Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Construction of Clinical/practice question and literature review

The purpose of this assignment is to state a clinical/practice question and explore the literature pertaining to your clinical/practice problem. When conducting a literature review, the goal is to obtain a representative sample of the literature which describes the concepts related to the phenomenon of interest and the research results applicable to the clinical/practice question and identify what gaps need to be further researched.

My PICOT question and the articles I utilized in phase 1 are attached.


1. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION AND QUESTION State the practice question you wish to address (include independent variable and dependent variable) in PICOT format

2. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome State the population and setting being addressed

3. Introduction to the Literature Review on the topic

4. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome SECTION II REVIEW OF LITERATURE Includes most of the major studies conducted on the topic, including but not limited to, recent literature (last 5-7 years)—-a minimum of 10 articles is required.

5. Includes primarily research studies, systematic reviews and guidelines addressing the practice question you wish to address.

6. Similar and discrepant research findings discussed.

7. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome SECTION III CRITIQUE AND SYNTHESIS Critiques the results and findings of the key studies.

8. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Describes the weaknesses in existing studies and identifies important gaps in the literature.

9. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Conceptually organized based on type of articles and findings.

10. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Succinctly summarizes and synthesizes findings.

11. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome SECTION IV FURTHER RESEARCH Identifies what ideas need to be further researched.

12. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome PREPARATION–References congruent with initial proposal, i.e. PICOT

13. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome PREPARATION–Ideas organized & clearly expressed/headings used appropriately, NO MORE THAN 8 PAGES.

14. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome PREPARATION-Paraphrases the review with few quotes from original sources. Limit direct quotes.


Please show all work for this assignment and explain your derivations. Lack of step-by-step work will not be credited. Partial credit will be given for step-by-step description of answer. Must be orginal

a. NAAQS were established for six principal pollutants. Describe each and give examples of each applicable pollutant.

b. In Hepburns Speed Model, the coefficients of vehicles are indicated for C and D. As the chief of operations in your organization, you are responsible for presenting the yearly budget for the semi trucks in your companys inventory. Since your safety officer is insisting that each of your drivers must maintain an average speed of 55mph, what would be the vehicle operating cost of your company for each semi-truck in cent per mile? ____(

c. A taxi driver plans to pick you up at the airport and drop you off at the bank so you can complete some financial transaction before you head home. He notes that the change in vehicle operating cost (VOC) is 42 cents per mile. Given that his fuel consumption per minute is 0.2, what is the approximate price of fuel for this given arrangement if you delayed the driver for 36 minutes at the bank? ____

d. The simple interest for buying a passenger transit rail is shown as the product of the principle amount (P), time (in years), and annual rate (R). The City of Phoenix plans to buy five additional mass transit cars for $15 million, and pay off its loan in 30 years. What would the annual percentage rate be if the city plans to make an interest payment of $2 million? ____

e. In a box model, the maximum distance to transport particle across a city is calculated as follows: Approximate length of one side is 30 miles, width is 28 miles and the mixing height is 2 miles.  To the nearest mile, what will be this distance? ____

f. In a box model, the maximum distance to transport particle across a city is calculated as follows: Approximate length of one side is 30 miles, width is 28 miles and the mixing height is 2 miles. For a pollutant particle emitted on one side of the town, what is the maximum time it will take to be transported across the city with wind velocity of 10 miles per hour (to the nearest hour)? ____

g. In a box model, the maximum distance to transport particle across a city is calculated as follows: Approximate length of one side is 30 miles, width is 28 miles and the mixing height is 2 miles.  To the nearest hour what will be the average time it will take a particle to travel from one side to the other (to the nearest hour)? ____

h. If you are the planning engineer for an apartment complex your organization plans to build close to the highway and you know that your potential tenants will complain of traffic noise hazards. You want to assure them that you have adequately carried out the noise impact analysis. Given that the sea level pressure is 0.00002N/m, to ensure that pressure level does not exceed 12 decibels, the sound pressure of concern must be___________ (in N/m). ____

i. In the Rocky Mountain region, there are endangered species like jumping mice and burrowing owls that are protected by the EPA. If you want to build a roadway to facilitate traffic congestions in Denver, part of your plan will include using Simpsons diversity index to calculate the number of organisms in two communities. If EPA warned you that there are 400 burrowing owls in proposed region Community A and 500 burrowing owls in proposed region Community B, determine Simpsons diversity index for community A. ____

psychology case vignettes

Each student must complete the Take-Home Final.

Projects should include a cover page with your name, cohort, and the name of the instructor. You may use material from class discussion, reading or further research. Appropriate citations are expected. Plagiarism is a serious offense. Any paper submitted with plagiarized material will be dealt with according to the College Catalog and will result minimally in an “F” on the Take-Home Final. Assignment Choose 2 of the sample vignettes from #16-23 in APPENDIX B. Each exercise should be between 750-1200 words.

For each vignette do the following:

Include the vignette at the top of your exercise but do not count it in your word count.
Conduct a detailed Mental Status Exam as appropriate for the vignette.
Determine the initial focus of therapy and explain why you would prioritize that particular focus over the other issues present. A treatment plan is not necessary.
Describe a minimum of three examples of specific interventions you would use with each client and why. (Not including referrals.)
Next determine five referrals for each that you would make to address the clients issues. These may be from your homework list, the cohort list, or from additional research. (Include the agency name, community served, fees, and helping focus of the agency. Formerly presented descriptions and contact info are not to be included.) Take into account client resources when making the referrals.
Determine the best way to facilitate the referrals with each client and how you will support your clients as they seek out help from those to whom you are referring them. Include the process of termination.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please show all work for this assignment and explain your derivations. Lack of step-by-step work will not be credited. Partial credit will be given for step-by-step description of answer. Must be orginal

a. NAAQS were established for six principal pollutants. Describe each and give examples of each applicable pollutant. (10 points)

b. In Hepburns Speed Model, the coefficients of vehicles are indicated for C and D. As the chief of operations in your organization, you are responsible for presenting the yearly budget for the semi trucks in your companys inventory. Since your safety officer is insisting that each of your drivers must maintain an average speed of 55mph, what would be the vehicle operating cost of your company for each semi-truck in cent per mile? ____(

c. A taxi driver plans to pick you up at the airport and drop you off at the bank so you can complete some financial transaction before you head home. He notes that the change in vehicle operating cost (VOC) is 42 cents per mile. Given that his fuel consumption per minute is 0.2, what is the approximate price of fuel for this given arrangement if you delayed the driver for 36 minutes at the bank? ____(10 points)

d. The simple interest for buying a passenger transit rail is shown as the product of the principle amount (P), time (in years), and annual rate (R). The City of Phoenix plans to buy five additional mass transit cars for $15 million, and pay off its loan in 30 years. What would the annual percentage rate be if the city plans to make an interest payment of $2 million? ____(10 points)

e. In a box model, the maximum distance to transport particle across a city is calculated as follows: Approximate length of one side is 30 miles, width is 28 miles and the mixing height is 2 miles.  To the nearest mile, what will be this distance? ____(10 points)

f. In a box model, the maximum distance to transport particle across a city is calculated as follows: Approximate length of one side is 30 miles, width is 28 miles and the mixing height is 2 miles. For a pollutant particle emitted on one side of the town, what is the maximum time it will take to be transported across the city with wind velocity of 10 miles per hour (to the nearest hour)? ____(12 points)

g. In a box model, the maximum distance to transport particle across a city is calculated as follows: Approximate length of one side is 30 miles, width is 28 miles and the mixing height is 2 miles.  To the nearest hour what will be the average time it will take a particle to travel from one side to the other (to the nearest hour)? ____(12 points)

h. If you are the planning engineer for an apartment complex your organization plans to build close to the highway and you know that your potential tenants will complain of traffic noise hazards. You want to assure them that you have adequately carried out the noise impact analysis. Given that the sea level pressure is 0.00002N/m, to ensure that pressure level does not exceed 12 decibels, the sound pressure of concern must be___________ (in N/m). ____(13 points)

i. In the Rocky Mountain region, there are endangered species like jumping mice and burrowing owls that are protected by the EPA. If you want to build a roadway to facilitate traffic congestions in Denver, part of your plan will include using Simpsons diversity index to calculate the number of organisms in two communities. If EPA warned you that there are 400 burrowing owls in proposed region Community A and 500 burrowing owls in proposed region Community B, determine Simpsons diversity index for community A. ____(13 points)

Internationalization of a Higher Education Institution

Assume the role of a higher education leader such as President, Chancellor, CEO, or Provost that has just been named to lead an institution (two-year community college or technical institute, four-year college, or university) in an emerging or developing nation. The previous CEO was fired by the board, partly because of leadership style, and a no confidence vote from the faculty. Morale among the faculty and staff is very low. Relationships with the political and economic community have also deteriorated. The governing board now has a major goal for the institution to become more internationalized. How will you lead this institution to achieve its goal?

Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper in which you include the following issues and other aspects of institutional climate and culture:

Discuss your definition and concept of internationalization in higher education.
How will you articulate your leadership and management style to work with the internal and external stakeholders to improve moral?
How will you balance the need for institutional development and change with the challenges of those who are resistant to change?
What is at risk if the goal is not well-managed and achieved?
What is your timeline and schedule to achieve the institutional transition?

Cite a minimum of five scholarly sources.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

The Leadership Gap

During the next five years a significant number of higher education leaders will retire1, experience burnout, or leave the office for other reasons, thus leaving a shortage for a new breed of leaders to fill these important positions.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word position paper to inform those who aspire to a leadership position about the complex role of leaders in the global context of higher education.

Limit your discussion to a specific country and a specific type of institution (e.g., two-year or four-year public college or university, private, or proprietary institution).

Focus on the following aspects of leaders and leadership at the highest levels such as President, Chancellor, CEO, or Provost:

Background of college or university leaders (From academics, student services, finance, or institutional research)
Pros and cons of Non-academic leaders (From Business, Law, Politics, or Medicine)
The four CEO functions: chief executive officer, chief educational officer, chief entrepreneurial officer, and chief environmental officer (i.e., demonstrating an understanding of other cultures, structures, and global or international issues.)
Developing the leadership team
Continuous improvement, leadership models, and the SPL model
Working with the governing board, politicians, internal and external constituents and stakeholders, and students
Succession planning, professional development, and mentorship
Sources of funding
Conclusions and recommendations as well as your own aspirations and plans for a leadership position in higher education


The second 2-3 page paper is a response to Roland Barthes Rhetoric of the Image. The objective for this paper is to analyze the rhetorical elements of a recent advertisement. Ideally, the ad should be from a print magazine.
The advertisement should use photographic imagery, and should include text. Begin by describing the image in as much detail as possible, examining the characteristics of the objects, models, environment, etc. pictured; and the layout, typography, interaction of picture elements, image quality and composition of the entire ad. Try to identify all of the signs at work in the image.
Make your best attempt to articulate the meaning of the image, using Barthes terms. What is the linguistic message? What are the non-coded iconic messages? What are the coded iconic messages? Identify the denotative and connotative aspects, the use of anchorage and relay, the semantic and lexical components, etc. Consider the effectiveness of the advertisers rhetoric, and the ideological metalanguage employed.
This response will be submitted as a 750-1000 word typewritten paper, double-spaced in 12 pt. Times New Roman. Include images of the advertisement under consideration and any other relevant illustrations. All references and quotations, including image sources should be properly cited in MLA format. Upload a PDF to a new Post on OpenLab before class on the 21st.

Uber strategic plan

Based on your analysis of the industry and competitive dynamics for the same company that you examined in your Case Study, please recommend a new strategy for the company to adopt. You will consider all of the concepts that you have learned in the course, and the work you have done in your teams to develop the strategy.

In your essay, please address the following questions:

Using the different evaluation frameworks that you have learned (e.g. SWOT, PESTLE, 5 Forces), describe the current situation and environment that the organization is in, including direct and potential competitors. Identify the internal and external factors that are most critical to the organization.
Identify the most appropriate strategic frameworks and strategic approach(es) (e.g. Strengths/Opportunities, Weaknesses/Threats, etc.), and justify why those frameworks and approaches are appropriate.
Describe the recommended strategy and its path to implementation.
Describe how analytics could be employed:
To better understand the strategic environment;
To select a strategy; and
To evaluate the performance of the strategy
Describe what might happen in the course of implementing the strategy that would cause changes to some of its elements and what those changes might be. Please consider as many factors as possible, e.g. competitive, environmental, economic etc.
In your essay, you should reference at least 3 new sources from your own independent research in addition to any course readings and lecture material you cite.  Please use APA format for all citations.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Now that youve analyzed the environmental situation and established who is in the target market, it is time for product development. Product design is crucial because new products are being introduced every day. So, while other people focus on that aspect of development, you turn your attention to branding.

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

This morning, walking into the office, you greet Michelle who says, Id like to meet with you tomorrow to develop the branding strategy for the new product. Lets meet for a working lunch and brainstorming session.

That sounds great, you reply. Ill schedule the meeting and order in lunch.
Entering your office, you begin to think about the items that you will be discussing during tomorrows meeting with Michelle.

We havent even come up with a product name yet, you think. We also need to work on an advertising slogan or tag line. You know that Michelle has an extensive background in marketing, but you really want to make a good impression and bring a sound branding strategy to the meeting. How are we going to distinguish our product from our competitors? What are the benefits that we are going to highlight in our brand that will meet the needs or wants of our target customers?

You create the following list of items that you need to address:

Identify in one sentence your overall branding strategy or brand image you want to achieve in the mind of your target segment.
Product name
Advertising slogan or tag line
Product attributes
Product benefits

Importance of Play In Education from Birth to 8 yrs Old

Write a research based paper regarding the importance of play in education. Play in education for children birth through age eight should include a description of developmentally appropriate practices, learning environments, and benefits and uses of play in learning experiences. Support your paper with examples and research from leading early childhood researchers.  Your paper needs to be 8 to 10 pages, double spaced, 12-point font, and it must include a title and reference page (title and reference page do not count in the 8-10-page requirement). Make sure that the paper is uploaded to the assignment dropbox. Papers that are available for download only are not accepted.

All papers must be proofread and free of written communication errors (grammar, spelling, and punctuation.) Also see Written Assignment Sources in Course Policies below and in syllabus for details on appropriate scholarly references and peer-reviewed literature.

Attached are:
Please consider the assignment grading guidelines for higher grades
And Sources