Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Managing a Retail Business

1) Please answer the 4 questions i provided in word document “questions”.
-Provide 3 examples for each question (Kuwait-based)
2) Use the “textbook” as reference (Ch. 11: Retail Organization and Human Resource Management) (page 310-334)
3) Please use the same format as sample documents
4) I will need both a word document as an essay format and another word document simplified for a powerpoint presentation
***Please use simple english***


Please read the attached file for instructions. BOOK is attached for chapters 6 & 7


1. In chapters 6 & 7, Lareau shows that the children in the families being studied were also taught to use language differently. Differences in linguistic interactions in the families have an impact on preparation for future interactions and negotiations with adults. Using examples from the lives of the students discussed in
chapters 6-7, discuss the differences between families that use the concerted cultivation style of parenting and those that use accomplishment of natural growth.

2. On page 235, Lareau says, Many Americans believe that this country is fundamentally open. They assume the society is best understood as a collection of individuals. They believe that people who demonstrate hard work, effort, and talent are likely to achieve upward mobility. Put differently, many Americans believe in the American
Dream. In this view, children should have roughly equal life chances. The extent to which life chances vary can be  2 of 2 traced to differences in aspirations, talent, and hard work on the part of individuals. This perspective rejects the notion that parents social location systematically shapes childrens life experiences and outcomes. Instead, outcomes are seen as resting more in the hands of individuals. After reading this book, do you agree or disagree with this perspective of the American dream? Why or why not?

developing a business model

required to design a creative business model that relies on having identified value opportunities or innovation gaps. To do so, you will have to justify the problem/solution, or the opportunity being exploited. Here, this can be for both a new and existing proposition. You will be expected to provide a clear implementation plan demonstrating tangible outputs at every stage possible. To do so, you are encouraged to be as factual as possible, rely on theory and frameworks (these should be to support the central tenet of the proposition) 
Some pointers for consideration include Problem /Solution Fit; Product/Market Fit, Value Propositions, an operational plan, Financial considerations [at least three year sales forecast and an income statement], Marketing plan, Growth/Scaling Plan, Plan to attract investors [*optional depending on the contextual underpinning] and an exit strategy [for particular stakeholders]

To achieve this- it is vital that you provide a clear context- by addressing some of the following questions- Is this viable opportunity;  is it an existing business, are you at the stage of seeking funding, are you at the initial stage of starting the business- Here the context will allow you to develop a business model that is in line with context.

Divorce and the Impact of Children

This research assignment is to include 3 references minimum and 5 maximum. Through a 5 page paper, not including the title page or reference page, demonstrate the knowledge, critical thinking, and research on this controversial topic and its effect on society today. I will be graded on the research of this topic, the controversy presented, grammar, spelling, the knowledge base of the controversial topic, and the APA citing and referencing.

New Business

Paper should be at least 6 pages long.  Not including table of contents, references page (APA) format.

semester project is a BUSINESS PLAN paper.  do a BUSINESS PLAN for a new business.
STEP ONE-CHOOSE: Choose a new business.
STEP TWO-RESEARCH: Begin a thorough study of the new business selected. The BUSINESS PLAN will
have to include all the components of the BUSINESS PLAN worked on throughout the semester.
You are responsible for determining how thorough and complete your report should be.
STEP THREE-OUTLINE: Draft an outline of everything you intend to say, including the full structure of
your report (e.g., executive summary, introduction ..)

Normal 1″ margins, 12pt font Times New Roman, double spaced paper.

Legal Correspondence letter

Unfortunately, the written portion you provided is not a case brief – it is a summary of the newspaper article – it needs to be similar to your assignment you’ve done previously  – Facts, Issues, Ratio, Decision and Reasons

That format
please follow that format

Physical activity and how it can prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes

I uploaded what I have so far as a guideline of how it should generally be. The last section of the paper that needs to be complete pertains specifically to physical activity and how it can prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. This last section has to be 12 pages minimum. It also needs to contain two figures. One table and one chart are excellent as well long as it relates to the topic or used from the sources. The use of about 30 sources are needed minimally, I have 16 thus far. Also, these resources need to be from original scientific studies. Therefore no review articles are allowed. These 12 pages should logically flow. so sticking to a specific theme would be best. You can look at different studies pertain to ethnic groups or children as long as the overall paper focuses on just that. This flow could be done through the use of comparisons between materials or having reports answer questions that previous ones have posed.

Attached is the first half of my research paper that could be used as an outline.

Environmental Laws and Exposure Analysis

Chapter 21: Environmental Laws and Exposure Analysis
Page 502; Please answer questions #1 and 6

1. Most of our exposure to pollutants occurs within indoor environments, such as homes, offices, and schools. Certain laws address some aspects of indoor air quality, yet no law provides comprehensive coverage.

a. Select a law, and discuss how it covers an aspect of indoor air quality.

b. Now discuss how the law does not cover indoor air exposures, even though it would seem within the scope of the law to do so.

c. Finally, for this law, suggest revisions to address exposure more effectively.

6. Most of the environmental laws are source oriented rather than receptor oriented in that they focus on emissions/effluents instead of exposures. Why do you think this is the case?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

fix the paper and follow the comment on red. there is two part:

Part I Draft with feedback.docx
Part II Draft with feedback.docx
APA Citation Format1.pdf
rest lecture files to help with the paper .
after fixing and following the style :total of 12 page, and a page for the references

if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.

Any topic (writer’s choice)


The discussion of the findings during an online meeting is worth 10 points, and the final draft of the paper is worth 140 points.
Select a low- or middle-income country that is of interest to you and will serve as the focus of your analysis. A list of potential LMICs can be found here:
For the case study:
1)    Summarize the political and economic situation in the country now and explain in what direction it is headed.
2)    Present the key indicators of development and an analysis of the limitations of the data.  Include at least 2-3 tables and graphs (not included in page count). 
3)    Prepare an analysis of the 3-5 biggest contributors to the burden of poverty in your country of choice.
4)    Drawing on the theories presented in class and class readings, prepare an analysis of the main development trends in the country.

5)    Prepare a policy recommendation for the country (to improve its development). 
Length: 7 pages, double spaced, approximately 1,200 words, not counting the tables and bibliography. The material consulted should be carefully cited.