Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Interviewing Techniques

For this assignment, you will read an article that discusses interviewingtechniques, and you will then apply what you have learned by creating your ownset of interview questions. To begin, navigate to the Business Source Ultimate database in the CSU Online Library, and locate the following article:

Oliphant, G. C., Hansen, K., & Oliphant, B. J.(2008). A review of a telephone-administered behavior-based interviewtechnique.  Business Communication Quarterly, 71(3), 383-386.

Part I: After reading the article, summarize the purpose of the study, andthen answer the questions below.
What are the authors main points for conducting the study?
Do you agree with the authors findings?
What evidence from additional sources supports your opinion?
What are the reasons employers use the employment interview to filljob openings?
How effective do you think behavior-based interviews that areconducted via telephone are?
Briefly describe the main features of equal employment laws, and tellhow this article demonstrates these features.

Part II: Using the knowledge you have accumulated throughout this unit,develop a minimum of five (but no more than eight) non-discriminatory interview questions that you would ask when conducting a telephone interview.These questions should be listed on the last page of your critique.

Use the guidelines below to prepare your article critique.
Parts I and II combined must be at least three pages in length.
Summarize the article on page one. Identify the main topic orquestion.
Identify the intended audience.
Think critically about the article and how it applies to the coursewhen answering the questions.
Organize the material logically by using smooth transitions and bygrouping similar material together.

Submit Parts I and II as a single document. Format your articlecritique using APA style. Use your own words, and avoid plagiarism. At leastone source other than the article must be used. All sources used must bereferenced; any paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanyingcitations in APA format.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Watch the “Dynamic Pricing” video below  and respond to the initial question by Friday April 24th (100 words or less) and post a peer response by Sunday, April 26th.

Imagine that a friend of yours has opened a successful new e-commerce site and has asked your opinion on the pros and cons of a dynamic pricing approach for her business. What guidance might you offer?

For example,  as a consumer,  I think dynamic pricing can lead to lower customer satisfaction and more sensitivity to price.  I’m continuously frustrated with airlines attempts to maximize profits which translates to consumers (like me) spending more  hours on e-commerce sites trying to find the best pricing deal.

Managerial Decision Making in a Global Environment

This assignment will assess competencies 5. Develop an effective entry strategy and organizational structure for new ventures in a multinational organization and 6. Predict the political, legal and ethical challenges of international management, decision making and control in an international environment.
The due diligence analyses on the three countries chosen in LP1 will continue in this LP with the exploration of management decision making processes. For each of your countries, you will create a roadmap for your entry strategy into the country with which type of ownership structure you would use, providing examples of why this would be the best choice. You will discuss whether there are regulations with regards to trade in moving into this country.
Provide a SWAT analysis of the government and political issues you will be encountering during the entry process. Finally, discuss all the legal and ethical challenges you foresee in moving into this arena. A minimum of two pages per country is required and you will follow APA (6th edition) formatting (no abstract is required for this milestone) with title and reference pages, indented paragraphs and a minimum of four APA formatted references and associated in-text citations.  This information, and that of the following LPs, will become part of your final project artifact.  My attachments are the three countries selected for my assignment.

case study 16 (human resources)

Read Taking Responsibility:  Automation Changes Bangladesh Garment Industry
Based on the information given, and from the perspective of a clothing companys management, what social, economic, and legal forces make Bangladesh an attractive labor market for producing apparel? What forces make it a difficult labor market?
Looking at the information in this case in terms of social responsibility, would you recommend that clothing brands operate or buy from Bangladeshi factories or that they go elsewhere? Which stakeholders are you considering in your answer (for example, mainly customers, employees, investors, or communities)?
Write an essay of at least 300 words in APA style, with a reference page and cover page. APA requires double space. Your essay will be automatically submitted to Safe Assign so it can be checked for originality. There is not a target for matching but your instructor will be assessing that you have used your own words with proper in-text citations and quotation marks for direct quotes.

juvy program

Prepare a written analytical report (34 pages) on a juvenile delinquency treatment program in your community or any community of your choice. You were asked by the government to assess the juvenile delinquency program you selected to reform the existing program and perhaps add a few new ones. The government wants to increase reliance on alternatives to incarceration programs, but needs to know if the current program is working. The government is thinking about adding more community programs, counseling, and after-school jobs for older juveniles. Discuss the following:

What is the name of the program you are assessing?
Where is the program located?
Have there been any studies completed on the effectiveness of the program you are reviewing for the assignment? What were the results of these studies? If no studies were done, would this have been informative?
What (if any) positive impact is the program providing for the community and the delinquents?
Will the program help to curb juvenile delinquency? Why?
What are the negative aspects of the program you reviewed?
Give specific suggestions for improving the program (“none” is not an appropriate answer here; there are always manners in which programs can be improved).
Explain your reasoning for supporting or eliminating the program.


Essay #3 – Congressional Elections and Public Opinion
This essay will test your understanding of Congressional Elections as well as Political Parties & Public Opinion (polling). You will be picking a race for U.S. House or U.S. Senate that is considered open for 2020.  This means any House will do, while only some Senate seats are up for election.  A Key rule here is that you cannot write about any Florida Races, because I will use an example of a Florida race when I explain the prompt in a PPT that will be posted on Blackboard. 
1. What happened last time? If you write about a House race, this means that the last election was in 2018.  If you write about a Senate race then the last election was in 2014, either way which candidate and therefore party won the last election.  Was it a close race, was it a landslide?  That being said, is there an incumbent running for re-election, or is the seat wide open?  Has one party been in control of the seat for a long time, or has the seat alternated between the two parties recently?  Give all the details and party dynamics since it sets up what to expect in this year’s race. 
2. Who are the candidates, and how are they campaigning online?  If there’s an incumbent, check out their social media pages to see how they are campaigning thus far, highlighting how they use their digital and social media presence to reach voters/constituents.  Provide some of their background information too, what laws have they voted for that they like to campaign on, what challenges or controversies do they have to push back on?  They should have campaign websites or official government sites with such info.  Is there a declared challenger?  There should be by now, and if so make sure to give a short background on them and highlight their online presence as well. 
3. How do the polls look, what’s the media saying thus far? Find at least one example of any public opinion poll.  Could be one on the incumbent’s approval rating, could be an actual head to head match-up poll between the incumbent and the leading challenger.  Make sure to describe the poll and what you think it says about the race as we get closer to November.  Also find one example of a news article that talks about the race and in particular asserts any advantage or disadvantage that the incumbent or challenger has, as in something that you can point to and suggest the media is publishing that might influence how voters view one (or both) of the candidates. 
4. What do you think will happen (and why).  Using any other polling data, information about the Presidential election and possible “coattails”, current events (there’s obviously a big one to consider), and any info out there, back up your opinion as to which party/candidate should win this House or Senate seat.  Treat it like you’re giving a prediction, and you have to provide information your sources to back up your prediction. 
Again this needs to be 4-5 pages with at least 4 sources. 

Women’s responsibility in rape culture

You should submit an annotated bibliography of at least four sources to be used in the refutation speech. The annotated bibliography should properly document your sources, summarize their main points, and explain how they will be useful in preparing your speech. At least two of the sources should be academic (e.g., books and academic journals), and all the sources should be credible (e.g., established media [i.e. not Buzzfeed], organizations, or think tanks).

case study 17 (information technology)

Read Case #19 – “Bugs Everywhere” then answer the following questions:
What happens if metrics are not tracked on bug identification and bug fixes?
Imagine the following scenario: A tester creates a new bug report for a problem that was already identified as a bug; however, it is not detected as a duplicate. What happens to the project? This is a particularly common issue with large, complex system development efforts. How can you mitigate the problem of different users reporting the same bug or problem about the system?
Your submission should be a Word document of at least 400 words, with proper grammar, spelling and punctuation, including APA formatted references and in-text citation


Think about a speech that you would like to present on a topic of your choice.
See the list of example speech occasions and purposes for inspiration.

Consider your audience, purpose, and thesis. Answer each of the questions related to the audience, purpose, and thesis. Answer in detail, using complete sentences.

Speech Occasions pick one:
Speech at a special event (anniversary, wedding, birthday or graduation)

Answer each question with 1 to 3 complete sentences
Your responses should be 300 to 500 words in total
All writing must be appropriate for an academic context
Follow academic writing conventions (correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting)
Use a readable 12-point font, double-spaced with 1-inch margins


1- Concept of Time Value of Money,
2- Assess the impact of time on the present and future value of cash flows through mathematical problem solving techniques using missing data.
3- Read Case study file and Answers the ( 4 Questions ) + Attached Equation to be use.

Executive Summary
I.    Introduction.
II.    Body of Proposal
III.    Summary and Conclusion
IV.    References.