Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Narrative Criticism


Narrative criticism

Do not use words  VERY or EXTREMELY!

2500 words!

To assist you in understanding how rhetors respond to rhetorical situations with stories full of characters, deeds, and settings


Music video: Tupac : Dear mama

Use a music video that conveys a story

Describe how the written, visual or lyrical story functions as a narrative guide to belief and behavior for its intended audience

Evaluate the rhetors success in persuading the audience to become an active participant in the creation of the story

Make sure you are using the theory to analyze the story and not just describing the plot.

Narrative criticism studies rhetors response to rhetorical situations through the creation of symbols that tell a story of characters, their deeds and the setting where deeds take place

Elements that form narrative consist characters, theme, plot, setting.

Talk about Main conflict and structure.

probable qualities (cohesion):

Is it consistent (make sense by itself)


Analysis of Narrative Form  (5 points)

Characters + Setting = Plot

Theme (meaning of narrative)



Change of Fortune (Peripeteia)

Narrative Voice






Captures and holds audience attention 

Creates identification between characters and audience

Stirs audience values

Forces audience out of their point of view



Occurs in natural time line  

Includes characterization  

Presents details


Not obviously argumentative –



NEVER comment on the principle or message you want the audience to walk away with



Does the narrative spring from larger story?

Step 1

Analyze Narrative Form

Identify the characters and what they represent

Identify the setting and what it represents

Sketch the plot pattern and identify the points of conflict

Explain how the characters, setting and plot reveal the theme

Analysis of Narrative Function  (5 points)

Step 2

Analyze Narrative Function

How does narrative energize the audience?

How does it create a sense of identification between characters, the narrator and the audience?

How does it transport the audience into a different place and time to obtain new perspective?

How does it tap into the basic values or needs of the audience to produce an emotional response?


Analysis of Form and Function Linkage  (10 points)

Step 3

Link Form & Function to Reveal Argument

What makes the story form choices compelling?

How does it fulfill the four narrative functions?

What makes the narrative credible for a particular audience?

Paper Style Guide

No names, page numbers or other headers or footers

Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1.5 spacing (no extra space between paragraphs)

1 margins all around with margins full justified

No very or extremely

Interesting Introduction

Clear statement of purpose telling the reader where you are going

Artifact being analyzed

Reason for selecting

Research question not focused on individual artifact

Contribution to larger theory

Describe Artifact

Brief overview or summary plot, major arguments, situation, lyrics, etc.

Context place artifact in time and place

Describe Method of Analysis  (Unit of Analysis = Rhetorical Theory/Method)

Key concepts

Procedures and assumptions

Appropriateness for research question

Report Findings

Results of analysis individual interpretation of artifact

Offer evidence for claims samples from artifact

Data leads to conclusions argue the relationship that exists between them


Summarize conclusions and interpretations in respect to research question

Comment on importance of findings for further research

Reference Citations 

APA or MLA reference style

Benchmark – Nursing Process: Approach to Care

The nursing process is a tool that puts knowledge into practice. By utilizing this systematic problem-solving method, nurses can determine the health care needs of an individual and provide personalized care.

Write a paper (1,750-1950 words) on cancer and approach to care based on the utilization of the nursing process. Include the following in your paper:

1 Describe the diagnosis and staging of cancer.
2 Describe at least three complications of cancer, the side effects of treatment, and methods to lessen physical and psychological effects.
3 Discuss what factors contribute to the yearly incidence and mortality rates of various cancers in Americans.
4 Explain how the American Cancer Society (ACS) might provide education and support. What ACS services would you recommend and why?
5 Explain how the nursing process is utilized to provide safe and effective care for cancer patients across the life span. Your explanation should include each of the five phases and demonstrate the delivery of holistic and patient-focused care.
6 Discuss how undergraduate education in liberal arts and science studies contributes to the foundation of nursing knowledge and prepares nurses to work with patients utilizing the nursing process. Consider mathematics, social and physical sciences, and science studies as an interdisciplinary research area.
You are required to cite to a minimum of four sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide,  An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric.

vision statement in education

A 3-page Vision Statement Project
      A vision statement includes your position towards working for change in education (broadly). Additionally, each vision statement will include three concrete goals that illustrate the ways that students, as emerging leaders in their respective fields, will work for equity and justice for cross- cultural communication within their spheres of influence
      Your written version of the vision statement must include: a written version of the vision statement, drawing from and citing at least two course readings and a list and description of the three goals that students have set including a discussion of how they will work, within their spheres of influence, to meet and exceed these goals.


The following case studies detail an outcome associated with a disease or organ malfunction:

Select ONE study to investigate further for your assignment.

Critically evaluate the information provided, and correlate it with the organ systems that are affected in the scenario. Use the information that you have gathered to answer the assignment questions that follow the case study. Present your work as an APA-formatted research report.

Case Study 1:

Atherosclerosis is narrowing of the arteries caused by the accumulation of fatty deposits on the arterial walls. On June 22, 2002, the St. Louis Cardinals were preparing for their upcoming baseball game against the Chicago Cubs. Concern arose when their prized pitcher, 33-year old Darryl Kile did not show up for practice. Soon after, he was found still in his hotel room where he had suddenly died in his sleep (New York Times, 2002). It was discovered that the cause of death was related to three of his coronary arteries being 8090% blocked as a result of atherosclerosis (New York Times, 2002), which ultimately caused him to suffer a heart attack.

Answer the following 3 questions in regard to this case study:

Provide a description of how the heart functions. Based on this, explain why atherosclerosis would result in a heart attack.
How are arteries different from veins and capillaries? Describe the functions of arteries, veins, and capillaries.
Vertebrates and some invertebrates have a closed circulatory system. Describe each of these. Explain the advantage of having a closed circulatory system over an open circulatory system.
Case Study 2:

Cigarette smoking remains the leading preventable cause of death in the United States, causing an estimated 438,000 deathsor about 1 out of every 5 smokerseach year (Woloshin, Schwartz, & Welch, 2008).

Mr. Amos is 57 years old and has been smoking for the past 30 years of his life. A recent doctor’s visit revealed that Mr. Amos has stage-3 lung cancer, characterized by his symptoms of nagging chest pain, fatigue, coughing up blood, substantial weight loss, and increased carbon dioxide levels in his blood. The doctor informed Mr. Amos that had he quit his smoking habit several years ago, he would have reduced his risk for developing lung cancer later in life. Mr. Amos immediately began treatment for the lung cancer that had metastasized to his lymph nodes.

Answer the following 3 questions regarding this case study:

Briefly describe the respiratory system. What main components in cigarettes affect the respiratory system? Explain the effect of 2 compounds on specific organs, cells, and processes in the respiratory system.
There are alternate mechanisms of transporting carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) in the blood. Explain how smoking might lead to increased levels of carbon dioxide in the blood.
Can smoking affect other organ systems of the body? Give specific examples, and briefly explain your answer.
Follow these guidelines for your APA research paper:
Utilize at least 2 credible sources to support the arguments presented in the paper. Make sure you cite them appropriately within your paper, and list the references in APA format on your Reference page.
In accordance with APA formatting requirements, your paper should include an Abstract, Title, and Reference page; should be double-spaced; and should include a running head and page numbers. Your paper should be 23 pages in length, not counting the Title page, Abstract, and Reference page.

Global Business of Apple INC.

For this final written assignment, students are expected to write a 10-15 page paper on a company that does business internationally. 

Key aspects to review are the following:

1. How are the geographical differences in the company’s international business influenced by the geographic region and how does it play a significant role in consumer behavior?

2.  How does the company deal with doing business in foreign markets regarding employee hiring and engagement?

3.  What are some of the difficulties in handling international business and good relations among employees of different cultures?

4.  What role does digital marketing in international business growth?

5.  What are the different aspects and factors of consumer behavior analysis for international business?

6.  What are the roles of human resource management team in management of business in a foreign country?  Differences in laws and regulations in doing business internationally.

7.  How is branding of the product differ in the countries in which they do business?

8.  How does the company ensure success of their business across international boundaries in regards to rival companies in the country?

9.  How does marketing differ on the international market differ from domestic marketing?

10.  How are the international policies of a business doing business internationally differ from domestic business?

5 sources

Project: Final Paper: Questions and Controversies in Clinical Psychopharmacology

For this Final Paper, consider controversies you encountered throughout this course or that surround your personal or professional experience that you have a desire to address. Select a question or controversy that involves the intersection of psychopharmacological treatment and the mental health profession.

Possible topics for the Final Paper include:

Something that is currently occurring in your community
Something that is currently occurring in a given population
A problem identified in the media
A controversy discussed in scholarly journals
A controversy about a specific diagnosis
Investigate online and in the Walden Library to select full-text, peer-reviewed articles to support your Final Paper. You may also consider interviewing an identified expert in the field.

For this Final Paper Assignment, review the Final Paper Guidelines and Final Paper Rubric found in the Course Information section of the course.

Your Final Paper should incorporate any feedback you received from your Instructor. The Final Paper should be a minimum of 1213 pages in length, not including the title page, abstract, or references. The Final Paper should include at least 10 references.

By Day 7

The Final Paper should include:

An analysis of the question or controversy you selected including central arguments for various sides of the controversy
An explanation of how the question or controversy relates to clinical applications as a helping professional
An explanation of how you might reconcile the question or controversy in your current or future professional role
Bibliography of resources
Follow proper APA format guidelines and use your Learning Resources and your personal research to support your paper.

my favorite country

please write china as main idea for this essay. and this essay is personal experience. not research paper

What Are You Talking About? 

Traveling is a kind of activity, which almost all people love. For someone, it is an opportunity to relax and abstract from everyday busy life. For others, it is interesting to observe the way people of other cultures and mentality live. Some people consider it to be the best way to have fun.

    2.    Why Are You Interested in It?

We choose traveling as a topic because we all know about travel. Travel is an incredible thing, and every trip must leave us some happy and terrible memories. I believe our team members have traveled to a lot of places, and there must be something memorable in every place. It is interesting that our members can share travel experiences and collect them as bulleted points of what we have learned during the trip; why we like to travel and where we recommend you go.

    3.  How Will You Be Presenting It?
    We will be presenting our topic by using a slideshow format, and each of our group members will be reporting a different city or country that we will be traveling or we did travel. We choose using slideshow because it is an easier, clear, and convenient way to report information to the audiences, and we can report it in order by each step, so we will not be messed up. And also slideshow can include pictures or video links to show and make it a more integrated understanding for the audiences.

    4.  What Do You Want the Audience/Reader to Take Away?
    At the end of our presentation, we would like to persuade our audience to consider traveling and explore the world. Our group consists of travelers and we have been all around the world. For example, China, Dubai, Australia and those are just some of the places we traveled to. We want to provide information to those who have not traveled out of the United States before and let them know what it’s like outside of the states. We know that there are many people who are afraid to travel out of their country but we can assure you that it is safe and will provide information for them to stay safe. In the end, we want our audience to explore and experience what our planet offers.

communication artical reading assignment

there will be 3 reading assignment from 500-750 words, you can choose any three topics that you are comfortable with in the last page website links and write about. Please use some communication study concepts, and please separate the three assignments in the doc with title thanks!

“Seeing” Race in Southwest Florida – Paper

All reports should be 750-1000 words and must contain these distinct parts:

1. Your report title should tell where you visited and when.

2. In the first paragraph (only the first paragraph; approximately 150-250
words), briefly describe your experience of participant observation. How did you react to the experience, subjectively, and how might that have influenced your perceptions and analysis? Were you engaged? In wonder? Vexed? Embarrassed? Bored? Confused? Did you feel at home or out of place? Comfortable or ill at ease? Were there any difficulties? Weird situations? Use this section to make sure you pay attention to your own role in the experience.

3. Your second paragraph (a short one; approximately 100-150) should describe in general terms the social setting that you visited.

4. In the remaining paragraphs (totaling approximately 500-600 words), drawing on your field notes, you should concisely analyze how you observed race, white racism, and/or racial inequality manifest itself in Southwest Florida. This may or may not require you to take an intersectional approach (e.g. how race interacted with class and/or gender or another social identity). You should cite at least 3 distinct course readings (from different authors) in support of your analysis.

****** Mandatory Formatting Requirements for Seeing Race in Southwest Florida Paper ******
1. Papers must be submitted via Canvas
2. 750-word min./1000-word max. (about 3-4 pgs.) not including any references you may
have; you may exceed the page length requirement by 100 words if you find it necessary to do so. Otherwise, papers that exceed 1100 words or do not meet the 1000-word minimum requirement will incur a penalty
3. Provide a title and a subtitle
4. 12 point, Times New Roman font
5. Double-spaced
6. 1-inch margins on all sides (This is not
necessarily the default setting)
7. Pages numbers
8. APA format should be used for any
outside references that you use and for in- text citations. The following website will be helpful if you are unfamiliar with APA Style: resource/560/01/
9. All papers must include the following information: Name, Date, Course, Semester, Instructor (single spaced at the top left of the paper)


Organizational and Opreational Plans- Carvana

The company you will be using is CARVANA

The purpose of this assignment is to assess the effectiveness of a company’s operational and organizational strategies and processes.

Previously, your CLC group conducted an extensive assessment of your selected firm’s external and internal environment and of the elements influencing both. Reflect on this research and analysis as you move forward assessing the next steps for the firm and how to increase value for the shareholders and stakeholders involved. This question of value is largely influenced by the firm’s ability to be optimally organized and operated.

Compose a written assessment of your selected firm’s organizational strategies and operational processes, evaluating what changes need to be made and what procedures need to be maintained in order to outfit the firm for increasing success.

Address each of the following issues in a 1,250-1,500-word paper:

    How does the current organizational and operational structure, including the system of corporate governance, benefit the firm? How does the current organizational and operational system challenge the firm’s success? What would have to change to reverse how structural issues are impeding the firm’s success?
    How might the firm benefit from a strategic alliance? What are the risks of a strategic alliance and how might those risks be managed?
    How might the firm utilize a business-level cooperative strategy to create a competitive advantage? Of the four business-level cooperative strategies presented in section 9-2 of the textbook, which is most likely to be of significant value to your team’s firm? Why? What are the risks associated with this strategy and how might they be managed?
    What internal governance mechanisms would you propose to monitor managers’ decision making?
    Section 11-2 of the textbook states that strategy and structure have a reciprocal relationship. Explain how this is true within your selected firm. If it is not true, how might the situation be changed for the better?