Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

see below

Current Event Paper Describe in 2 lines why this topic (less than one year old) is important for global business.
Oil drops 9% as oversupply concerns outweigh hopes for a global production cut focus.html&qsearchterm=global
This topic is important because we are limiting our oil output from other countries, with the COVID-19 going on right now the American people are not driving that much, and many are not even working so oil demand is down. Oil prices are down as its not needed by many right now

Current Event Project
A topic of current interest such as Offshoring in the Global Economy, Impact of Oil Prices on World Business, The Yuan Devalued, etc. Turn in a two-page description of the main issues involved in this current event.
No APA or specific format is required for this paper.  Please cite the article and supporting materials used as reference.

Should a small/mid-size company consider ERP?

I’m going to give you three different companies and let you choose one of them are there all small companies test usually save midsize intersect one of the companies is mchappy’s Donuts the flower shop in Athens and but interesting lie upon some additional review they are headquartered in Pomeroy which is where they do all their bacon and there’s life shops all around all around shops around so the first question deals with you know what are the pros and cons of implementing an Erp system for a small company and so whatever they want you to do is very specifically I want you to give you a couple list the first list is give me five different pros and give me five different kinds of implementing Erp for small business I also give me five different risk associated with implementing Erp for business like mchappy’s to give me three or more examples of what’s the Strategic value that could be added or what you know what it what musically what does the implementation of Erp give a small company and then operation so it’s just research treating you really what I wanted it’s five different pieces Pros cons risk strategic advantages and operational Authority tax should be pretty straightforward for the for the first question any questions on that

see below

Automobile FDI in Brazil and Mexico. Pg. 204-206
Case studies must be typed single spaced 1 to 2-page long (minimum of 700-800 words), not recapping the case history or repeating the material in the case. Answer the case study questions in the text book one by one.

Bullet points are acceptable as long as they are accompanied by a relevant explanation.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discussion 16.1: Critical Critique of a Website

1. In practice many times you search the internet for material to share with patients.
Find a website (The ) on a TOPIC of your interest that you would share with patients to provide patient education or as a resource.

2. Select one credible website(The ) you would direct your adult or geriatric patient for information about the TREATMENT and PREVENTION of a DISEASE. Document it on the discussion board and explain why you chose this website.
**I work with the older adult population and caregivers. In Working with the VA Health System and Veteran Population for the health and well-being of older adults. Any topic relevant for this age group

3. Go to the NIH’s How to Evaluate Health Information on the Internet right below
to the Questions and Answers which explains how to CRITICALLY CRITIQUE a health website. Use this tool to critique the website you have chosen and discuss in your post.


discussion board see below

Debate Merits of Doing Business with either China or Mexico

Based on your reading Chapter 6 Investing Abroad Directly and Current Articles: (Page 181 in Global Business Ed4 textbook), research and debate with your fellow peers your opinions of the subject.

Discuss the pros and cons of doing business in Mexico and China respectively.

exporting ikea in Mexico

This is a group project, I have to finish some part of that paper. Each group will select one country and one company to research.
5. Economic factor-
Trade:    Does the country belong to any regional trade agreements?  If so, what is the structure relative to exporting products to other members of the trade agreement?    Can goods move freely within the trade area or are there restrictions? 
Consumer market potential:  How large is the market?  What is the income distribution and purchasing power of different market segments? Is there an emerging middle class?  Where are consumers located geographically are they concentrated in urban areas or largely in rural areas?

6. Legal and Political Systems –
Establishing a business: How long does it take to complete the regulatory requirements?
How stable is the political system?
How effectively does the country honor IP laws and copyrights? 
What are the countrys requirements to hire locals for labor and management?  Are there powerful trade unions you might have to work with?

7.Physical Environment and Infrastructure – Describe the infrastructure in the country.  Can you move raw materials and products effectively (i.e., over roads, railways)?  What is the access to power and water like? How advanced is the country technologically?  How many people have access to the Internet?
Physical Distribution: How easily can you get products made in the country to consumers in the country?  What are distribution networks like relative to roads, transporting goods, and retail outlets?

8.Identification of Business Opportunity The final piece of your country report will involve addressing a strategic question from the point of view of the company you selected and your recommendation(s) for them entering the selected country.  A successful report will include relevant background about the company, description of the project/business opportunity of interest, and explanation of why there is an opportunity that has not been taken advantage of in the past.  Provide recommendations on what strategy should the company follow to accomplish its goals and to deal successfully with local challenges identified above (items 2, 3, 4).

The paper excludes, cover page, table of contents, references, and appendices.

conflict Management

After reading the article, analyze the scenarios provided below, and chooseone to discuss in your case study paper. In your case study, be sure toaddress the following items:
Begin the discussion by identifying which of the scenarios you chose.
Include a brief statement that identifies your style of conflictmanagement.
Use the information provided in this unit to develop a process to resolvethe conflict.
Describe how you would handle the workplace investigation for the chosenscenario.

As a result of a merger, the organization decided to decentralize its humanresource management (HRM) functions and create area human resource (HR) generalists across the United States. One of their responsibilities is to handle all employee relations issues. You report directly to the senior vicepresident of HRM in the corporate headquarters in New York, and there is adotted line reporting relationship to the vice president of field operationsin your area, which is located in the Midwest. You just arrived at your newlocation for this position about six days ago.

Armed with the information you have learned in Units I and II and aided by your own experience and ability to research, please read the scenarios below, and select one for this assignment. Please answer the questions, and follow the guidelines presented.

Scenario #1:

It is Sunday evening, and you receive a phone call from an employee,Ellen, who lives several states away. However, she lives and works in yourarea of responsibility. Ellen is emotional and states that she can no longertolerate her young coworker being sexually abused by the manager in theirthree-person office. She gives you the coworkers name and phone number, andshe tells you that the young woman wants you to call her later that eveningwhen her husband will be asleep. As requested, you call the coworker, Tammy,and she states that she is afraid of losing her job. Tammy is emotionallyupset and says that she fears that if her husband knows about what themanager is doing, he will confront him at the office, and there may beviolence. Tammy informs you that the manager has a violent temperament andis prone to explosive outbursts.

Based on your knowledge of employment law, conflict management, and investigation procedures, what would be the best way to handle thissituation? For example, what laws are involved? Where do you start? Who doyou notify? When do you start? What do you tell the coworker (Ellen) and the employee (Tammy) who made the complaint?

In this situation, you are the employee relations representative for theorganization. What is your role in the investigative process? Describe thesteps you will take to investigate this employee complaint.

Scenario #2:

While conducting HR audits in the offices throughout your area,the newly promoted area director catches up with you to see how his officesare doing, and he invites you to lunch. While at lunch, he confides in youthat he feels very uncomfortable with a certain highly regarded branchmanager because she is always touching him inappropriately, and she does this in private as well as in front of her staff and vendors. He has politely asked her in private to stop this flirtatious behavior, explainingthat it was unprofessional and that it makes him uncomfortable. Herresponse was to laugh it off, and she told him he was just too uptight.

She is a top performer, and he does not want to lose her or fire her;however, he asks you to talk with her to reinforce his request to stop thebehavior.

What is your response to the area director? Based on your knowledgeof employment law, conflict management, and investigation procedures, whatwould be the best way to handle this situation? For example, what laws areinvolved? Where do you start?

In this situation, you are the employee relations representative for theorganization. What is your role in the investigative process? Describe thesteps you will take to investigate this employee complaint, and explain howyou will resolve the conflict.

Scenario #3:

Your senior vice president (SVP) of HRM has received a complaint fromtwo branch managers in your geographic area. They are separate but similarcomplaints concerning Robert, the SVP of Area Operations. Both managers sayRobert touches them and other women in the office inappropriately by rubbingtheir shoulders; the managers also report that Robert makes remarks abouttheir alluring attire and comments that he is in love with them for thegreat job they are doing. Knowing you are housed in the same area officewith this SVP, your boss asks you if you can objectively investigate thiscomplaint. You talk it over with your boss and know he will support yourefforts, and you agree to do the investigation.

Almost as soon as you give your answer to your boss, you receive aphone call from the area SVPs wife, who somehow already knows you will beinterviewing her husband for a harassment complaint. She is irate and statesthat the charges are ridiculous. She becomes belligerent and begins todegrade the female managers.

Based on your knowledge of employment law, conflict management, and investigation procedures, what would be the best way to handle thissituation? For example, what laws are involved? Where do you start? Who doyou notify? When do you start? What do you tell the area SVPs wife?

In this situation, you are the employee relations representative for theorganization. What is your role in the investigative process? Describe thesteps you take to investigate this employee complaint.

In your response to the scenario you have chosen, follow the guidelinesbelow:
Be sure to include academic sources to support yourpositions/conclusions. You are required to use at least two outside sourcesbeyond the required reading for this unit.
Be sure that your analysis is highly relevant, thorough, and remains ontopic.
Accuracy should be strong, with close attention to detail in all parts ofthe assignment.
Writing should be clear and concise with solid sentence structure andshould be free of grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.
Your paper should be at least three pages in length.

All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted materialmust have accompanying citations in APA format

Leadership packet

3. Documentation & reflection (one-page write-up) of your engagement/participation in a
professional conference/training related to your future practice
4. Identification and application of at least two scholarly research journal articles regarding
leadership and/or empowerment for your future practice (APA citations; one-page writeup)
5. Personal statement of ethical/professional behavior for your future leadership &
empowerment practice (one-page write-up)

additionla information from text is attached.

link to training:
go to April-June tab and watch this webinar:Peer Recovery Support Series, Section IV: The Participatory Process for Solutions to Addiction

Barrier System for Mitigating Seawater Intrusion

This is a term paper to evaluate Barrier System used for Seawater Intrusion. You should focus on evaluating the barrier system. You should read the ppt that I uploaded as a reference.
The reference you use and cite must follow the link:
Remember to cite properly in APA form.
And there are several references that I have already used in the ppt, you can have a look on those.
I need to clarify again, that the technology I proposed is Saltwater Barrier system, YOU need to follow the guideline and write about this technology!

unit 1,3,4,

Consider the following statement: The only marketing segment that a non-profit has to worry about is its donors. Is this a reasonable statement?

Fairmont Hotels have a pet available for guests.  Is this very likely to impact the satisfaction of the business traveler?

What is(are) the difference(s) between Crest and Colgate brands of toothpaste?  Are they relevant to the basic function of the product?

put references under each question instead of all together on last page