Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Are you a sales person reflection paper


Describe personal selling.


A career in sales can be very lucrative and very rewarding (especially if you believe in the product you are selling). In this lesson, you learned about the personality traits needed to be a salesperson. Do you have what it takes to be successful in this profession?

1.Reflect upon what you have learned about sales in this chapter. Would you be interested in a career in sales? Begin your reflection by explaining why or why not?

2.Next, take the “What Type of Salesperson Are You?” quiz.

3.Within your reflection, describe your results from the quiz. Are you surprised by your results? Do the results of this quiz seem accurate to you? After taking this quiz, do you still agree with what you stated before taking the quiz (question one)?

seminar chapter 3

Read chapter 3 and answer the following questions.

1) Many of the textual social cues that Baym examines in this chapter are considered unprofessional by some people, for example, emojis or misspelled words. How do textual social cues change in a professional environment?

2) Baym discusses the importance of vernacular creativity literacy (p 70). What are some other markers of a person who has strong mediated communication skills? Support your answer with at least one example from one of the readings or TED talks from this course.

3) In your own words, describe why textual social cues are important.

Discussion Forum: Faith Integration Week 7

Discussion Forum: Faith Integration Week 7
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Post your first forum comment by Thursday & your responses to others’ posts by Saturday.  You must respond to at least two posts from  classmates.

There are 2 forums due each week:  Faith Integration & General Discussion. 

Posting Guidelines

The goal of these discussions is to further learning.  Always maintain an academic tone and always use text-based references
to support your comments or feedback.  Please be comprehensive in your posting.  Also, be considerate and thoughtful with your words.  We are here to learn together, therefore it is expected that we will be respectful of each other.

Week 7 Forum

13 You shall not have in your bag two kinds of weights, a large and a small. 14  You shall not have in your house two kinds of measures, a large and a small. 15 A full and fair weight you shall have, a full and fair measure you shall have, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. 16 For all who do such things, all who act dishonestly, are an abomination to the Lord your God.

— Deuteronomy 25:13-16

In Chapter 15 of our textbook, A Foundation in the Principles of Management, specifically the section on Quality from pages 298-301, explain how the passage above relates to the importance of Quality in the business environment.

Discussion Forum: General Discussion Week 7
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Post your first forum comment by Thursday & your responses to others’ posts by Saturday.  You must respond to at least two posts from  classmates.

There are 2 forums due each week:  Faith Integration & General Discussion. 

Posting Guidelines

The goal of these discussions is to further learning.  Always maintain an academic tone and always use text-based references
to support your comments or feedback.  Please be comprehensive in your posting.  Also, be considerate and thoughtful with your words.  We are here to learn together, therefore it is expected that we will be respectful of each other.

Week 7 Forum

Describe the elements in the second step of the Control Process – Comparing Actual Performance to Desired Performance explained in Chapter 14 of our textbook, A Foundation in the Principles of Management.  Provide an example of this you have witnessed yourself or read about.

Personal Learning Narrative

Please writing is based on the paragraph pitch I attached. You can definitely imagine any details, but I don’t want you to write a totally different topic than the content in this pitch. Also, please read the prompt and do the requirement including the 3 citations & relate to the topics. I’ve attached all the course readings in the files. The topics in our classes include:
– Mediation
– Context/Environment
– Unit of Analysis
– Genetic Methods
– Cognition
– Internalization
– Agency/Constraint
– History
– Socialization
– Formal/Informal learning
– Figured World
– Practice-linked identities
– Interest Development


For this assignment, you will write a 2page (single-spaced; 1500 words) narrative essay about an instance of learning (or teaching) about your particular interest (e.g. music, art, cooking, video gaming, community outreach) that took place somewhere other than a school setting. Since our final project is going to be on online spaces, if you have an experience of developing interest in online learning place,  please write about that experience. The goal is to think about how the experience contributed to your learning in ways that we dont see in classroom spaces. This is because we will continue to hone our research skills as we observe E-sites on the internet. You should be clear about how the learning happened in this place by connecting it to our course readings (at least 3 citations related to learning and development should be included). Use APA formatting and include a reference page (not included in the length requirement). If it helps to compare and contrast your learning experience to a more formal learning setting (i.e., the classroom), you can do this, but be careful! The comparative analysis may limit what you are able to say about the uncommon practices of a unique learning environment.

Questions to consider for this essay:

Where did the learning experience happen?
For whom is the learning experience meant to include? Who benefits from this learning experience? Who is the audience? For whom is it important?
Why does this learning experience happen? Whats its purpose beyond the immediate situation?
Why is this learning experience important for you?
How did learning happen during this experience? What theories of learning (from class) explain the processes of learning that occurred?
Other items to consider for this assignment:
How is the physical space (e.g. room layout, website, order of modules, etc) arranged and how does this support learning? (if applicable)
How do people engage in learning? 
What tools and materials are used during the learning experience?
Who participates in the experience, and what kinds of relationships exist between the individuals?
What kind of rules and norms of communication exist and how were these visible to you?

Memorial Hermann Healthcare System (MHHS)

The MHA 668 course has focused on the understanding of the role of healthcare administrators in the development and implementation of quality standards as part of the strategic planning process. This final paper requires research and analysis of a case study focusing on various quality improvement issues encountered by the healthcare administrator. The purpose of the assignment is to apply course concepts in the analysis and interpretation of situations in health administration.

After reviewing the details of the case study, students should complete a professional analysis paper.
Requirements: 1,500 2,000 words, APA-compliant. The page length requirement does not include the required title page and reference pages.
Recommended paper format:
Title page and page numbers
Introduction This section of the paper should provide background information of the case. This includes a brief overview of the key facts of the case. It may be necessary to use properly referenced sources to support information in this section. This component of the paper should not be lengthy but should contain enough information to create interest in the case.
Statement of the problem Define the central issue. The paper should include a concise statement of the major problem identified in the case. Many cases will involve several issues or problems. Identify the most important problems and separate them from the more trivial issues.
Causes of the problem This section provides a detailed analysis of the causes of the problem identified. Students should clearly demonstrate the use of course concepts in problem identification.
Possible solutions This section should detail a variety of solutions to the problem in addition to the ones that may be mentioned in the case. Make sure that the solution addresses the CAUSE of the problem. The analysis should address what should be done, by whom, and in what sequence. Students should also consider the pros and cons of all possible solutions.
Recommendations and Conclusions This section of the case analysis process involves making recommendations based on your analysis. Obviously, the quality of your recommendations is a direct result of the thoroughness with which you prepared the case analysis. This section of the analysis should tell why your solution and implementation will work. A major objective of this section is to show how course concepts are applied to reach a workable solution. The conclusions and recommendations should be supported by references, course readings, and lecture notes.
Christian worldview The last part of the paper should also address how your Christian worldview perspective impacts or frames your ideas and discussions related to the issues presented in the paper. This part of the assignment should be 500-750 words in length (within the paper).
Reference page Your paper must be APA-compliant. Resources for APA formatting are included in the Resources section of this module. You should have a minimum of five references (not including The Holy Bible which should not be listed on the reference page).

Article Summary

1. Sample Outline for an Argumentative Article Summary

I. Introduction

A. General topic of article

B. Authors research question or approach to the topic

II. Authors thesis

III. Main points

A. Explain some key points and how they support the thesis

B. Provide a key example or two that the author uses as evidence to support these points

IV. Conclusion

A. Review how the main points work together to support the thesis?

B. How does the author explain the significance or implications of his/her article?

2. Sample Outline for an Empirical Article Summary

I. Introduction

A. General topic of study

B. Authors research question

C. Variables and hypotheses

II. Methods

A. Participants

B. Experiment design

C. Materials used

III. Findings and discussion (could be 2 paragraphs)

A. Key results

B. Did the results support the hypotheses?

IV. Conclusion

A. Implications or applications of the study

B. Major limitations of the study

Discussion participation

Discussion Participation Instructions for the Entire Class

Step One

Review the cited source material selected by Team Four along with their posted summary and questions. Consider whether the analysis or opinion expressed in the source material is sound and persuasive. Is it based on an accurate understanding of the facts? Post a short statement with your reaction to the source material.

Step Two

Choose at least one of the questions and prepare, edit, and post a careful and thoughtful response to the question in a paragraph or two. You may cite outside sources or course materials in your response.


Please answer the following questions. Each response should be at least 1 paragraph.
1.    How is statistics used to control quality in manufacturing operations? 
2.    Why should a manager be concerned about operation reports that reveal only the “average” of sample data?  Is there a danger in making decisions based on average data, only? Why or why not?
3.    How is the concept of “probability” used in making business decisions?
4.    Statistical process control techniques are often used in manufacturing operations. Why?

Needs Analysis

Mostly the writer will need to take information that will be provided (see parentheses in notes below) and arrange in a clear and concise way with all references (APA style) and address the challenges in making changes -see last part of instructions to address this.

    Provide introduction and rationale on issue provided to the writer. in problematizing, use evidence (citations) to support 1) what the problem is, 2) why one should care, and 3) what the impact of this problem is. Then, make the case for why change (your solution) is needed. (This is already completed and will be provided to the writer)
    Then propose a solution to the problem. Use evidence to support why the solution you are proposing is well-suited to address this problem. (This will be provided to the writer)
o    You should use at least 5 sources of evidence for your outlined/proposed solution. Your solution should be supported by examples of evidence (e.g., academic case studies, prior academic research/literature, manuals, resources with measurable outcomes or findings, etc.) (Some sources will be provided to the writer)
    When thinking and writing about the stakeholders related in the project, identify both internal and external stakeholders. Include those who will be directly impacted by your change project as a stakeholder. Also include those whose helps you think you need (those you need to enroll) to make your change project successful. Try to think about all possible stakeholders, but focus on writing about those you’ve identified as being most important to your specific project. (Stakeholder will be provided to the writer)
    Be sure to write out your assumptions about what each stakeholders’ needs are, and where they might be resistant or hesitant to help. Include ideas you have about overcoming some of these hurdles or resistance. Cite resources to support, as it makes sense. Mostly the writer needs to take information that will be provided and incorporate into the paper. The paper should be 5-6 pages, However, most of the writing will be provided for the writer to add to this assignment.

scholarship letter

Scholarship set up to help mechanical engineering students cope with exceptional, unforeseen financial circumstances; student must be in good standing; scholarship can be awarded at any time during the year.

Just one page letter. It is a very easy assignment, that can be done within an hour. I set a deadline in one week. I will provide some info about me below.
I am a senior of Bachelors degree Mechanical engineering. I need a letter describing my difficulties. Especially with everything going on right now, (covid-19)
My parents live overseas, in Kazakhstan.
My mom doesn’t work right now, and my dad was forced to work from home, we support my dads grandmother financially as well. I have little brother, he is in middle school.
I am a permanent resident of US. I cannot work due to school work load. I would not mind working part time but its still not enough.
I need to pay for rent, tuition, and daily expenses.