Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Pathology of the Disease

Discussion Prompt

Select 1 diagnosis from the following list  and provide an in depth presentation on the  pathophysiology of the diagnosis. Bullous Pemphigus, Pressure ulcers, Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne Vulgaris, Congenital Hip Dysplasia, Spina Bifida, Scoliosis, ACL Tear, Osteoarthritis, Bursitis.

Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references
Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

Any topic (writer’s choice)

there is the commentsctq this week is graded with a D. It is full of grammar and spelling errors again and is not really acceptable as a serious English work. For example, you put the 17th century BC which is in the ancient Roman Bronze Age long before there was an emperor in 27 BC. The Ara Pacis did NOT as you say weaken autocracy and dynastic succession but in fact promoted it!!!  I have no idea what your phrase “August vision of Roman civil religion” even means.  I think the problem here is that there just is no command of the English language enough to answer these questions we are giving you and I am worried that you will pass the class.

Adult hood ages 20 and up

This paper provides a structured way of using observational skills to recognize physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development of people in given stages of life. For the second observation paper students will observe a person in the adulthood stages of life. Additionally, students will think critically about two or more actions that could be taken to help that person develop in a positive manner.

Title Page (1 page)
    This page quickly provides the reader with important about the author and topic of the paper
    For more details about the format of this page, see the Step 3 documents
Body of the paper (3-4 pages)
    The page following your title page should begin with the title of your paper, centered, at the top of the page
    As you begin each section below, use level 1 headings (headings that are bolded, centered with upper and lower case (also called title case) to delineate each section
    Remember to provide in-text citations in the body of the paper whenever you quote or paraphrase information from your textbook. For details about how to do this, see the Step 3 documents.
    You are not allowed to have more than 25% of your paper consist of direct quotes. This encourages you to paraphrase the material; that is, put the information into your own words.
    Since this is an observation paper, you may write in first person when answering the personal questions/prompts below
First section: Introduction paragraph
o    In this section you introduce the reader to your topic
o    Provide the reader with a description of the person you observed or interviewed. If only observations were made, also include a brief description of the place(s) where the person was observed.
o    Why did you choose to study someone in this particular stage of life? Does it have any personal meaning to you?
o    Note that the introduction is the only section that does not need a heading. The logic behind this is that the beginning of any APA-style paper should be an introduction.

Second Section: Observations
o    Describe some of the observation that you made and how it confirms or is in disagreement with information, theories, and research presented in our textbook for the stage of life that matches the age of the person you observed. Be sure to include 2-3 examples of physical development, 2-3 examples of cognitive development, and 2-3 examples of psychosocial development in your essay. Each example shall be referenced to specific information in the textbook. Students will discuss a total of 7 examples.
Third Section: Analysis and Conclusion
o    In this section students will think critically about two or more actions that could be taken to help that person develop in a positive manner. These actions must be based on information from the textbook or another academically-based source.
o    What was the most important point you learned from this experience?
o    Conclude by briefly drawing together the main points of the paper and provide concluding remarks to the reader (Which could include the answer to the question posed in the previous bullet point).
Reference page (1 page)
This is the section that gives details about the source of your academic information, in this case your textbook. You may use additional academically-based sources in your paper, and they must also be cited and referenced. There are two reasons why psychologists include this information. First and foremost, psychologists always give credit to the work that is done by their colleagues. Another reason is that it allows the reader to find the information if they desire to read more about it.
For more details about the format of this page (which is APA style), see the Step 3 documents

Needs to have a reference page

global stratification

Target a multinational corporation/international company and the practice of “outsourcing” to third world countries. Some examples of MNCs (multinational corporations) would be Nike, General Motors, Ford, Qwest, and Fender Music. Research its effects on local culture. Write a summary and analysis of 500-750 words and include the following:

How does global stratification impact local culture? What are the positive and negative effects?

How does global stratification impact the United States? What are the positive and negative effects?

Who is the biggest “winner” in this situation? Explain.

Use the GCU Library to locate two to three academic sources to support your content.

Assignment 1: Developing a Strategic Communication Plan

Imagine that you are a member of a team assigned by the police chief in your hometown to revise the organizations strategic communication plan. Your assignment is to utilize strategic approach that you have learned so far to develop your citys police departments strategic communication plan.

Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

Outline the approach that you would use to conduct research and interpret the situational analysis for your hometown.
Determine the main goals and objectives of your proposed communication plan. Predict the target group of your communication plan.
Propose the general communication strategies of your proposed plan. Provide a rationale for your response.
Develop the first four (4) main steps of your citys police departments strategic communication plan. Provide a rationale for your response.
Use at least two (2) quality academic resources as references, such as journal articles, newspapers, magazines, and publications from law enforcement associations. Note: Wikipedia, blogs, and similar websites do not qualify as quality academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

chapters  9, 10 and 11, noting the critical thinking exercises at the end of each chapter. If you are interested, there is also optional reading at the back of the book in Appendix One about how to study ancient Roman pottery and material culture. Discuss any Roman emperor whose life and contributions were presented in this reading and show how he put his own character and stamp on his age. Be specific about dates and monuments or works of art.


Like a literature review, this assignment is intended to have you compare and contrast the writing style and potential uses of a popular press article versus a peer-reviewed primary research article that discusses a psychological phenomenon, written within the last 10 years. The articles need to address the same area of interest (for example, depression and gender, love and crying, teenage norms and ostracism etc.), but do not have to necessarily be about the same exact experiment.

Use the academic paper from one of these sources. And the popular press article has to be at least 3 pages long.

Summarize the main points and evidence found within each resource in approximately 150-250 words per summary (NOTE: USE YOUR OWN WORDS, DO NOT PLAGAERIZE THE ARTICLES)
Describe using examples at least 3 ways that the theoretical approaches or article writing styles are different (note: mentioning participant pools is too simple, and if you notice that they are addressing completely different topics, your articles arent related enough)
Describe using examples at least 2 ways that the articles styles are similar in either goals, structure, or something similar to this
Describe situation where you think that you would benefit using a popular press article, and then describe situations where you would be better off using a peer-reviewed research article
Provide in-text citations and a reference page in APA format (including DOI number for the peer-reviewed article)
Attach the first page of each article (which has text) to the back of your paper OR email the full articles to your GSI before it is due
Write a paper that is coherent, with smooth transitions between topics (no bullet points or lists)

Global theology of the church

The paper must be a minimum of 8 pages (excluding cover page and bibliography), double spaced, written in 12pt Times New Romans font, with standard 1 boarders.
The paper must use proper APA formatting.
The paper must reference at least 4 academic sources (scholarly books, articles, presentations, etc. Popular sources such as blogs, Wikipedia, and the like are not acceptable) beyond course texts in the paper.
The paper must include sections addressing the following:
Global Theology of the Kingdom/Church
Local Theology of the Great Commission
Global Theology of the Great Commission

Intercultural Comms in the Workplace

Portfolio: critical review
The texts students can choose from can be found pp.10-11 in the Module Handbook, and in the “Reading List” link on the menu on the left-hand side in Canvas. By now, you should have chosen an article.

Portfolio: business report
Your choice of a local business can include one of the following:
(1) The website of the local business you have chosen, If you have already done some research in person, then you can use the website (if the business has one) for additional data
(2) The website of an online-only independent business but the business must meet the original criteria, i.e. no multinational corporations. The following small local businesses are acceptable: a charity shop, vintage or special clothing, independent art studio or gallery or photographers, health services, musical venue, letting agency, relocation business.

The article I chose isAngelica-Nicoleta ONEA, 2010. “Meanings Of The Notion Of Culture In Intercultural Research,” Review of Economic and Business Studies, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, issue 6, pages 243-252, December.

The business I chose is : ENGLAND AT HOME, 59 Ship St, Brighton BN1 1AE

video response

Watch this short video and then respond to the following question:

What role does equivalence play in a research project like PISA, which seeks to accurately measure learning across dozens of countries? If you were working on this project, how would you ensure conceptual equivalence? How would you ensure measurement equivalence?