Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

I believe

Write an “I Believe”
Remember the rules to good creative writing are specific, details! Shoot for 40-60 words only.

Hints from Hinton:  Every one of you tends to want to write you love God, country, parents and significant other. it is okay to make those your causes, but you CANNOT say it that way. You need to come up with something specific that represents those beliefs.

For instance, Kevin Costner, in Bull Durham, says he believes “Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.” What does that mean? It could mean a number of things about backing the government, not believing in conspiracies. Being straightforward, uncomplicated.

In my “I believe” statement I say “Ernest Hemingway was a lush, but a great writer.” I meant that to mean that you can separate the person from great works. That you don’t have to be perfect to do great things.

So you can believe your momma is the most important thing in your life, but the way you feel that or the way she demonstrates that is how you should write it in your “I believe” statement.

Step Parenting

Body. Simple, you’ve done this before. Body paragraphs must reflect mapping elements in content and in order of presentation. Three body paragraphs per mapping is the minimum required. Therefore, nine total body paragraphs minimum. You may have more, but NOT less. No more that two citations per paragraph. History section is the exception to this rule. Use citations to support your points or use your voice to explain/expand cited information. “Voice” means YOU, your claim, your idea. You must use your voice or your body paragraphs will simply be cited material with nothing of you included. YOU need to be in there 🙂  That does not mean, however, that you use first person. Just make the statement without saying, “I think”, “I believer”, etc. Just say it. Use transition sentences at the end or at the beginning of each paragraph (tell us what you’ve just finished telling us and what you’re about to go into). Transitions make your paper cohesive, smooth. USE THE SAMPLE PAPER. USE THE SAMPLE PAPER.

Conclusion. You’ve also done this before. Similar to the introduction but, for the most part, in reverse order. Start with a restatement of you thesis. Then, ONE sentence, one final sentence related to each of your mapping elements. Finally, a concluding hook. Remember, each element of your conclusion should be powerful, the memorable end to this project.

UPMC and PinnacleHealth Merger

Financial  Projections  and Analysis-See attached documents THE UPMC DOCUMENT IS THE PAPER TO THIS POINT

Using  the  analytical  tools from the Excel file  identified  the  three  most relevant  strategies  to  solve problems/issues.  Max 2 pages

In    this    section    we    will construct a financial projections based on regression  analysis  for  at least 5 years out.

Final Report and presentations. Submit  final  project  (see guidelines in D2L) including a narrated power point/video.

The final written document you prepare should follow the format but not presented in a bullet or outline format. You should prepare it in a research paper format with main and sub headings and references. In addition, you should include a completed Strategic Flow Diagram as an appendix to your document see format provided. I have included a blank model and a sample of the College of Business Administration diagram as an example. It is of the utmost relevance that your report clearly and specifically identify the firm’s core competencies and how they translate into Competitive Advantage(s). In addition, a clear identification of Core Products and End Products is expected.

Parkinsons Disease

Hello! I hope you’re doing well and staying safe.
My research paper is about Parkinson’s disease (nervous system)  but as a biomedical engineering approach and how biomedical engineering can contribute to its treatment. 

I will attach the information/instructions below. You can take a look at it and if you’re able to do it please let me know.

Have a great day!

The Theory of Racial Formation

In a formally written essay, include the following elements:

1) Describe the development of the theory (e.g. who created it, why was there a need for this particular theory, and what social phenomenon was it originally intended to address?) 2) identify and explain the theory’s major concepts and principles and, 3) discuss how this theory can be applied to understand an aspect of our social world today.  In addition to the text, a minimum of 3-4 additional academic sources must be used and listed in the references.


Part 1 Development of theory. In writing your paper, you will need to start by giving some background on the creator of the theory and what influenced the formation of the sociological theory, including the social environment of the time. Include the social question he/she was trying to address and other relevant factors leading to the development of the theory. If available, discuss how the theory was initially received and what impact (if any) it made in the scientific community.

Part 2 Identify and describe the concepts and principles of the theory. What are the major concepts, components, and principles of the theory? Be sure to list and describe each one in detail.

Part 3 Apply the theory to a current aspect of social life. Pick one current event that you have seen in the media and briefly describe it. How could this social theory be used to explain what is happening? What concepts/principles/ideas from this theorist can be applied to this real-world event?

The critical assignment essay should be the equivalent of 6-8 pages of text and in proper APA format. Please remember proper in-text citations. 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Conduct a critical appraisal of literature that demonstrates an understanding of qualitative research.

Using the Chapter 7 Critiquing Criteria for Qualitative Research (pp. 135-136), write a critique of a qualitative research article that you have read related to your clinical practice.

Submission Instructions:

The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
The paper should be formatted per current APA and 2-3 pages in length, excluding the title page, abstract,  and references page.
Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

PSY 240

Final Project Guidelines
You will dig deeper into a topic of your choice by applying material from the course to a specific context/example in an original and creative way. You can choose to use, as your context/example, a book (e.g., novel, short story), movie, television show, or other work of fiction. You need to choose a recent context/ example (one that was first published, in theaters, or aired within the previous two years; remakes of older films/stories do not count as recent) to avoid accidentally choosing something that has already been discussed online extensively. The purpose of the project is to gain a fuller understanding of the course material by applying it to a specific and unique context, and to demonstrate that understanding. The project will take the form of both a Paper and an A/V Presentation.
In your Final Paper, youll be following American Psychological Association (APA) Style, and you will cite at least two peer-reviewed psychology journal articles regarding the course concepts in addition to using the textbook. You are encouraged to use CUNY OneSearch (which you can access via the Newman Library tab of BlackBoard) to find relevant research articles to support your use of the course material. Please keep in mind, however, you are NOT to do research on the context/example; the context should require a single citation that references the context itself (e.g., film, tv show, novel). The paper must be 3-5 typed, double-spaced, 12-point serif font (e.g., Times New Roman), pages of text. It must also include a reference page, which DOES NOT count toward the page-length requirement. All margins must be set at one inch. The A/V presentation will be 3-5 minutes long.
If you are unsure what a peer-reviewed journal article is, this may be helpful:
All sources must be cited in APA format. For a tutorial on the APA format, please see:
NOTE: You may cite additional sources that are not specifically required as long as you meet all of the criteria for the required sources. The course text is NOT a peer-reviewed source, but will likely be one of your sources.
While drafting your Final Project, you will have the opportunity to teach and learn from your classmates. Over the course of Weeks 11-13, you will submit an outline and first draft of your Final Paper (you will only submit a final draft of the A/V Presentation). You will also be reviewing your classmates drafts (four Outlines and two First Drafts) and providing feedback on each others drafts.
Some Guidelines for the Project:
1. You will need to define the chosen concept(s) and explain how they operate (discussing research findings). In addition to defining the relevant terms, you will also tell us something about how the concept operates (e.g., Who tends to exhibit it (or different levels of it)? Under what circumstances? What are the precursors/consequences? Etc.). All relevant terms/concepts discussed must be defined, and the source of the definition (e.g., textbook and/or peer-reviewed psychology journal article) must be cited. Also cite all factual assertions. Be sure to use proper citations and APA style for all definitions, theories, findings, etc. See http:// for a tutorial.
2. You should choose at least one fairly major social psychological concept, theory, or topic that is described adequately enough to lend itself to application. The fact that a topic or concept arose in the course does not make it necessarily a social psychological concept or a major course topic (e.g., heart disease and PTSD may be discussed in the course, but they would not be considered social psychological topics, generally speaking). Keep in mind that you need to be able to say something interesting about whatever concept(s) you choose. For example, under what circumstances is this phenomenon more or less likely to occur? What are the causes and consequences?
3. You will need to describe your chosen context. In the process of defining your chosen concepts and explaining how they operate, you will show us the concepts in action via your context. Give enough detail to show how your context contains examples or applications of the concepts you are discussing. Choose just one recent (within previous two years) context (one specific novel, television show, movie, etc.) to use throughout your paper. This way, you’ll be able to focus your discussion on a context that we can learn a little bit about, demonstrating the complexity of the people and/or the situation (as opposed to taking one topic and applying it to five different contexts). Be sure to properly quote and cite any sources that are used as your example (e.g., novel, film, television show). Do not do make claims related to your example that cannot be found in the example itself (e.g., if it is a work of historical fiction or a novel that is based on a true story, make sure that you stick to the information provided in the work of fiction only – not the historical context outside of the work of fiction, or information about the true story presented elsewhere).
4. Choose a unique context. Avoid using a context discussed in any course assignments. Think of your own unique context. If a context comes up only briefly in a discussion, it might be acceptable as long as there is plenty of room for you to add your own unique thoughts. Do not simply repeat what you read/viewed elsewhere. Additionally, try to avoid using a context that has already been discussed online in blogs, etc. (choosing a recent [i.e., within the previous two years] context should help avoid this trap), and avoid doing research on the example to see what others have said about it (none of your citations/sources, other than the one citing the context itself, should mention the context). Come up with your own ideas and connections.
5. You will need to connect your chosen topics/concepts to your chosen context. You need to explicitly state why or how your context contains examples of the topics/concepts you chose. The connection of your context to the concepts (e.g., definition, specific research findings) should be stated outright and not assumed. All original factual assertions that you make in your paper should be substantiated with evidence and cited.
6. This is a formal writing assignment. Do not write as if you are talking to your friends. Be sure to avoid the use of contractions, slang (unless it is relevant to the topic of your paper), and other informalities. Try to avoid the use of I or we. Your paper will be graded on clarity and organization. If you need any assistance in this area, it is highly recommended that you make use of the writing resources at SPS, particularly the SPS Writing Fellows. There are probably very few people who would not benefit from the assistance of a Writing Fellow.
8. Watch for grammatical and typographical errors. Proofread your papers. There should be minimal typographical mistakes. Use your word processors grammar and spell check functions. If you have difficulty with grammar, punctuation, or other writing issues, it is highly recommended that you seek assistance from the SPS Writing Fellows.
9. Provide a reference list. The reference list must include all sources cited within the Paper (at least two peer-reviewed psychology journal articles), and should be formatted according to APA Guidelines. See for a tutorial.
10. The Papers must be 3-5 double-spaced pages of text, in any serif typeface (e.g., Times New Roman; please note the difference between serif and sans serif typefaces), 12-point font, with 1-inch margins. Three full pages of text is the minimum requirement, and five pages is the maximum. I recommend that you aim for four full pages, as you will lose points if your paper does not fall within the window provided. References of all sources cited belong on a separate page and do not count toward the page-length requirement (additionally, if you choose to include a title page, abstract, or image, etc., these DO NOT count toward the page-length requirement; any headings you include [e.g., name, course number, school professor], do not count toward the page-length requirement).

Final Project Outline

How do people portray themselves so that others will see them as they want to be seen?        Questions:
1) What is your example (e.g., movie, tv show, etc.)?
  Movie : Isnt It Romantic
2) Provide the date(s) of publication/airing for your example? PG-13 2019 Romance/Comedy
3) What concept/topics will you be applying to your example? For each concept/topic, list the page numbers (including the entire range) where the topic is covered in the textbook. This is to ensure that you choose major concepts that are covered in the course. Please number the answers to these three questions.
How do people portray themselves so that others will see them as they want to be seen? ( page, 146 – 147)
Impression management ( Page 147)

Ingratiation (Page 147)

Kassin, S., Fein, S., & Markus, H. R. (2014). Social Psychology, Ninth Edition. Belmont: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Ellemers, N. (2018, January) Gender Stereotypes. Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 69, pp. 275-298, 2018.

Zaki, J. (2020). Integrating Empathy and Interpersonal Emotion Regulation. Annual Review of Psychology 2020     

Ellemers, N. (2018, January) Gender Stereotypes. Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 69, pp. 275-298, 2018.
There are many differences between men and women. To some extent, these are captured in the stereotypical images of these groups. Stereotypes about the way men and women think and behave are widely shared, suggesting a kernel of truth. However, stereotypical expectations not only reflect existing differences, but also impact the way men and women define themselves and are treated by others. This article reviews evidence on the nature and content of gender stereotypes and considers how these relate to gender differences in important life outcomes. Empirical studies show that gender stereotypes affect the way people attend to, interpret, and remember information about themselves and others. Considering the cognitive and motivational functions of gender stereotypes helps us understand their impact on implicit beliefs and communications about men and women. Knowledge of the literature on this subject can benefit the fair judgment of individuals in situations where gender stereotypes are likely to play a role.

Zaki, J. (2020). Integrating Empathy and Interpersonal Emotion Regulation. Annual Review of Psychology 2020               
Abstracts: When individuals experience empathy, they often seek to bolster others well-being. But what do empathizers want others to feel? Though psychologists have studied empathy and prosociality for decades, this question has yet to be clearly addressed. This is because virtually all existing research focuses on cases in which improving others well-being also comprises heightening their positive affect or decreasing their negative affect and helping them reach their own emotional goals. In this review, I argue that real-life empathic goals encompass a broader rangeincluding sometimes worsening targets affect or contravening their wishes in order to improve their well-beingthat can be productively integrated into the framework of interpersonal emotion regulation (IER). I review the empathic IER spectrum in a number of contexts, including close relationships, professional caregiving, and group-based emotions. Integrating empathy and IER provides a synthetic and generative way to ask new questions about how social emotions produce prosocial actions.

Kassin, S., Fein, S., & Markus, H. R. (2014). Social Psychology, Ninth Edition. Belmont: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.



How would you handle a mini-project for a small business to understand whether ERP makes sense?

THE PROJECT: Students purchase three “whole foods” … one fruit or vegetable, one grain (bread, cereal, oats, pasta, etc.), and one meat item (or meat replacer, if you are a vegetarian). Then, purchase a “processed food” that is made with the same whole food ingredients. For three consecutive days, create a dish with your whole food using a recipe that is similar to the processed food and consume them at the same time.

Example: Day 1, brown rice and beans vs frozen rice bowl with brown rice and beans; Day 2, chicken, fresh chicken fajitas versus frozen chicken fajitas; Day 3, tomato, salsa prepared with fresh tomato vs canned salsa.

First, describe the differences between the whole food items and the processed food items. Consider taste and flavor, texture, color, nutritional value, etc. (1-2 pages). Students must discuss each whole food, processed food comparison.
Next, address the new healthy you. Talk about any transformations in your perception about food and your diet that may have materialized because of the information gained in this class. This section is personalized to you and your choices about maintaining or gaining a healthier life style. Please address this question: Has the class caused you to appreciate new foods or the idea of specialized diets as a way to maintain health? (1-2 pages) NOTE: Be authentic here, if you already were a healthy eater and the materials in this course reinforced your dietary choices, say so. If you have not changed your diet much, say that. Be honest, but think about the materials that were presented in the course in the context of your life.
Lastly, deal with a contemporary topic related to information discussed in the movies or presented in the class. Topics can include anything from food policy, world health, organic foods, farming practices, chronic disease, etc. Please pick any topic of interest to you. This project is exploratory in nature, so find something and learn about it. Make reference to material covered in class plus at least two external sources. (1-3 pages)

American Airlines Flight 191

Accident Case Studies The case study will need to cover the Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How to cover the accident scenario. 10 pages in apa format, not including front page but including the referent page.
Findings/Conclusions/Lessons learned Outline and explain all findings, conclusions, or lessons discovered or learned from case studies and how chapter content relates.
What it means to me as a pilot Identify the human element failures that contributed to the results of the case studies. Describe what the findings in the chapter mean to a pilot/AMT/industry worker. Explain how this learning will encourage the industry to be safer. This is considered the most important section and it should be well developed to identify what you have learned through the chapter reading and accident case study.
2 proper citations (as described above) and reference section.

Public Health Campaign

– Public health campaign research paper: research a public health campaign such as sleep
– At least 5 scholarly sources
– Based on textual evidence and specific examples from campaigns
– Ultimately, makes an argument- what campaign is better than the other?
– What makes for a good public health campaign?