Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Cloud Security

Week 12:

Submit your project abstract here.
Attach a WORD document and submit.

Final project topic I choose is Cloud Security

I am uploading the final paper initial preparation document you wrote previously about cloud security > writer The Geeky

Go through this link for ideas about Sample abstract:


Ethical Dilemmas

Excessive spelling and grammar errors will result in a deduction of points. Your answers should be in APA format and use citations when necessary. Questions typed and in BOLD print. You may use your textbook and outside sources are allowed as references and citations. Double-spaced paragraphs are required. 12-point Times New Roman font is required. Citations from a scholarly source are required within each answer for information sources. The textbook may be used as well as other outside scholarly sources. This Final Exam is worth 200 points.

The exam must be in .doc or .docx format to be graded.

The short answer (200-300 words each)

1. Describe the types of police corruption discussed in class and in the text. Give scholarly examples and citations where necessary of each. (30 points)

2. What is plea bargaining? What are the pros and cons of plea bargaining? Illustrate your answer with scholarly examples and citations where necessary. (30 points)
3. What is cruel and unusual punishment? Where is that prohibition outlined? Explain in detail, giving all aspects of cruel and unusual punishment and illustrate your answer with scholarly examples and citations where necessary. (30 points)
4. What are the three types of police abuse of authority? Define and describe each in detail and give a scholarly examples and citations of each. (30 points)
5. Compare and Contrast authority and power. How are they related, how are they different? Give an scholarly examples and citations to demonstrate your answer. (30 points)

APA Format (1000 words)
There are basically 2 points of view on mistakes in the criminal justice system: That no mistakes are acceptable, and that mistakes are inevitable. With that in mind, answer the following question. Using any framework we have discussed in class (e.g. deontological, utilitarianism, etc.), outline your opinion. Use scholarly examples and citations to illustrate your answer: This is an APA Format question, and should be written as such. Points will be deducted for answers not in APA Format.

6. Is it better for 10,000 guilty men to walk free than to have one innocent man convicted? If not, what number, if any, is acceptable to you? (50 points)


with in-text citation

What is blockchain (brief review)? How is it going to transform the supply chain? What else can BC be used for (other than supply chain)? Any of enterprise-application providers (vendors) that you can find that do offer BC solutions for organizations? What are the challenges of implementing BC business usage? Find examples (3-4) of companies/networks that are already using the blockchain in their supply chains; briefly describe how are they using it, what was the impact of use?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Data preparation and data analysis
Task 1 (2 points)
Task 2 (5 points)
Using the data from your source of choice (Stukents, data mining/web scrapping, or gathered by your team with a minimum of 50 data points) describe the process of data preparation for analysis. Specify at least one technique of the statistical analysis that is appropriate for your research and how output from the software package you selected would indicate whether or not statistically significant findings are present. Demonstrate with an example by using the dataset you have developed.
Task 3 (5 points)
Interpretation of the results; conclusions and recommendations.
Note: Assignments 1 and 2 (revised, if needed), and the executive summary need to be included in the final report. For instructions on how to structure the report see module 13 lecture notes in Bb and Stromps chapter 9.
Expected length of Assignment 3: approximately 10 pages double-spaced in APA format, including assignment 1 (revised), assignment 2 (revised), the executive summary, and excluding cover page, table of content, and appendixes.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Title Page
Intro: Give a brief background on what you plan to study and what you expect to find.  E.g. what does research say about your topic (with citations) and why does that research lead you to think you’ll get the results you expect to get.  Ensure that any information that is not common sense has a peer-reviewed, academic citation.
Methods: Describe what you did so that other researchers can reproduce your experiment.  Procedures that are fairly standard (like plugging in your laptop, applying gel pads for polygraph, etc.) do not need to be included.
Results: Report the type of statistical test performed and the results obtained.  Report group means and standard deviations for significant differences and include a figure reference.  Generally, you do not need to report stats for non-significant results (all you need to do is state that the test was non-significant); however, if your project had no significant results at all, make sure to at least include one full write-up including stats for the ANOVA and group M/SDs, with a reference to your Figure.
Discussion: Interpret your results.  Don’t restate your stats, but explain why you think you got the results you got and what you think they mean.  Be sure to link back to what you said in the introduction. End your discussion by addressing potential limitations to your study and future research directions.
References: Include at least three peer-reviewed, academic articles. 
Figures: Include a figure illustrating group means for all statistically significant ANOVAs.  Your figure should be in grayscale with no gridlines and should include a descriptive caption below it.  If you had no significant results at all, be sure to still include at least one figure.
Make sure to use proper APA formatting (e.g. 12pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, 1 margins,Title Page, correct section headings, correct in-text citations, reference page).

Make sure to also review any comments on your previous lab reports and address anything you need to change.

Refer to the APA Lab Report Guide posted under Modules for formatting directions/examples. I attached this guide. The RESULT and DISCUSSION part should be really similar to the sample from the APA lab report guide.

dream job in early childhood development field

BA Child Development (Links to an external site.), BA Early Childhood Development with Differentiated Instruction, (Links to an external site.) BA Early Childhood Education (Links to an external site.), or BA Early Childhood Administration (Links to an external site.).

In your journal, address the following items:

Which of these BAs would be best for you? Name it and explain why.
Which of these BAs sounds most interesting to you? Why?
Describe your ideal employment option with details surrounding the working conditions, your responsibilities, and the environment.
Why do you think this job is a good fit for you?
Share one specific skill you have and explain why this will help you land your dream job.
Determine the BA that would be best for you based on your ideal employment environment.
The Early Childhood as a Profession Journal

Must be one to two double-spaced page in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)s APA Style (Links to an external site.)
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Students name
Course name and number
Instructors name
Date submitted
For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).

Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.) as well as Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.), refer to the Ashford Writing Center resources.
Must use at least one credible source in addition to the course text

My Project

My Requirements: I need you to edit and fix my bibliography and make it better then what I have already created and I need you to go off of what I have already created  I’ve uploaded my work such as my rough draft and my bibliography for my report I need you to  fix my bibliography according to the rubric/instruction sheet file I’ve uploaded I need a total of 6 references I need 3 scientific articles and 3 scientific journal entrees in my bibliography and on the file I’ve uploaded it can help you find links to good references and everything you need to help you fulfil this assignment and my bibliography needed to be cited in apa format I need 6 references cited apa format 3 scientific journals entrees and 3 scientific articles on my topic which I’ve uploaded my rough draft in Microsoft word about Rheumatoid Arthritis  about the files I’ve uploaded one file is a rough draft which I dont need to be fixed its uploaded because of my references page if it helps out also if you can add to my reference page  and for the other file I’ve uploaded my bibliography that needs fixing and the main objective and the other file is the instructions on how the bibliography needs to be done specifically go off the instructions pages please  the main objective is to fix my bibliography according to the instructions sheet I’ve uploaded.

JetBlue Airlines

Write a case analysis on the case attached entitled JetBlue Airlines: Getting Over the “Blues”?

The report MUST contain all of the following sections:

1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction
3. Background of the Organization
4. Major Issues or Problems of the Organization:
5. Discuss the major issues or problems that are confronting the organization.
6. Evaluation of the Competitive Environment
  a. Analyze the macro-environment
  b. Analyze the competitive environment using the basic format of the Five Forces Model.
8. Evaluation of Competitive Business-level Strategies
  a. Cost Leadership
  b. Product Differentiation
  c. Focus/niche
9. Recommendation and Justification of Strategic Alternatives:
– Determine appropriate strategic alternatives for the firm and provide a solid justification for why you are recommending specific actions.
10. Implementation Plan:
– This is one of the most important sections of your analysis. In your recommendations, you have explained what course of action the firm should follow. Now you must describe how to do so in a well thought-out feasible implementation plan that covers the major action steps necessary to implement your recommended strategies.
11. Conclusion or Summary



1. All references must be cited in-text and on references section per APA format.

2. The attached case MUST be used all throughout the writing. The citation for it is:
Dess, G. G., McNamara, G., & Eisner, A. B. (2016). Strategic management: text and cases. C14-C18. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

3. Other references may be used but only from websites where memberships or payments are not required to view them.
Websites Only
All references must be free to view and links to them must work

No exceptions to any item in this description will be made. The due date is set early enough to allow time to fix issues, so I will have writers to fix any issues prior to completing the order.

Discussion 14

Search for an informative website on depression. (Important…Look for one that is not a .com; search for one that is a .org, .gov, etc.  These are more appropriate as academic sources.)  Look to your textbook and other sources for different forms of depression (i.e., PDD, perinatal depression, psychotic depression, bipolar, etc.).  Feel free to choose any of these subtypes for your search.

Write a summary of the site (1-2 paragraphs) and a thoughtful critique (1-2 paragraphs). Include the site address (url).

The purpose of this activity is to have class members collaborate in creating an on-line resource guide. Your summary should include the site address, a brief description of the information available, your thoughtful critique of the value of the information (including credibility, user friendliness, and usefulness), and related links.

For full points, your response should be a minimum of three paragraphs and should include references to the textbook and at least one additional source.  Use APA formatting when citing your sources, parenthetically and at the end of your essay. Please do not copy and paste from sources into these essay posts at all.  Only your own words should be present (no quotations of any size).  Please use full sentences in paragraph form at all times; bulleted or numbered lists are not appropriate for an APA essay.

EDTPA Deeper Reflection

You are going  to  write the  EDTPA Deeper Reflection  again  please  follow the instructions

Reflect on your abilities as a teacher using this lesson and its implementation as your assessment data. For each rubric (edTPA rubrics 7, 8 and 10) Give some specific examples from the lesson plan and its implementation to support your reflection.
Answer the following three questions for each rubric analysis:
What does this placement along the assessment continuum say about what your strengths and weaknesses are at this time?
What does it say about where you want to be and need to be headed as a teacher given these teacher assessment criteria?
Use readings to support your response.

Rubric 7: Engaging Students
You probe students thinking and/or facilitate students in probing each other’s thinking so that they can display their depth of understanding of the content you are teaching.

Sample sentence starters:
Strategies that I used to elicit student expression of their understanding of the learning target
This is evidenced by

Feature instruction where there is student-teacher interaction and/or student-student interaction and where students have opportunities to engage in learning tasks that help them learn what you have planned.

Rubric 8: Deepening Student Learning
How do I show that I am deepening student understanding?

This is evidenced by
Highlight how your prompt, listen to, and respond to students in such a way that you are supporting them to develop and build on their new learning.

Rubric 10: Analyzing Teaching Effectiveness
What is important to consider as I propose changes to the learning segment?

This is evidenced by
Be specific about any changes you would make if you were able to teach the lesson(s) again. You will also need to cite evidence that explains why you think these changes will work.

Short Response format:
Writing Tip: Restate questions asked. Answer (main idea). Cite evidence from readings.

What does this placement along the assessment continuum say about what your strengths and weaknesses are at this time?

What does it say about where you want to be and need to be headed as a teacher given these teacher assessment criteria? Use readings to support your response.