Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

A Pew Research Center study (Mitchell, Gottfried, Barthel & Sumida, 2018 ( explored peoples ability to distinguish between factual and opinion statements in the news. This is obviously an important research topic in age of partisan politics, denigration of the news media and accusations of false news.

The study of some 5,000 U.S. adults asked participants to distinguish between five factual statements and five opinion statements. A majority of participants correctly identified at least three of the five statements in each set, but this result is only a little better than random guessing. Far fewer got all five correct and roughly a quarter got most or all wrong.

Assume that in response to such data your campus has initiated an across-the-curriculum program to ensure that all majors graduate with a basic ability to distinguish fact from opinion. Follow-up surveys of graduating seniors indicate that they have an acceptable ability to do this. However, as we know, surveys do not address causality.

What experiment(s) might you design to help assess whether the ability of graduating seniors to distinguish fact from opinion is a function of the campus instructional program and not of other relevant experiences such as being politically active, or having taken other relevant courses such as philosophy, logic, debate, political science or media criticism?

Assume that your dependent variable is the ability to distinguish a statement of fact from an opinion.

Hint: In this Pew study, a factual statement is defined as one that can be proven or disproven by objective evidence.

impact statement

This short impact statement is for my special considerations application in university, Uni ask me to provide an impact statement to describing how I been affected and an affected period (start and end dates) indicating the duration  were affected for the assessment task. I don’t know how to write a formal impact statement, so here’s my brief description of the situation, and then I hope you can help me write it.

The official examination time for ECOS3010  is April 9 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., the duration is one hour. When the exam lasted for forty minutes, my computer suddenly crashed down, and then also can not turn on, even its still get charging , in fact, this sudden black screen situation my computer has appeared before, but I did not pay attention to. At that time I immediately sent an email to the professor and his email reply is to let me directly apply for the special consideration, and take screenshot or pictures as evidence, but at that time my computer has been unable to open it, so I can not take any screenshot.But i took an short video to prove that I cannot open the laptop, I don’t know weather its helpful. so the duration that I been affected is between 2:40-3:00 pm on 9th april.

Someone’s experience with mental illness

The purpose of the book review is to give you an in-depth, personal account of someones experience with mental illness. The book must be non-fiction, and written as a first-hand account. Criteria for selection and book recommendations can be found on Canvas. There is also a link to library resources on Canvas. You are welcome to choose any book that meets the criteria. If you choose a book that is not listed on the assignment guidelines, you must notify the instructor of your selection. This is a lengthy assignment; it is recommended that you begin early in the semester.After reading your selected book, you will write a paper comparing and contrasting the authors experience to information you have learned throughout the course. You will also examine your own personal reactions and discuss how the book might impact your work as a human services professional. The paper should be 4-6 pages long and follow APA guidelines.

Race and White Racism Sociologically

Observation report on Seventh Day Adventist Church of Fort Myers, Florida

*Write as if you were there*
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Here’s a link to the church to describe in the paragraphs

(Provide a title and subtitle)

1. In the first paragraph (only the first paragraph; approximately 150-250 words), briefly describe your experience of participant observation. How did you react to the experience, subjectively, and how might that have influenced your perceptions and analysis? Were you engaged? In wonder? Vexed? Embarrassed? Bored? Confused? Did you feel at home or out of place? Comfortable or ill at ease? Were there any difficulties? Weird situations? Use this section to make sure you pay attention to your own role in the experience. 

2. Your second paragraph (a short one; approximately 100-150) should describe in general terms the social setting that you visited.

3. In the remaining paragraphs (totaling approximately 500-600 words), drawing on the field notes attached, you should concisely analyze how you observed race, white racism, and/or racial inequality manifest itself in Southwest Florida. This may or may not require you to take an inter-sectional approach (e.g. how race interacted with class and/or gender or another social identity). You should cite at least 3 distinct readings (from different authors) in support of your analysis from the ATTACHED READINGS. PLEASE do Not cite outside sources.

Financial Metrics Project

JOHNSON & JOHNSON is the company to be used in the project.  The student will determine for the company, its cash flow, growth rate, and discount rate. The student will use a discounted cash flow technique as well as relative valuation for determining the value of the companys common stock.     

The specific components of the assignment should include:
1.    A discussion of how the cash flow, growth rate, and discount rate were determined.
2.    Implementation of the discounted cash flow valuation method.
3.    A description of why the comparable companies were selected for implementation of the relative valuation method.
4.    Implementation of the relative valuation method.
5.    Recommendation of whether or not the companys stock should be bought

NB. Use the GuruFocus screenshots of Johnson & Johnson to find the necessary financial numbers for the project.

Attached below is a sample and an example of Tiffany & Co. of the calculations and methods for the valuation and relative valuation method.

policy paper should analyze a topic where you see the need for change in the health care process

Writing a policy paper is different from other academic papers which may be simply researching on a topic. Your policy paper should analyze a topic where you see the need for CHANGE in the health care process this is the most important message. And introduce your potential SOLUTION with justifications.  The policy change can be a topic you have experienced in your workplace, heard about through the media, have experienced first-hand, or any type of health care change you feel passionate to advocate for.Length of your paper should be 2,000 to 2,500 words in APA format. The word count does not include citations or the title page.

T6 W8 D1 R2

Peer Responses:
    Length: A minimum of 150 words per post, not including references
    Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA per post from within the last 5 years
    Citations need to be within 5 (Five)  years
    Context: Nursing in the USA


T6 W8 D1 R2

            Pressure injuries and ulcers are very important to keep discussing because of their commonality, ease of being acquired amongst our vulnerable populations, and associated complications. Pressure ulcer damages from my experience can develop very quickly and complicate a patients condition severely. In Dlugasch and Story (2021) it is mentioned how pressure injuries can even result in as fast as one hour for some. They are also very expensive to treat and painful.

As for the pathophysiology of pressure injuries and ulcers, unrelieved and applied pressure against tissues, from ones own bones or devices, and reperfusion injury is involved. When pressure exceeds skin arteriolar pressure of 32 mmHg, hypoxia occurs (Dlugasch & Story, 2021). If this pressure isnt frequently relieved, for adequate perfusion to be restored, necrosis occurs. Often by this point, skin tissues die and slough off. The longer the pressure sustains, the more tissue becomes involved. Normally however, one frequently moves and constantly repositions themselves, even if it isnt noticed; therefore, avoiding pressure injuries without realizing it. Affected tissue, previously pale due to pressure cutting off circulation, might then be pink and have blanchable redness as reperfusion occurs; non-blanchable redness however might represent affected and dying tissue. Furthermore, pressure injuries also occur within the body over several tissue layers receiving increased pressure over a bony area. For example, when one sits, 300 mmHg of pressure is applied over the ischial tuberosities and onto surrounding tissues (Dlugasch & Story, 2021). Again, one might not realize it, but they often move and reposition their weight; constantly reperfusing tissues before they necrotize. One unable to reposition their weight and restore timely perfusion however, will develop necrosis in affected and deeper tissues. Additionally, the pathophysiology of pressure injuries also involves reperfusion injury (Dlugasch & Story, 2021). When reperfusion is restored, inflammation and reactive oxygen species further damage cellular membranes leading to further cellular death.

Lastly, the development of pressure injuries depend on various health factors, which is why some are more affected than others. Those developing pressure ulcers often have underlying diseases affecting circulation, have sensation impairments from neuropathies, cognitive or motor issues impairing mobility, and malnutrition making any wound healing more difficult than normally.

Dlugasch, L., & Story, L. (2021). Applied pathophysiology for the advanced practice nurse. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

T6 W8 D1 R1

Peer Responses:
    Length: A minimum of 150 words per post, not including references
    Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA per post from within the last 5 years
    Citations need to be within 5 (Five)  years
    Context: Nursing in the USA


T6 W8 D1 R1

The pathophysiology of acne vulgaris is complex, with both internal and external triggers characterized by increased sebum production and abnormal desquamation of epithelial cells; this condition develops initially with the formation of microcomedo that obstructs the follicular canal, which is aggravated by the fusion of  corneocytes and hyperkeratosis of the follicular lining resulting in keratin and sebum formation in the follicle (Well, 2018). In addition, the process of acne vulgaris formation continues with the obstruction by the plug also called comedone that triggers the inflammatory process, the sebaceous gland duct and the cells continue to pack into the follicle, the plug expands behind a small follicular opening to the skin resulting in distension of the follicle and formation of a closed comedone, dilating the pores, and reopening the plug, and the final result is the formation of blackhead (Well, 2018). Acne vulgaris is caused by Propionibacterium that lives in the pilosebaceous follicle, originates from the normal flora of the skin and it causes inflammation  and irritation associated with acne vulgaris; hormonal changes such as menses, testosterones, sex hormones, androgen hormones, polycystic ovarian syndromes, medications like Litium, phenytoin, cosmetics products, tight clothing and under garments can all contribute to acne vulgariS as external factors (Well, 2018). Acne vulgaris pathophysiology mechanism follows four common steps including formation of excessive keratin in the hair follicles, overproduction of of sebum by the hair follicles, invasion of the bacteria called Propionibacterium that is part of the skin normal flora, and the inflammatory process; and acne vulgaris is generally noted on the face, neck, shoulders, trunk, arms, legs and buttocks, varying in severity (Dlugasch, Story, 2021). Overall, Acne Vulgaris affects over 65 millions people worldwide with physical, psychological, financial, esthetic impacts on the patients; usually diagnosed with history and physical examination and treated based on the severity using medications such as Azelaic acid, Salicylic acid, Benzoyl Peroxide; alternative therapies such as tea tree oil, brewers Yeast, micro dermal and laser therapies; diet and proper hygiene (Dlugasch, Story, 2021).
Dlugasch, L; Story, L. (2021). Applied Pathophysiology for the Advanced Practice Nurse. P. 658-660.
Well, D. (2018). Lippincott William & Wilkins. Acne Vulgaris: A review of causes and Treatment of Options. p.1-8

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose two paintings from the lesson that use different media but which are from the same century. Compare and contrast the effects that each painting exemplifies. This written analysis of each painting should include terminology from Lesson 2. What Elements of Art (Chapter 4) and Principles of Design (Chapter 5) are exhibited in each work? Your response should incorporate at least five specific Elements of Art and at least two Principles of Design.

nutritional documentary

There are 2 parts to this assignment.  Please read below for details.  Email me with questions!

Part One: Research
Watch a nutritional documentary of your choice.  Examples of films include, Forks Over Knives, Super Size Me, The Magic Pill, and/or Cooked. Please list the resources used at the end of your completed essay. 

Part Two: Documentary Essay
What you must include in your essay…
1. Discuss two to three of the main concerns addressed in the documentary? Do you agree with them? Why or why not?

2. Discuss at least five things you evaluate when determining if information is coming from a valid and reliable source.

3. Using the methods discussed in question two:
  a) What was your overall opinion on the quality of the information provided in this film? In your response you should specifically address the resources used. 

  b) Did you think the information was factual?  How did you determine if the information was fact or opinion?

Please Note:
Teacher note; Do not simply summarize the documentary. I want to see that you can work through the information presented to determine what might be opinion and what might be valid scientific evidence.  I do want to emphasize that this is an essay, so I want your information to flow nicely and to be in paragraph form.