Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


During the last 30 years, there has been an increasing expectation that business exists to serve the needs of both shareholders and society. Many people have a stake or interest in a business, its activities, and impacts. If the interests of these stakeholders are not respected, then the action that is often painful to shareholders, officers, and directors usually occurs. (L.Brooks,2011)

Why have concerns over pollution become so important for management and Directors?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

find the attachment case study & write follow:
I.    Executive Summary
II.    Introduction.
III.    Body of Proposal : answer the questions 
IV.    Summary and Conclusion
V.    References.

unit 5/6

page 1

Jane just purchased Tylenol flu and cold medication instead of the Equate or Life brand of the same medication.  Why might she have chosen the more expensive brand?

page 2

How might Twitter be used as a Market research tool?

2 references for both


Imagine that you just created a new start-up company. You want to compete in the growing industry of drone navigation systems. VectorCal is the only major company in the field. You also want to be a leaner, faster version of a company that you view as being too slow and costly. Note: You may create and / or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.

Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

Describe the new start-up company that you have created. Include in your description the nature of your company, its mission and vision, your companys product, an analysis of your staff, and your target clientele.
Criticize VectorCals forecasting method. Determine the appropriate forecasting approach for your company. Provide a rationale to support the determination.
Suggest the semi-variable, allocated, and indirect costs that you should address in the start-up phase of your company. Provide a rationale to support the response.
Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Determine the characteristics of government contracting that affect pricing and what is considered fair and reasonable pricing.
Outline the process to forecast the likely price of an acquisition, calculate semi-variable costs, and allocate direct and indirect costs.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in cost and price analysis.
Write clearly and concisely about cost and price analysis using proper writing mechanics.

Revision of case study

Double check Please.

Dear previous writer:

What you put down for the Pilon case as I think in that case, the small claims decision was upheld but I think the last line of that section says that it should remain with the family court.

Please make your corrections on this.

Pilon v. Lavine, 2016 Case Brief

Full Title: Pilon v. Lavine, 2016 ONSC 1965 (Div. Ct.)

Court: Division Courts.

Procedural History

The case involved a $12,000 debt following a divorce between Lavine and Pilon. According to the plaintiff, before their separation Lavine had offered the loan to Pilon and wanted the settlement of the loan to be part of the separation agreement. The loan payment therefore had to do with the settlement of the outstanding properties and debts and thus applied much to either the small claims debts or property litigations or in the higher courts levels of hearing the case. While the claimant maintains that she wants to hear the case in the small claims court, the defendant is pleading to keep the case in the family court. The judgment of the case should therefore depend on whether the court will find that the transaction was within the contexts of family law relations and not in the claims court or the other way around.


The main issue was whether the small claims court was the appropriate place for hearing the case. Essentially, the decision would highly depend on the nature of the claim and the nature of the transaction or agreement between the parties during the exchange.


The main points of contention have to do with the fact that if the case is to be heard in the family law relationship, then it means that the defendant is absolved of the debts and will only pay half of the amount since they are supposed to share the credit under the regulation. On the other hand, if the case is to be heard under the simple claims courts, it means that there was a business transaction and the defendant will be liable under the informal contract in the exchange to make a refund of the money. The hearing will therefore involve defining the nature of the exchange during the time of the exchange and determining whether the nature of the transaction would lead to a binding contract. Contexts that would leave the defendant free with no further arguing of the case include instances, where, for example, the plaintiff may have given the amount as a gift or a similar case.


The loan agreement and the nature of the transaction will determine how the defendant should pay back and the amounts that he should pay

The court will determine the existence of the loan agreement and the boundaries of the payment schedules and nature of the payment transactions


The main reasoning in the case has to do with the Uniform Marital Property Act that emerged in 1983 to define the way that the family should handle property and wealth during divorce and separation. Accordingly, the case suggests that there was a pending debt during the relationship that had to be arbitrated at the time of the separation. The court is to make a decision whether or not the debt qualifies in the case considering that

the couple is separated and each individual is leading their own lives. The legal notion is that if the debt belonged to an asset that the couple shared then it would be judged under the family law relationship and both the defendant and Lavine will have to repay the debt.


Lavine and Pilon are separating from a marital relationship and have to mitigate the separation of properties and debts among the couple

According to the financial history, Pilon owed Lavine a sum of $24,000 of which Pilon payed half the amount as per the payment schedules of the loan agreement

At the end of the relationship, Pilon still owed the plaintiff $12,000 which Lavine requested to be settled as a small claims settlement.

The court found that the loan, which was evidenced by the agreement and payment schedule still fell under the family law relationship and would be heard as such since they were contingent to the contexts of marriage between the two.

Pilon v. Lavigne, 2016 ONSC 1965 (Div. Ct.)

The Single Story

WATCH Chimamanda Adichies TED talk on The Danger of A Single Story

SUMMARIZE the main points/takeaways from Adichies talk into a short list of reminders to employ when encountering new people or situations; or to use when confronted with people/situations that do not match expectations of what we think they should be
Then, refer to a case study (e.g. Caster Semenya) and consider the case in relation to Adichies advice. How do assumptions/single stories impact the people in your chosen case? What remedies are there to this impact based on what Adichie tells us? Consider the specific context(s) in which your case occurs and how that impacts formation of societal assumptions about the individuals in question? Does context matter? Why?
Finally, DISCUSS your personal connection and understanding of the importance of  Adichies talk. It has been viewed almost 22 million times, with a transcript available in 49 languages, since 2009. Why do you think it resonates so deeply with so many? Does it resonate with you?  Why or why not?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1.0 Introduction
    Provide a brief description of the topic/issue you chose to focus on. Describe how or why you selected this topic. Topic: Homeless and Opioid Addiction in Chicago. What support system are in place to help people get off dope? Can they be successful?

    Include details as to the extent or scope of this topic, such as whether or not it is unique to Chicago or it could be a national problem. Please also provide a short description of the extent and nature of the problem locally, regionally, nationally, or globally from credible literature sources. You must include citations in this segment.

2.0 Demographic Profile
    Provide a demographic profile of the community you selected for 3 zip codes:60602,60604,60605, along with the demographic profile data for Chicago and/or Cook County.

    Be sure to cite the source of your demographic information. Per usual, use a valid/primary source, such as US Census.

3.0 Methods
In the Methods Segment, you will need to include these elements:
    A 2- paragraph overview to describe how you researched your topic. Include the types of sources you searched (e.g., I conducted a literature search and review using PubMed I used these keywords .). You can include a table that summarizes your data sources and/or describe it in writing.

o    Include at least six primary sources to summarize your research about your topic. In this segment, you will write about what you learned (e.g., if you researched endocarditis and opioid addiction, you need to cite a variety of sources, such as scientific journal articles or .gov websites). This segment can be 3 paragraphs

    A 2-3 paragraph community engagement plan for the community you selected. This will include:

o    Three Principles of Community Engagement describe them as if the reader is not familiar with them(outreach, consult, involve, collaborate, shared leadership, ethics, communication, accessibility, respect).

o    Two community engagement tools that you would apply in community meetings related to your topic (e.g., Visioning, ATSDR Action Model, PhotoVoice, others) and create examples or mock versions of each tool.

4.0 Findings/Results
In this segment, please provide a 5-sentence summary that highlights any findings that you can summarize from your research. Findings include general trends (e.g., based on the articles by XX, XY, and XYZ, it appears that endocarditis rates were XXZZ .). Following your summary, include a discussion of why you selected your three principles of community engagement for your particular topic and target community. Also include a discussion of why you selected your two community engagement tools for this particular topic and target population.

Mathematics for Elementary Students

Write a two page reflection (12 pt. font, double-space, 1 in. margins) of your experience creating this project. In addition, discuss how this project fits (or doesnt fit) into your philosophy of teaching mathematics. Also, explain how this project may or may not Impact you as a future teacher of mathematics. Describe what you learned about yourself as a teacher and as a mathematician by completing this project.

Weapons of mass destruction, Unit IV Assessment

Question 1. According to your readings, biological weapons date back as far as the proto-Neolithic, or late Stone Age, era. What types of biological weapons were developed during that time and how were they used?

Your response should be at least 75 words in length.

Question 2. According to your readings, a safe, effective vaccine has been developed to counter the effects of inhalation anthrax. How was this vaccine developed, and how is it administered? How will this impact future terrorism efforts relying on disbursement of inhalation anthrax?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Question 3. Numerous sources report that terrorist organizations have joined with the drug cartels in Mexico to form a coalition effort for future terrorist attacks and other criminal efforts directed against United States and Mexican citizens. These organizations are known to be actively involved in human smuggling, human trafficking, and drug smuggling operations. How could these organizations use these immediate sources as avenues of biological attacks against unsuspecting targets in the United States, Mexico, or even Caribbean targets? What are the moral and ethical issues relating to these crimes?

Your response should be at least 300 words in length.

This is not a paper, it is a assessment. Each question is separate.

Addiction and inovative services

Need assistance in adding more details( this will entail a small amount of research) But must expand, and correct formatting of exiting writing- MUST ADHERE TO APA 6th edition guidelines. PLEASE ONLY BID IF YOU ARE PROFICIENT WITH APA 6th EDITION GUIDELINES.  Paper with notes will be sent to the winning writer bid