Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

deviant behavior

Choose a deviant behavior to research. Locate references (e.g., current news stories, pop culture, and reality TV shows) that convey deviant behavior being accepted or rejected/scorned.

Write an essay of 500-750 words, summarizing your findings. Include the following:

What was the deviant behavior?

What were the demographics of the group that witnessed the behavior?

How did the group react to the behavior?

Did the group attempt to control this deviant behavior? How?

Use the GCU Library to locate one to two academic sources to support your content.

Starbucks Analysis – 6

Week Six Analysis of Starbucks:
This week we continue the analysis of Starbucks. Using each of the terms from the Week 6 Conceptual Inventory as a header, provide an analysis of Starbucks relative to that term. In summation, provide a narrative of where you believe Starbucks has it right and where they could improve; along with the reasons why.

Terms to address:
-Business Ethics
-Social Responsibility
-Environmental Sustainability

Its time for greatness not for greed. Its a time for idealism not ideology. It is a time not just for compassionate words, but compassionate action A lot of people are waiting for Martin Luther King or Mahatma Gandhi to come back but they are g

respond to this quote –

Its time for greatness not for greed. Its a time for idealism not ideology. It is a time not just for compassionate words, but compassionate action A lot of people are waiting for Martin Luther King or Mahatma Gandhi to come back but they are gone. We are it. It is up to us. It is up to you. Marian Wright Edelman

dicussion prompt

Discussion Prompt: Strategies of Persuasion
Television commercials have the goal to influence viewers behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs toward the product or services being sold. Chapters 13 and 14 in your textbook review various types of persuasion strategies. In this discussion, you will examine commercials for evidence of a few common tactics.

Search the internet for a video of a commercial. Post the link to the commercial and then respond to the following:

Provide a brief description of the commercial.
Are the rhetorical appeals used by the advertisers effective?
Why or why not?
Are the rhetorical appeals ethical and/or credible?
How is ethos conveyed?
How is logos conveyed?
How is pathos conveyed?
How do you plan to convey ethos, logos, and pathos in your persuasive speeches?
(Assignment topic adapted from Afifi, T., & Stucky, J. (2005). Instructors resource manual for Sellnows confident public speaking (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.)


Music connects people to time and place. For instance, many of you may remember a song that comforted you during a difficult time or that was playing during a happy occasion like a graduation or engagement. Despite varying tastes, the one constant across humanity is that music can play a role in times of comfort and celebration.

This weeks writing assignment asks you to consider what songs are important to you and why. Or, if you would prefer, you may interview another person and use their replies to write this essay from their point of view. You can think of this as collecting the soundtrack of someones life or a musical autobiography.

In 7501,000 words, consider and explain the role of music in your life story or of your interview subjects life story. Your assignment should be written in essay format with a thesis, main points, and substantive conclusion. You must incorporate a connection to the Unit 8 text reading material, so you need to cite at least one source. Be sure to incorporate APA citations throughout the analysis, and include a reference page at the end of your analysis.

For each of the following categories, you must include at least one specific song and artist. Express the music and link it directly to an experience and the emotions you felt. Remember to link your individual experience to broaden your understanding of the impact of music at large.

In your analysis, address the following to examine music in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood:

What music do you associate with childhood? How did/does this music make you feel? How do your choices reflect your childhood experiences? What can you conclude about the nature of music and its impact after this reflection on your personal experience? As you discuss this time in life, include at least one specific song/artist. Explain their role in this experience.
What music do you associate with adolescence? Was this music a way to fit in or rebel? What can you conclude about the nature of music and its impact after this reflection on your personal experience? As you discuss this time in life, include at least one specific song/artist. Explain their role in this experience.
What music do you associate with comfort or inspiration in your adulthood? How do these songs help you deal with disappointment or stress? What can you conclude about the nature of music and its impact after this reflection on your personal experience? Include at least one specific song/artist for this category.



Must demonstrate inclusion of policy and research in advocacy work, as well as appropriate use of social work terminology.

-Include examples of ways to support or advocate for your client or the cause.
-points on “in support of” and “opposed to” the identified advocacy issue
-have an objective argument. 
-must have a position and counter-argument.

ISSUE: transgender healthcare rights

persuasion speech assignment

Session 5 Persuasion Speech Assignments
Persuasive speaking influences attitudes, beliefs, values, and behaviors of others (Verderber, Sellnow & Verderber, 2018). Examples of famous persuasive speeches are:

President John F. Kennedys Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You
Atticus Finchs closing remarks in the 1962 movie, To Kill A Mockingbird
Dr. Martin Luther Kings I Have a Dream speech
During this session, you will be creating a persuasive speech on a topic of your choice. Below is an overview of the required components of this Persuasive Speech assignment. More details on each component along with the submission links are included in this folder.

Topic Selection

First, you will need to select the topic of your persuasive speech. The topic should be something that interests both you and your audience, personally or professionally.  Choose topics that are unique but not emotionally charged (for example, avoid the topic of abortion/pro-life or capital punishment).


Next you will create an outline of your speech.

The outline should be comprehensive in all areas to include APA format in-text citation of sources where applied and a complete references list at the bottom. For this speech, you will need to use and orally cite at least three (3) academic, peer reviewed, published references.


You will deliver a seven to nine (7-9) minute persuasive speech. Your speech must include the following Monroes Motivated Sequence elements:

Introduction/Attention Getter
What could be said or presented that will capture your audience’s attention to this subject?
Provide a brief context, building background on the issue you have selected.
The background should clearly describe what the issue/problem is, how it came to be an issue, and how the issue/problem impacts your audience.
Provide your answer(s) to the issue/problem based on sound logical reasoning (facts, statistics, personal research, etc.).
Visualization of Solution
Provide a visual (both rhetorically and visually) so that your audience can “see” the solution actually being implemented.
Call to Action
Provide specific actions that your audience can take to be a part of this solution.
In this speech you must use a visual aid (of your choice) as well as use and orally cite at least three (3) academic, peer reviewed, published references. Include these references in a reference page or slide in APA format. If using Powerpoint slides, make sure you use in-text citations where information is applied.

There will be no formal peer evaluations of this speech. This speech serves as the final for this course and has a higher point value than previous speeches.

managed care Class: integrated delivery systems.

Analyze the sample physician contract provided below. Important negotiation language is missing from the contract.
Using the Managed Care Checklist and your readings so far, analyze the contract and add the missing language to the appropriate sections of the contract.
This assignment is worth 20% of your grade.
Download the contract and add language to the appropriate sections in either RED BOLD font.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This discussion is concerned with the selection and cultural training of subsidiary managers.

Suppose that a large U.S. firm is looking for American candidates to fill managerial positions for its international subsidiaries. The company currently has positions opened in  Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, Mexico, and South Korea.

a) Select a country from the list above.

b) What selection criteria would you use to find the ideal candidate for your selected country? (Describe at least two criteria).

c) What international assignment preparation method would you recommend for your selected country? (Describe at least two.)

Grading rubric for both posts:

Answers to this assignment are subjective. Therefore, I am only grading your posts based on the following objective aspects:

Substantive Thoughts Expressed: Your thoughts and positions should be clearly explained.
Length: Initial posts should be at least 5 sentences long.

social movements:equal rights amendments, equal pay, gay rights, immigration

Project: Is History Relevant?
Student will connect the lessons of the history class to current events. The goal of this project is to get students thinking about how the events we study in history class can help them understand todays world.
Part 1 News media item:    
On the week the student is assigned, they will find a news media item (an article from a reputable news provider, a podcast, a news program, etc.) that directly relates to the topic discussed that week.
Part 2 Making the Connection:    
After locating the item and reading (or watching or listening to) the item, the student will type a short paper that explains the connection that the weeks topic has with the item you found.
Part 3 Interpretation and Analysis:
Does knowing the history make the news easier to understand? How closely related to the historical topic is the news item? Does history repeat itself?

The student will hand in the news item (a link to the item online will be sufficient) and a short, typed paper (1 pages to 3 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font with 1-inch margins. Submit the assignment electronically via the BlackBoard Turnitin Link before the due date.

You will be graded primarily on content making the connections and clarity of writing. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation will only be considered in the grade if their misuse/lack makes the paper difficult to read.