Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


1-page response for each question prompts. No need for the further background (though you’re welcome to do it) research. Just read the often short text your chosen question refers to and answers based on your understanding of the text. Let me know if you have any questions.

1. What does Franklin Roosevelt see as the United States’ role in the world, according to “Arsenal of Democracy”?

2. How does Churchill characterize the threat of Soviet Communism to the western liberal, democratic order?

3. What does Nehru mean by non-alignment?

4. Write about Modern History Sourcebook:
Ho Chi Minh:
Program for Communist of Indochina, 1930

Addiction and inovative services

Need assistance in adding more details( this will entail a small amount of research) But must expand, and correct formatting of exiting writing- MUST ADHERE TO APA 6th edition guidelines. PLEASE ONLY BID IF YOU ARE PROFICIENT WITH APA 6th EDITION GUIDELINES.  Paper with notes will be sent to the winning writer bid.

Employee Rights and Labor Laws

Link is in attachment for case study….

Analyze the case facts against the laws you have identified and then provide a conclusion as to what the result should be and which party should win the case.

Write and complete a 300 -word legal analysis in the third-person voice (do not use “I” or “we”) according to the following guidelines:

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines, and include headings that appropriately signal topics and that keep your document organized. Use in addition to the laws and legal cases required above, using proper in-text citations. Identify any source in your Reference page. Any laws and legal cases used in the body of your paper must also be included on the Reference page.

critical Infrastructure Protection in Cybersecurity, Unit IV PowerPoint


Perform research using the Internet and the school Online Library on a recent cybersecurity incident within the last three years. In your presentation, discuss the specifics of your chosen cyberattack such as how the event was planned, financed, carried out, and what the impact (damage) the attack caused.
Outline at least five detailed measures that the agency or organization affected by this incident could have taken to prevent this event. Preventative measures should include physical, social, or cybersecurity actions.
Your PowerPoint presentation must be a minimum of 10 slides not counting the title slide and the reference slide. You are expected to consult outside sources, that is, go beyond what has been presented in the lesson. Use additional information in the speaker notes section of the slides.

It would be beneficial to use at least two other sources besides your textbook for developing this PowerPoint presentation. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and be cited per APA style.


And op-ed is a crucial part of a newspaper. The purpose of an op-ed is to offer an opinion.
Take a position on an issue and make a strong argument for or against it. Start by reading some
of the op-eds in your newspaper. You will find them (usually) under the opinion section.
For this assignment you will write your own op-ed piece. It should be around 1,000 words
and should take a position on an issue you feel strongly about.
Below is a NYT editors advice for writing an effective op-ed.
1) A wise editor once observed that the easiest decision a reader can make is to stop reading.
This means that every sentence has to count in grabbing the readers attention, starting with the
first. Get to the point: Why does your topic matter? Why should it matter today? And why should
the reader care what you, of all people, have to say about it?
2) The ideal reader of an op-ed is the ordinary subscriber a person of normal intelligence who
will be happy to learn something from you, provided he can readily understand what youre
saying. It is for a broad community of people that you must write, not the handful of fellow
experts you seek to impress with high-flown jargon, the intellectual rival you want to put down
with a devastating aside or the V.I.P. you aim to flatter with an oleaginous adjective.
3) The purpose of an op-ed is to offer an opinion. It is not a news analysis or a weighing up of
alternative views. It requires a clear thesis, backed by rigorously marshaled evidence, in the
service of a persuasive argument. Harry Truman once quipped that he wished he could hire only
one-handed economists just to get away from their on the one hand, on the other advice.
Op-ed pages are for one-handed writers.
4) Authority matters. Readers will look to authors who have standing, either because they have
expertise in their field or unique experience of a subject. If you can offer neither on a given topic
you should not write about it, however passionate your views may be. Opinion editors are often
keen on writers who can provide standing-with-surprise: the well-known environmentalist who
supports nuclear power; the right-wing politician who favors transgender rights; the
African-American scholar who opposes affirmative action.
5) Younger writers with no particular expertise or name recognition are likelier to get published
by following an 80-20 rule: 80 percent new information; 20 percent opinion.
6) An op-ed should never be written in the style of a newspaper column. A columnist is a
generalist, often with an idiosyncratic style, who performs for his readers. An op-ed contributor
is a specialist who seeks only to inform them.
7) Avoid the passive voice. Write declarative sentences. Delete useless or weasel words such as
apparently, understandable or indeed. Project a tone of confidence, which is the middle
course between diffidence and bombast.
8) Be proleptic, a word that comes from the Greek for anticipation. That is, get the better of
the major objection to your argument by raising and answering it in advance. Always offer the
other sides strongest case, not the straw man. Doing so will sharpen your own case and earn the
respect of your reader.
9) Sweat the small stuff. Read over each sentence read it aloud and ask yourself: Is this
true? Can I defend every single word of it? Did I get the facts, quotes, dates and spellings exactly
right? Yes, sometimes those spellings are hard: the president of Turkmenistan is Gurbanguly
Malikguliyevich Berdymukhammedov.
10) Youre not Proust. Keep your sentences short and your paragraphs tight.
11) A newspaper has a running conversation with its readers. Before pitching an op-ed you
should know when the paper last covered that topic, and how your piece will advance the
12) Kill the clichs. If you want to give the reader an outside the box perspective on how to solve
a problem from hell by reimagining the policy toolbox to include stakeholder voices well, stop
right there. Editors notice these sorts of expressions the way French chefs notice slices of
Velveeta cheese: repulsive in themselves, and indicative of the mental slop that lies beneath.
13) If you find writing easy, youre doing it wrong. One useful tip for aspiring writers comes
from the film A River Runs Through It, in which the character played by Tom Skerritt, a
Presbyterian minister with a literary bent, receives essays from his children and instructs them to
make each successive draft half as long. If you want to write a successful 700-word op-ed,
start with a longer draft, then cut and cut again. The art of writing, believed the minister, lay
in thrift.
14) The editor is always right. Shes especially right when she axes the sentences or paragraphs
of which youre most proud. Treat your editor with respect by not second-guessing her judgment,
belaboring her with requests for publication decisions or submitting sloppy work in the
expectation that she will whip it into shape.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This is the second part of two-part critical assignment. The first part, the 10-15 minute video demonstration, form of a YouTube link. In the second part, due this week, students will complete a 2-page paper, wherein they will discuss their own rating of their video performance, along with the ratings provided by a peer (note: students should have shared their link with a peer and received the peer rating form back by Week 7, Day 6). Questions to consider in the paper: (a) how well did you think you did on the video, taking into consideration your own ratings? (b) how did your ratings compare to the ratings provided by your peer? (c) what discrepancies, if any, existed between your own ratings and the ratings of your peer? Why is this the case? and (d) what are your strengths and areas for growth, given the two sets of ratings?

instead of uploading the 10min video, I uploaded a script….The peer rating form is what my classmate rated me on.

Human relations

Critical Research/Analysis Paper Using no less than 5 peer-reviewed articles, write a
research paper on the concept of colorism using Critical Race Theory as a
theoretical foundation from which to analyze this topic. You are expected to critically
analyze this concept using peer-reviewed articles along with CRT to further explain and
support your thoughts. There should be 2 3 citations in each paragraph. All citations
should be noted on the reference page. Style & Format Must use APA (7
th ed.). This is
a three (3) page paper. Cover and reference pages are additional pages. The total paper
equals 5 pages. Please check spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. Please
PARAPHRASE only (& cite) no direct quotations are allowed


we see that the Incident Command System and NIMS have changed drastically over the years.  The NIC has been developed in order to make sure that our incident management systems are as efficient and effective as possible.  Going forward, there will inevitably be changes that will positively impact our emergency response and disaster planning organizations. 

For this final forum, compare and contrast the responses to Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Sandy (also called Superstorm Sandy).  Report on two areas where improvements were made in the response and incident management between Katrina in 2005 and Sandy in 2012 and write a paragraph on each.  Also address how you think ICS and NIMS will change in order to meet future challenges.

MAT 540 Statistical Concepts for Research

Application, Interpretation, and Presentation of Statistics
[WLO: 2] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Over the past few weeks, you have explored a variety of statistical techniques that each play an important role in conducting research. For this Final Paper, you will evaluate the application, interpretations, and presentation of statistics in formal and informal research studies.

Begin by locating three research studies to analyze for your Final Paper, based on the three statistical techniques below:

At least one study should display data through graphs, tables, and/or charts.
At least one study should describe the hypothesis testing procedure that was used (either explicitly /specifically, or implicitly/generally).
At least one study should use inferential statistical analysis tests or correlation/regression approaches.
Once you have selected your three research studies, develop a paper using the format below as a guide.

Final Paper Structure

Opening: State which three specific statistical procedures you will be evaluating.
Thesis: Describe how these statistical procedures been used to answer research questions.
Literature Review: For each study presented, state the research question being asked.
Explain how the illustrated statistical procedure helped to answer each research question.
Statistical Discussion: Analyze the value, strengths, and weaknesses of each statistical technique in answering formal and informal research questions.
Conclusion: Summarize the general use of statistical tools in quantitative research studies.
The Final Paper

Must be 8 to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Centers APA Style (Links to an external site.)
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Students name
Course name and number
Instructors name
Date submitted
For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).

Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.
Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.) as well as Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.), refer to the Ashford Writing Center resources.
Must use at least five sources in addition to the course text. (Note: You should use credible sources to explain the main concept/statistical technique and scholarly sources/peer-reviewed articles for examples of the concept/statistical technique.)
The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Centers Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) guide.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. See the Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Review a Health and Wellness Blog

Blogs are popping up all over the place, including Health and Wellness blogs. Blogs are a great way to create a resource for patients/clients to refer to and another tool for communication.
Research a Health and Wellness Blog that has addressed a topic that is of interest to you.
Write a 1-2 page summary about the blog site in general (including its name and a link to it on the Web) and then about the specific blog post you selected.

Provide screenshots of the blog and any information to give a better idea of the blog you chose.