Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

writers choice

To achieve transparency, law enforcement agencies should have clear and comprehensive policies. Write an essay in which you address the information below.

Identify three specific uses-of-force policies that could help provide for transparency within the criminal justice organization.
Explain the expected impact of the policies in the community.
Discuss how you, as a law enforcement leader, would communicate these policies to your personnel.
Discuss the pros and cons of how the policies might influence an officers behaviors and actions while on the job.
Discuss the kind of training you think is required to ensure the policies are effective in lowering the number of excessive use-of-force incidents. Include your rationale for the selected training.
Your essay should begin with an introduction. It must be a minimum of two pages in length, not counting the title page and references page. A minimum of two sources should be used to support your essay, and they must be properly cited. Your essay, including all references, should be formatted in APA Style.

Market concept presentation

Use the marketing plan in the Mullins text as a general guide (pages 475-482). Your
marketing plan presentation should address the following issues in
significant depth: Organizational structure, segmentation, target market selection, positioning,
product strategy. Discuss the logic of your segmentation scheme and how well it
meets the criteria used to form segments as well as the process used for selecting a
target segment (see Marketing Management: A Strategic Decision Making Approach  Chapter 7 in Mullins text). Substantial secondary market research
is necessary as evidence of likely interest in the product or service, potential size of
market, status of competition, and industry trends.
Secondarily your presentation should address pricing, distribution and marketing
communication strategy decisions. You do not need to address implementation or
control issues.
Your presentation should be a minimum of 20, but not more than 30 minutes in length,
and use clear, professional, and compelling visual aids. You will be graded on depth
and clarity of analysis, thoroughness, evidence of understanding key concepts, and
cohesiveness of the marketing program elements.

Personal Teaching Philosophy

Reflective practice is crucial in education and becomes the foundation for ongoing growth and development as a professional. By this phase in the student teaching experience, you have analyzed how your teaching performance and practice affect student learning. You now have the opportunity to reflect on how you plan to continue growing in your practice and how to utilize school/district, academic, and personal resources to help you continue to grow as a professional educator.

For this assignment, you will create a transcript for a 2-3 minute video I will produce, describing my role as a teacher candidate who embodies the College of Educations philosophy to learn, lead, and serve.
n the transcript, include the following:

The ways in which your teaching philosophy has developed and grown throughout student teaching, including examples. Especially consider how teaching has changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

A description of how technology can be used to create better learning opportunities for all students. Please consider the pandemic and how technology has assisted teachers and students at this time.

Strategies for implementing the Christian worldview values of compassion, promoting human flourishing, and behaving legally and ethically in your future classroom (feel free to add additional Christian worldview values you would like to integrate).


This week I would like for you to talk about how you are doing?  How are you feeling about the whole Covid-19 situation.  How has your life changed over the last month?  How can ethics help you to justify what is going on and the decisions you have to face on a daily basis?

Does Eating A Healthy Breakfast Have An Effect On Academic Performance

I need a discussion written for my experimental research project it should include the following
Accurate and concise recap of results in terms of original hypotheses (not numbers/%s)
Results are connected to previous research that was discussed in the introduction
Discusses implications of study results
Discusses at least 3 design flaws and what they imply about interpretation of results
Discusses both strengths current project
Develops at least 1 interesting idea for future research that is clearly tied to current project

I will upload the introduction, the possible flaws, and the results

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I need a paper that  analyzes the smoking in Ramsey County from a public health perspective.  There is a rubric that will need to be followed for this paper.  The paper will need to discuss an overview, incidence and prevalence data, the epidemiological triangle, community assets and barriers, a proposed public health intervention and strategies to implement, and how this relates to Healthy People 2020 goal.  I will provide research articles.

Discussion Questions

Please answer the following in 200 words.  Please treat this as if it was your student teaching experience. 

1.  Reflective practice is crucial in education and becomes the foundation for ongoing growth and development as a professional. What do you see as areas of strength you have exhibited throughout student teaching? What areas of improvement have you identified?



Biotechnology is the use of a living thing or any part of a living thing to make a product or process that improves human life.

Choose 1 of the following biotechnology applications:

in vitro fertilization
DNA profiling
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
Gene therapy
In an APA-formatted report, research the topic that you have chosen, and answer the following 5 questions:

Explain how the process you have chosen meets the definition of biotechnology.
Describe how the process is performed.
Explain the uses of the application.
Discuss at least 1 benefit, 1 drawback, and 1 risk of the process you have chosen.
Elaborate on an ethical concern of the application you have chosen, for example, if you chose in vitro fertilization you might discuss what to do with leftover embryos.
Use the following guidelines for your report:

Utilize at least 2 credible sources to support the arguments presented in the paper. Make sure you cite them appropriately within your paper, and list the references in APA format on your Reference page.
In accordance with APA formatting requirements, your paper should include an Abstract, Title, and Reference page; should be double-spaced; and should include a running head and page numbers. Your paper should be 23 pages in length, not counting the Title page, Abstract, and Reference page.

Sports Development and Coaching: The politics, policies, challenges and outcomes of sport development programmes in Canada

Please can you help in editing my essay on The politics, policies, challenges and outcomes of sport development programmes in Canada. I have had some feedback and it needs some work. I am including the originally submitted word document and a pdf showing the feedback. Also Essay outline, referencing guide and reading.  I need to somehow get this organised and flowing and some better referencing.

Boeing Business Report

The original assignment was to pick a company that you want to work for, and write up a businesses report about the company. Pretty basic. The comapny I chose is Boeing

I attached all the documents the teacher gave us. Along with this paper, I had to make a power point to go with it, so I already made it as its much easier. But just try and use the topics from the power point in your essay, other then that you dont need to reference the PowerPoint. Most of the references you need is in the PDF, please use this for the organization and requirements for the paper.

I have hired you before and you did a nice job, so that why im hiring you again. Need to get a good grade on this, will give good tip if I get a A.