Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Diagnosis of Lobotomy

Professor’s Instructions:

You will complete a 4-page paper, individually; this is not a group paper (5 Points).
Your paper topic will be one aspect of the general topic that your group has chosen (5 Points).
The paper will have a Title Page with your name, the date, and the title of your paper. (5 Points).
The paper must be typed, 12 point, Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins, and double-spaced (5 Points).
The paper must be written in complete, grammatically correct sentences with correct spelling (5 Points).
Use American Psychological Association (APA) Style format for in-text citations and for the reference list (a Librarian or a Tutor at the Student Learning Center can help with this) (5 Points).
Papers must cite at least 5 Peer-Reviewed References from recent sources, Academic or Government Websites, or Published Books (a librarian can help you with this and you can use online databases at the PCC Library). (5 Points)
You will reference your textbook, but this reference material does not count as one of your 5 required references from Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles, Academic or Government Websites, or Published Books referenced (5 Points).
Paper format includes an Introduction to the topic, Review of the Literature and Theories, Implications for Practice, and Conclusion (5 Points).
The topic of this paper will be approved by the instructor in class on 09/30, and the topic will be the same general topic as your presentation. You will cover the presentation topic objectively in your written paper and can discuss subjective views of the material in your presentation (5 Points).

Social Work Career

. –ASSIGNMENT 2:Part A: Social Work Values and Ethics1.  Discuss two of the social work values from the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics that are consistent with your own personal values. Describe how those two values can make it easy or possible for you to choose social work as profession (not more than 200 words)2.  Discuss two of your personal values or personal characteristics that will make it difficult to choose social work as a profession. (not more than 200 words).Part B: Reflection1.  Describe your perception of social workers before you started this class (not more than 100 words)2.  After completing this class, has your perception of social workers changed or remain the same? Explain (not more than 100 words). 3.  What would your family and friends say if you tell them you are exploring the possibility of majoring in social work? (not more than 100 words)

Information in Paper instructions

For this assignment, you will be applying what you have learned about the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS). To begin, please see the following instructions:

Choose one of the following critical infrastructures from the list below:
energy company;
water company;
transportation company;
police, firefighters, or emergency medical services (EMS);
hospital; or
non-governmental organization (i.e., a commercial facility).

Select one of the following threats that your critical infrastructure will respond to for the purpose of this assignment:
terrorist attack/active shooter incident,
weapons of mass destruction (WMD) threat, or
cybersecurity attack.

In this assignment, you will be completing designated sections of an ICS 201 form. The ICS 201 form provides the Incident Commander/Unified Command and General Staff with basic information regarding the incident situation and the resources allocated to the incident. This form also serves as a permanent record of the initial response to the incident. Using the ICS 201 form linked below, fill out the highlighted sections in order to relay the pertinent information about the event to the responding organization:

Include the incident name (p.1).

Provide the situation summary and health and safety briefing (p. 1), which should consist of no less than 300 words and be detailed enough to be self-explanatory since your professor will only have this document available to use in understanding the threat and ICS components being presented.

Include your name, position, and signature (p. 1).

Include current and planned objectives (p. 2).

Fill out the organizational chart for your current organization (p. 3), which should be detailed enough to be self-explanatory in terms of how these positions were filled since your professor will only have this document available to use in understanding the threat and ICS components being presented.

At the bottom of the ICS 201 form (last page), please include an essay of no less than 200 words that describes how an ICS can work as a part of the National Response Framework (NRF) and NIMS to improve the response to terrorist threats or incidents. Any references and citations must be formatted according to APA style and should be listed at the bottom of your essay.

genetics of addiction

I choose the first topic. This is a ppt assignment and you just need to have the word that I need in my ppt and I will copy-paste them to my ppt. Make sure you number them (what to include”). Do not divide each number as a paragraph, just in case it would not be enough 2 pages. No more than 4 references.

homework paper

Please scroll and contribute at least 2 posts to this Discussion Board on at least 2 distinct questions threads. Each post will be given points for the following:

1) adequate length (approximately 250 words)

2) clarity and good writing

3) including a specific example

4) including an in-text citation (to either assigned or extra material must use a proper citation format)

*** if you pull from an outside source you must include a bibliographic reference AND an in-text citation

5) including a question that you are left with.

To receive full credit, be sure to add something new to the thread and answer the question directly.

What are some of the beliefs about hunter-gatherer societies that Sahlins argues against? Why did anthropologists come to believe these things?

Sahlins points out that systems of subsistence (how a community produces food) have political and social effects. What effect does the Trobrianders (the people Weiner describes) system of subsistence have on their political and social life?

Information in Paper instructions

Thinking about what you have learned in this unit about how the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) responds to disasters or terrorist attacks, do you feel that the DHS could improve their response to these events, or do you believe that it does enough to ensure recovery of communities and individual citizens? Describe why you feel this way.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Information in Paper instructions

The template contains three questions. Please answer each question in the space provided on the template. The space will expand as you type. Once you have completed the template and saved your document, upload your document to Blackboard for grading. APA formatting is not required.

Discussion 2

Think of a work task with which you are familiar. The task can be associated with an industrial setting or even a task you perform at home. If you were performing a job hazard analysis (JHA) for that task, which hazards might be easily missed by someone unfamiliar with the task?

(JHA) Empire Automotive

Unit II Project


You have been asked to conduct an ergonomic job hazard analysis (JHA) in a manufacturing facility that manufactures metal parts for an automotive company. One area of concern is the manual materials handling (MMH) throughout the facility. Specifically, you have been tasked with conducting a JHA on the palletizing of shipping boxes once they are assembled. Given the following worksheet (see the link below to download the worksheet), calculate (1) the recommended weight limit (RWL) and (2) the lifting index using the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) lifting equation. Using the data and results, provide your written recommendations for corrective action against strenuous lifting tasks performed by employees in order to reduce risks and prevent injuries. You should search the internet for possible solutions, if applicable.

Click here to download the JHA worksheet.

Respond to the details in each section, and format your report in APA style. Include at least each of the components below in your project.

Introduction: Briefly describe why the studies were performed (why you started the study), and explain how this job hazard analysis can improve the overall safety and health management program. In the introduction, compare the different techniques for performing a JHA and why the method chosen was appropriate for this scenario.

Report detail: Briefly discuss the details of the scenario (what you found from the study).

Conclusions/Recommendations: Briefly describe your recommendations based on your findings (what you recommend to resolve any deficiencies).

Appendix: This will have your measurements and calculations (show your work). Include the JHA worksheet in this section.

The report should be at least three pages (double-spaced) in length (not counting the references page and appendices). Prepare your report in a word-processing application, such as Microsoft Word, using APA formatting.

See the chart and graphics below in order to complete your assignment.

Information in Paper instructions

Thinking about your own public safety, your security mission, or your desired position within the homeland security field, explain how one of the five mission areas (prevention, protection, mitigation, response, or recovery) might relate to these topic areas. Which area do you see as being the most important for security, and why?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.