Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

SPSS Exercise Descriptive Statistics

Please download the assignment instructions RSM701 Week7 SPSS assignment.doc

Part I concerns descriptive stats and Part II inferential stats. Copy and paste your output into a Word document and write up your findings in APA statements. Be sure to number and label your figures in Part II. Make sure you spend most of your time writing up the results section of the assignment, as this is the most important part.

Please be sure to keep in the questions as your assignment will be returned if you do not answer the first ten questions in Q&A format. Submit your assignment by clicking on the assignment title.


Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discuss in no more than 10 sentences your stand about Fecal Microbiota Transplant. Cite at least 2-3 researches about the topic.

In your discussion the following must be answered; but do not answer the following in a bullet form.

-Which is more effective, giving pharmaceutical drugs or fecal transplant?

-What are the mechanisms applied for both approaches and what will happen to the digestive system if the patient receives fecal transplant or pharmaceutical drugs.

-Is fecal transplant applicable to all,?why or why not?

workplace issues

MN506 unit 6 DB

Choose one topic from the following list and evaluate how the chosen topic impacts your role as an advanced practice nurse. What are the legal implications related to your role? Analyze how understanding of the chosen topic will impact your future role as an advanced practice nurse.

Choose one:

*Employer and employee rights
*American with Disabilities Act
*Employment contracts and unionization
*Corporate liability
*Sexual harassment in the workplace
*Employees with AIDS/HIV and exposure to bloodborne pathogens
*Environmental health and safety


Read the scenario and respond to the checklist items based on the Reading and Learning Activities.

Scenario: Lee is the owner of Lees [business type selected by your instructor], which is located in the city closest to where you live. Lee has now hired you to design the basic components of a marketing strategy for her business.


Instructions: Summarize a marketing strategy for Lees addressing each part. You can view Parts 13 you completed in Unit 1 concerning the mission, situation analysis, and marketing objectives. This week you will complete Parts 46 below to submit your final Assignment to the Unit 2 Dropbox.


  Part 4: Marketing Strategy

Describe the target market strategy for Lees business. Paint a very clear picture of who Lee will be targeting for her product. For example: Appealing to an entire market, concentrating on one particular segment, or multiple market segments.
Explain the four strategies for growth: market penetration, market development, product development, and diversification. How can Lee use market penetration to increase her sales? Explain.
Briefly describe your marketing mix strategy: product (size, colors, packaging, use, etc.), place or distribution method, pricing, and promotion.
  Part 5: Implementation

Using the concepts from the text, explain how you will turn your plan into a reality. For example: Detailed job assignments and activity descriptions.
  Part 6: Evaluation

Using the concepts from the text, describe how will you evaluate your marketing strategy.
Access the Unit 2 Assignment rubric.

Respond in a minimum of 3 pages: 1 pages (350 words) for Parts 13 and 1 pages (350 words) for Parts 46 in a Microsoft Word document with additional title and reference pages using the current APA format and citation style. Your paper should include headings, an introduction, and a conclusion.

Submit the Assignment to the Unit 2 Dropbox.

Disclaimer: This exercise may include actual companies and brand names solely for instructional purposes; this exercise is not associated with any such actual company or brand name. All trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.

analyse for 30 articles that talk about (stakeholder)

paper will be about stakeholder according to ?public relations new approaches? course 1- I want to talk about stakeholder according to ?public relations new approaches? course that will be talked about stakeholder from the public relations image/ point of view. 2- research paper will be an analyse for previous literature ?just article? about ?stakeholder? . literature means that display every article which talked about ?stakeholder? idea. that will be with referring to every article as a website that i can download it. 3- previous literature ( articles) will be two sections, first one articles talked about the idea (stakeholders) in general . And the second is about articles that talked about the idea according to public relations as a specific field. 4- the explanation will be detailed. with important details in every article. in addition to i want to link article content with literature that talks about public relations and it?s role in the modern age. . 5- In the end of paper I want to mention detailed student opinion and what he understood and recommendations. details : 1- fast look about stake holder in general and mention the articles that talk about it . 2- according to public relations and mention to articles that talk about it in addition to talk about all the articles briefly course name is ? public relations- new approaches? NOTE::: references/ literature will be just ((articles)) that suppose to talk about ?stakeholder?. that course homework is about articles that talk about ?stakeholder? subject articles No. will be: 30 articles. ————————- The work will be like the attached file but i would like to link between the articles as a story , to match between articles contents that articles complete each other to create the literature .
there will be 30 source .. minimum

Components of a good school require parental involvement, good teachers, and leadership

I do not need a reference sheet or bibliography.  The focus is to write and essay on three components of what makes a good school.  I chose parental involvement, good teachers, and great leadership.

I will upload the documents with the detailed instructions for your review.

Thank you

managerial economics

Chapter 17: Making Decisions With Uncertainty
17-2 Game Show Uncertainty
In the final round of a TV game show, contestants have a chance to increase their current winnings of $1 million to $2 million. If they are wrong, their prize is decreased to $500,000. A contestant thinks his guess will be right 50 percent of the time. Should he play? What is the lowest probability of a correct guess that would make playing profitable?

Chapter 18: Auctions
18-4 Asset Auctions in Sweden
In Sweden, firms that fail to meet their debt obligations are immediately auctioned off to the highest bidder. (There is no reorganization through Chapter 11 bankruptcy.) The current managers are often the high bidders for the company. Why?

Chapter 19: The Problem of Adverse Selection
19-1 Leasing Residuals
In the late 1990s, car leasing was very popular in the United States. A customer would lease a car from the manufacturer for a set term, usually two years, and then have the option of keeping the car. If the customer decided to keep the car, the customer would pay a price to the manufacturer, the “residual value,” computed as 60 percent of the new car price. The manufacturer would then sell the returned cars at auction. In 1999, the manufacturer lost an average of $480 on each returned car (the auction price was, on average, $480 less than the residual value).

A. Why was the manufacturer losing money on this program?

B. What should the manufacturer do to stop losing money?

Chapter 20: The Problem of Moral Hazard
20-1 Extended Warranties
Your product fails about 2 percent of the time, on average. Some customers purchase the extended warranty you offer in which you will replace the product if it fails. Would you want to price the extended warranty at 2 percent of the product price? Discuss both moral hazard and adverse selection issues.

20-3 Locator Beacons for Lost Hikers
Lightweight personal locator beacons are now available to hikers that make it easier for the Forest Service’s rescue teams to locate those lost or in trouble in the wilderness. How will this affect the costs that the Forest Service incurs?

Froeb, L. M., McCann, B. T., Shor, M., & Ward, M. R. (2018). Managerial economics: A
problem-solving approach (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

managerial economics

Describe either an adverse selection or moral hazard problem a company is facing.What is the source of the asymmetric information? Who is the less-informed party?Are there any wealth-creating transactions not consummated as a result of the asymmetric information? If so, could you consummate them? What
advice/recommendations would you give the company?

chapter 17-20

Froeb, L. M., McCann, B. T., Shor, M., & Ward, M. R. (2018). Managerial economics: A problem-solving approach (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

financial accounting

The assignment requires the use of the Library/Internet research to locate and study written articles on any topics on financial accounting that was covered in the class. The student is required to critique, analyze, and evaluate the articles as they relate to what was learned in class by writing a four to six-page paper (12 font, double spaced, APA format).

The objective of this activity is for you to be aware of what is happening in the real world as it relates to financial accounting issues to make the study of accounting more meaningful, and to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Your paper should be a minimum of 4 typed pages, double spaced, one inch margins, 12 pt Times New Roman font. You should include a minimum of three quality peer reviewed academic sources.

Discussion Justification Essay

Writing from scratch:

I will keep sharing further information moving forward.

Assessment is in three parts (Total: 3050 words)

Part One: Discussion Forum (600 words):-

Discussion # 1 (200 words): (Request date: 25/04/2020)

Good leadership can make a difference to a centre. Which aspect sharing vision, leadership style, team-building, mentoring etc –  do you consider to be the most important and why?

Discussion # 2 (200 words): (Request date: 02/05/2020)

Reflect on your readings and your experiences, and consider which values and beliefs are the most important to you as a leader in early childhood education. Discuss why those values are important to you and how they might be integrated into the smooth running of an early childhood centre setting by a leader or a manager.

Justification (200 words):

Justify how this post added value to the discussion (no more than 200 words). The course lecturer will consider the quality of the submission in determining the final grade. (Justification (200 words) can be either on Discussion # 1 OR Discussion # 2 – choice is yours). Detailed information can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-adding_value_to_your_discussion_forum.docx

Part Two: Essay One (1700 words) Learning Outcomes: LO1, LO3

Identify and describe in detail a leadership situation that you observed in your early childhood centre (real or hypothetical). (200 words)

Critically analyse the situation by drawing on three concepts from the Course Guide. Justify your decisions about the leaders actions by linking your discussion to the course literature. (1500 words)

These are the concepts from the Course Guide to apply. Choose any three from below:

Section One: You as a Leader
1.4 Distributed Leadership -(and other styles of leadership further down)

Section Two: Leading and Managing Teams
2.1 Building Teams
2.2 Supervision, Coaching and Mentoring
2.3 Staff Development and Appraisal
2.4 Conflict Resolution

Section Three: Leading Towards Change
3.1 Values-Based Leadership
3.2 Pedagogical Leadership
3.3 Developing A Shared Vision
3.4 Management Structures in the Early Childhood Sector
3.5 Planning and Associated Strategies
3.6 Implementing, Monitoring and Reviewing

This analysis depends greatly on the leadership situation that you describe. You need to relate a situation where the leader (or leaders if that works better) works with other adults – teachers – and gets things done, or resolves an issue or makes things better by using the concepts that you want to apply to it. The situation should be written as a detailed, factual account (like giving evidence in court) as in: this happened, then this happened, then the result of that was that this happened. Thereby concentrating on the actions of the leader/s in it so that you can refer back to it in your analysis. If you don’t have enough detail of interpersonal adult relationships, then you have to dig too hard to apply what you want and make it relevant. Just check that you can easily see three things there that relate to leading other adults.

The leaders don’t have to have formal roles, anyone can lead in a situation, and if you are somehow involved, then refer to yourself as “the student teacher” so that you distance yourself a little from the critique. You should be writing in the third person here.
Your critical analysis must link to the leadership literature covered in the course, and to three concepts. There are a number of different aspects in the course that you can use to critically analyse your leadership situation most are listed in the menu of the COURSE GUIDE but you may find others. You will find course guide in uploaded documents: Instructions-Course Guide.docx.

Part Three: Essay Two (750 words) Learning Outcome: LO2

Articulate and defend your values and beliefs on leadership in the early childhood sector and your own practice as a leader, in line with your philosophy of teaching. Draw on theories and practices in the course materials to justify the elements you are defending in your philosophy of leadership.

For the second essay, we want to know what you believe about leading adults, your values and beliefs of leadership in ECE. Don’t include your teaching philosophy – just the parts that relate to leading adults, if they do. What do you think works leading adults, why, and who in the literature agrees with you (theories and practices). You can use “I believe” but your decisions must be supported by the course literature to justify you including that element in your leadership philosophy.

Learning Outcomes:

LO1: Critically review perspectives on leadership within the context of early childhood education
LO2: Critically reflect on the impact of personal values, beliefs and practices in developing a professional and ethical code of leadership within the early childhood context
LO3: Justify a range of socially and culturally appropriate leadership practices in the early childhood education context

Course required readings must be used as well as additional literature and important websites to inform the knowledge of your assessment. Course Guide is only for your knowledge. APA 6th edition reference list must be attached.

Part One – Discussion Forum: 600 Words
Part Two: Essay One: 1700 Words
Part Three: Essay Two: 750 Words
(Total Word Count: 3050 words)
*15% leeway above or below word limit


(1) This is a level 7 course so please ensure to maintain good academic presentation standards with excellent referencing throughout all the parts. Further information can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-Assessment_Presentation_Criteria.pdf

(2) My writing style is simplistic with understandable terms.

(3) No headings and sub-headings within essays. The first sentence of the paragraph is a topic sentence that states the main idea of the paragraph. The last sentence of the paragraph is a concluding sentence proving the point you are making or act as a link to the following paragraph. Further information can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-Well-constructed_paragraphs.pdf

(4) For Essay Introduction use 5% of the word count and Essay Conclusion use 10% of the word count. Further information can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-Writing_Introductions_and_Conclusions

(6) Detailed information on marking criteria can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-Criteria for Marking Presentation in Written Assessments.pdf

(5) Referencing Style: APA 6th Edition with page numbers A MUST. You need to limit your use of direct quotes and more importantly, use effective paraphrasing APA Guidelines to be followed. Further information can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-APA-Quick-Guide.pdf

(6) 100% Plagiarism free.

(7) I have set deadline for this project as 08th May but my submission is later, so we can have enough time for revisions.

(8) Humble request to have Discussion # 1 (200 words) on 25/04/2020 and Discussion # 2 (200 words) on 02/05/2020.
