Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Corporate governance and ethics

It is an assessment changed from a proctored mid-term test to a take-home assignment.

Please keep this assignment as simple and precise as possible.

Don’t be too complicated in the text.

For question (1), please quote examples from the case to examine the validity of the statement.

For question (2), it would be perfect if we can compare between the traditional chinese ethics and from different perspective. You may refer to the ppt for more idea on this question as well.

For question (2) & (3), you may refer to the powerpoint for more idea on these two questions as well.

For question (4), i have enclosed an additional reading material for self-regulation. You may refer to it for more ideas.

The length for each question should be around half page of the A4 size paper. If its out-numbered, it’s okay too!

Thank you so much for the help:) Really appreciate that!

Comparing Transnational Crime

For this assignment, you will select one transnational crime and two countries (from the six model nations in Chapter 4 of your text) in order to research the similarities and differences of the transnational crime between the two countries. Use the Internet and the Strayer Library to conduct your research.

Write a 23 page paper in which you:

Describe the transnational crime along with an introduction to each of the countries being compared.
Compare and contrast both countries’ definitions of the crime, crime rates, and tools used to measure the crime.
Determine each country’s legal traditions and their major influences on crime definition, rate, and measurement.
Examine the extent to which crime statistics compiled in different countries can adequately be compared. Provide support for the response.
Provide at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not count as quality references.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Research the similarities and differences of a transnational crime between two countries.

Life Span Interview

Throughout the HSBE I and II courses, you have explored the biological, psychological, and sociological aspects of different phases of the human life span. You have explored life-span development theories that help to explain human behavior. You also have considered how the social environment influences individuals and their behavior.

Gathering facts about a client’s life span through the interview process is an important social work skill. This week, you practice this skill by interviewing an older adult using the questions in the Life Span Interview document available in this week’s resources. For this week’s Assignment you transform your interview notes into a narrativethat is, a life storyof the older adult you interviewed. You interweave within this narrative an analysis of the life story by applying person and the environment concepts to your understanding and interpretation of that story.

3- to 5-page paper in which you provide a narrative analysis of the Life Span Interview you completed. The paper should:

Provide a chronological history of the individuals major life experiences.
Identify specific biological, psychological and sociological influences that shaped the individuals experience.
Analyze the individuals experiences by applying theory and concepts learned throughout both Human Behavior and the Social Environment (HBSE) courses.
Provide your reflection of the experience, both in interviewing the individual and analyzing their narrative.
Explain what you learned and how you will apply this to future social work practice.

Critically review the progress whichThanethas made over the last 10 years in reviving its destination product and image and develop your own set of strategic actions to continue the process of revival over the next 10 years.

Understanding of the core concepts and insightful analysis of the destination;
    Appropriate and skilled use of destination data;
    Understanding and use of the literature, clarity of sources and interpretation of evidence;
    Standard of presentation and written English, including references.

Ideally, you will be able to demonstrate:

    Excellent understanding of destination marketing, policy and management, sustainable impact management and product development in theory, and in practice in Thanet;
    Excellent understanding of Thanet’s recent development, its achievements, and the challenges it still faces;
    Accurate selection and interpretation of data from appropriate destination sources;
    Evidence of detailed research using a wide range of relevant academic and secondary sources;.
    Highly-skilled development of links between evidence about Thanet and literature.

Make sure your work:

    Is presented in report format with error-free numbering of sections, tables, figures and pages, an executive summary, and a table of contents;
    Has references and the bibliography presented completely accurately in the Harvard System format;
    Has clear and concise explanations, written in a very high standard of English.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

There are two questions. You should present your answer to each question in the form of an essay of not more than 750 words per question. One of the questions is about Statute Law and Common Law while the other one is about liability of the partners/members, in connection with various types of partnership. The document attached provides further guidance on the assessment

Corporate and Management Law

There are two questions. You should present your answer to each question in the form of an essay of not more than 750 words per question. A question is about Statute and Common Law, the other is about liability of the partners/members. The document attached provides further guidance to the assessment.

Feasibility Analysis on Shark Tank Episode: Scrub daddy

Guide lines:
This is where feasibility analysis fits in. Your job is to conduct a mini-feasibility analysis of a professional pitch from the Shark Tank TV show.

This assignment should be no more than three pages total (single-spaced, 11-point font). As with the case assignments, it is imperative that you connect to the course literature as part of the assignment. In other words, be sure to include in-text citations, references and a reference list (as appropriate).

Also, you are encouraged to access outside industry or market reports, competitorsweb pages, or other information to inform your feasibility.
Your submissions (crafted in Microsoft Word, please!) should answer the questions found below, individually and in the order they are posed. Please clearly mark when you start a new question by starting a new paragraphdont intermingle the questions, please!

2) Describe the main opportunity(s) involved in your selected pitch. Highlight parts of the feasibility of the business concept involved in your chosen pitch by describing the characteristics of the opportunity and related concept (or at least the entrepreneurs understanding of the issues) below. If they are not explicit about these, please infer and justify why as appropriate. Help do a bit
of feasibility analysis for the entrepreneur (see week 3 asynch materials and applicable readings). Please use outside sources such as industry or consumer reports, competitors web pages, or statistics about the market to amplify any information you might need. Be sure to note any references and citations.

Some of the main issues are:
a. That they have the right customer
b. That they have the appropriate way to reach that customer
c. Their main source of differentiation and value-add over the next best alternative
d. Customers willingness to pay the price (in line with point c above regarding value-add)
e. The price-cost relationship (such as margins, profitability, tech development, etc.)
f. Industry features and dynamics
g. Their ability to deliver on the concept as described

3) What are your conclusions about the feasibility of the opportunity(s)? What factors lead you to make this assessment? Be specific and address each opportunity. You dont have to agree with the sharks on this; they might be looking at different factors than you are.

4) What are the three or four overall takeaways (lessons learned) from watching this pitch and the comments of the Sharks for your own entrepreneurial career and feasibility analysis? This is an important part of the assignment, so make sure you put inappropriate thoughts and connections.

Shark tank video link:

In the attachment are the assignment guidelines, the three readings, and notes that are required to reference back to. I also started a first drift  (attached here Draft 1 with helpful notes and pointers and there’s another attachment called paper notes)


This research paper should be five pages. First page is cover page (your name – Chasity, topic – Nutrition, class – HED 221, date – April 21, 2020). Second through fourth pages is the actual paper. It should be double spaced APA style. The fifth page is the reference page.

Disadvantages of excessive smartphone usage on children

Complete the detailed outline worksheet based on the sources in the annotated bibliography I have provided. There are 6 supporting idea sections on the outline, use 1 source per section and cite the source at the end of each section. There are 7 sources on the annotated bibliography, the 1 source that will be left over can be used in any of the sections if needed.

life span development

School is an important and common experience where socioemotional and moral development play out.
For this assignment, you will compose a written analysis of a case study on Angela, who is in late childhood.

Case Study, Angela, 10:
Angela is a 10-year-old child who identifies as mixed race. Her father of Jamaican and Trinidadian descent and mother of Irish descent divorced when she was about 8 months old. Because her father moved out of state and her mother worked long hours, Angela spent a substantial amount of time with her grandmother until she was about 5 years old. Her mother, who was employed as a server, sometimes worked 10- and 12-hour shifts. Her father worked as a manager of a grocery store seafood department and was sometimes relocated to new stores.
Angela has recently moved to a new location with her mom, farther from her grandma, about 30 minutes away, and into an entirely new school district. Imagine that you are Angelas guidance counselor. Her teacher came to you recently and said, Angela is really quite intelligent and super creative, but I have noticed she is having a difficult time making friends. Do you think you could help her?
Of course, you are willing to help one of your students, and you begin by observing Angela on the playground.
You have decided to have a couple of meetings with Angela to get to know her and then hope to bring her mom into the conversation.

Part I
Using your developmental psychology background (e.g., attachment, temperament, self-esteem), determine the following items:
1. What type of attachment would you predict that Angela has with her caregivers? How would you predict that this has affected her adjustment? Explain how Angelas cognitive and physical changes come into play.
2. In psychology, we know that labels can be dangerous. How would you have a conversation with Angelas mother about how Angelas temperament and peer status might be affecting her adjustment at her new school without giving Angela a negative label?
3. You have the impression after meeting with Angela and her mother that they are on board with being proactive in creating positive change for Angela. What three steps would you suggest Angela and her mother take that would improve Angelas self-esteem and emotional maturity? Describe the changes that take place in the adolescents relationship with her parents that come into play in these three steps you suggest.

Part ll
Thanks to your work as her guidance counselor, Angela has made a successful transition and has friends at her new school. Furthermore, she has been asked to participate in a program as a peer mentor. Angelas school has a great deal of socioeconomic, racial, and cultural diversity. Unfortunately, there has been a significant amount of bullying due to perceptions regarding differences. Angelas role is to help other kids in her elementary school make prosocial decisions around the issue of bullying.

Once you have read the case study, answer the questions below in a single document. Your total response (for Parts I and II combined) must be at least two pages in length. Your textbook must be used as a source along with at least one additional source. All sources used must be cited and referenced according to APA guidelines.
1. How may the role of Angelas peers in her life be changing because she is in middle childhood?
2. What important factors have researchers discovered that increase the likelihood of bullying?
3. Given what you have learned about moral development in this unit, how would Lawrence Kohlberg approach Angela
and her peers given his theory of moral development? What would a plan for much younger students, such as
kindergarteners, look like if it were created by Angela?
4. If Angela was working with her female peers, would you recommend a different strategy? Would that align with Carol
Gilligans perspective?