Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Question 3


Explain the differences between a reactive and a proactive approach to safety. Discuss how the use of one of the approaches over the other would affect a facility’s approach to hazard analysis and risk assessment.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Question 2


Four premises are used to address accident prevention. Discuss why you think the four premises can help you to perform a hazard analysis and risk assessment. Which of the premises do you believe is the most important for determining the role of a safety engineer in hazard analyses/risk assessments? Why?

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Unit I Discussion Board Question

How do you think safety engineering fits into the overall safety function of a facility? If you have experience working with a safety engineer to control a hazard, please provide a summary of the project. If you have not had experience working with a safety engineer, provide an example where you believe a safety engineer could provide assistance.

How would you handle a mini-project for a small business to understand whether ERP makes sense?

in this case I’m the CEO of a company and you’re a new hire you’ve been to the onboarding process and I have a daughter-in-law who has a small retail business in Ohio has three three stores that sell women’s clothing and she’s come to me asking for a loan to buy basically Erp software so what I want from you guys plan I’m going to give you a week 5 days to do whatever you need to do with the owner of this business figure out what are requirements are to figure out what makes at least some kind of sense into cetera and you know how to make make sense cuz I don’t want to lend her the money unless she really needs it so what I want from you guys is spend an hour and come up with a plan plan for 5 days of what would you do if you were in that position the CEO or the partner who ever says is what I want you to do. A week go do it I’ll save it in my circumstances I did not I had not really thought through very carefully what I was trying to accomplish in when I went down and visited with the owner who was out there e frazzled you know almost you know how to jump a nervous guy nervous anxious just very hard and I found me he made me more like him and so I basically wasted a week and didn’t really get much done so what I want you to do is to think about yourself in a similar situation and come up with a plan for me for how how will you spend those five days specifically what I want you to do is come up with a plan for each day of the week so day one what’s the objectives you’re trying to hit that day what are you trying to do that day and what deliverables or deliver a bowl are you going to create that. Hyundai to resuming de11 as you thought they to what’s your objective what are you going to do now what’s the deliverable what are you actually going to get out of that day same thing for day 3 4 and 5 so what I want is a plan I want you to think about going into that kind of a situation at least a little bit organized at least with a plan you can always adjust a plan later but you need to go into this what’s up begin with the end in mind right what what are you are you trying to get which basically is what are the the owners true requirements and in this case she’s actually been approached by a software vendor seems to specialize in functionality that she would need so you may want to talk to the vendor to sell her all riled up at all excited about getting the software find out a little bit more about that I don’t think you can check I know you can’t do a software selection project with total requirements definition in a week can’t happen for the 5 days and I think it’s the end of jective is to really understand the requirements and move forward with the plan for her for the future after the five days is all I’m looking at okay I see one hand rice okay Carly go ahead with questions


You are free to use any literature you may need to aid in your response. If you do use any literature, please reference at the end. This is a methodology question. Specify what scientific method you would use to solve the problem. No background information is required.

Scenario: COVID-19 has brought the world to a halt. The virulence of the disease can be felt at every corner of the globe. You are the head of the Research & Development of a very well know, well respected institution, doing your part in trying to stem the effects of this disease. There is a new drug named MLT which has been showing much promise is other countries. It could offer a cure for the disease.

The director of your institution has charged you with the challenge of testing the efficacy of this new drug. Your institution is funding your entire project fully and they have already consented 200 volunteer patients that have been hospitalized due to the virus.
What methods would you use to test the efficacy of this new drug on these volunteer patients

2. Discus what you would use as controls.

3. Discuss what ethical implications you will need to consider.

4. What measure would you use to assess recovery, eg Temperature, mobility, breathing capacity. Be specific.

American Airlines Flight 191

Accident Case Studies The case study will need to cover the Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How to cover the accident scenario. 10 pages in apa format, not including front page.
Findings/Conclusions/Lessons learned Outline and explain all findings, conclusions, or lessons discovered or learned from case studies and how chapter content relates.
What it means to me as a pilot Identify the human element failures that contributed to the results of the case studies. Describe what the findings in the chapter mean to a pilot/AMT/industry worker. Explain how this learning will encourage the industry to be safer. This is considered the most important section and it should be well developed to identify what you have learned through the chapter reading and accident case study.
2 proper citations (as described above) and reference section.

Financial Ratios

Download the Fedex Annual Statement and Calculate the following:

2017 to 2019 Net Profit Margin Income Statement Ratio
2017 to 2019 Return on Equity Income Statement Ratio
2017 to 2019 Current Ratio Balance Sheet Ratio
2017 to 2019 Return on Asset Ratio Balance Sheet Ratio
2017 to 2019 Debt to Equity Ratio Balance Sheet Ratio
Please also include a one paragraph analysis of your assessment of Fedexs  financial performance. Remember Industry Standards for Current Ratio is 1.0


Write a one-page letter in the format provided by the powerpoint.

You don’t have to provide a letterhead.

In the powerpoint you have lots of examples of letters, but none that are “influencer” letters.

Write a letter to a potential graduate student, telling them about the program and inviting them to apply. Provide a link.

The recipient of the letter can be:

Ms. Glenda Phillips

145 Kristen Cove

Paducah, KY 42001

Let me know if you have any questions!


Think of a dependent variable within your work environment, domain of interest, or everyday life that would be valuable to predict using multiple regression. What are some independent variables that you would include in the analysis when your intuition tells you they may be related to the dependent variable?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

On the final project, obviously no visits to religious sites will be possible during the era of the Coronavirus. As a substitute, I am asking that you conduct some research on religion’s role in the response to Covid-19 and then write a 5-page report on your research. Pick a single religion and look for three to five articles online that feature its response. For instance, here’s one article from the BBC highlighting Islam’s role in Pakistan’s response to the disease. Make sure that the articles come from reputable news sites or online magazines. Blogs are acceptable but only if they come from a reputable organization. Do not use personal blogs. You may also find some journal articles, but that is not a requirement this time. Be sure to follow proper citation rules for your source. The due date remains as stated in the syllabus.

I know that many of you are nursing students or working nurses with firsthand experience with caring for Covid-19 patients. I am willing to consider papers that look at the place of religion in healthcare generally or at the hospital or in the ICU or at the nursing home or hospice facility, etc. Those papers can include the role your own religious commitments play in your experience caring for Covid-19 patients.