Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You will choose two articles to read carefully.
For both of your chosen papers, you must:
1. Summarize the project.
2. Describe the impact of the project.
3. Give a detailed description of the mathematical programming model. That is, I want you to discuss, in nontechnical language, what the objective function and each of the constraints are accomplishing. If the paper uses equation numbering, you may refer to those numbers.
4. Count the number of variables and constraints. This will likely require you to make assumptions about the size of various input sets. Include these assumptions in your paper.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Competency 6: Enagage with Communities and Organizations

Behavior: use empathy, reflection, and interpersonal skills to effectively engage diverse clients and constituencies.

For this assignment, you are to explore how your community is addressing the needs of its citizens during the CoVID 19 situation.  Explore how you can consult and connect with community leaders and organizations to be a part of solutions in your community. Provide a detailed account of your exploration of community needs, as well as how you participated at the community level to address the needs of your community. 

question essay

Avoid citations amap
1. Do you agree or disagree that nature (e.g., animals, trees, mountains) should have standing to sue in court? Why or why not?
2. The second version of universalism states dont treat others inappropriately as a means to an
end, and relates to fundamental rights that shouldnt be violated no matter what. Do you
consider nature (e.g., animals, trees, mountains) to potentially be an other such that it has
fundamental rights? In other words, might some things be unethical according to universalism
because they violate the fundamental rights of nature?
3. Relatedly, when conducting a utilitarian analysis, does it makes sense to include nature as a
stakeholder, apart from the humans affected by nature in that decision?

Should every food product and ingredient be “Ready To Eat”?

Do you agree or disagree with the statement that all foods should be safe to eat in the form in which they are purchased, even when foods that are intended to be cooked are not cooked properly?  Summarize the arguments on both sides of the issue, then state your opinion and the reasons that led you to your conclusion.  Be sure to include appropriate references that both concur and dissent with your point of view.

Your paper should be 2-3 double-spaced pages and be appropriately referenced.

Reflux esophagitis, Peptic ulcer disease, choledocholithiasis, or pancreatitis

Choose one of the patient diagnoses: Reflux esophagitis, Peptic ulcer disease, choledocholithiasis, or pancreatitis.  Write an essay/journal.

Journal/essay expectations
Paper is to be typed, 4-6 paragraphs
APA format (cover page, double spaced)
References must be within 5 years, should be sited, and listed on reference page
Main subject is the patient diagnosis
Items that you can include in the essay:
Description of the diagnosis
Risk factors associated
Nursing interventions

A summary of the Professional Learning Standards

As you have noticed, there is a wealth of information on the Learning Forward website that provides an in-depth look at the Professional Learning Standards and the role of the standards in increasing student achievement. As a leader of curriculum, instruction and assessment, you will need an in-depth understanding of the most effective and efficient methods of providing learning for the faculty/staff. For your assignment this week, you are to develop a summary (in your own words) of the professional learning standards. You must also consider the curriculum trend that relates to Individualized Professional Development (as discussed in the article) (Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)

Your summary must include:

Rationale for the development of professional learning standards
The connection between professional learning standards and student achievement
A discussion of ways in which you believe the trend of individualized professional development meets or does not meet the standards of professional learning.
A summary of each of the standards
Your method of submitting this information will be your choice…you may either do a paper of no more than 4 pages double spaced, 12 font, or you could do a Power Point, a Prezi, or whatever method of summary you prefer. The requirement is that it meets the criteria above.

Finance Article Review

    Link to the article if found on a website journal database.
    Professional journal article APA reference or all info of reliable reference (where found, name of newspaper, magazine, website, page, date)
    Briefly summarize the article.
    Explain what information in this article was new to you or what you did not know before reading this article.
    Provide insight on what you learned from this information.
    Describe how you will use this information in your life.


4 pages for introduction, research question statement, literal review(1-2
sentences for background is enough)
3 pages for method design and data analyze
1 page for time line

Literal review
8-10 references for literal part
divided these scholar statements into different groups
and then insert yourself in these groups (what you agree, what you want to explore or what you want to argue with)

Method design and data analyze
Must use three methods
1. participant observation (required, main method)
who?(groups) why choose this method? what data source you could get from this method
End of this part you need to state, what the weakness of this method, so you choose other different method to collect different data source
2. interview
3. not required

For the specific outline see the attachment of the rubric and the sample.

Ecological Footprint Reflection

Page 15 of the course textbook has a section about ecological footprints. After you
calculate your ecological footprint, write a short reflection paper (around 500 words, double
spaced) exploring answers to at least four (4) of these questions:
How did the different models effectively (or ineffectively) calculate your
Do you think there were other areas that were not appropriately addressed in
the model(s)?
What struck you the most as you completed your ecological footprint?
What are the most important steps you could take to reduce your footprint?
Which step(s) will be easiest and which one(s) will be hardest for you to achieve?
How much should we rely on individuals making small/medium changes to
reduce their individual ecological footprints?
How much should we rely on technological advances in reducing the
populations ecological footprint?
Which technology(ies) do you think innovators should focus on?
How much should we rely on policy changes in reducing the populations
ecological footprint?
Which policies do you think companies or lawmakers should focus on in order to reduce the populations ecological footprint?
There are different ways to estimate your ecological footprint. It can be helpful to look at
more than one eco-calculator to get a useful sense of your impact on the environment.
To calculate your ecological footprint, go to the following two websites:

Applying the ethical decision making model

Read the scenario at the above link. This is a very REAL scenario and represents a decision that any leader of curriculum and instruction may have to make at some point. Analyze the scenario and determine if the ethical decision making model found in your weekly reading was applied. In a paper of no more than 2 pages, double spaced, 12 font, discuss the aspects of the model which you see implemented. Your paper will be evaluated on the included rubric.

As a reminder, the framework for ethical decision making model can be found at: