Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Your Cultural History (Mexican American) Origins, Cultural Identity, History, and Current State

Identify and describe your cultural identity.  You will explore one culture that you identify with in this assignment, examining the origin, identity, history, and current state of the culture.  Your description should include:

Your culture may come from a region of the world (spatial), a place in time (temporal), a spiritual or belief orientation, or a profession.  As you can see by the definitions at the top of the assignment sheet, culture is defined in many ways.  Part of understanding the culture is knowing where and/or when it comes from.
Cultural Identity. Describe your culture, including nativity, race/ethnicity, language(s), gender and generational status, spirituality, social systems, occupations, and other elements that are key to understanding your cultural identity.
Identify and describe key historical and current moments and movements for your culture, focusing on those associated with social justice and human rights. This should include experience with other cultural groups and places, and the outcome of those experiences on your culture and its members.
Your culture today. In this final section you should describe your cultures successes or challenges today relating to social justice, equity, and/or health  In other words, whats going on now that affects your culture, positively or negatively?

adaptation assignment

Adaptation Assignment

The nature-versus-nurture question is central to developmental psychology. A good understanding of development requires an understanding of how genetics and experience interact to prepare us to live in the worlds we live in: how they help us to adapt to our particular circumstances.


The purpose of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the systems by which we adapt to our environments. This includes understanding why humans all have certain characteristics in common and also why there are differences among us.


A good answer will talk about each of the two systems that we use to adapt. It will also explain why both systems are necessary and explain which system gives us which kinds of adaptation. You should include examples. Also, talk about the relative contributions of each. How much does each system contribute, typically, to differences among persons?

Your work should be entirely in your own words. Do not use quotes. You can mention outside sources as support for your claims, but put those claims into your own words.

Organize your work into paragraphs and, possibly, into separate sections with headings.
Use complete sentences and correct grammar (word usage, punctuation, capitalization, etc.).
Use examples to illustrate your points.

Here is a list of the main sources for this work. These articles should give you the information you need to complete this assignment.

The Contributions of Genetics and Learning
Language Development

Your work will be judged on these criteria, and you will get feedback on how well you did:

Identify the two main systems by which we adapt.
All acceptable work will correctly identify these two systems.
Explain how those systems complement each other.
The best work will talk about why we need two systems. Students who write exceptional papers will refer to the fact that one of the systems works only across generations, and so can only help us to adapt to elements of our environment that are stable across long periods of time. They will identify that system and briefly explain how it works. Then, they will point out that the environment changes more quickly than that and, so, we need another system for adaptation that enables us to adapt to changes that happen during our own lifetimes. Finally, they will identify that system, and briefly describe how it works, as well.
Any acceptable work on this assignment will identify the two systems and briefly explain how each of them works.
Summarize what we know about the relative contributions of each system.
The best work will identify some characteristics that we all have in common and attribute them correctly to one of the two systems. It will point out that both of these systems contribute to most of our characteristics and that when people differ from each other it is typically the result of both of these systems. A student who does strong work will include a rough estimate of the percentage contribution of each of the two systems.
Any acceptable work will point out that both systems contribute to differences among people.

News comparison (quote and background information)

Please refer to the three news, from SCMP, BBC, and CNN, to make a professional comparison for Quotes and Background information.



How many direct and indirect quotes were put in each news?
Which one you think is better at quote (SCMP, BBC, CNN)?

Background Information:
Do they offer any background information on the issue? 
How they organized the information?
Which one you think is better and why.

Future Policy Issue

Research and select an emerging health care issue. This can include but is not limited to the following:

Opioid crisis
Behavioral health care
Health care employee burnout
Health care information transparency

Discuss how you would design a policy for the health care issue you selected. Remember to take into consideration the various aspects of the policy development cycle and level of implementation (federal, state, or local).

Respond using 525 to 700 words to the following prompts:

What is the issue, what is the problem associated with the issue that you want to work toward solving, and who are the main stakeholders who can influence the success of the policy?
Why is this issue important and what is the target population?
How would you suggest implementing the policy and at what level (federal or state government)?
How would you propose the policy be evaluated and when would the evaluation occur?
What possible courses of action (revisions) would likely be needed if the evaluation of the policy suggests that the proposed policy is not fulfilling its intended purpose?

Cite at least 2 reputable references. Reputable references include trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, a textbook, or other sources of similar quality.

Format your responses and references according to APA guidelines.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Topic /Faculty’s and Students Perceptions of Mobile Learning Management Systems (LMS) in higher education.

Literature Review paper:
* Learning Management Systems/ (One page length), use article number 1,2 and3.
* Learning Management Systems in Higher Education/ (One page length), use article number 4and 5 summarize each study and talk about the most important points.
*Mobile Learning Management Systems/(One page length), use article number 6 and 7 summarize each study and talk about the most important points.
*Effective of use Mobile Learning Management Systems in Higher Education:
-Collaboration/ (One page length), use article number 8 and 9 summarize each study and talk about the most important .
-Usability /(One page length), use article number 10 and 11 summarize each study and talk about the most important
* Mobile Learning Management Systems and Social Constructivism theory / (One page length), use article number 12 and 13.

Everyday Use by Alice Walker

Overview of Unit 4’s Research Paper
For the research paper, you’ll place your own observations within the context of other scholarships. In short, you will enter into an academic conversation with others who are interested in your topic, thereby participating in the construction of knowledge. To enter this conversation, you need to follow this process:
The topic is based the previous essay attached
Determine which resources address your topic of study. Gather those sources in a way that allows you to hear the various “threads of conversation” taking place within your topic. You will create an annotated bibliography that includes ten sources, five of which are annotated, and a paragraph describing how you will use the sources in your paper. Your final paper will incorporate at least six outside sources from specialized resources.
From these six sources, you need to have at least one book, either from the library or bookstore, or an ebook from Netlibrary.  You must also have at least three GALILEO sources.  The remaining sources may be public Internet sites;  however, they must be valid and scholarly.  Wikis, blogs, discussion boards, or sources in the style of Cliffs Notes will NOT count, although you can certainly use them to generate ideas.
Refine your topic.
Write the research paper (1500-2000 words) as a response to that conversation. Your primary audience is your class and instructor, and your secondary audience is the scholars who may be interested in your contributions to the literary body of knowledge.
Does the process seem overwhelming? Don’t worry-your instructor and your peers will guide you through each step of the way. As a matter of fact, for this particular part of the course, you will provide the texts and writings for the class. As we work step-by-step, you will be able to see your topic and the research process unfold before your eyes.

Writing the Research Essay
The research paper is your opportunity to enter into the conversation to which you have begun listening. So far, you have gathered sources and then organized them. As part of your annotated bibliography, you listed those sources and then introduced them by establishing some of the relationships among the sources. Now, take at least five of your sources and focus on ONE of the threads of conversation that you identified. You will enter into the conversation by drafting some of your own sense of this thread.

Do you agree or disagree with the other scholars?
What do you agree with or disagree with in their research?
What claim might you make?
What are your reasons for the claim?
What evidence from the text would you provide?
What counter-arguments might you anticipate?
How will you address these counter-arguments?
A humanities-based research paper often follows this format:

Literature review
The theoretical approach that offers a different perspective
Writer’s arguments
The writer’s refutation of counter-arguments
While you may choose to use a different model, you might keep this one in mind, as well as the models that are offered in your book.

Actually, you’ve already completed much of the work for this model: You already have a rough draft of the literature review in the introduction that you wrote for your annotated bibliography. Similarly, your answers to the above questions will help you formulate your own claim, reasons, and evidence.

In fact, if you have not done so already, write your claim and reasons right now. Your claim and reasons will function as the thesis of your paper. If you identify a particular theoretical approach that supports your claim, you may want to review that material and include it in your paper. Your evidence will then be the selections of the text, as well as the scholarship of others, that you use to support your argument. Your final draft should be from 1500-2000 words.

Use MLA format in the final draft!                               

To review information on literary analysis and criticism, return to your textbook to reread chapters that are applicable to your topic and to your needs.

Once you have finished an initial draft,  after your instructor, your peers will then review it.

It was my hope that before you submitted it to me for review that you asked for reviews from family, friends, and others.  The most productive way to ask for a review is to develop your own set of questions and concerns about your paper. Your questions may follow this format:

What you like about your paper
What you don’t like about your paper
Your goal for the paper
Your achievement of that goal
As you ask someone to read it and respond to your questions (you can do this until you’re ready to submit the final draft), remember that you have the best sense of where your paper is headed and how well you have reached that goal.  Make any changes you deem necessary to the draft in preparation for the Essay Review assignment.

Sustainable Living Guide Contributions: Sustaining Our Atmosphere and Climate

Term: global climate change

Define the term thoroughly, in your own words.
Explain the importance of the term using evidence.
Discuss how the term affects living things and the physical world.
Suggest two specific actions that can be taken to promote environmental sustainability in relation to the term.
Explain exactly how those actions will aid in safeguarding our environment in relation to your chosen term.
Provide detailed examples to support your ideas.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Women rights
Thesis question:
Why is it still relevant today?
-Even today we still have yet to stop fighting for equality.
– Women do not want to overthrow men, they want to be seen as equals.

Points to hint

Women v. religion


Women v. women

(Barbara Welter. (1966). The Cult of True Womanhood: 1820-1860. American Quarterly, 18(2), 151.

The fight for equality is still going: ME TOO movement, Pink Tax, Equal Pay

What we have done so far (the 2000s)
Nancy Pelosi
Hilary Clinton  presidential nomination
Women can serve in the military

important figures to add
Abigail Adam
Elizabeth Blackwell
Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Explaining attractiveness: knowledge production and power projection in Chinas policy for Africa

The critique presentation requires the student to read one designated article in the units reading list
It develops the students capacity of:
careful and critical reading of academic work, and
strategic use and presentation of material.Expectation:
You may choose to present on the same topic as your news digest.
The critique presentation is required to include the following components:
1. the real-life context of the study reported in the article,
2. the literature review, which provides the academic context of the study/article,
3. the aims of the article,
4. the main claims and the evidence provided to support each of the main claims of the article
(please present in the format of claim 1+evidence; claim 2+evidence, etc.),
5. the overall argument/conclusion of the article, and
6. the methods used to achieve the aims of the article. (These refer to methods that gather and
analyze the evidence used by the author to support the claims.)

Discussion Justification Essay

Writing from scratch:

I will keep sharing further information moving forward.

Assessment is in three parts (Total: 3050 words)

Part One: Discussion Forum (600 words):-

Discussion # 1 (200 words): (Request date: 25/04/2020)

Good leadership can make a difference to a centre. Which aspect sharing vision, leadership style, team-building, mentoring etc –  do you consider to be the most important and why?

Discussion # 2 (200 words): (Request date: 02/05/2020)

Reflect on your readings and your experiences, and consider which values and beliefs are the most important to you as a leader in early childhood education. Discuss why those values are important to you and how they might be integrated into the smooth running of an early childhood centre setting by a leader or a manager.

Justification (200 words):

Justify how this post added value to the discussion (no more than 200 words). The course lecturer will consider the quality of the submission in determining the final grade. (Justification (200 words) can be either on Discussion # 1 OR Discussion # 2 – choice is yours). Detailed information can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-adding_value_to_your_discussion_forum.docx

Part Two: Essay One (1700 words) Learning Outcomes: LO1, LO3

Identify and describe in detail a leadership situation that you observed in your early childhood centre (real or hypothetical). (200 words)

Critically analyse the situation by drawing on three concepts from the Course Guide. Justify your decisions about the leaders actions by linking your discussion to the course literature. (1500 words)

These are the concepts from the Course Guide to apply. Choose any three from below:

Section One: You as a Leader
1.4 Distributed Leadership -(and other styles of leadership further down)

Section Two: Leading and Managing Teams
2.1 Building Teams
2.2 Supervision, Coaching and Mentoring
2.3 Staff Development and Appraisal
2.4 Conflict Resolution

Section Three: Leading Towards Change
3.1 Values-Based Leadership
3.2 Pedagogical Leadership
3.3 Developing A Shared Vision
3.4 Management Structures in the Early Childhood Sector
3.5 Planning and Associated Strategies
3.6 Implementing, Monitoring and Reviewing

This analysis depends greatly on the leadership situation that you describe. You need to relate a situation where the leader (or leaders if that works better) works with other adults – teachers – and gets things done, or resolves an issue or makes things better by using the concepts that you want to apply to it. The situation should be written as a detailed, factual account (like giving evidence in court) as in: this happened, then this happened, then the result of that was that this happened. Thereby concentrating on the actions of the leader/s in it so that you can refer back to it in your analysis. If you don’t have enough detail of interpersonal adult relationships, then you have to dig too hard to apply what you want and make it relevant. Just check that you can easily see three things there that relate to leading other adults.

The leaders don’t have to have formal roles, anyone can lead in a situation, and if you are somehow involved, then refer to yourself as “the student teacher” so that you distance yourself a little from the critique. You should be writing in the third person here.
Your critical analysis must link to the leadership literature covered in the course, and to three concepts. There are a number of different aspects in the course that you can use to critically analyse your leadership situation most are listed in the menu of the COURSE GUIDE but you may find others. You will find course guide in uploaded documents: Instructions-Course Guide.docx.

Part Three: Essay Two (750 words) Learning Outcome: LO2

Articulate and defend your values and beliefs on leadership in the early childhood sector and your own practice as a leader, in line with your philosophy of teaching. Draw on theories and practices in the course materials to justify the elements you are defending in your philosophy of leadership.

For the second essay, we want to know what you believe about leading adults, your values and beliefs of leadership in ECE. Don’t include your teaching philosophy – just the parts that relate to leading adults, if they do. What do you think works leading adults, why, and who in the literature agrees with you (theories and practices). You can use “I believe” but your decisions must be supported by the course literature to justify you including that element in your leadership philosophy.

Learning Outcomes:

LO1: Critically review perspectives on leadership within the context of early childhood education
LO2: Critically reflect on the impact of personal values, beliefs and practices in developing a professional and ethical code of leadership within the early childhood context
LO3: Justify a range of socially and culturally appropriate leadership practices in the early childhood education context

Course required readings must be used as well as additional literature and important websites to inform the knowledge of your assessment. Course Guide is only for your knowledge. APA 6th edition reference list must be attached.

Part One – Discussion Forum: 600 Words
Part Two: Essay One: 1700 Words
Part Three: Essay Two: 750 Words
(Total Word Count: 3050 words)
*15% leeway above or below word limit


(1) This is a level 7 course so please ensure to maintain good academic presentation standards with excellent referencing throughout all the parts. Further information can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-Assessment_Presentation_Criteria.pdf

(2) My writing style is simplistic with understandable terms.

(3) No headings and sub-headings within essays. The first sentence of the paragraph is a topic sentence that states the main idea of the paragraph. The last sentence of the paragraph is a concluding sentence proving the point you are making or act as a link to the following paragraph. Further information can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-Well-constructed_paragraphs.pdf

(4) For Essay Introduction use 5% of the word count and Essay Conclusion use 10% of the word count. Further information can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-Writing_Introductions_and_Conclusions

(6) Detailed information on marking criteria can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-Criteria for Marking Presentation in Written Assessments.pdf

(5) Referencing Style: APA 6th Edition with page numbers A MUST. You need to limit your use of direct quotes and more importantly, use effective paraphrasing APA Guidelines to be followed. Further information can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-APA-Quick-Guide.pdf

(6) 100% Plagiarism free.

(7) I have set deadline for this project as 08th May but my submission is later, so we can have enough time for revisions.

(8) Humble request to give Discussion # 1 (200 words) on 25/04/2020 and Discussion # 2 (200 words) on 02/05/2020.
