Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Supporters of driverless cars say that they will make the roads safer. Others say that the technology has not been proven to be effective. What is your opinion about driverless cars? Should the UAE adopt this new technology for the future?

Research Report Outline  The report outline should be one page long.  Use font Times New Roman, size 12, approximately 250 words. No full sentences should be used  Use bullet points Include all APA in-text citations (quotes and  paraphrases) in the outline
You must select and use AT LEAST 2 sources from the list given for your chosen topic. Wikipedia will not be accepted. 
– write Background and discussion.
– Please write the idea on your own words
Please get information from these two links:

assignment 5

For this assignment you will design and create a year-long weight loss program.  You will provide a snap shot of each month along with commentary.


Client background age, weight loss goals, any health issues
12 snapshots
Discussion of activities for the month
Strength training summary
Conditioning summary
Auxiliary training summary
Specifics should be mentioned, but you do not need to present an entire program for each month.  For example, core lifts have progressed from 70% and 3×10 10,8,6 at 75, 80, 85%.
Progressive overload should be present
Strategies to maintain exercise adherence

First person perspective, Implications of the American Revolution( and Republican ideas)

You are the wife of an artisan a saddler (saddle maker) and you are having a conversation with your husband about the implications of the American Revolution (and republican ideas)  for yourself and your daughters.  The date is July 4 at some point between the late 1790s and  the 1820s.    In constructing your imagined conversation draw from the lectures and from Christine Stansells City of Women.  Be sure to incorporate some discussion of your daily activities as a wife and mother.  (Stansells book will help you to do that.)  You can decide whether your household is prosperous or impoverished.

Use one-inch margins and 11 or 12 point font.  Papers should be double spaced.

Assignment 3: Marxs theory of value: continuities and breaks

The extended lecture notes have paid a lot of attention to the presumed differences between Marxs and the Classical Political Economists (CPE – mainly Smith and Ricardos) theory of value.  In this assignment, I want you to explain the similarities and differences and provide textual evidence to support your interpretation. In particular, I am asking you to:

Briefly explain CPEs theory of value and especially the role that notions of labor embodied and labor commanded play in it.
Briefly explain how Marx uses the concept of labor (embodied or commanded) and how this changes his conception of value (the qualitative, measurement and quantitative problems) in comparison to CPE.
Make sure to provide textual evidence for all points you are making, either in the form of a quote or a specific reference (e.g. In Marxs view use-value and exchange value are not independent, as is clear from such phrases as [(short) quote with specific reference] or: on [page number], Marx applies Smiths distinction between use-value and exchange value to labor itself, calling the former labour power in use or labour itself. Later on, on page [page number], he sets labours exchange value equal to the wage).
Conclude on the elements of continuity and dissent in Marxs theory of value. How did his theory build on elements of CPE? How is it different?
Your assignment should contain no more than 450 words (excluding things like your name, student number, the name of the course and references). Please specify the amount of words you have used below your text. Exceeding the word limit by 10% or less will not be penalized. If your word count is between 495 and 550, one full point will be subtracted. If you write more than 550 words, the assignment will not be graded.

You will have to use the textbook and mainly the extended lecture notes and the reader for this course for most of the content. Always make sure the reader knows where you found your information by placing references (2 per paragraph is a good rule of thumb). Try to use enough quotes to substantiate your reading of Marx, but do not overdo it. Explaining his main point in your own words and providing half a sentence of Marxs as evidence is preferable over providing lengthy quotes and offering a sentence of your own as commentary and summary (Marx being quite a verbose writer, the latter strategy will not fit within the word limit either). Make sure all quotes are recognizable as such using quotation marks and a reference with page number(s). If there is serious overlap between your text and others, the assignment will not be graded and you will be referred to the Examinations Board.

You are graded on the following elements:

Writing (clarity, structure) (20%).
CPEs theory of value (10%).
Marxs theory of value (25%).
Textual evidence (25%)
Conclusion on elements of continuity and dissent (20%)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

700-800 words

In this reflection paper, you are to critically engage the topic of the social construction of identity in your life.

How is your perception of your own identity related to or affected by social and cultural structures, ideas or conventions?  Please discuss and provide examples of how at least one of your identities (i.e., religious, gender, ethnic, racial, class, sexual orientation, disability and/or age, among others) is shaped, or has been shaped, by cultural and societal influences within contexts of equality and inequality.  Please integrate course material (concepts, theories, discussions, lectures, readings). Please cite at least one course reading and one appropriate outside source.  All course materials are posted on the course HOME page.

Guidelines: Please review the rubrics before you start writing the paper.  Your paper should have a clear structure, including a thesis, body paragraphs with clear topic sentences and focused discussions, and a conclusion.  You can use any major citation format (APA, IEEE, Chicago, MLA); each paper should have in-text citations and a reference list.

Discussion Justification Essay

Writing from scratch:

I will keep sharing further information moving forward.

Assessment is in three parts (Total: 3050 words)

Part One: Discussion Forum (600 words):-

Discussion # 1 (200 words): (Can I please have this by 25/04/2020)

Good leadership can make a difference to a centre. Which aspect sharing vision, leadership style, team-building, mentoring etc –  do you consider to be the most important and why?

Discussion # 2 (200 words): (Can I please have this by 02/05/2020)

Reflect on your readings and your experiences, and consider which values and beliefs are the most important to you as a leader in early childhood education. Discuss why those values are important to you and how they might be integrated into the smooth running of an early childhood centre setting by a leader or a manager.

Justification (200 words):

Justify how this post added value to the discussion (no more than 200 words). The course lecturer will consider the quality of the submission in determining the final grade. (Justification (200 words) can be either on Discussion # 1 OR Discussion # 2 – choice is yours). Detailed information can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-adding_value_to_your_discussion_forum.docx

Part Two: Essay One (1700 words) Learning Outcomes: LO1, LO3

Identify and describe in detail a leadership situation that you observed in your early childhood centre (real or hypothetical). (200 words)

Critically analyse the situation by drawing on three concepts from the Course Guide. Justify your decisions about the leaders actions by linking your discussion to the course literature. (1500 words)

These are the concepts from the Course Guide to apply. Choose any three from below:

Section One: You as a Leader
1.4 Distributed Leadership -(and other styles of leadership further down)

Section Two: Leading and Managing Teams
2.1 Building Teams
2.2 Supervision, Coaching and Mentoring
2.3 Staff Development and Appraisal
2.4 Conflict Resolution

Section Three: Leading Towards Change
3.1 Values-Based Leadership
3.2 Pedagogical Leadership
3.3 Developing A Shared Vision
3.4 Management Structures in the Early Childhood Sector
3.5 Planning and Associated Strategies
3.6 Implementing, Monitoring and Reviewing

This analysis depends greatly on the leadership situation that you describe. You need to relate a situation where the leader (or leaders if that works better) works with other adults – teachers – and gets things done, or resolves an issue or makes things better by using the concepts that you want to apply to it. The situation should be written as a detailed, factual account (like giving evidence in court) as in: this happened, then this happened, then the result of that was that this happened. Thereby concentrating on the actions of the leader/s in it so that you can refer back to it in your analysis. If you don’t have enough detail of interpersonal adult relationships, then you have to dig too hard to apply what you want and make it relevant. Just check that you can easily see three things there that relate to leading other adults.

The leaders don’t have to have formal roles, anyone can lead in a situation, and if you are somehow involved, then refer to yourself as “the student teacher” so that you distance yourself a little from the critique. You should be writing in the third person here.
Your critical analysis must link to the leadership literature covered in the course, and to three concepts. There are a number of different aspects in the course that you can use to critically analyse your leadership situation most are listed in the menu of the COURSE GUIDE but you may find others. You will find course guide in uploaded documents: Instructions-Course Guide.docx.

Part Three: Essay Two (750 words) Learning Outcome: LO2

Articulate and defend your values and beliefs on leadership in the early childhood sector and your own practice as a leader, in line with your philosophy of teaching. Draw on theories and practices in the course materials to justify the elements you are defending in your philosophy of leadership.

For the second essay, we want to know what you believe about leading adults, your values and beliefs of leadership in ECE. Don’t include your teaching philosophy – just the parts that relate to leading adults, if they do. What do you think works leading adults, why, and who in the literature agrees with you (theories and practices). You can use “I believe” but your decisions must be supported by the course literature to justify you including that element in your leadership philosophy.

Learning Outcomes:

LO1: Critically review perspectives on leadership within the context of early childhood education
LO2: Critically reflect on the impact of personal values, beliefs and practices in developing a professional and ethical code of leadership within the early childhood context
LO3: Justify a range of socially and culturally appropriate leadership practices in the early childhood education context

Course required readings must be used as well as additional literature and important websites to inform the knowledge of your assessment. Course Guide is only for your knowledge. APA 6th edition reference list must be attached.

Part One – Discussion Forum: 600 Words
Part Two: Essay One: 1700 Words
Part Three: Essay: 750 Words
(Total Word Count: 3050 words)
*15% leeway above or below word limit


(1) This is a level 7 course so please ensure to maintain good academic presentation standards with excellent referencing throughout all the parts. Further information can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-Assessment_Presentation_Criteria.pdf

(2) My writing style is simplistic with understandable terms.

(3) No headings and sub-headings within essays. The first sentence of the paragraph is a topic sentence that states the main idea of the paragraph. The last sentence of the paragraph is a concluding sentence proving the point you are making or act as a link to the following paragraph. Further information can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-Well-constructed_paragraphs.pdf

(4) For Essay Introduction use 5% of the word count and Essay Conclusion use 10% of the word count. Further information can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-Writing_Introductions_and_Conclusions

(6) Detailed information on marking criteria can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-Criteria for Marking Presentation in Written Assessments.pdf

(5) Referencing Style: APA 6th Edition with page numbers A MUST. You need to limit your use of direct quotes and more importantly, use effective paraphrasing APA Guidelines to be followed. Further information can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-APA-Quick-Guide.pdf

(6) 100% Plagiarism free.

(7) I have set deadline for this project as 08th May but my submission is later, so we can have enough time for revisions.

(8) Can I please have Discussion # 1 (200 words) on 25/04/2020 and Discussion # 2 (200 words) on 02/05/2020.


reinforce your immunology knowledge by being a scientific gamer

I upload all the project descriptions, I need every section to be exactly as my professor mentioned, please! I need an A for the paper.
There will be 3 files as project Template, description, and rubric which include all the instructions for writing the paper. Also, I upload 3 papers that may be helpful.

Streamlining by Muli Amaye

Write an analytical essay in which you analyse and interpret the short story “Streamlining” by Muli Amaye. Part of your essay must focus on characterization, language, theme(s) and message.

Write the analytical essay in English.

Word count: 800-1200 words

Use the following source:
Streamlining by Muli Amaye

political science

please follow the instructions in the attachment file.
please stay away from difficult words and phrases.
i was unable to find Cognella casebook: Majority opinions in Lochner v. New York, 61-64; in West Coast Hotel v. Parrish,  67-70; and in DeShaney v. Dept. of Social Services, Winnebago County, 73-76, as well as Justice Blackmuns dissenting opinion in DeShaney, 77. (The page numbers refer to those at the bottom, not the top.) which is one of the sources. please try and find some source online for this source.

haoyuan xu

Professional Development Offline(you attend live) Industry Related Workshop SPM 1006 Spring 2020

Professional Development is a life-long process of finding ways to make yourself better.  I would encourage you to take ownership in your education on various topics. The info is out there and many times FREE in the form of actual live in-person events+workshops!

For this assignment/project you will be seeking out and completing some type of OFFLINE INDUSTRY/CAREER RELATED WORKSHOP of your choice. Please note, OFFLINE means you have to actually go and attend something live and in-person.  See full instructions below..


PART 1: TARGET WORKSHOP EVENT LIST (Due by Noon on Wednesday, 2/19)

Step 1: In Week #2, you will read an article in class called the 12 Most Important Skills to Master at Work. So the first step is to refresh yourself on this article and then start thinking about improving these skills to make you a more well rounded business professional. You will be seeking out online educational workshops in these areas to start, but you are not limited to this list. Make this assignment a chance for you to develop in an area of weakness.

Step 2: In order to find workshops you can attend on or off campus, first you need to search+navigate to some websites that can help you find these events. Many times these are events are FREE. Take a look at places like the  St. Johns Master Events Page, St. Johns Library Page , Eventbrite, Meetup, Score, NYPL, Google . These sites make it very easy to put in keywords and search for events. They also are business/marketing geared.

Step 3: Find 4 Workshops from 4 different websites that you might be interested in attending

Step 4: Compose an email to me([email protected]) that contains the following.
Subject Line of email should say: Professional Development Offline Industry Related Workshop Target List.
List out each of the 4 workshops/events you are interested in. Give a 2-3 sentence summary of why you picked it as a potential workshop to attend how this might apply to your career preparation and skills you want to attain.

**Move on to Part 2 on the next two pages

PART 2: CONFIRMATION IMAGE AND POST EVENT PRESENTATION SLIDE (Due by Noon on Wednesday, April 22nd)- 10 Points

Step 1: From your list of 4 workshops, choose one, RSVP, and attend the event!

Step 2: Get the person who led the workshops email address and full name.

Step 3: The next day after the workshop, compose an email to the person who led the workshop and also CC me on the email (this means you are sending an email to both me and our advisor at the same time) with the Subject Line: Thank You! The email must contain.
Subject Line: Thank You!
1 sentence thanking the teacher for their time.
A list of 3 KEY THINGS YOU LEARNED from the workshop.  For each KEY THINGS YOU LEARNED, write a 1-2 describing what you learned and how you will look to apply this knowledge to your future studies/work/life. 
Attach a selfie/personal image from the workshop.

Step 4: Compose an email to me with the following information:
Subject Line: Offline Industry Workshop Completion Email

Attach Presentation Slide: From the Workshop, you will create a 2 Slide Presentation that teaches us what you learned at the Workshop. Use pictures, diagrams, bullet points, complimentary videos+media to help us learn 1 main concept that you learned during the workshop. (the point is to teach us, so make it interesting and easy to grasp).

PART 3: PRESENTATION TO THE CLASS (Presentations will begin on Thursday, 4/23)- 5 Points

Step 1: Starting Thursday, 4/23, be ready to come up in front of the class and present to us about the Offline Workshop you attended.

***The point is for you to help us learn something new, so make the 2 slides easy to understand. Include bullet points, images, any supplemental videos/audio that helps us understand the topic.

**** CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: Because we are now working remotely, the OFFLINE Workshop has turned into another ONLINE WORKSHOP. Follow the same instructions as the ONLINE WORKSHOP below for Parts 2 and 3.


Step 1: From your list of 4 workshops, choose one, RSVP, and complete it.

Step 2: Take 3 screenshots (if you dont know, click this link on how to take a screenshot) during the online workshop. Take 1 in the beginning, Take 1 in the middle, and Take 1 at the end showing your completion. (3 Total Screenshots).

Step 3: Compose an email to me with the following information:
Subject Line: Online Industry Workshop Completion Email

Attach the 3 SCREENSHOTS to the emaili

In the body of the email, add the LINK to a Google Presentation Slides WITH AUDIO: From the Workshop, you will create a 2 Slide Google Slide Presentation that teaches us what you learned at the Workshop. Use pictures, diagrams, bullet points, supplemental videos+media to help us learn 1 main concept that you learned during the workshop. (the point is to teach us, so make it interesting and easy to grasp).

PART 3: GOOGLE SLIDE PRESENTATION TO THE CLASS (Presentations will begin on Thursday, 4/23)- 5 Points

Step 1: Starting Thursday, 4/23, be ready to come up in front of the class and present to us about the Online Workshop you attended. Since we are currently doing remote sessions, we will be using zoom/webex/hangouts software where you will get a chance to present to the class via our remote video session.

***The point is for you to help us learn something new, so make the 2 slides easy to understand. Include bullet points, images, any supplemental videos/audio that helps us understand the topic.
CORONAVIRUS UPDATES: Due to the transition to REMOTE CLASSES, you will also create a SCREENSHARING video presenting your slides to the class on video. In class, we learned about using SCREENCASTIFY, a free chrome extension. You can also create a SJU Webex or Panopto Session on your own and record the session. Or you can use any other screensharing program you would like. The end result would be a LINK that we can click and be able to hear and see your presentation as you click through the slides. Some resources below: