Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Develop a three to max five pages document that does not include the cover and the reference pages.  ( A double space 12 Roman Numeral font is ideal)
Your written document should cover the following core points.
1.    Erwin Schrdingers proposal  regarding the characteristics of electrons behavior, (What he meant by  wave like behavior and particles like behaviors).
2.    Electromagnetic radiation (explain its propriety in terms of wave length () and frequency (v).
3.      Explain  how ground state  and  excited state  of electrons differ (  provide  examples  that support  your explanation) 
4.      What are quantum numbers? Include  definitions of orbital, shells, sub shells  and the meaning of the letters s, p  d  and f. 
5.      Explain electron configuration of atoms, Hunds rule and the significance of valance electrons.

Write a post connecting white-collar &/or corporate crime to our current pandemic. For example, you can connect your post to the assigned readings directly, or you can simply describe, based on fact, how white collar/corporate crime is showing up (crime,

Write a post connecting white-collar &/or corporate crime to our current pandemic. For example, you can connect your post to the assigned readings directly, or you can simply describe, based on fact, how white collar/corporate crime is showing up (crime, criminal enforcement, media, medical, etc.) in the pandemic response here in the U.S or throughout the world. Or a blend of boththere are many ways to approach this post. Your post must include a minimum of 5 sentencesif you reference the readings directly, cite them. If you do not, provide a link to a credible article or website that illustrates your point.


A case study based on Endometriosis . I uploaded a case study outline that you need to follow thanks minus the growth and development part that is used for pediatrics only!

Chief Complaint: Infertility

Background: Ms. L.C. is a 34 year old female presenting with concerns of infertility. She has been attempting a pregnancy over the past 16 months with no success. Patient reports that several times she thought she could be pregnant due to a cessation in her menses with accompanying constipation and some abdominal pain. Patient also reports pain that is more intense during menstruation, with sharp and stabbing characteristics that is not relieved by use of NSAIDs or hot compresses. The pain radiates from her lower abdominal area into her flanks, which she rates to be a 6 on a scale of 1-10. Patient reports her cycle can be irregular, with the length ranging up to 25-38 days or occasionally no period at all. She is concerned that her and her husband have not had enough intercourse for a pregnancy due to dyspareunia and general pelvic pain.

Diagnosis is endometriosis

Latino Studies

AVIVA CHOMSKY WRITING ASSIGNMENT: complete a 3-page Critical Analysis paper (typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 font) following this format:
A) Statement/description of the authors thesis/primary argument(s);
B) A description, in own words, of the major concepts central to the authors thesis/primary arguments, along with the students explanation of what those major terms mean in the context of the reading;
C) An assessment/evaluation of the authors thesis/arguments. These may include descriptions of questions the author has left unaddressed or unanswered, general criticisms of the authors arguments, or reactions (positive, negative or otherwise) to the specific evidence-examples-data the author uses to substantiate his or her claims;
D) Your personal reaction to the readings. In this section, please address: What part of the reading did you relate to? What resonated for you? What didnt? Where have you seen these dynamics in your own life? What feelings came up for you as you read? Has the reading helped you address your own feelings? How?

Same sex marriage in the USA

Powerpoint Presentation on Same Sex Marriage

Prepare a conclusive presentation providing an overview of Same Sex Marriage in the US, including what led to the passing of the law and the provisions of the law. Include information from any news reports or articles written on the issue to show the general public or others views on the law. Explain any applicable constitutional provisions, statutes, and administrative regulations. Provide two actual cases related to the topic. You may base your research on any state you choose, however, be sure to reference any federal laws that may impact the state law. You may also choose to compare similar laws in other states.
Also, include some discussion on whether the law might be more suitable for one state over another and why. The final product will be a PowerPoint presentation (with notes)  on the research you have performed. The slides must include citations.

Instructions for the Assignment:

Please include a title slide with your name and the title of your presentation.

Length should be 15-20 slides in length.

Utilize the notes section of the PowerPoint program to explain your slides

Display and discuss the pros and cons of the law.

Include at least two case examples.

Include at least one news article showing opinion.

Enhance your slides with pictures, graphs, timelines, charts, etc.


1. The group project paper is a double-spaced 8-10 page paper. It contains introduction, main body, and
conclusion along with reference and table or graph, if necessary.
2. The paper includes both summary for the case and suggestion for addressing the issue in question.
3. The summary explains the situation where a firm faces an issue in the international trade or
international financial management.
4. The suggestion illustrates the strategies designed to help the firm address the issue. In this case, there
are two possible solutions to hedging the foreign exchange risk: one strategy based on the forward
market hedge and the other one using the money market hedge.
5. The paper describes how to hedge the foreign exchange risk in detail. For example, whether the firm
takes a long or short position on the forward market or how it creates a hedging strategy with a series of
actions on the money market. Students use their knowledge from the class discussion.
6. In addition to the paper, each group needs to prepare PowerPoint slides.
7. The project will be posted on the blackboard and should be submitted according to the schedule.

Womens and Mens Health, Infectious Disease, and Hematologic Disorders

brief description of your patients health needs from the patient case study you assigned. Be specific. Then, explain the type of treatment regimen you would recommend for treating your patient, including the choice or pharmacotherapeutics you would recommend and explain why. Be sure to justify your response. Explain a patient education strategy you might recommend for assisting your patient with the management of their health needs. Be specific and provide examples.

Same Sex marriage in the USA

Powerpoint Presentation on Same Sex Marriage

Prepare a conclusive presentation providing an overview of Same Sex Marriage in the US, including what led to the passing of the law and the provisions of the law. Include information from any news reports or articles written on the issue to show the general public or others views on the law. Explain any applicable constitutional provisions, statutes, and administrative regulations. Provide two actual cases related to the topic. You may base your research on any state you choose, however, be sure to reference any federal laws that may impact the state law. You may also choose to compare similar laws in other states.
Also, include some discussion on whether the law might be more suitable for one state over another and why. The final product will be a PowerPoint presentation (with notes)  on the research you have performed. The slides must include citations.

Instructions for the Assignment:

Please include a title slide with your name and the title of your presentation.

Length should be 15-20 slides in length.

Utilize the notes section of the PowerPoint program to explain your slides

Display and discuss the pros and cons of the law.

Include at least two case examples.

Include at least one news article showing opinion.

Enhance your slides with pictures, graphs, timelines, charts, etc.


Thinking back over this course, what were the three most important or most interesting things you learned? How do you envision using the information you learned in your future nursing practice? What steps will you take to ensure your success in the master’s program?

3 topics:
Changes in the meso, macro, and micro levels
Person centered care

Bagby Copy Company

Case Study 4

Bagby Copy Company is a worldwide producer of copy machines. It manufactures 10 different copiers, ranging from low-end desktop copiers that sell for a few hundred dollars to high-volume document machines that retail for over $200,000.  Each copy machine requires a wiring bundle.  Each bundle contains several hundred wires and connectors that provide circuits connecting the paper-flow units, scanner, and photoreceptor to the internal computer logic. The wire harness is plugged into various components during the assembly process. It is possible to assign each major task in this process to different employees. For example, a given employee might focus on one of the many connectors or on testing the completed wire harness. Alternatively, one individual might be assigned the task of producing and testing a completed harness.  In either case, there is a group of employees that is assigned individual tasks to produce a wire harness for a particular copier. In total, there are 10 subgroups of wire harness makers. One alternative is to place all 10 groups in one wire harness department. Another alternative is that each of these 10 subgroups can be assigned to and report to a manager responsible for a particular copier.  Bagby operates in five European countries.  Currently, it has separate subunits in each country, where a country manager handles the manufacturing and marketing of all 10 copiers. The company is considering two alternatives. One would be to organize its foreign operations around products.  In this case, there would be 10 international product managers with decision rights for managing the manufacturing and sale of a particular copier throughout Europe. The company also is considering a matrix organization, organized around product and country. 

1.What are the trade-offs that Bagby faces in choosing between specialized and broad task assignment?
2. What are the trade-offs between these two methods of grouping wire harness makers into subgroups?
3. Which trade-offs does Bagby face in choosing among the country, product, and matrix forms of organizing its international operations?

Smith Jr., Clifford W.. Managerial Economics & Organizational Architecture (Irwin Economics) (p. 431). McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Kindle Edition.

Smith Jr., Clifford W.. Managerial Economics & Organizational Architecture (Irwin Economics) (p. 432). McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Kindle Edition.