Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Comic Book
You have been assigned a comic book hero or villain. YOURS IS (DAREDEVILS)

Each hero or villain has an affliction that causes struggle to commit or prevent crime.

Write a response of 500-750 words
Answer the following in complete sentences:

What is the characters name and identity?

What is this character hiding that needs investigation?

What makes the person/comic character a villain or hero?

How does/did this villain/hero affect health in a positive way?

How does/did this villain/hero affect health in a negative way?

What lessons does this villain provide for society?

How are color, shape, symbolism, special effects through dress/skin/body used to portray this hero or villains pain/affliction/powers

Forum 2

Respond to 2 discussions that I have written. They should be 200 words in length each. Label them 1 and 2. I will provide an example of what they should sort of look like.

1. it is mandatory to report any suspected child abuse, abandonment or neglect to the Department of Central Abuse hotline immediately. According to the Florida Statutes 39.202 (b) Each report of known or suspected child abuse by an adult other than a parent, legal custodian, caregiver, or other person responsible for the childs welfare, as defined in this chapter, shall be made immediately to the Departments Central Abuse hotline. Such reports may be made on the single statewide toll-free telephone number or via fax, web-based chat, or web-based report. Such reports or calls shall be immediately electronically transferred to the appropriate county sheriffs office by the central abuse hotline (The Florida Legislature,2020).
I believe that the teacher is required by law to report the abuse as soon as possible. I think that it is vital for the teacher to report the concerns of what is occurring in the childs life to principal, guidance counselor and the behavior specialist immediately. Then the principal, guidance counselor and teacher should question the child about what is going on in his or her household. Afterwards they should make an assessment to call DCF for further proceedings. If the teacher choses not to file a report, there will be major consequences that the teacher will have to face in life. For instance, the child can either start hitting, fighting, pushing, or yelling at the other students in classroom. Then the child can start a lot of problems in school that will cause speculation for Department Children of Families to come to the school.  The child can die in the care of the parents or when the parents are not at home. The child can be admitted to the hospital for the abuse or become paralyzed or legally blind due to substantial injuries.  Eventually the teacher can be charge or arrested for not reporting the suspected abuse. Sadly, the teacher will not be permitted to teach again. Also in Florida, the crime of failure to report child abuse or neglect is a Third Degree Felony and punishable by up to five (5) years in prison, five (5) years of probation, and a $5,000 fine (Hornsby,2020).


Hornsby, R.(2020). Failure to Report Child Abuse or Neglect in Florida. Retrieved from

The Florida Legislature. (2020). Retrieved from


2. If this situation were to be happening within the state of Utah, the teacher would need to report the suspected abuse to an authority immediately, according to state law. These authorities could be Child and Family Services, a law enforcement agency or a peace officer. Whether the abuse is confirmed or not, if even suspected, the teacher is obligated to report the suspicion. If the teacher does not choose to file a report of the suspected abuse the child could potentially face immediate physical abuse and neglect. Long term emotional trauma, physical damage, and even loss of life could occur in extreme violent cases. The emotional effect upon a person who has been abused can affect every aspect of a person. Spiritual, emotional and relational damage can last a lifetime causing issues in every avenue of the victims life. These damages can not only have effects on daily living and relationships with people but also relationships with God. Diane Langberg referenced these specific issues in the presentation, from week four, Surviving Sexual Abuse-On the Threshold of Hope. The bible also references times of sexual and physical abuse. Although it says to discipline our children and for a wife to honor her husband, he does not say to harm them. These are meant to be loving relationships with loving guidance, just as He is with us. The Lord tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence. (Psalm 11:5, ESV) I do not think that it matters where you are within the United States, report abuse if it is suspected for the chance that you may be that child or persons only advocate. I believe abuse should be banned worldwide but unfortunately cultural differences prohibit that, therefore, we as Americans should be grateful for the laws in place to protect us and those around us.

What an awesome post! The state of North Carolina has the same laws as Virginia related to child abuse and neglect. Teachers are considered mandatory reports, in that they are required by law to report any suspected abuse or neglect (Cole, 2015). It makes absolute sense why a teacher would be scared to report issues, as they fear to be wrong or causing additional damage to the child.
If a teacher fails to report an incident, short-term and long-term consequences are at risk. Younger children may begin to lose acquired skills and have difficulty explaining feelings. Older children act out in anger and have increased shame or guilt. Adolescents may experience depression or anxiousness (Scalise, n.d.). Keep your heart will all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23, New King James Version). A child is not able to guard their heart, whereas a teacher can do that for them by doing their best with protection and being the voice for the victims.

Weaving a Story from Our Homework

For this assignment, you’ll actually be working to write a story based on your answers to the homework.  You’ll see that there are 10 questions on the homework.  To do this assignment, you can pick any 5 questions that you would like the answer to, and then use those as the basis for writing your story.

Please read it carefully, since you’ll need to do things like format the assignment with highlighting where you put in your homework answers, so I can read it more easily.  Also, if you want an example of a story that uses homework answers, so you can get an idea of how to do this, check out this example:

This homework aligns with the chapter of our OpenStax Astronomy textbook mentioned in the title of the assignment (also you can find this on the last page of the Syllabus).

Finally, don’t forget that I check submissions for plagiarism using software that checks all submissions against each other and the Internet… and if you copy from another source, I’ll be forced to refer you to the Dean’s office for Academic Fraud.

Finance Article Review

Link to the article if found on a website journal database.

Professional journal article APA reference or all info of reliable reference (where found, name of newspaper, magazine, website, page, date)

Briefly summarize the article.

Explain what information in this article was new to you or what you did not know before reading this article.

Provide insight on what you learned from this information.

Describe how you will use this information in your life.

Interpreting Liquidity and Activity Ratios

Black Sparrow Aviation, Inc. is concerned they are not maintaining adequate liquidity. The accounting department has provided you, the newly hired finance manager, with the following ratios:

Current ratio 4.5 Industry norm 4.0
Quick ratio 2.0 Industry norm 3.1
Inventory turnover 6.0 Industry norm 10.4
Average collection period 73 days Industry norm 52 days
Average payment period 31 days Industry norm 40 days

In your opinion, what do these ratios indicate about Black Sparrow Aviation, Inc.?
What recommendations would you make based on these ratios? What results do you think you can achieve if your recommendations are followed? Why might your recommendations not be effective?

Differentiated curriculum

Create a 17-20 slide digital presentation on differentiating curriculum. Your presentation should consider the interviews you had with the faculty and staff at your school, and the feedback you received. Target your presentation accordingly. You must include presenters notes, a title slide, and a reference slide. In your presentation, address the following:

How to create developmentally appropriate instruction that takes into account individual students strengths, interests, and needs and that enable each student to advance and accelerate his or her learning, along with at least two examples of differentiated instruction strategies.
The importance of using assessment data to differentiate instruction, and an example of how that is done.
How to design instruction to address each students diverse learning strengths and needs, and create opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning in different ways, with at least two examples of differentiated assessments.
How to actively and equitably engage students by organizing, allocating, and coordinating the resources of time, space, and learners attention, with at least one room arrangement example that allows for differentiation.
A description of the importance of culturally diverse and differentiated curriculum with at least two examples of resources teachers can use in this endeavor.
How teachers can use technology to differentiate instruction with at least two examples of technological tools/resources teachers can use.
Use 3-5 scholarly resources and document all other resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is/is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Nurse blocks protestors driving through the streets in several midwestern state cities. The protestors want an end to state imposed stay at home orders to help slow the spread of COVID 19.

Nurse blocks protestors driving through the streets in several midwestern state cities. The protestors want an end to state imposed stay at home orders to help slow the spread of COVID 19. Why are the doctors doing that why is it important that we stay home why do people not believe that COVID 19 is real

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Previous knowledge/skill and attitude (sometimes referred to as “mindset”) are important foundations for learning. In this first discussion, reflect on these two foundations and write a response for each of them to begin your practice of communicating technical information. Your response should be approximately 500 words containing two paragraphs, one for each foundation.

Icon of person’s head made of colorful squares with class discussion label.Previous Knowledge/Skill
Now that you have completed the Module 1 Prerequisite Skills HW assignment and reviewed your Study Plan, reflect on how well you did. Some questions to prod your thinking include:

Do you remember learning these concepts previously?
Are there some rules that you forgot? Which ones?
Did you zip through the assignment with little or no difficulty?
Did you try out the Learning Aids in MML? If so, which is your favorite tool and why?
Describe your thoughts or feelings about the skills you should have coming into this course and expectations for what you will be learning in this course. Be sure to connect your reflections to the Learning Outcomes listed on the Syllabus page. Just a reminder that the Learning Outcomes are different than those in MATH 111.
Some things to consider writing about:

Topics for this course that will build on the skills previously learned.
How a particular teacher influenced your feelings toward learning mathematics.
A good/bad experience in an early math class that might have influenced your attitude towards math.
How you use math in your work-related activities or daily life.
You also might want to consider the definition of Limits. How is the mathematical definition different from or similar to what you use in your daily life.

Presentation Research Worksheet

I attached 3 documents

1: “Work on this one” this is where all the work is going to be done
2: “Smoking in the UAE” is the essay written + it has the references in it so it’ll help you fill out the worksheet.

3: “EXAMPLE” this is a sample of work look at it and try to do the same

how does ethical decision making apply to nursing students regarding social media.

1.    Read the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. (2011, august). White Paper: A nurses guide to the use of social media. Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
2.    Watch the video on Social Media
3.    Read assigned readings.
4.    If needed to support your discussion, provide one current article for applying critical thinking and clinical decision-making processes related to the use of social media.
Write a paper discussing how does ethical decision making apply to nursing students regarding social media. This assignment should be between 150 and 250 words. Use AP format for this assignment. An example will be available for you.