, and Spring 2020 you may, or may not, include a Running Head.

    Paginate in header and/or footer (this will not take up text space).

    Must be Typed at least 10 full pages (not counting Title or Reference pages) SHORT assignments will be penalized see attached grading rubric.

    Double-spaced no extra spacing between paragraphs or around headings.

    Use 12-point font (i.e., Times New Roman).

    Use 1 margins (standard/default setting) for all text.

    Use the course textbook and at least one other academic source (i.e., textbook or journal article).  USE NO MAGAZINES, DICTIONARIES, ENCYCLOPEDIAS, OR WEBSITES!

    Use of APA style * Use the 6th (newest) edition of the APA Manual (2010) and see:
Crediting Sources on pp. 169-192 (especially When to Cite on pp. 169-170, Quoting and Paraphrasing on pp. 170-174, Citing Referencing in Text on pp. 174-179, and Reference List on p. 180), and Reference Examples on pp. 193-224 (especially the first part of Books, Reference Books, and Book Chapters on p. 202).  NOTE: The full-reference for the APA manual is:

Previous Case

I had a look at your draft assignment and it looks good. Double check what you put down for the Pilon case as I think in that case, the small claims decision was upheld but I think the last line of that section says that it should remain with the family court. Please make corrections.

I hope this finds you well.

Pilon v. Lavine, 2016 Case Brief
Full Title: Pilon v. Lavine, 2016 ONSC 1965 (Div. Ct.)
Court: Division Courts.

Procedural History
The case involved a $12,000 debt following a divorce between Lavine and Pilon. According to the plaintiff, before their separation Lavine had offered the loan to Pilon and wanted the settlement of the loan to be part of the separation agreement. The loan payment therefore had to do with the settlement of the outstanding properties and debts and thus applied much to either the small claims debts or property litigations or in the higher courts levels of hearing the case. While the claimant maintains that she wants to hear the case in the small claims court, the defendant is pleading to keep the case in the family court. The judgment of the case should therefore depend on whether the court will find that the transaction was within the contexts of family law relations and not in the claims court or the other way around.
The main issue was whether the small claims court was the appropriate place for hearing the case. Essentially, the decision would highly depend on the nature of the claim and the nature of the transaction or agreement between the parties during the exchange.
The main points of contention have to do with the fact that if the case is to be heard in the family law relationship, then it means that the defendant is absolved of the debts and will only pay half of the amount since they are supposed to share the credit under the regulation. On the other hand, if the case is to be heard under the simple claims courts, it means that there was a business transaction and the defendant will be liable under the informal contract in the exchange to make a refund of the money. The hearing will therefore involve defining the nature of the exchange during the time of the exchange and determining whether the nature of the transaction would lead to a binding contract. Contexts that would leave the defendant free with no further arguing of the case include instances, where, for example, the plaintiff may have given the amount as a gift or a similar case.
The loan agreement and the nature of the transaction will determine how the defendant should pay back and the amounts that he should pay
The court will determine the existence of the loan agreement and the boundaries of the payment schedules and nature of the payment transactions
The main reasoning in the case has to do with the Uniform Marital Property Act that emerged in 1983 to define the way that the family should handle property and wealth during divorce and separation. Accordingly, the case suggests that there was a pending debt during the relationship that had to be arbitrated at the time of the separation. The court is to make a decision whether or not the debt qualifies in the case considering that the couple is separated and each individual is leading their own lives. The legal notion is that if the debt belonged to an asset that the couple shared then it would be judged under the family law relationship and both the defendant and Lavine will have to repay the debt.
Lavine and Pilon are separating from a marital relationship and have to mitigate the separation of properties and debts among the couple
According to the financial history, Pilon owed Lavine a sum of $24,000 of which Pilon payed half the amount as per the payment schedules of the loan agreement
At the end of the relationship, Pilon still owed the plaintiff $12,000 which Lavine requested to be settled as a small claims settlement.
The court found that the loan, which was evidenced by the agreement and payment schedule still fell under the family law relationship and would be heard as such since they were contingent to the contexts of marriage between the two.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The ISTE Student standards from 2016 provide a framework for integrating technology into classroom practice. Choose one of the following standards (i.e. Empowered Learner, Computational Thinker or Innovative Designer and discuss what it is and how you intend to use technology to support this type of thinking.
at least 15 references

Any topic (writer’s choice)

complete the “file.pdf”
it has 3 part total
part A
choose 2 questions to answer (250 words for each)
part B & part  C
I gave an example (“EXAMPLE—Yanamamo – Chagnon.pdf” and example for part B and C)

copy sentence from reading and give some idea or question

Any topic (writer’s choice)


Please scroll and contribute at least 2 posts to this Discussion Board on at least 2 distinct questions threads. Each post will be given points for the following:

1) adequate length (approximately 200 words)

2) clarity and good writing

3) including a specific example

4) including an in-text citation (to either assigned or extra material must use a proper citation format) The citation should come from course readings, outside readings, or outside films (Prof Douglas’s lesson don’t count).

Example (author, page number)

5) including a question that you are left with.

To receive full credit, be sure to add something new to the thread and answer the question directly.

1. Choose an empire from the 5th century BC. What were some of its characteristics and accomplishments? Why were they important? What kinds of political and religious systems existed in that empire (if mentioned)? Choose a major empire in the first century AD. What were major characteristics of that empire? How does this information about early empires compare to your previous understanding of early empires (from other classes, books, or films)?

2. What were the Crusades? What factors led to the Crusades and what was their purpose? What effects did the Crusades have on Christian Europe?  What impact did they have on Islamic regions? What do the Crusades reveal about relations between political and religious authority in this time?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please scroll and contribute at least 2 posts to this Discussion Board on at least 2 distinct questions threads. Each post will be given points for the following:

1) adequate length (approximately 250 words)

2) clarity and good writing

3) including a specific example

4) including an in-text citation (to either assigned or extra material must use a proper citation format)

*** if you pull from an outside source you must include a bibliographic reference AND an in-text citation

5) including a question that you are left with.

To receive full credit, be sure to add something new to the thread and answer the question directly.


1.According to Sahlins, what are the true characteristics of hunter-gatherers lives?

2.What conclusions about the (post-)industrial world does Sahlins draw from his study of hunter-gatherers?

homework paper

Please scroll and contribute at least 2 posts to this Discussion Board on at least 2 distinct questions threads. Each post will be given points for the following:

1) adequate length (approximately 200 words)

2) clarity and good writing

3) including a specific example

4) including an in-text citation (to either assigned or extra material must use a proper citation format) The citation should come from course readings, outside readings, or outside films (Prof Douglas’s lesson don’t count).

Example (author, page number)

5) including a question that you are left with.

To receive full credit, be sure to add something new to the thread and answer the question directly.

You can review a list of the questions posted below HERE.

1. Choose an empire from the 5th century BC. What were some of its characteristics and accomplishments? Why were they important? What kinds of political and religious systems existed in that empire (if mentioned)? Choose a major empire in the first century AD. What were the major characteristics of that empire? How does this information about early empires compare to your previous understanding of early empires (from other classes, books, or films)?

2. What were the characteristics of feudalism? What class contributed to production under feudalism? How does Blaut support his argument that Europe was not the only feudal society? How were feudal agricultural societies interconnected across the globe? Is there a film, book, or other media that you have encountered that references feudal systems (besides Monty Python)? How is feudalism portrayed and how does it relate to what you have learned about feudalism in this class?