Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Performance Data

1. Watch the following two videos from the course Relational Database Fundamentals with Adam Wilbert.

Database Management Systems (DBMS)? (4 min 36 s)
Relational Structures (3 min 57 s)
2. Review Figure F2.1 Database, Database Management System, and Business Applications on page 28 of the textbook. Based on the videos, and your readings this week, please respond to the following questions:

Choose a set of data from the database list (e.g., Performance data). Next, select the appropriate application program that the data interfaces with via the database management system (i.e. Performance program). Now, explain how information from the application and system are displayed on your computer screen as the user. Explain how you use the program and what functions are available to you. What recommendations would you make to improve the programs functionality to make it easier for end users?

stroop effect

i want a writer to correct my assessment. to check if it carefully follows the structure its supposed it and its fully completed

-The aim of the investigation is stated and its relevance is explained.

-The theory or model upon which the students investigation is based is described and the link to the students investigation is explained.

-The Independent and Dependent Variables are stated and operationalized in the null or research hypothesis.


-The research design is explained.

-The sampling technique is explained.

-The choice of participants is explained.

-Controlled variables are explained.

-The choice of materials is explained.

-Descriptive and inferential statistics are appropriately and accurately applied.

-The graph is correctly presented and addresses the hypothesis.

-The statistical findings are interpreted with regard to the data and linked to the hypothesis.


-The findings of the students investigation are discussed with reference to the background theory or model.

-Strengths and limitations of the design, sample and procedure are stated and explained and relevant to the investigation.

-Modifications are explicitly linked to the limitations of the students investigation and fully justified.

-raw data tables
-printouts of calculations and/or results from statistics software or calculations -made for analytical purposes I DONT HAVE THIS ONE COULD U PLEASE FIX THIS
-consent form pro forma (unfilled)
-copy of standardized instructions and debriefing notes
-supplementary materials.

report should be between 1,800 and 2,200 words in length
References and appendices (not included in word count)

Deficit Spending

During the Great Recession, like any other economic downturns, as unemployment rises, aggregate income declines to cause a major decline in tax collections. On the other hand, with the rise in unemployment, spending on safety net programs rise. So, there are not too many good options available to resort to the health of the national economy.  It will be very difficult to defend cuts in the federal government programs and especially the programs geared to sustain the minimum of the standard of living for the recent poor. So, the government needs to increase its borrowing. Deficit spending refers to government spending exceeding what it brings in federal income and corporate taxes during a certain period. Deficit spending hence increases government debt. Most economists accept that deficit spending is desirable and necessary as part of countercyclical fiscal policy. In such a case, government increases its borrowing and hence its deficit to compensate for the shortfall in aggregate demand. This is derived from Keynesian economics and has been the mainstream economics view.  Following John Maynard Keynes, many economists recommend deficit spending to moderate or end a recession, especially a severe one. When the economy has high unemployment, an increase in government purchases creates a market for business output, creating income and encouraging increases in consumer spending, which creates further increases in the demand for business output. (This is the multiplier effect).  This raises the real gross domestic product (GDP) and the level of employment and lowers the unemployment rate. Government borrowing under such circumstances increases the demand for borrowing and thus pushes interest rates up. Rising interest rates can “crowd out” (discourage) fixed private investment spending, canceling out some of the demand stimulus arising from the deficit

Write an essay analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of deficit spending and the effects of federal government borrowing on the economy i.e., the crowding out effect.

Horse Racing

Use the same vocabulary that is used in the term paper. Add more pictures, Create a comparison table comparing horse racing with 4 other sports(e.g number of participants in the game, how to win the game etc.). expand little bit more on the effects of horse racing on children and adults. make sure that the references are accessible


The assignment title is:
“Asses the most important macroeconomic impact(s) of the covid-19 pandemic”

I need an extremely technical macroeconomic analysis of the current state of the coronavirus (Covid-19) on the world economy. I want you to look at how certain countries have reacted, and mention that not every country is affected equally (this could be done in two sentences). I want you to use OECD and other government accredited sources, as well Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Bloomberg… basically very accredited economic sources. I want you to look at how rational choice theory will be affected… as I mentioned before, quite technical and really ANALYSING. The class is a second year economics class and is titled Economic Theory and Application.

Some things to consider:
How governments reacted, with QE in the USA, shifts in demand and supply, different market failure and specific industry-wide bankruptcies, affects this may have on income distribution and inequality, as well as a broader problem of unemployment, speak about inflation, deflation, and monetary policy, how this may create another bubble & crash and how governments are taking measures to mitigate this from happening (touch upon debt and increases in government debt), and fiscal policy.

Campbell soup

    Use the format for case analysis in DME Chapter 13:
1. Briefly describe the case and Identify the problem or issue.
2. Conduct analysis.
3. Propose alternative solutions.
4. Make recommendations. 

Please read the case from the Uploaded Pics. and using the DME books materiel to identify the problem or issue and conduct analysis. the solutions also need to be including the book content.

US Oil

US Oil Price Dips Below $0 for the 1st time in history (Source Financial Times)

Benchmark US oil prices crashed into negative territory in April 20, 2020 for the first time in history as the evaporation of demand caused by the coronavirus pandemic leaves the world awash with oil and not enough storage capacity.

Question 1 In your own words, and based on the readings/videos and the slides, what would be key enablers and inhibitors for Oil related disruptive technologies?

Question 2  Choose your favorite cloud based technology (Use PLATFORM AS A SERVICE)and explain what key enablers and inhibitors apply to that particular service, in the context of the market it competes in.
Did the technology you selected displace any previous technologies? If so, how and why?
AWS example can be mentioned

One page for each question-answer

USE EXCLUSIVELY THE FOLLOWING RESOURCES TO ANSWER BOTH QUESTIONS. It should be straight forward (question-answer) no introduction needed. Please relate to the reading or videos and mention it in the answer.

Readings / videos:

Global trends
Key enablers and inhibitors file is really long but take a look at important data/info and charts and conclusions

Gender Communication

Answer the following prompts, you are free to use any outside resources as long as they are cited. Please show your understanding of the topics and make sure your answers are well thought and detailed.

1) Why do you think  people continue to adhere to myths about rape and battering?  Are these forms of abuse just too terrible to face, so we manufacture false ideas about them?  Knowing that these myths exist because somebody believes them, how can we expose and debunk them?

2)  What role does religion play in the establishment of one’s gender identity?  What role does religion play in our views about emasculation and empowerment?

3) Think of a person who holds a position of power and authority in her or his job.  This person might be one of your parents, your doctor, someone you’ve worked for, and so on.  What’s the sex of that person?  If that person’s male, do you  think he’d have as much  power and respect in his job if he were female?  Would he have to change his communication style or the way he deals with coworkers, subordinates, and clients if he were female?  If the person is female, what kinds of barriers or challenges has she faced as she achieved that position of respect?

4)  In both Politics and Athletics, what gender communication issues exist?  Discuss differences by sex in the policies and practices existing in these two arenas of life.

Madain Saleh

this is a group presentation and my part is the “introduction” and the topic is about “Madan Salah” which I have attached the structure of the presentation should be… I need beside slides the speech organized as a paragraph not like a point in a separate word document and the slIdes i need it just as points with the picture if you can..
finally, the course name is presentation skills so the focus on the “*greeting and attention-getting                                                                                                                                                  *Establish speaker – the audience – topic connection /Motivate audience to listen                                                                                            *Establish credibility/preview of the speaker/orient the audience.

how fast food culture affect china

an article pertaining to food culture and some sort of change that is occurring today. You must choose a food culture outside of the U.S. You will then write a paper (2 pages minimum; double-spaced) that summarizes the article and discusses the internal and external pressures that are changing the food custom/culture and your conclusions. You may need to seek out other sources to dig deeper into the topic and answer all the rubric points. All sources must be cited in APA format in both a list at the end of the paper and in the body of the paper. Articles can be found in journals, good-quality magazines, and newspapers. make sure follow the rubric to get the points.