Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Leadership theory

Assignment Content

Search the internet and review various leadership theories such as transformational, transactional, autocratic, and laissez-faire.
Identify their implications related to school improvement.
Select one of these theories, or one of your choosing with instructor approval, to research further.
Write a paper in which you discuss the major points of this theory and its strengths and possible issues related to facilitating school improvement.
Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment.

Cultivating Social Change Through Our Practice

This final project encompasses a comprehensive reflection on: a) your practice as a teacher/educator; b) knowing your students; and c) the thoughtful selection of literature and instructional materials, to help you and your students understand social issues that impact their self-perceptions and their life opportunities. You will write a 5-7 pages (double-spaced) paper addressing the following:


Describe your classroom artifacts and room configuration. Is student work presented? Is wall dcor motivational? Do artifacts in your classroom show you to be an equity-oriented teacher?
What can you still add or change to reflect and promote equity and social change among your students?
Choose a poster, lithography, photography, illustration, etc. that you may want to add as part of your classroom dcor as a source to ignite interaction, empower your students, and promote equity and retention. Explain your choice.

Describe how you are trying to structure your interactions, so they will make your students feel safe in your classroom.
State what you do to motivate your students and to promote their self-confidence by setting high expectations and building alliances with them
What kind of feedback do you give to your students on their assignments?
Do you have classroom interactions regarding college, jobs, or professions? Explain
What can you do to assist your colleagues to understand the impact of their classroom talk and interactions?
Literature and Materials:

Do you use literature or artifacts in your instruction that promotes your students empathy for others and desire for social change? Explain
Choose one childrens picture book or young adult chapter book (that you had never read or heard of before this course). You can choose from the list or website below, or any other source. Write about ways the book can help you encourage discussions of social realities, empower students, promote empathy, and cultivate social change.


They called us Enemy by George Takei

Inside out and back again by Thanhha Lai

A different pond by Bao Phi and Thi Bui

Dreamers by Yuyi Morales

Nowhere boy by Katherine Marsh


What about me?: A book by and for an autism sibling by Brennan Farmer and

Mandy Farmer

Special siblings: Growing up with a sibling who has special needs by Jessica


Something to say about stuttering by Eden Molineaux

Out of my mind by Sharon M. Draper

Fish in a tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt

My brother Charlie by Holly Robinson Peete

A friend like Simon by Kate Gaynot

Little big sister by Amy McCoy

Social Diversities

We are family by Patricia Hegarty

Listening with my heart by Gabi Garcia

Through my eyes by Ruby Bridges and Margo Lundell

The story of Ruby Bridges: Special anniversary edition by Robert Coles

Last stop on market street by Matt De La Pea

The invisible boy by Trudy Ludwig

Other possibilities –  website from Loyola University:



Synthesize what you have learned from this course and what tasks lie ahead for you as you work to incorporate this learning into your classroom practice.
See Rubric

6005 W3 DB

please research and respond to the following:

In PMIs Pulse of the Profession: Requirements Management, a PMI study showed that the primary cause (47%) of unsuccessful projects is poor requirements management.

Explain the role of scope definition and effective project scope management on the success of a project.
Please outline best practice components of an effective project Scope Statement.

klu klux klan

Since you are studying Human Behavior it comes in all shapes and sizes especially bad behavior. The goal of this project is to change the focus and examine group dynamics in fact groups who commit violent acts. You will need to choose a group which has been designated a threat to domestic security or homegrown terrorists. You will be required to complete a complete a threat assessment and in the final analysis determine if the group is a threat to the internal security of this country as well as the President of the United States.

Your threat assessment will examine the history of the group. Their motives for being in existence. You must also identify their current leadership and founders of the organization. Examine the literature that they use to spread their word and the message especially the underlying message. Determine where they are based and if they have a compound where they live and practice. Examine the members and their philosophies. Do they use religion as the basis for their belief system? Look for meaningful anniversary dates and why they are significant to this group. Examine what crimes they have been involved in and the motives for those crimes. Examine the changing demographics in this country and determine if this is fueling the current surge in your group. Look for the profile of the members and if you can how many members. Finally, detail how this group is or is not a future threat to the internal security of this country and detail why or why not they threat to the President of the United States. I understand that this speculation and projection but it is based on research.

Use the lecture on Threat Assessment to assist you but this needs to be a research paper in APA format at least 2000 words. You can use whatever sources you deem necessary except Wikipedia, Ehow, or encyclopedias of any kind.. If you can find it you might want to get your hands on a copy of The Turner Diaries to assist you in your research.  “Its fictional but very enlightening.

I am also attaching an outline to help you as a guide to writing the paper.

Critical Research Analysis

4 pages not including Abstract.
READ ALL my notes and follow rubric word for word!!!!
I have a word doc attached I want it following that, when I get it back I want the work back with the information I put on that doc even the red writing I want to see you answer all those red writing

artwork requires drawing

Museum Trip:
Virtual visit to the MFA Boston –
Paper: (0-70 points)

7 Page Paper: On an world known artwork from a museum you visited during the class.

Cover page # 1 Include: Museum, Artist, Title, Medium (Material), Date, and Size & A Photo of the Artwork

Pages # 2-6 On the selected artwork and its meaning, write an analysis of the artwork using at least 20 of the vocabulary words, add an artists biography  as well as his or her art movement or art – period and their artistic style

Page # 7  Sources

Artwork: (0-30 points)

Artwork – Your Drawing of the art work. Create a master copy. It must be skillful showing  time and effort.

Take a photo of your artwork

0-69 – no credit

70-79 -1 point on final grade

80-89 – 2 points on your final grade

90-100 – 3 points on your final grade

please see instructions

Please answer the following questions after reading the attached files:
1. How would you compare the Gossamer Journals representation of love and marriage with the varied representations of the love relationship in Ise? (for this question about Ise is the pictures attached named from 50 to 80)
2. How would you compare Gossamer and Pillow Books view of flirtation and romance? Do their representations of love (flirtation, romance) and marriage overlap, or are there substantial differences?  Do the texts share the same degree of emphasis and focus on marriage? If so, how? If not, match up the resonating similarities and chart the differences.
3. After reading The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon how would you characterize Sei Shonagons taste and sensibility? Can we define her judgment and basis for appraisal? Do we agree with her judgements? Disagree? Where and when (cite specific pages and passages)  Do you think she would be fun to hang out with?


The company being used for the calculations and analysis is CARVANA which is a publicly trades comapny.

The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate the financial condition and performance of the firm you and your CLC group members have selected for analysis.

Refer to Tables A-1 through A-5 in Appendix II of the text for the operational definitions of and formulas for numerous common financial ratios, including profitability, liquidity, leverage, activity, and shareholders’ return. Using these formulas, complete at least one ratio from each of the five categories, though you may apply as many of the ratios for which you can find the required information in the firm’s financial reports. On your calculations page, specify for which formulas you are solving.

In an assessment of approximately 750 words, address the following:

    Determine which of the ratios provide the most key insights into the firm’s current level of performance. How can you assess whether the results of your calculations are positive or negative? Explain which of the ratios give you reason to be concerned with the organization’s current strategy and why.
    The Organizational and Operational Plans assignment references the possible benefits and risks of forming a strategic alliance. What would be the risks of forming a strategic alliance in terms of the firm’s profitability ratios? Which of those five ratios is most likely to reveal immediate information for analysis of the alliance’s effectiveness?
    Considering today’s financial climate, how likely is it that the organization could acquire the capital necessary to support an aggressive value-enhancement strategy? From where would that capital originate? Compared to current interest rates, what do you believe is a realistic interest rate the firm might incur? Which of the liquidity ratios will be impacted by the influx of capital, if borrowed?

Submit your calculations with your written response.

You will be required to incorporate instructor feedback from this paper into the Assessing and Managing Risk assignment in Topic 7.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

response to Kim Iryop, see general information for grading criteria.
(Reflections of a Zen Buddhist Nun: Essays by Zen Master Kim Iryop)
description of assignment:

Students will critically engage the readings in four response papers (minimum length of 300 words). A minimum of two sources is required. For each response paper, choose one quote from the course reading, give the full citation of the quote, explain the quote and its relevance for the respective topic. Develop a coherent argument from your sources and try to articulate an insight that came to you in the process of your reading.

A good paper focuses on one main thesis, which it introduces in a separate introduction and systematically develops in the main body of the paper. If you have any questions consult the instructor or a writing manual at the reference desk of the library. Academic citation of quotations and a separate bibliography are required.

First drafts and revisions PRIOR to the due date are encouraged.

Grading: Assuming that the response paper fulfills the formal requirements of academic work, following criteria apply: (1) format, (2) content (the paper is factually correct and relates to the reading in question), (3) development (the paper develops one idea systematically), (4) the paper formulates one insight (an application or an illustration of the idea of your choice). A: 4/4, B: 3/4, C: 2/4, D: 1/4.


This week in the course materials, we are covering a number of activities included within the initiation & planning process groups, such as the creation of the project charter and drafting an initial scope statement.

For this week’s discussion thread, I want you to discuss the role of the project manager and team in the creation of these documents and other planning related items.

After completing the lecture and course readings for this week and thinking back on your own experiences, what is the role of the project manager and team for creating the project charter and completing an initial draft of the scope statement? Is it important for the project manager to be leading the drafting of the charter document? Who should the project manager be working with when creating the charter?  Be sure to provide specific information and a well-reasoned rationale for your position.

Please note:  I expect a minimum of 2 -3 paragraphs for your initial post complete with external references. Your response postings are expected to be at least a full paragraph using cited material.