Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Case Study 15.1 Burberry: Pairing Tradition with Innovation


Organization need to choose an optimal organizational strategy to achieve its long term goals. The optimal organizational plan of action is needed to guide top level managers in creating, evaluating, and implementing decision and objective that lead to success. Success of an organizational strategy depends on the support by every part of the organization.  The actions of every group and individual influence its implementation and outcome.


1. Review and read the case study 15.1 Burberry: Pairing Tradition with Innovation- File attached.

2. Answer the questions associated with this case. These questions are intended to elicit thoughtful reactions to contemporary organizational behavior initiatives and challenges. Carefully read the assignment instructions, then thoroughly and explicitly address each component of the corresponding case study questions.

3. The responses should reflect higher-level cognitive processing (analysis, synthesis, and evaluation), which is essential for someone in any industry, as diversity decisions affect all levels and stakeholders within the organization and in the external marketplace.

4. There is must be a minimum of 3 references that need to be utilized to support the completion of this assignment. In addition to the other references, you will also need to use the two references from below:

Neck, C. P., Houghton, J. D., Murray, E. L. Organizational Behavior. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from

5. The submission will not exceed four (4) pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages.

6. The document must adhere to the APA writing style- 6th. Edition.

7. The document should be prepared as a Microsoft Word file.

Marketing Plan Project

Final Project Instructions:

You are a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) recently hired to develop a new product line or brand extension for a companys product/brand (Note: students choose the company and brand/product). Based on the companys mission and goals, status in the market, current target market(s), and brand power, you will develop a Marketing Plan for the new product/brand extension.

This is an individual project.

The organization you choose needs to be a publicly-traded company, thus allowing you to gain access to its financial data and market performance. It cannot be a privately-owned company, nor a start-up. The new product or brand should relate to the companys mission and target market(s), or to a lucrative new market segment. The decision is yours!

The assignment includes many of the areas that are covered in the course, discussed and learned from the iBook and class discussions. This project will demonstrate the understanding and the applications of the course learning outcomes. Therefore, the content should be based on the latest marketing methods and tools available, as well as based on the iBook, which should be used as a reference for the project. This project must have a cover page (with the title you have given it, your name, course number and section, and semester and year of the course). On the second page, you will provide a Table of Contents. On page 3, you may begin with the Introduction heading and only use the required headings for the assignment.

The document should be formatted according to the latest APA standards.

The text should be:

Times New Roman, Font Size 12, Double-Spaced and 1 margins all around. Direct quotes must be appropriately cited. Bullet-points are allowed, but should comprise a small portion of the entire document. The document must be written in narrative, 3rd-Person format, free of colloquial (casual) lingo.

Tables and figures are likely to be useful for this assignment. These should be placed in the Appendix (with a title for each one) and discussed in the appropriate section. When these are discussed, reference them in the text or body of your report, e.g., See the Appendix Table (title/name). The VP for Marketing needs to know all of the facts and guidelines. A fact is more than just a number (e.g., statistic) but also a definitive/specific point, statement or information unknown to others, e.g., the VP, any reader of the report. Such facts and informational sources should include of course the organization, its retailers, competitors, current and potential customers, the Internet and other personal interviews that are applicable to determining successful market research findings and developing a market assessment and analysis report.

Outline Format

Cover Page

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Company Description/Introduction

Strategic Plan

Core Competences/Competitive Advantage(s)
Industry Analysis

Industry Trends
Competitors Analysis
Market Analysis

Market Trends
Target Market Analysis

Demographic Profile
Psychographic Profile
SWOT Analysis

Analysis of Internal Strengths and Weaknesses
Analysis of External Opportunities and Threats
Marketing Mix Strategy

Product/Brand Strategy
Product/Brand Positioning
Points of Difference
Pricing Strategy
Promotional Mix
Integrated Marketing Communications
Distribution (Place) Strategy
Financial Data & Projections

Implementation Plan

Evaluation of Marketing Activities



Appendix Pages

Critical Assignment

At the end of this course, students should be able to formulate a Marketing Mix Strategy, and perform a SWOT analysis. Specifically, they should be able to:

Create and develop a new product strategy. (SLO 11.1, 11.6, 13.4)
Create and develop a brand positioning strategy. (SLO 11.3, 13.4)
Create a pricing strategy for the proposed new product. (SLO 11.3, 13.4)
Create a promotional mix strategy for the proposed new product. (SLO 11.3, 11.4, 13.4, 13.7)
Create a distribution strategy for the proposed new product (SLO 11.3, 13.4)
Create a digital strategy for the proposed new product. (SLO 11.4, 11.6, 13.4, 13.7)
Identify and analyze strengths and weaknesses related to the proposed new product. (SLO 11.2, 11.6)
Identify and analyze opportunities and threats related to the proposed new product. (SLO 11.2, 11.6)
Demonstrate proficient writing skills. (SLO 13.6)

If you do not have access to the IBook, I have uploaded the chapters. instead of uploading the whole book, please let me know which chapters you need, and I will upload them instantly. I will check the order consistently to provide you assistance ASAP.

please don’t hesitate to ask me any questions, at any time.

Crime Scene Reconstruction DB

Crime scenes can contain any number of categories of evidence. Most laypeople think of firearms, blood, shattered doors, and bodies. The fact is that anything physical can become evidence if it were used, stolen, or placed at a crime scene. When you look at evidence, many times it is what you dont see that is important.

Identify 3 types of evidence that you typically are unable to see until they are processed.
Identify how these types of evidence are critical in determining the facts concerning the crime scene that help identify what happened and who was involved in the scene at the time of the offense(s).

Crime Scene Reconstruction

In this crime scene scenario, there are a number of evidence types that you will need to collect. The crime scene is a single-floor house with a burned-down tool shed in the back. There is a mailbox that appears to have been hit by a car backing out of the driveway. It is 90 degrees (F) with 100% humidity.

The items you will collect include the following:

A vial of liquid blood
Stains on clothing that may be semen
A paper packet containing an unknown powder
Fumes from the shed that was burned to the ground, containing a body (the body will be handled by the medical examiner, not you)
Paint transfer apparently from a vehicle onto the mailbox in front of the crime scene
Hair and fiber found on a hammer with what appears to be dried blood
In a 4-page paper, complete the following:

Describe the methods you would use to pack these items for transport to the lab.
Explain the danger of the evidence degradation due to the environment.
Describe the instrumentation at the lab that might be used to examine the evidence.

Any topic (writer’s choice)
1) What happened in this case? What were the facts?

2) What important issues did the Court address? Discuss the arguments for each side?

3) What argument did the Court find most persuasive? How did the Court rule?

4) What argument did you find most persuasive and why?

5) On what Constitutional grounds did the Court decide this case. Provide all reasons and discuss and explain fully.

6) Discuss the implications of this decision going forward with respect to future cases?

7) What did the commentators state about this case that you found interesting or pertinent to our study of the Fourth Amendment and Constitutional Law? Explain.

This is a college level paper and deserves college level analysis. There is no set minimum or maximum length but only what is necessary to fully develop answers, arguments etc.

Mental Health, Mental Illness, and Criminal Justice

Assignment Details

In this discussion, you will explore the current state of mental health and mental illness in the United States. Unlike in prior discussions, where a discussion question was provided, you are tasked with developing a question for discussion that you will provide to the class. Think critically, reflect on the lesson materials provided in this unit, and develop one question that you want to present to the class. In developing this question, be certain to supply an explanation as to why you believe this is a critical point of discussion.

Read each of the following reports:
The Doctor is Out: Continuing Disparities in Access to Mental and Physical Health Care (2017)
Preparing for the Unimaginable: How Chiefs Can Safeguard Officer Mental Health Before and After Mass Casualty Events (2016)
State Mental Health Cuts: The Continuing Crisis (2011)
Post a meaningful question for your classmates to consider which explores a critical aspect of mental health raised in one of the reports.
Provide an explanation on why you believe this is an important question. 
Select at least two questions from your classmates to answer their question based on your perspective and additional research. 

National Alliance of Mental Illness. (2011, November). State mental health cuts: The continuing crisis. Retrieved from

National Alliance of Mental Illness. (2017, November). The doctor is out: Continuing disparities in access to mental and physical health care. Retrieved from

Usher, L., Friedhoff, S., Cochran, S., Maj., & Pandya, A. (2016). Preparing for the unimaginable: How chiefs can safeguard officer mental health before and after mass casualty events. National Alliance of Mental Illness. Retrieved from

Balanced scorecard of Apple inc

The objective of this project is to gain some insight into business models by developing business performance metrics for a firm.

This essay includes six parts:
1. Mission statement

2.Business model:
a. Strategy description; What is the customer value proposition?
b. Differentiation of products or services
c. Operations

3.Competitive and business factors:
a. Describe the industry and trends and major competitors (include global business issues)
b. Critical success factors (CSF)what the firm must do to implement strategy such as product quality, customer service, technology and increasing market share.
c. What are the firms strengths and weaknesses?
d. What are the competitive threats?
e. What are the opportunities for competitive advantage?
f. What are the major ethical and social responsibility issues?
g. What are the major business risks?

4.Customer analysis (include global business issues):
a. What is the customer value proposition?
b. Who are the customers?
c. What are the firms important market strategies and segments?
d. What is the size of the market and your firms approximate market share?
e. Describe recent new product introductions and the firms new product plans.

5.Key Value drivers:
a. What are they?
b. Explain how they affect sales growth and profits?

6.Balanced scorecard (firm strategy level) which includes several measures for each perspective. Explain why you chose those measures, the linkages between the measures, and the relationships to the firms goals, strategy and value proposition. Provide a strategy map to illustrate the linkages between the various perspectives as in the sample balance scorecard of the credit card company. Include Targets for the next three fiscal years for each measure as in the sample balance scorecard for the utilities company.

The balanced scorecard (BSC) requires the firm to set goals and related measures for four critical aspects of performance to enable strategy implementation:

3.Internal perspective
4.Learning and growth

Mental Health, Mental Illness, and Criminal Justice

In this final activity, you will create a 2-page brief depicting the state of mental health in your local community, capacity to respond, and a list of recommendations to improve local capacity. To complete the list of recommendations, you will need to complete an inventory of the mental health services provided within your local community. In creating this inventory, supply the name, methods of contact, hours of operation, and indicate the range of mental and behavioral health services offered. 

The specific steps are as follows:

Conduct independent research on mental health services provided within your local community.
Create an inventory of the mental health services provided within your local community. In creating this inventory, include the following information:
Name of the provider
Methods of contact
Hours of operation
Specific mental and behavioral health services offered
Create a 2-page brief depicting the state of mental health in your local community, capacity to respond, and a list of recommendations to improve local capacity.
Use no fewer than 4 resources.

How do we evaluate 1911 revolution?

The greatest influence of the revolution of 1911 on later generations was to overthrow the rule of the Qing dynasty, ending the feudal autocratic monarchy and establish the bourgeois-democratic republic so that the concept of democracy was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and promoted the emancipation of the mind. It is different from the change of dynasties that is common in Chinese history, and it is not limited to driving out an emperor, but fundamentally shook the faith of most Chinese people, ended the feudal monarchy in China for more than two thousand years, and promoted the transformation of traditional Chinese civilization into modern civilization.
However, during the revolution of 1911, warlords in various regions also rose one after another. Everyone wanted to be the master of the country, so the revolution of 1911 was also influenced by warlords. Moreover, Yuan Shikai took advantage of the opportunity to turn the victory of the revolution of 1911 into his own bag and became the President of the Republic of China for 84 days.

Vince lombardi “when pride still mattered”

Read and review a biography or autobiography of a famous coach.b. Focus of review should be how that coach’s philosophy has affected the outcome of his/her career.c. Include any aspects that specifically relate to psychological strategies the coach has employed in order to make his/her team or athletes more successful.d. Compare and contrast the coach’s philosophical beliefs to your own philosophy.e. Minimum of four (4)pages.