Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

discussing the incidence, prevalence, and outcomes of cardiovascular disease in the United States, including its impact on society.

Part 1: Using the resources available in the Rasmussen Library, write a 2-3 page paper in APA format, discussing the incidence, prevalence, and outcomes of cardiovascular disease in the United States, including its impact on society.

Part 2: Create a PowerPoint presentation containing 5-10 slides, sharing your vision of how to promote Health and Wellness. Identify the motivating factors for getting physically fit, including benefits, fitness goals, and obstacles to overcome.
Submit your completed assignment to the drop box below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown

Data Analysis

watch this video

After watching the short video post your response to this question” How does the visual presentation of statistics help the audience to understand Roslings message more clearly than if he had only used speech to make his point?”

FAQ On Telemedicine

Compare decision-making techniques that guide clients, healthcare professionals, and families to make educated decisions on the best course for care.
In the healthcare field today, there are a variety of ways and types of locations providers can “see” and treat patients. A fairly new concept is to provide medical treatment through a remote delivery method known as telemedicine. This new approach involves the remote delivery of clinical information using telecommunications technology, including the internet, telephone media, satellite, and wireless systems. Telemedicine can be completed through video chat, medical booths, text messaging services, and more.
Recently, a telemedicine booth opened up inside the community grocery store near Rassy Medical Center. Your patients have questions regarding the process, care, and quality of this idea. As the medical receptionist, your job is to answer patients’ questions; however, you have been spending and increasing amount of time repeatedly answering the same questions regarding the new telemedicine booth.

Create an FAQ (frequently asked questions) sheet to be displayed in your clinic to educate the patients on what telemedicine is and how it can be utilized. Your FAQ should contain a title and an organized list of questions and thorough answers. Be sure to use and list at least three relevant and credible sources.
Include these points:
What is telemedicine?
Is it safe and secure?
How does it work?
Will insurance cover it?
Is it cost effective?
Why would a patient use telemedicine instead of going to a live clinic?
For more information about telemedicine, review the following video examples:
Telemedicine Booth
Telemedicine robot and virtual office visit
Telemedicine video chat

business strategy

EZ-Pleeze management has tasked you with completing a SWOT analysis to identify internal and external factors that need to be considered in developing a competitive strategy for the company. The SWOT analysis will be utilized to support and justify the overall strategic recommendations that you will later include in a presentation for the companys senior executives.

You will complete this task in two parts: a SWOT analysis for EZ-Pleeze, created using the attached SWOT Analysis Template, and an essay that addresses the importance, function, content, and final relevance of a SWOT analysis.

Write an essay (suggested length of 57 pages) that expands on and interprets the data from the completed SWOT analysis by doing the following:

1.  Discuss the importance of a SWOT analysis in the strategic planning process of EZ-Pleeze.

2.  Discuss internal strengths for EZ-Pleeze.

3.  Discuss internal weaknesses for EZ-Pleeze.

4.  Discuss external opportunities for EZ-Pleeze.

5.  Discuss external threats for EZ-Pleeze.

6.  Describe three recommendations for strategic action at EZ-Pleeze (based on the completed SWOT analysis) and justify your recommendations.

Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

Excel Discussion Post

Please watch the short YouTube Excel VLOOKUP From Another Workbook.

Next, Google IF Statements (there are many). Choose one and find a YouTube video to share with the class. Use APA source citation to reference the film and tell us why you selected this film.


you will choose one of the case studies below.  You will write a short (750-1000 words/3-4 pages, double spaced) paper reviewing the case and applying two ethical frameworks (utilitarianism, Kantianism or contractarianism). 

You will submit an outline first, get feedback on that, and then we will have a workshop-style class on 3/5 so everyone can ask questions about their feedback and work on the paper during class. 

Your paper should include your name, a title, the essay, and a bibliography in APA format.  The structure of the essay must use the following headers:

    Introduction.  Introduce the basic details of the case.  Your introduction should be 1 paragraph. Make sure you describe the case IN YOUR OWN WORDS and cite as appropriate. Briefly describe the scenario and the stakeholders.  Stick to the facts.  APA uses in text citation (not footnotes).  If you need help with formatting, you can use Citation Machine. 
    Ethical Issues.  This section should identify the central ethical issues in your case and should be 1-2 paragraphs.
    Application of Ethical Framework #1.  Here you will apply one of the ethical frameworks to this particular case.  Make sure you provide an overview of the guiding principles of the ethical theory.  What should be done WHY (according the to the principles of that framework)?  This section should be 1-2 paragraphs.
    Application of Ethical Framework #2.  Here you will apply one of the ethical frameworks to this particular case.  Make sure you provide an overview of the guiding principles of the ethical theory.  What should be done WHY (according the to the principles of that framework)? This section should be 1-2 paragraphs.
    Conclusion.  In your conclusion you will take a position on which ethical framework is the most helpful in providing a satisfactory resolution to this case and explain why.

The assignment rubric is as follows:
Formatting & Style (name, title, page numbers, 750-1000 words, follows APA formatting for in text citations & bibliography, written on one of the provided case studies, writing is clear and free from grammar and spelling errors)20 points; Introduction10 points; Ethical Issues15 points; Application of 2 ethical frameworks (including accurate identification and application of guiding principles of each framework)40 points; Conclusion15 points

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Group Encounter
You will attend and actively participate in 2 events related to your selected cultural group. These events can be activities such as church services, Bible/religious studies, community organization meetings, volunteer work at homeless shelters or food kitchens, attendance at support group meetings, fund-raising events, school-related meetings or activities, etc. The key thing is that these activities are sponsored by or provided for your particular cultural group.

It is encouraged that you pray before attending and participating in these events, especially if you are considering attending a religious service outside of your faith tradition. You must spend at least 4 hours total engaged in these 2 events (approximately 2 hours per event). If you attend another cultural groups church service, do not be surprised if the service is longer than you anticipated and if you are invited to a meal afterwards. Be aware that it may insult some cultural groups if you do not eat with them following the service. The entire event (church service plus meal) counts as 1 activity.

With any activity, it is important that you interact with members of the cultural group to develop an understanding of the event and the motivations of individuals in participating in them. Consider some of these factors:
    What are the purposes of the activity/event?
    What are the cultural underpinnings?
    What are the associated religious beliefs or values?
    What are the social beliefs or values?
    What are the political beliefs or values?
    What are the economic beliefs or values?

You will answer the questions listed below. First person may be used in your answers, and you must observe correct and current APA style. The paper must have a correct title page, and you must use a reference page (no abstract is needed). A word estimate is beside each question; however, the quality of your answer is more important than the word count. You may expand further, but you do not have to do so. It is recommended that you use the following questions as level 1 headings to organize your paper (you can shorten the question into a level 1 title; see p. 62 in the APA Manual, 6th edition).

1.    What events did you attend? What happened? (approximately 250 words)

2.    How did your experience of actual cultural events compare with the expectations you had developed from the readings and Internet/media explorations you did in Cultural Immersion Project Part 1? (approximately 250 words)

3.    How did participation in these immersion events impact you emotionally? In other words, what was it like to be a minority in this group? (approximately 250 words)

4.    As you consider your own cultural background, why do you think you responded the way you did? (approximately 250 words)

5.    What are some key things that you have learned about this culture through these events? (approximately 250 words)

6.    Discuss counseling theories and techniques that have been empirically validated as effective with this group. You can use the McGoldrick et al. text for this section, and peer reviewed articles. Use a minimum of three resources. (approximately 250 words).

    Student identifies three theoretical approaches (i.e. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Reality Therapy, Person-Centered, etc.) that have been empirically validated as effective with the selected group (for any credit student must cite a peer reviewed journal supporting the use of the theory given).
    Student identifies three counseling techniques (miracle question, reflective listening, thought-stopping techniques, mindfulness, etc.) that have been empirically validated as effective with the selected group (for any credit student must cite a peer reviewed journal supporting the use of the technique given).
    Student describes how characteristics noted above relate to counseling with this group, including resilience building and eliminating obstacles and illuminating opportunities.

Note that the research you do for Parts 1 and 2 is necessary for the completion of Part 3. Organize all the notes and resources you have gathered thus far to enable you to easily accomplish the final part of this project.

Submit the Cultural Immersion Project Part 2 Paper by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 6.

                                                PLEASE READ THIS

  Accommodations for completing Part II of the Immersion Project due to current COVID-19 situation.
Posted on: Friday, March 13, 2020 4:10:05 PM EDT
If you cannot attend the two required large group events (because of closures or other situations in your area), you can do one of the following:

1. Attend two events with a couple or a family from the culture you choose to study and write your Part II paper on these two encounters (two hours per event, as described in instructions).

2. Watch two videos (one can be a movie), or two live events (at least 1 hour long each) about the culture you chose to study AND have a 1-hour discussion with two different persons from that culture about each of the videos (one person per video). The discussion can be in person or virtual (via Webex, Zoom, Skype, Facetime, WhatsApp, etc.), but not by phone. You can write your paper about the two videos you watched.

3. Attend one event with a family/couple for event 1 (2 hours), and watch one video (at least 1 hour long) AND discuss with someone from this culture for 1 hour for event two. Discussion can be virtual, but not by phone.

Part I of the project remains unchanged as it is a theoretical research. Part III remains unchanged, with the caveat that the interview with the person can be conducted virtually (via Webex, Zoom, Skype, Facetime, WhatsApp, etc.), but not by phone. The person with whom you conduct the interview should be a different person than the persons with whom you are discussing the videos.

Feasibility Analysis on Shark Tank Episode: Scrub daddy

Revising paper to answer question 4-

4. What are the three or four overall takeaways (lessons learned) from watching this pitch and the comments of the “shark” for your own entrepreneurial career and feasibility analysis? This is an important part of the assignment, so make sure you put in appropriate thoughts and connections.

Shark Video:


Take-home Exam
ECON 2103A (Due date: April 24, at 11:35 am)
It has to be done individually, and you must submit your exam via Culearn.
Assume the Canadian economy is at the equilibrium with output ?? and price ?? and then the COVID-19
shock hits the economy. Study the possible impacts of this shock on the following cases of the economy:
Demand Side (AD): (1.5 points)
a) What is the effect of COVID-19 shock on the IS curve (Note: start with the impacts on the Keynesian
cross and then explain the impact of the shock on the IS curve.) Support your analysis with
corresponding graphs.
b) Assuming the price is still ??, what will be the impact of the shock on the AD curve? Briefly explain
your answer using a corresponding graph.
c) How can the government alleviate the negative effects of the shock on the AD curve? Briefly explain
your answer by using just one example.
Supply Side (SRAS): (2 points)
d) What is the impact of the shock on the SRAS curve? Draw the graph. Support your answer using a real
e) What kind of policy can the government implement to alleviate the negative impact of the shock on
f) What are some side-effects of these policies (parts c and e ) on the economy? Briefly explain.
g) What will be the new equilibrium of the economy if the government does not intervene? Draw AD
and SRAS curves for before and after the shock in one graph.
Money: (1.5 points)
h) According to the portfolio theories of money, what are the factors that affect the demand for money?
How they affect the demand for money? Briefly explain.
m) Considering the portfolio theories and given Figure 1 that shows the stock price in Canada. Do you
think that the demand for money will decrease or increase? Why?
n) Following the COVID-19 shock, the Bank of Canada announced that they want to purchase the
governments bonds in the secondary market. Given the function of the supply of money (M= cr + 1
cr + rr
and considering your answer for part h, do you think that the supply of money will increase/decrease/or
uncertain? How? Explain your answer briefly.
Investment: (1.5 points)
p) Define Tobin’s q and explain how it will determine the investment in an economy?
q) Considering the definition of Tobins q and given Figure 1, what will be the impact of COVID 19 shock
on the investment. Briefly explain.
Figure 1. Stock Price
r) Following the COVID 19 shock, the Bank of Canada declined the overnight interest rate to almost zero
( 0.25%). What will be the impact of this policy on the business fixed investment (Briefly explain it using
the classical investment theory that we discussed in the class). Draw the graph.
s) Lots of firms laid off their employees temporarily; however, assume that the government of Canada
will pay more than half of the salary of those employees if the firms call them back for work. What is the
impact of the governments policy on the investment? Briefly discuss it using the classical investment
theory that we discussed in the class. Draw the related graph as well.
Inflation and Philips Curve: ( 1 point)
t) Following the COVID-19 shock, lots of people lost their job. What are the impact of that on inflation in
the short-run and in the long-run? Draw the related graphs.
u) What will be the effect of expected inflation following the shock? What will be the impact of this
expected inflation on the realized inflation in the economy? Explain briefly.
Consumption (1.5 points)
v) Following the shock, the value of your primary house that you are living there decreased and also you
laid off for one month. What will be the impact of these changes on your consumption according to
v1) Keynes? Explain it briefly.
v2) Modigliani? Explain it briefly.
v3) Friedman? Explain it briefly.
Short Essay (6 points)
Using 250 words, explain the money helicopter (around 50 words) and then discuss the impacts of this
policy (about 200 words) on the economy following the COVID-19 shock. You can discuss both the
pros (about 100 words) and the cons (about 100 words) of this policy.
(The references or any graphs will NOT count as part of the 250 words. Your essay cannot be less than
225 or more than 275 words)
Please note that every single sentence of the essay must be your own work and plagiarism is a very
serious offence at Carleton. Your essay may be checked with some online tools for Plagiarism.
You can submit your essay either in Word or PDF.
3 points for the analysis and 3 points for the quality of writing.
Some suggested resources for the short essay:

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Submit a 4 page paper. In your paper, address the following:
Reflect on your experience in doing the role-play video.
Describe insights you gained from the experience and explain how these insights affect your approach to practice.
Describe the challenges you experienced in planning and executing the role-play scenario and explain how you overcame them.
Focus on insights and challenges related to demonstrating skills and engaging as a professional social worker, not on technical aspects of role-playing or recording the scene.
Describe the specific engagement techniques/skills you used and analyze why you used them.
Describe the colleagues role-play video you selected.
Assess what your colleague did well in the video you selected and recommend areas for improvement in your colleagues approach.

**My experience doing the role play system video was very different due to covid-19. I literally had to use a video chat to record the play between myself and Joe (the client in the role play). So please be sure to reference the uploaded role play and speak on the experience doing it during covid 19.

I have added some learning resources that may or may not be helpful but just random chapters in the book because she would like for us to incorporate some of that information into the paper.