Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Finally, each student must submit a proposal for a virtual group exhibition that includes the students work in the context of professional (not student) artists work.  The final package for this will consist of a written proposal of the exhibition with a coherent explanation of theme and content, images of the individual works chosen for the exhibition, and an official press release of the same.

pls check this intro

Define marketing and show to what extent this has an impact on society?

The essay should demonstrate planning, research, analysis and the ability to build coherent critical arguments. You are expected to refer to your core text and other credible academic sources. Reference your work using the Harvard style.

    Microsoft Word
    Font size 12 for the main text
    1.5 line spacing
    Tables must be captioned in sequence and font size 10.5
  E.g. Table 1: This is an example caption for a table.
    All diagrams, graphs and figures must be captioned as figures in sequence and font size 10.5
  E.g. Figure 1: This is an example caption for a figure.

It should have 1500 word (+/- 10%)

Inequalities that the COVID-19 crisis has highlighted

The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting people around the world. The virus knows no borders, yet nations and regions are experiencing this pandemic in significantly different ways. Make an argument about some of the inequalities that the COVID-19 crisis has highlighted. Think broadly about access to healthcare and resources, racism and blame, and economic disparities in the global context of this pandemic. Use examples from lecture, course readings, and outside sources to support your argument.
Please Check the materials that I uploaded. Please follow the directions well.

(decide after reading the instruction)

find some recent case, in the real world, that can be related to any of the subjects we discussed in the classin the appliedchapters of the book (Chs5-11)Tell me about the case.Tell me what it relates to in the book.Tell me what you think about it.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

250 words each

Week 7 F/U
1. Other than the American Revolution or Civil War, what place or event do you think shaped US history to 1877 the most?  Why?  Support your answer with 3 historical facts.

Week 5 F/U
2.Discuss 3 southern politicians active at the national level prior to 1860.
250 words each.

Week 8 W/A Follow Up
Comment [ht2]: Question 2 How did the LA Purchase expand presidential powers? Give 3 examples.

social Media and Anxiety in High school students

can you add on to “Results” section some COVID-19 paragraph(s) with the university( Rowan University) communication as backup and also in the references section. You do not want to say anything specific to your project (you can do that as the paper progresses); just the facts of the situation and how it stopped all action research.  In addition to the University news, you should cite evidence of New Jersey Governor Murphys shutdown decisions and include them in the references as well. Here are two from the Philadelphia Inquirer (yes, you can use these).

First shutdown March 17:

April 16 Extension:

Additionally, can you add in this section on how the students responded. Positive or negative. This is will be the qualitative data (Their responses). Especially direct quotes if you can make them up as best as you can.

Lastly, write the conclusion section to wrap up the research. Be sure to reference section 2 and highlight other section of the paper as well.

Marketing Concept Report

Your marketing plan presentation should address the following issues in
significant depth and be based off the attached document : segmentation, target market selection, positioning,
product strategy. Discuss the logic of your segmentation scheme and how well it
meets the criteria used to form segments as well as the process used for selecting a
target segment. Substantial secondary market research
is necessary as evidence of likely interest in the product or service, potential size of
market, status of competition, and industry trends.
Secondarily your presentation should address pricing, distribution and marketing
communication strategy decisions. You do not need to address implementation or
control issues.
Your presentation should be a minimum of 20, but not more than 30 minutes in length,
and use clear, professional, and compelling visual aids. You will be graded on depth
and clarity of analysis, thoroughness, evidence of understanding key concepts, and
cohesiveness of the marketing program elements. Please provide the instructor with a
copy of the visuals at the start of the presentation.

recent cyber crime security threat

The paper is to be about credit and debit card fraud, related to communication companies. (if you think its easier to relate it to governmental companies that is fine)

Gather data on breaches of security in that field. Specifically, collect monthly news articles, academic journals articles, or on-line sources (except Wikipedia) relating to a security breach that resulted in tangible losses.

please include the following in the paper:
1. Laws or regulations violated
2. Political or ethical issues raised; that is, how was the situation handled as a disaster recovery operation
3. Financial and human impact in measurable terms of, for example, financial loses, jobs lost etc.
4. Nature of events and types of threats that occurred and the vulnerability that led to the events and their duration.

Consumer Behavior Article Review

locate a current article that discusses marketing challenges, issues, or strategies related to a consumer product or service. The article should highlight how marketing is being used to respond to consumer behavior. Use an appropriate source (ex. Fortune, Business Week, The Wall Street Journal) to identify a current article (published within the last 5 years) that considers how consumers gather data and formulate decisions that ultimately guide their behavior.

Write a brief overview of this article, then respond to the following items:

identify key marketing challenge(s) and relate them to specific consumer behavior issues discussed in this module;
describe consumer behaviors in this particular situation, and discuss other, related consumer behaviors that may also be present in real-world situations;
propose marketing recommendation(s) and strategies; and
list some pros and cons of your proposed strategies.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. Other than the American Revolution or Civil War, what place or event do you think shaped US history to 1877 the most?  Why?  Support your answer with 3 historical facts. 250 words each.

2.Discuss 3 southern politicians active at the national level prior to 1860.
250 words each.