Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


This activity will provide you with an opportunity to engage in discussion on a project management topic that was covered in this module. The class interaction will foster a learning environment in which you will learn from each others experiences and opinions. In addition to that, you will practice using the project management jargon and express your opinions in a professional manner. The options available in this discussion have ethical considerations that are important to consider as a project manager.
Outsourcing is a common practice in business, and it may be an option for a project you are responsible for managing. Understanding the considerations necessary for making the best decision for a project is essential to a successful project.
Respond to the following:
A project you are managing has a supply-chain issue. You are not able to continue utilizing a primary vendor. Select a product that would be essential to a project and identify the pros and cons of outsourcing an element of the project. What are the pros and cons of outsourcing? What could you do to minimize the negative effects?
Identify at least one element for each of the six outsourcing considerations in your answer.
Consult the Discussion Posting Guide for information about writing your discussion posts. It is recommended that you write your post in a document first. Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. When you are ready to make your initial post, click on the “Reply”. Then copy/paste the text into the message field, and click “Post Reply.”

Case Study: Shell Case Fabricators

This assignment is a case study. You will be presented with information concerning a company facing a situation that requires at least one decision to be made. Read the case and using the course material and your additional research, write a short paper that briefly identifies the issues and proposes a solution that includes a justification for your choice.
This assignment considers the information provided in the Shell Case Fabricators (SCF) case. It can be found at the end of Chapter 12 of your text in the case section after the blue pages. Additional questions have been added, so please use the text only for the case material and not the assignment. To complete the assignment, follow the steps listed below:
Read the Shell Case Fabricators case at the end of Chapter 12.
Create a paper responding to the following questions (ignore the questions in the textbook and only answer these questions):
Consider the proposal. Should SCF accept or reject ACLs request? If you were the project manager, which option would you select? What risks are involved with your choice and with ACLs request?
How should SCF negotiate with ACL? How can SCF and ACL develop a positive, long-range relationship? Give specifics.
Would it be possible to outsource some of the project elements, and would it be ethical as this is already a subcontracted project? What other options are available that you could consider?
If you were to look for another solution, what would you include in your request for proposals (RFP)?
Write a three page paper in Word format. Use the American Psychological Association (APA) style (6th edition) for writing your assignment.
Compose your work in a .doc or .docx file type using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, etc.) and save it frequently to your computer. For those assignments that are not written essays and require uploading images or PowerPoint slides, please follow uploading guidelines provided by your instructor.

Shell Case Fabricators


Shell Case Fabricators (SCF) designs and builds shell casings that enclose
electronic products such as calculators, cell phones, modems. Typically the cases
are plastic or plastic compounds. SCF has six different production lines that cover
different types of product. For example, the largest high volume production line
for modems can produce three different colors and two models (vertical and flat).
Air Connection Links (ACL) is the biggest customer that buys product from this
line. This high output line now runs at full capacity on an eight-hour shift. The
other five lines run smaller quantities and tend to meet the needs of other specialty
products manufactured by different smaller firms.
Ninety-five percent of SCFs product casings line is designed by the original
hardware manufacturer. Getting a casing to the production stage requires a great
deal of collaboration and interaction between the original hardware and case design
manufacturer (e.g., ACL) and SCFs shell design engineers and production
department. The latest new product of ACL is a modem designed to be used for
monitoring water activity in bays, e.g., ship traffic, pollution, floating debris. Because
of the products high functionality and low cost, potential demand for the
new product is out of sight. It seems every country with small bays used for shipping
wants enough underwater modems to cover their respective bays.
At SCF each new product is assigned a project manager to coordinate and manage
the shell design, budgets, and manufacturing startup. Songsee is SCFs star project
manager and is the project manager of the shell for the new short-range,
underwater acoustical modem. The shell casing for the underwater modem
required special design, materials, custom equipment, and a seal to withstand
pressure to 50 meters. Air Connection Links, the product owner, needs sixty
thousand modems in 91 days (next January 15) for the Estuary Control Institute
meeting in Hong Kong.
Songsee has felt the project was moving along smoothly, with the exception of
being two weeks behind schedule. She feels she can lean on the design department
to put the project on top priority and make up the two weeks. Yesterday,
ACLs project manager, Sabin, came in with a simple change. Change the outer
shell shape from rectangular to dome shape; it will improve performance 2 percent.
Songsee couldnt believe Sabin. He knows better. He knows the engineering
implications, and it is NOT simple! Yet Sabin tells Songsee, It shouldnt cost
much. Songsee imagined a sharp retort, but she counted to five and aborted. At
this late stage of the game, changes and schedule compression cost big money!
Songsee said she would get together with her team and start on a new time and
cost estimate today. She told Sabin he would have to give her a written change request
of the new requirements by tomorrow. Sabin appeared disappointed. Why
dont we just add 100,000 to the price and get on with it? We have been doing
business with SCF for six years. With expected demand out of sight, SCF will
break even quickly and have a great profit on the production side. Songsee
sighed. Lets proceed with the change order process. I will bring your request to
the change order governance committee.
Songsees meeting with her team about the change went about as expected.
Every department moaned about changing at this late date. The guesstimate cost
and time estimates were over triple Sabins idea of 100,000. For example,
designing a new seal for a dome style modem will require a new custom water
sealing approach, possibly an untested different sealant, and new molds. Has ACL
frozen the design of the new style modem? Songsee asked the team to come in
with a more detailed estimate by tomorrow afternoon, before her meeting with the
change order governance committee.
Sabin called from ACL at midmorning the next day. Our senior management is
upset that we have to be so formal for such a small change. They just want to get
on with the project and meet the time to market launch date. 100,000 seems
like a fair price. They believe you need to talk to your management. They want a
response by Monday.
The team estimates came close to yesterdays guesstimate (391,000). Not good
news. Songsee knew the answer of the change committee would be to hold for the
full amount. She was right. The change committee believed the costs are there and
need to be covered to meet the launch date. The committee was also concerned
that priorities and resource scheduling would have to change for SCFs design and
production departments. In three hours she would meet with senior management
to decide to accept the clients request at their price or come up with an alternate
plan. Songsee realized she should have several options for senior management to
consider, along with a recommendation.

Life expectancy

Write a 2-page essay on the life expectancy in Queens County.
One paragraph should succintly summarize the the article while the remaining parts of the essay should include your analysis and original thoughts about the topic.

Musical Meaning Blog

For the Module 6 Blog entry you will search YouTube and choose two pieces of music that correspond to Music & Experimentalism.

One of the pieces must relate directly to the Western art music tradition and the other piece may or may not relate to this tradition.The choice is up to you, but you may not use pieces discussed as examples in a module (so please review the pieces by John Cage!) or that are LGs. You may use new pieces by composers discussed in class.

For your Module 6 Blog entry you must:

Embed the YouTube videos so that your instructor may access the music directly. (2 YT videos total)
Provide the title of the piece with its corresponding composer and/or performer (for example, Symphony no. 7, movement 2, Allegretto; Ludwig van Beethoven; London Philharmonic) as text in your entry. (2 titles and composers and/or performers total).
For EACH YouTube piece articulate (1) how the YouTube piece relates to the module topic; (2) what type of meaning the piece holds for you or other audiences (for example the reason why you chose the piece might be linked to a personal meaning or a larger cultural/political/philosophical meaning); and, (3) how is the meaning described above linked to sound in particular (read: musical elements). Feel free to use Wikipedia to investigate the pieces, but NEVER plagiarize or quote text from outside sources consulted on the pieces. Any information regarding the pieces in your entries must be written IN YOUR OWN WORDS. You will receive an automatic zero-grade for the Musical Meaning Blog if you plagiarize text from an outside source.
You must address the 3 questions above in 300 to 400 words PER YouTube piece. This means for each 1 of the 3 Blogger entries you will need to write 600 to 800 words.
Once you have completed an entry in your MMB, publish your blog. Click on view and then copy that URL. Please make sure the URL does NOT have the word “editor” in it: if this is the case, your Blogger page has not been published and can only be viewed by you, the creator. Go back and publish it. Then click on view to copy the URL. Never click share to copy your URL because you need a Google + profile to do this. If you are using a limited Blogger profile you will not be able to do this.

When you are finished you must post your PUBLISHED Musical Meaning Blog in Canvas. There is NO MMB Module 6 Response Discussion Board.

Stockhausen vs. Beatles Journal

Watch the two videos linked below. One example is a work by The Beatles called Revolution 9, which was released on the 1968 album, The Beatles, otherwise known as The White Album.  Revolution 9 is also a sound collage work that combines spoken word & found sound recordings, using composition techniques borrowed from tape music. The visual imagery in the video is not original to “Revolution 9.” The other example is a work by German composer Karlheinz Stockhausen called Hymnen or (in English) Anthems.  It is a sound collage piece Stockhausen completed in 1966-67.  Though Stockhausen is primarily associated with electronic music composition (sound synthesis), this work also uses methods borrowed from tape music composition (or musique concrte).

As you listen to these two examples, compare their approaches to sound collage & their use of pre-recorded sounds.  After they stopped touring in the mid-1960s, The Beatles increasingly focused on developing more experimental approaches to studio recording.  They also began expanding the types of musical influences they incorporated into their songwriting, including the Indian classical music tradition George Harrison encountered while studying sitar with Ravi Shankar in India in 1966.  The Beatles were familiar with Stockhausens experiments in electronic music composition during the 1960s as well, and Stockhausen is one of the figures pictured on the cover of The Beatles 1967Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band.

Compose a journal submission that answers the following questions in no more than 300 words total:

What sounds do you hear in each example?
Why do you think Stockhausen & The Beatles used pre-recorded material for these works?
Do theses pieces constitute music?  Why or why not?
What do you think these works reflect about technology & musical creativity in the 1960s?

This Assignment is worth 100 points. Each question answered is worth 25 points. If any question is not addressed you will not receive the 25 points for that question.


This essay should be about four to six pages long (without including title page and list of cited references).  This essay prompt asks that you engage in a reflection about the course’s contents (no library research is needed; engaging only with the textbook’s contents and other course materials is required).  You must:

a] Read the New York Times article, In Narrow Decision, Supreme Court Sides With Baker Who Turned Away Gay Couple (see the folder Recent Press Articles of Interest at the Student Resources link). Briefly summarize the case.

b] Read the New York Times article, British Jury Delivers First Conviction for Female Genital Cutting (see the folder Recent Press Articles of Interest at the Student Resources link). Briefly summarize the case.

c] Use as many specific concepts and contents (no vague reference accepted) from this course to develop a sophisticated discussion of the significance of these two cases when considered together.  Indeed, they contrast meaningfully: the first case is decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in favor of a religious perspective and at the detriment, perhaps, of “individual sexual rights,” while the second could be seen as promoting individual rights by limiting the reach of religious and cultural traditions–some of which are criminalized by law (female genital cutting).  In this section of your essay, you should engage in a discussion of all aspects of the contrast made by the two cases (two NYT articles) you find most relevant in the development of your sophisticated argument.  That argument should make as many references to the course’s contents as possible and relevant.  This section of your essay may not focus on one of the articles only.  It must focus instead on the significance of the contrast between both cases, vis–vis human rights and religious rights.

Your accurate utilization of course contents in the development of a well-constructed argument will be the major criteria used to evaluate your essay.

You must use the Author-Date Chicago Manual of Style (see the Student Resources link) to cite your written sources (including the textbook) and list your references cited at the end of your essay.


The three specific questions asked (a, b, and c) must be answered separately in that order, following the mention a, b or c).

Your essay must have a brief introduction, your answer to a), your answer to b), and your answer to c).  It ends with the list of cited references.

You must submit your essay as a Word file.

This assignment is graded according to your ability to identify and articulate an argument about the central focus of the essay (the significance of the contrast between the two cases referred to in the two NYT articles, marshal evidence from the course’s materials to support the sophisticated argument you develop, as well as to show your ability to follow directions, present accurate information and cite examples from the texts that you paraphrase. Finally, this assignment will be graded on your demonstrated ability to adequately understand  anthropological explanations and adhere to the rules of English grammar.  For this assignment, I look for whether you have developed a sound argument and whether you have constructed logical paragraphs that explain how the examples you have chosen support your statement about the question’s focus/target.

Some Rubric
Some Rubric
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Creative thinking and organization of argument
50.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Accurate and relevant references to the course materials
75.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Accuracy of anthropological explanation
75.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Adhesion to rules of English grammar, spelling, punctuation; variety of appropriate word choice; respect of rules of citation; paper has been proofread
50.0 pts
Total Points: 250.0

Critical Assignment- ORG512

The Critical Assignment will be a paper of your learning from the course (PLEASE USE THE BOOKS ATTACHED FOR THIS PAPER) (READ ALL NECESSARY CHAPTERS), blended with the experiences you have had in your work life.

Sections to address include (you may use these following phrases as headings):

1. strategies for negotiation and dispute resolution, including: (this will be 2 paragraphs framing the need for negotiation and dispute resolution)

2. distributive and integrative negotiations, (describe and define)
Students must accurately and effectively describe strategies for negotiation and dispute resolution, including distributive and integrative negotiations.

3. the roles of self-awareness, communication and persuasion in relationships to successful negotiated outcomes and dispute resolution, (describe and define)
Students must effectively and accurately describe the roles of self-awareness, communication and persuasion in relationships to successful negotiated outcomes and dispute resolution.

4. the unique considerations necessary for successful cross cultural and international negotiations, (describe and define)
Students must effectively and accurately describe the unique considerations necessary for successful cross cultural and international negotiations.

5. the common challenges of team, multiparty, and workplace negotiations, the benefits of using strategies from Getting to “Yes” in negotiating with organized labor (describe and define)
Students must effectively and accurately describe the common challenges of team, multiparty, and workplace negotiations.
Students must effectively and accurately describe the benefits of using strategies from Getting to Yes in negotiating with organized labor.

6. (Ethics and Christian Worldview will be included in this analysis).
(describe and define) Include Christian bible Scriptures.

Students  must effectively and accurately utilize the APA conventions for academic papers, demonstrate correct grammar and spelling, and present masters level writing.

game theory

The requirements for this project are as follows: Each group will take a situation and create a simple, game
theoretic model which that group will solve. This situation can be a scene from a movie, a game, or a realworld scenario. Original thought should be the center of this idea, so you should not take an example directly
from an example that I discussed in class or from a paper that you find. Groups should push themselves
to either write down a more general model, or to look at different versions of the game they are analyzing.
For example, writing down a prisoners dilemma and solving is not sufficient for a good grade on the project.
The situation that you pick should be inspired by your interests. This paper should be no less than 3 pages,
double-spaced, with 12 pt font. Instead of analyzing a model in this way, students may also choose to run an
experiment in the class to test the predictions of game theory.
In this project, you should clearly outline what you are modeling and why it is interesting. You should
then clearly define the model, meaning that you should write down the players, the strategy space, and the
payoffs. You should also go through a simple example that gives a flavor of what the solution looks like, and
you should conclude by discussing your predicted solution and how it ties in to the situation you are modeling.
Students who choose to run an experiment should still follow the same steps above, but should detail why
they are running an experiment. In addition, students should detail the results of the experiment and why
they match or mismatch the theory.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Step 1. Select a current events case, in the last ten years, to analyze in the American criminal justice system. The case must be one where a life sentence or death sentence was the outcome.

Step 2. Describe the details of the case, including the nature of the offense, background of the offender, and an analysis of each component in the criminal justice system: advantages/disadvantages of police procedures, details and/or issues with court proceedings, and whether the correctional sentence was appropriate based on the nature of the offense and background of the offender. 

Step 3. Conclude your paper by thoroughly analyzing the impact this case has had or will have on future criminal justice outcomes. Careful critical thinking is required here. Invest considerable effort in thinking about what you have learned over the course of the term in addressing this final aspect of the mission.

The sources you are to use to obtain information for your descriptions of the criminal justice process include the following: your text book for this course reading material, information gathered from your Experimental Project, court cases and news articles.

You can access a database on criminal justices case law, journals and articles using the HCC library resource page provided here: (Links to an external site.)

As an academic paper, it must contain APA formatted citations throughout the paper whenever information is being presented from a source. You can find examples of citations and references through the following link: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Even though you may have personal experience in the field (e.g. police officer) or use knowledge obtained in previous courses, information used in this paper must be supported through the use of citations which meet the criteria for sources indicated above.  For a database on scholarly articles, case law, and related material visit HCC Library.  You can also access the information through the following link: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Here are the sections that should appear in your paper, each of which should be subtitled:

Description of the case (including the nature of the offense and the background of the offender)
Police procedures
Court proceedings
Correctional sentence
Analysis of the impact this case has had/will have on the American criminal justice system process
Form and Format Requirements:

Paper should be a between 4-5 pages in length. Double space
12 pt. font
1 margins
Use APA citations for all sources:


Editing / Rewriting

I am providing my draft paper in uploaded documents: Part_Two_Essay_One.docx. Comments are in blue font and some extra comments on the bottom of the essay. Could you have a look and do the needful please.

Part Two: Essay One is of 1500 words but will need editing / rewriting only about 825 words.

Identify a child with an additional need that you want to include in your centre and discuss their inclusion from the childs, the parent/whnau and the teacher perspective. Outline a plan for their inclusion that also takes into account the environment and other children at the centre. Justify your decision making in light of equity and social justice.

For this essay, you need to select an additional learning or development need that a child in an early childhood setting could have. Do not, even though it says identify a child, have a specific child in mind. Focus on the specific need, such as those described in Section 4 of the Course Guide. Consider in-depth what support the child may need and why this is important from the perspective of the child, their parent/whnau and the teacher. Make links to a range of literature, legislation and professional discourse in this discussion.
For the next part, prepare a plan to support the child that advocates for social justice and equity in relation to the child. Your discussion should consider how the classroom (the environment) is facilitated, as well as teaching strategies that a teacher could use to include the child, and also build inclusive attitudes and practices between the children. Justify your plan in terms of why these particular strategies would be effective.

Learning Outcomes (LO):

LO1: Articulate multiple perspectives on inclusive practice for children with diverse needs and their families/whnau

LO2: Debate issues related to ethics, social justice and rights for inclusion in early childhood settings

LO4: Justify inclusive strategies for implementation in early childhood settings.


(1) This is a level 7 course so please ensure to maintain good academic presentation standards with excellent referencing throughout all the parts. Further information can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-Assessment_Presentation_Criteria.pdf

(2) My writing style is simplistic with understandable terms.

(3) No headings and sub-headings within essays. The first sentence of the paragraph is a topic sentence that states the main idea of the paragraph. The last sentence of the paragraph is a concluding sentence proving the point you are making or act as a link to the following paragraph. Further information can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-Well-constructed_paragraphs.pdf

(4) For Essay Introduction use 5% of the word count and Essay Conclusion use 10% of the word count. Further information can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-Writing_Introductions_and_Conclusions

(6) Detailed information on marking criteria can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-Criteria for Marking Presentation in Written Assessments.pdf

(5) Referencing Style: APA 6th Edition with page numbers A MUST. You need to limit your use of direct quotes and more importantly, use effective paraphrasing APA Guidelines to be followed. Further information can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-APA-Quick-Guide.pdf

(6) 100% Plagiarism free.