Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


Imagine that you are a student of Gestalt Psychology and have run into two of your old friends at a conference.  One of you friend’s turns out to be a student of Wilhelm Wundt, and the other a student of E.B. Titchener.  When you approach the two, they are in the middle of a discussion of the changes Titchener made in the understanding of Wundt’s theories.  Identify one difference they would be discussing and who would take which side.  As a student of Gestalt psychology, identify one thing you would add to this conversation to reflect the Gestalt perspective.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

It  will be an individualized, between 400 to 600-word parer on the Application of AI in one the following Topics that you like to choose:

AI application on Society (Social impacts and application of AI),

AI application on Managing Businesses,


AI application on Health care.

Your Grading Rubric will be:

Academic Articulation of Subject, linking AI to the topic that you chose, 40 points  (Conclusion 15 Points.) = Sub-Total =55 Points

Academic References – At least 6 references from credible sources  (Magazines, Journals, News Organization),  30 Points,

English Grammar and wordings  15 Points.

Brand magament

Discuss the following questions in 3~5 pages (Times new roman 11pt, 1inch margin, 1.5 spaced)

– Should Boston Beer attack the light beer market? If yes, why and how? If no, why and what should they do?

– What is the specific contribution of each form of market researchtaste tests, ZMETs, consumption data, each of your recommendations?

– How does Boston Beer get heard in such a noisy marketplace?

– What could you have done at the start of the Field Study and what can you do now to insure that you really help Boston Beer management?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the WSJ article by DeMuth and tell me if there is any argument that perhaps the FDA may go too far in its interpretation of “protecting the public.” Is there a middle ground here? What do you think is the concern of the FDA?

Explain the Court’s ruling and analysis for the approval of drugs for terminally ill patients. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

each question answer one page, reference required

Ethical Practice in Psychology

See Attached form for requirements (ONLY THE FIRST 4 HIGHLIGHTED STEPS)

Case Study-Case 950: After an affair between Gary Goferit, Ph.D., and Paula Jettison had ended, Jettison filed charges against Goferit for sexual harassment and exploitation. She also contacted the local newspapers. She was joined by several other students, who claimed they, also, had experienced the same abuse by Goferit. Dr. Goferit lost his job and his wife

Reference: PAGE 302 of >>> Koocher, G. & Keith-Spiegel, P. (2016). Ethics in psychology and the mental health professions. (4 ed.). New York, New York: Oxford University Press

Homeschooling vs. Public/Private schools


Your outline must be submitted in a formal outline format as shown below.  The outline should demonstrate enough detail to make it clear that you have considered the organization of your paper, including the research required for your topic, and the planned sections for your paper.  At the end of your outline, please provide a listing of the sources which you have already identified for use in creating your paper.

Outline Format

I. Introduction & Background, 10 points

    A. Introduction

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint

  B. Background

        1. Details of the Subpoint

        2. More details of the Subpoint

II. Apply at least 3 terms/concepts from the textbook, 10 points

    A. Term 1

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint

  B. Term 2

        1. Details of the Subpoint

        2. More details of the Subpoint

  C. Term 3

        1. Details of the Subpoint

        2. More details of the Subpoint

III. Arguments supporting your topic, 10 points

    A. Subpoint

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint

  B. Next Subpoint

        1. Details of the Subpoint

        2. More details of the Subpoint

IV. Arguments against your topic, 10 points

    A. Subpoint

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint

  B. Next Subpoint

        1. Details of the Subpoint

        2. More details of the Subpoint

V. State and defend your position on the arguments, 10 points

    A. Subpoint

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint

  B. Next Subpoint

        1. Details of the Subpoint

        2. More details of the Subpoint

VI. APA style in-text citations and references, 10 points

Total points = 60

Mental Disabilities Relating to Emotion


Emotions and issues related to emotions are directly tied to real-world situations and applications.  For this journal, I want you to take the readings for each week and directly apply some aspect of the reading to a real-world issue. 


I will be looking for a detailed description of the readings and how the required readings directly relate to the real world phenomena you select.  You will be using your readings, so it is required that you use APA style in-text citations in the body of your journal entry, and you need corresponding APA style references at the end of each journal entry.


              1. Describe the main points of each required reading for this week (25 pts).

                2. Describe the real word phenomena you select (15 pts).

                3. Describe how the readings can be used to address the real-world phenomena (10 pts).

                4. Make sure you have APA style in-text citations and corresponding references (minus points for lack of APA style in-text citations and references).

-See the schedule for journal due dates/times. 

Directions: Discuss the phenomena of Mental disabilities relation to emotion while using info from attached articles.

add a closing

Add a robust conclusion final paragraph: Your conclusion is your chance to have the last word! The conclusion allows you to have the final say on the issues you have raised in your study, to synthesize your thoughts, to demonstrate the level of knowledge and importance of your ideas, and to propel your reader to a new view of the subject and desire to learn more. A conclusion is also a tool for making good final impression on the reader and to end on a positive note. Dont introduce any new subject, ideas, topics in the conclusion.

A well-written conclusion makes the readers glad they read your paper. Your conclusions give your reader something to take away that will help them see things differently, connect the dots and or appreciate your work in a relevant way.

It can suggest broader implications that will not only interest your reader, but also enrich your readers life in some way. It is your gift to the reader.

computer-assisted and robotic-assisted surgery

essay outline Instructions

Your outline must be submitted in a formal outline format as shown below.  The outline should demonstrate enough detail to make it clear that you have considered the organization of your paper, including the research required for your topic, and the planned sections for your paper. At the end of your outline, please provide a listing of the sources which you have already identified for use in creating your paper.

Outline Format

I. Introduction & background, 10 points

    A. Introduction

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint

  B. Background

        1. Details of the Subpoint

        2. More details of the Subpoint

II. Discuss the ethical concerns surrounding your topic.  In addition, feel free to address any cases in the media,  10 points

    A. Subpoint

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint

  B. Next Subpoint

        1. Details of the Subpoint

        2. More details of the Subpoint

III. Discuss the benefits ( include important data and statistics) related to your topic, 10 points

    A. Subpoint

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint

  B. Next Subpoint

        1. Details of the Subpoint

        2. More details of the Subpoint

IV. Discussion laws, standards, and legislation (or lack thereof) related to your topic, 10 points

    A. Subpoint

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint

  B. Next Subpoint

        1. Details of the Subpoint

        2. More details of the Subpoint

V. Conclusion & Future Research, 10 points

    A. Closing

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint

  B. Future Research

        1. Details of the Subpoint

        2. More details of the Subpoint       

VI.  APA Style in-text citations and references where appropriate, 10 points

*Be sure to insert additional subpoints and details where necessary to meet the content requirements.

Psychological Rewards of a Wilderness Experience

For this assignment, please do an article review on the attached article. Read it carefully, take notes, and summarize the article. Include information about the purpose of the study, the methods used, participants, results, ideas for future investigation, etc. Finally, add a conclusion, in which you comment on the overall usefulness of the article, it’s limitations, etc.

Please paraphrase information from the article.  An occasional direct quote may be useful when the author makes a statement in such a unique way that to paraphrase would diminish it’s impact or meaning.  Otherwise, everything else should be paraphrased. 

This will be a 2 page summary.  The body of the paper needs to be at least two pages, add a title page and reference page with the article in proper APA format.