Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

informatics in nursing

You are a project manager assigned to implementing a new computer system in an organization:

Why is it important to understand usability, configurability, and interoperability? Should these concepts outweigh the underlining cost of the new system? Which system do you recommend and why?
During phase one, you are selecting a team. What characteristics are important to consider when selecting a team?
During phase two the following principle was discussed, lead with culture, determining where the resistance is, and then, engage all levels of employees (Sipes, 2019, p. 161). What does this principle mean to you and how can you implement this principle?
How will you handle physician and other key professionals’ resistance to change and using the new system?
Discuss possible pitfalls during the implementation phase and how you can avoid them?
Describe your personal experience with automation and new information systems.

Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly sources to support your claims

the paper doesn’t need to be APA, only the references. I need only the bullet data to make a power point presentation, so no APA format is needed.

Review One of these Articles

Two pages (minimum)
12 point font
Double spaced

Paper should include the following:
The authors purpose in writing the article
The authors main thesis
The authors challenging of other historical viewpoints
The evidence utilized by the author (specifically primary sources)
Personal likes/dislikes
How could the author make the work stronger?
The recommended audience for the article?
Explain how this article contributes to understanding the history of the United States
An example of how this article supports/contradicts Eric Foners Give Me Liberty
Suggested reading to accompany this work (not required, but helpful)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You additionally need to include a cover letter, addressed to me and roughly one page long addressing your process for writing the final draft, any challenges you faced in researching or writing about your topic, any successes you faced in researching and writing the final draft and the most important thing you feel you learned in researching and writing your term paper.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Your term paper will be graded on two distinct but equally important points.

Content: How interesting and informed are your ideas? Is this paper a book report (bad) or your own original thinking, supported by ideas you have read and researched (good)? How well have you expressed those ideas? How thoroughly did you research your topic? Did you respond to suggestions on previous drafts and incorporate needed updates?
Presentation: Is the paper clear, concise, easy to follow and well-edited? Are there spelling or grammar mistakes? Is the paper well-written? Did you respond to suggestions on previous drafts and incorporate needed updates?
Make sure you have checked everything off on the formatting checklist before turning in your final draft. Term Paper Formatting Checklist Preview the document

Finally, have you uploaded your data files? If you are writing a data paper you need to submit your raw data files under the Term Paper Data assignment. If you are writing a curated literature review you do not have data to submit and thus may skip this step.

You additionally need to include a cover letter, addressed to me and roughly one page long addressing your process for writing the rough draft, any challenges you faced in researching or writing about your topic, any successes you faced in researching and writing the final draft and your overview of he entire research process.

Here are some sample final papers to see an overall A level paper. Please do not distribute or cite as these are working papers and the property of the authors.

Indigenous Religions

Indigenous religions are tied to their native cultures and habitats. As such, it is worth asking: should non-natives (to an area) be allowed to practice the relevant indigenous religion?  Does permitting such practices (by non-natives) invite the possibility of natives being insulted or their religious practices becoming objects of entertainment or tourism? Or are there particular circumstances (such as genuinely joining the pertinent culture) that would deem it acceptable for a non-native to engage in an indigenous religions practices?

In a clear, carefully written discussion post, take a stand on this issue. Whatever shape your answer takes, it should be informed by Michael Mollys chapter two (entitled Indigenous Religions). And though not required, you might also do some independent research regarding one or more specific indigenous religions, to serve as examples for helping to make your case. 


Michael Mollys Chapter Two: Indigenous Religions.

Discussion response 2

Extensively discuss the individual posts by offering comments, critiques, and suggestions for improvement in order to create a better final response, and therefore a higher group grade.  The goal is to improve the individual submissions.
You must reply and address at least 1 strength and 1 weakness per reply. Each reply must reference at least 2 peer-reviewed sources, and include 1 biblical integration. All group members must participate equally in the group discussion and provide input into the Final Group Answers for each forum.
    You must support each final answer with references to at least 2 peer-reviewed sources and 1 biblical integration. MUST INCLUDE BIBLE VERSE.
    Use proper grammar and current APA formatting.

Discussion response 1

Extensively discuss the individual posts by offering comments, critiques, and suggestions for improvement in order to create a better final response, and therefore a higher group grade.  The goal is to improve the individual submissions.
You must reply and address at least 1 strength and 1 weakness per reply. Each reply must reference at least 2 peer-reviewed sources, and include 1 biblical integration. All group members must participate equally in the group discussion and provide input into the Final Group Answers for each forum.
    You must support each final answer with references to at least 2 peer-reviewed sources and 1 biblical integration. MUST INCLUDE BIBLE VERSE.
    Use proper grammar and current APA formatting.

The search for life in the universe

The key course themes are the origins of life, the evolution of life/intelligence, and the searches for life. You should find at least three, and preferably more, recent (i.e., within the last 3 years) sources on which to base your report. Books, magazines or newspaper articles are acceptable, as are internet web pages if you identify your sources and conclude they are providing reliable information. (For example, NASA or ESO web pages are suitable. Wikipedia may be used in a supplementary fashion only. TV documentaries and blogs are not acceptable sources of information. Unacceptable sources are articles from the Daily Mail, Buzzfeed, Fox, Natural or Breibart News. Any publication with a fringe topic (i.e., creation, alternative medicine, etc.) should be treated with caution. Your report should not use the lecture notes or the required text as primary references, and neither should it use matter copied directly. Your paper must go into more depth and detail than the textbook or the class notes on your specific topic. Footnotes and detailed referencing are not required, but your paper must include a bibliography containing the sources from which material was taken. If you use a figure or table, you must cite the source at the place where the figure or table appears. Your paper will be graded on its relevance to our course, on its originality (i.e., its synthesis of different sources and contrasting or competing ideas), on its detail and on the quality of the research you performed in its writing.
Some Possible Topics for Term Papers:
0.    Recent Discoveries Concerning Extrasolar Planets
1    The Fermi Paradox and Its Resolution
2    Recent Discoveries Concerning Extremophiles
3    Recent Discoveries Concerning Terrestrial Mass Extinctions (don’t describe all of them, focus on discoveries relevant to one or two.
5    Can Interstellar Travel Be Made Practical in Terms of Realistic Physical and Financial Limits?
6    Recent Discoveries About the Possibility of Life on Mars, Europa or Titan (don’t write about all 3)
7    Recent Discoveries About How the Brain Evolved
8    Recent Discoveries Conerning the Earliest Appearance of Life on the Earth
9    Recent Discoveries Concerning the Origin of Humanoids
10    Ice Cores and What They Tell Us About the History of the Earth and Life
11    Asteroid and Comet Impacts: What is the Risk and What Should We Do?
12    Oxygenation of the Earth’s Atmosphere and/or Snowball Earth and Their Roles in Evolution
13    What Role Do Supernovae or Mergers of Neutron Stars Play in the Extinction of Life?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Topic :  Generalized Ohms law
see, e.g.  at

understand all the terms.  For example, in mechanics F = ma, so a force causes a mass to accelerate.  In E&M F is replaced by a voltage difference V.  So a V should cause the charges to accelerate, causing an increase in current with time, not a steady current.  This is not covered by the usual V = IR (or J = sigma E) Ohm;s law; it is the dJ/dt term in the generalized Ohms law.  When you add drag forces though (same as in PHYS 350), you can get a steady velocity (i.e., current).  Similarly explain the other terms and when they are or are not important.  This will require some research.

Mixed Method Assessment

Read the mixed methods study linked here: Mixed Methods Study.

Then answer the following questions:

1. Discuss advantages were there with regards to conducting this research as a mixed method study.

2. Compare and contrast the qualitative and quantitative components of the mixed methods study and identify each component in the article with regards to:

      a.  The Research Problem

      b.    Review of the literature

      c      Ethical considerations

    d.    Sampling Techniques

    e.    Data Collection Methods

    f.      Data Analysis

3.  Discuss the relevance of this research to the nursing profession.

Answers must be provided using complete sentences, correct grammar and spelling, and in APA format.