Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Persuasive Essay

Many people today believe that U.S. executives are paid too much while others believe that the size of their compensation packages are justified. For this assignment, you will choose which side of the argument you believe to be true, and you will try to persuade your readers to agree with your position.

Please utilize at least three sources, one of which can be your textbook. The Business Source Complete database in the CSU Online Library is a great place to begin searching for sources. Make sure that all sources are cited and referenced utilizing proper APA formatting.

Your persuasive essay should be a minimum of two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages.

Unit VI Journal

Think about the CEO of the company you currently work for or one for which you have worked in the past. What are your thoughts about the compensation package that he or she receives or received? Do you believe that the work he or she does or did merits such a compensation package? Why, or why not? I was in the US Army for 25 Years

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Describe how your personal faith and beliefs contribute to your college search process. Libertys mission is to develop Christ-centered leaders. Describe how you will contribute to this mission as a Liberty student.

1)    Describe how your personal faith and beliefs contribute to your college search process. (Examples include reasons for choosing Liberty, background information about your personal faith and beliefs, or other information you deem relevant.)
2)    Libertys mission is to develop Christ-centered leaders. Describe how you will contribute to this mission as a Liberty student. (Examples include interests in church or community service, personal achievements or goals, or other examples of what you hope to achieve as a student.)


Working with your group, write a 200 word policy position on New Jersey marijuana law
Your team will be one of three groups advocating for the following policies:
Legalization proponents argue that prohibition is the cause of the drug problem and that regulating drug trade will help decrease crime.  They also see legalization as a means for reducing drug enforcement costs and increasing tax revenue and job opportunities.
Decriminalization proponents argue that while drug use should not be legal in all cases, it should be treated as a public health problem not a criminal activity.  This view changes the way that law enforcement would deal with the problem.
New policy under current system: some of the tenants of the current system are listed above.  These policies favor the criminalization of certain substances with penalties including fines and jail time. 

Same system new laws, example:
Trump administrations two positions –

Legalization example:
Bernie Sanders campaigns position
at 6:20


As you are aware my crime had nothing to do with causing the Financial Crisis. It was however a direct reflection of the culture of Wall Street and the banking system and hedge funds. It was easy to put a face on the Crisis, which was mine.
Bernie Madoff, personal interview
Watch the clip above. Why does Bernie Madoff fit the innovator category? What is the role of culture in his criminality? 275  words,


On the Moral Panic slides, pick one of the moral panics identified by Tosh (slide 8). Find evidence for two of the six elements of the moral panic. Upload to blackboard, 275 word minimum.

Remember these are the six elements of a moral panic: Folk devil/scapegoat; Moral entrepreneurs; Media attention; Public sensitization; Rules and enforcement; Societal Context

Observation: Miami-Dade County Public Meeting [Budget Hearing]

Here is your task for this exercise:



Go the following URL Link given above for your assigned Annual Budget Hearing. There are two links: one for the video, and one for the transcript of the video.
Click on Video link. This will open the video recording for the budget hearing [the Agenda link appears to be broken presently]. You can watch the video online. [You can download the video to your computer, but it is a large file.]
Click on the transcript link to download the video transcription. The transcript gives the actual spoken words of each speaker with the time stamp. However, the transcript may not be fully complete or fully accurate. So, listen to the Video and use the Transcript as a second reference for listening to the words spoken.
Watch at least 1 [one] hour of the budget hearing. YOU CAN SELECT ANY ONE HOUR TO WATCH. Skip the beginning introductions, roll call, and celebratory things (like people congratulating each other on mundane things; such parts should not be a part of your one-hour observation.)  You can turn Close Captioning on (if you hover the mouse on video, you will see “CC: on” option).
The one hour segment should contain commentaries from the public and/ or discussions between the elected public officials [or the mayor].
Take notes on what people are saying during the readings. These will give you the priorities of what they have on their minds.
Observe how many people are participating in the room in background. Note if they have  any general characteristics  (e.g. gender, race, age, profession). Observe if people talk in Spanish or Creole. Observe if there are certain groups of people (e.g. belonging to one nonprofit, wearing the same T-shirt with a slogan).
Based on your observations of the above meeting, write your paper on the Global City challenges and solutions in Miami-Dade County that are raised by the different groups of participants in the budget hearings. You should structure your paper well (e.g. according to the topics, or according to the type of participants, etc.). Your first paragraph should include the details of which budget hearing segment you observed (e.g. you may say, “I observed the 2019 Second Budget hearing held on September 19, 2019, for one hour starting in the [n]th hour.”  Include at least two conclusion paragraphs in the end which details how issues raised during the meeting relate to Managing Global Cities. The paper should be about 8 to 10 pages in length.

Your paper will be graded using the following rubric:

Thematic identification of Global City challenges and solutions (feel free to quote speakers) (6 points weight)
Systematic identification of who said what (e.g. people vs elected officials vs public administrators) (6 points weight)
Systematic identification of participants (6 points weight)
Generalizability of Miami-Dade problems/ solutions to other Global Cities [In this section, you can write about whether or not the problems/ solutions you heard are unique to Miami-Dade or are more broadly applicable to Global Cities in general. You can relate these problems to the area you live, if you are not in Miami-Dade.] (4 point weight)
Language and grammar (3 points weight)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Length:  up to about three double-spaced pages.
Due: Thursday, April 23

Please read :”living to a ripe old age.pdf”
and than the professor note”notes on Health and Wellbeing Inequalities”,
all uploaded.

than answer the Question.

On page 410, author states, Ultimately, this chapter illustrates that both individual choices and circumstances and macro-level factors are structured so that a persons race, class and gender are systematically related to their quality of life and life expectancy.  So, how does the chapter illustrate what she claims?**___________________________________________________________________________

**Understand the question:  As you well know, micro- and macro-level forces shape health for better or for worse.  But, exactly how these forces will shape a persons health for better or worse depends on race, class AND gender.  So, you are asked to explain how, according to the author, the effects of both the individual-level and the wider societal level are determined by race, class and gender.  You have already discussed your personal experience in one or both of the reading questions, so avoid giving it again.  Finally, you may include any insight from my notes, if you find them useful.

Contact me if you have any questions,

Policy Solutions for Managing Global Cities

This exercise relates to identifying a specific challenge and a solution to the management of global cities.

Pick any two global city management policy solutions that have been used in a specific place outside the United States.
Exemplary solutions include: participatory public budgeting in Porto Allegre, conditional cash transfers in Mexico, rapid transit in Curitiba and Bogota, mobile banking in Kenya (called m-pesa), microfinancing to women in Bangladesh (called Grameen bank), etc. The more creative the solution, the better it is.
Describe the main features of the policy solutions.
Explain if the solutions have diffused outside of the global city/ national context where it has been applied.
Explain if you think the solutions are applicable in Miami or any other American context.
I will grade the paper as per the following rubric:

Description of the policy solutions (10 points weight)
Diffusion of the policy solutions to other places (6 points weight)
Applicability of policy solutions to American context (6 points weight)
Structure, language, and citation (3 points weight)
The length of the paper – 6 pages, double spaced.
Include a list of references. Use APA style for writing the paper (see Purdue’s OWL (Links to an external site.) for more information on APA style).

Hong Kong’s Smart City

You will take on the role of an Assistant Planner working in the Planning Department of Hong Kong and write a paper in a memorandum format, which you will address it to your supervisor, i.e. the Principal Planner in the Planning Department, in regard to the topic of Smart city in Hong Kong.

For the content, please must address the following three questions in the second paper:
(1) Why is the absence of well-established Smart City infrastructure an important and pertinent concern of planners in the Planning Department of Hong Kong?
(2) What urban planning problems could be solved with the use of big data analytics?
(3) What exactly planners of Hong Kong could do to make use of big data to achieve planning objectives?

Required Structure:
– Introduction that outlines the context and structure of the essay
Main body:
(1) Address the first question as stated above
(2) Address the second question as stated above
(3) Address the third question as stated above
– Conclusion

–    Word count: 1925 words
–    The paper should be in formal style
–    It is important to cite scholarly materials such as books, book chapters as well as academic journal articles which are focused on application of smart technology in urban planning, and identify and discuss the Smart City problem from the planning perspective to substantiate the arguments.
–    At least 40 references needed

Assessment parameters:
–    Clear identification of main problem
–    Analysis of key issues
–    Conclusion linked to the problem
–    Overall structure and organization
–    Use of English
–    Relevant reference materials