Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The Final Product: A Criminal Justice Reform Paper
Your final product will be a thoughtful, polished paper that identifies an area of criminal justice reform in Illinois and Chicago and your stance in relation to that reform. Possible stances include advocating for the reform, encouraging the reader to reject the reform and suggesting changes to the reform.  Your reform can be something that is currently be considered or something that has been recently passed in Illinois or Chicago. You can also include a reform that has been passed in another state that you think would work well in Illinois or Chicago. Reform can include changes to law or criminal justice policy, increased resources or programs.
Reforms must be rooted in reality and oriented towards supporting rehabilitation and/or desistance. We will spend time in class generating ideas.
Your Paper MUST include each of the following sections:

(1)    Introduction (1 double-spaced page, ~ 250 words)
The introduction is where you will introduce the reader to the criminal justice reform that  you are responding to and why it matters. After reading the introduction, the reader should be concerned and/or excited about the reform. Your introduction should answer the following questions:
1.    What is the reform?
2.    Why does this reform matter?  (be specific)
3.    What is your take on the reform and why?
(2)    Description of the Reform (2-3 double-spaced pages, ~ 500-750 words)
This is where you are going to explain what, exactly, the reform consists of, who the reform will potentially impact and the reasoning provided for that reform. This section should explain why supporters of the reform believe it is needed and what evidence supports their claims.

(3)    Impact of the Reform on Desistance/Rehabilitation (4-6 double-spaced pages; ~1,000-1,500 words)
This is where you will discuss the impact that this reform will have on desistance and/or rehabilitation. This discussion should be supported with arguments and evidence from empirical studies (research). If you are advocating that this reform be rejected, this is where you make that argument. If you are advocating that the reform be accepted, this is where you make that argument. If you are advocating that something be added to or removed from the reform, this is where you make that argument.

(4)    Conclusion (1 page; ~ 250 words
This is where you will make your final argument for or against your reform.

(5)    APA References Page


Your final proposal should be between 2,000 and 2,500 words (approximately 8-10 double-spaced pages) and should follow the following formatting rules:

    Title Page with Title, Name and Word Count
    12 point Times New Roman font (or similar font)
    Black ink
    1 1.25 margins (whichever is the default setting on your computer)
    Digital Copy due online on Sakai on due date (see syllabus) in appropriate folder. Titled LastnameFirstname_Reform Paper
    Hard copy and Rubric due in class on due date (See syllabus)

Basic Paper Expectations:

Each section of your paper (Introduction, Literature Review, Description of Intervention) should have a heading and be clearly organized. Your paragraphs must have topic sentences that are supported by evidence or arguments. There should be transition sentences from one paragraph to the next.

Support your statements with arguments and your arguments with evidence from research (we will discuss how to do this in class).

You should cite material from the course as well as at least 8 outside sources in your proposal. 6 outside sources must be peer-reviewed research articles that will be used to support your arguments for the impact the reform will have on desistance/rehabilitation. At least 2 of the outside sources should be used to support your explanation for what the proposed reform is and  consists of. These does not need to be peer-reviewed but should come from reputable sources (ex: newspapers, reputable organizations, etc.).

You must have a bibliography page which cites all of your sources. This page is not part of the word requirement. For information on how to document your sources see the next section, “APA Citation Format” or the APA Manual (2010).

Do not cite or use information from research articles you have not read. You should be focusing on the research you read to support the claims you are making in your intervention proposal. This means you should be pulling information from a research articles arguments and findings, not their literature reviews. Their literature reviews will frame their work, but should not be your major source of information for your paper. If they bring up a relevant study that you think is important, look it up and use it. If they cite a statistic that will be useful in your paper, look the original article, read it and cite it.

Do not include the title of the research articles in your paper. Instead refer to the them by year and author. For information on how to document the source of a paraphrase or quote, see the next section, “APA Citation Format” or the APA Manual (2010).

Paraphrase, don’t quote. In scientific writing and proposals, paraphrasing an author’s ideas is more common and more effective than using direct quotes.

Use specific language and support your arguments with concrete examples. Avoid vague references such as “this” (e.g., “this illustrates” should be “this experiment illustrates”).
Use the past tense or present perfect tense when using signal phrases to describe earlier research, for example, Jones (1998) found or Jones (1998) has found…

productivity management

BAHBSMStage 3 Managing Productivity


Selecting a business of your choice, you are asked to:
1)    write a brief outline of the business itself (5 Marks)
2)    select a particular process / activity within the business and
i.    prepare a Process Map / Chart using the five (5) symbols discussed in class (15 Marks)
ii.    using a recognised technique such as Method Study critically analyse the process / activity(20 Marks)
iii.    On the basis of your critique, make appropriate recommendations to improve the performance / eliminate waste (in whatever forms materials, people, time, etc.) (20 Marks)
iv.    identify the potential people issues that will have to be addressed in successfully introducing the changes and indicate how you propose to overcome them (20 Marks)
v.    Using the fundamental (Productivity) Ratio of OUTPUT / INPUT, show how Productivity would be improved (20 Marks)

This Assignment is designed to meet Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8

Assignment Presentation:
    Professional Report Format
    Word count: 2,500 3,000 words
    Referenced as appropriate, using the Harvard Referencing System
    Typed on A4 paper,
    Times New Roman Font, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing,

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1.Reading this youtube video

2. These questions can be formulated while reading assigned texts before the lecture, during lecture about the lecture itself, during the viewing of the recorded lecture, or after viewing the recorded lecture. Below youll find different options for formulating your ONE PAGE question/reflection:1)Address a citation from one of the theoretical texts weve read for the week, and a short (2-3 sentence) description of what you find compelling, interesting, confusing, challenging, confounding, about the passage.2)Address the atheoretical concept presented in the weeks lecture presentation that you find compelling, interesting, confusing, challenging, confounding, and would like to introduce for discussion in class. This scene may have some relationship to the citation of the theoretical text youve provided. 3)An anesthetic technique that you saw in artwork or exhibition that was covered in the lecture presentation. Pick one you think has engaged directly with a theoretical concept weve discussed or has been discussed in one of our readings/lectures. Briefly describe the artwork or exhibitions technique and also what kind of relation it might have to the theoretical text we encountered that week.  4)These should not be simple yes or no question or something that can easily be looked up on Wikipedia. Rather, your 150-word response should reflect your active engagement with the reading, lecture or case study artwork/exhibition. These questions are meant to help you understand concepts in the text that you find difficult, please use them to your advantage.  Consider the following questions to guide your work a. What is the text, lecture or artworks main idea? b. What does it mean?c. Why does it matter? 5)As you proceed with these assignments over the course of the quarter, you may compare and contrast prior theories or artworks covered in one lecture with another.  This will prepare you for the final paper assignment. 


4. (25 marks) Compose a short essay outlining everything you know about one of the topics listed below.
Important points to consider when preparing your essay:
–    Your short essay must be between 2 and 3 typed pages in length (12pt Times font, 2.54 cm margins all around, 1.5 line spacing).
–    For any essay longer than 3 pages, excess pages will be removed and not considered in graded. 
–    Unlike for the rest of the exam, you are free to include figures/diagrams taken directly from lecture notes (no other source will be accepted), however these diagrams must be numbered sequentially, have appropriate meaningful captions that are inserted using the caption function, and be referred to in the body text of the essay.
–    Essays should include discussion related to material/device preparation, structure, explanation of properties, and applications.
–    Figures/diagrams in the text and do not contribute to the page length. 
–    This question will be marked on depth of understanding, clarity of writing, formatting (e.g., subscripts and superscripts), as well as spelling and grammar.


Chasing Zero

Chasing Zero: Winning the War on Health is a video targeting consumers, caregivers, and healthcare leaders.  While viewing the video please keep in mind QSEN competencies in relation to patient safety and teamwork.  Also think about ethical issues the nurses may be facing in relation to the professional scope of nursing practice.


After viewing Chasing Zero, prepare a 2-3 page essay plus title and reference pages in APA format .  Reflect on the issues concerns you identified in relation with QSEN Competencies and ethical issues.  Identify a patient safety initiative (current or future) that could be implemented to prevent future issues and concerns.  Support your thoughts and ideas with references.


Answer the attached questions. The question’s answers should be 4-5 sentences long and contain one source with an APA style citation. The citation should be listed right under the question’s answer.

You will find the answers in the references that are included (the sources are attached in the best order to correspond with the questions).


How to Buy a Business. (n.d.).  Entrepreneur. Retrieved from

Buying a Small Business: Assets Vs. Entities from SCORE (2014)

Buying Existing Businesses from 
Due diligence when buying an existing business.

Combs, J., Ketchen D., & Short, J. (2011). Is Franchising Entrepreneurship? Yes, No, and Maybe So. From Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 35(3), pp. 583-593.

Allahar, H. (2015). An Overview of Key Issues in Mergers and Acquisitions: A Case of Trinidad and Tobago, International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 3(8), pp. 409-425.

Mergers and Acquisitions Analysis With The Case Study Method, from Agarwal, P. and Mittal, R. (2014). International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations, 2(1), pp. 236-244. 
Terms, motives, and types of mergers (pp. 236-244).

Mergers & Acquisitions

Objective: Analyze business mergers and acquisition strategy processes     

Introduction: There are many strategies to expand your business and enhance your competitive position in the market. Research a company that has expanded its products and services and examine strategies they used to increase their presence in a national or global market. Once you have found a good case study, how did they conduct the merger strategy or the acquisition strategy? What steps did they use to leverage their success? Purchasing a business can be treacherous unless due diligence is established and executed. Therefore, having a solid understanding of business acquisition is necessary for successful performance.

For this lesson, you will discover the acquisition process in the context of new business venture creation, examine the pros and cons of franchising, and explore the two types of acquisitions. You will also analyze the external impact of business acquisition at the local, national, and global levels. 


Minimum 4-page paper with a minimum of 3 resources. APA format is required.     

Activity Details     
Research a business that has expanded and increased their presence in the market to identify the strategies they used. Identify the type of acquisition they selected and outline the key strategies that were necessary for successful performance, growth, and sustainability.

Step 1: Read the following questions, and summarize your responses in a 4-page paper (APA formatting required):     
(a)  Identify and provide a detailed description of the type of acquisition and the key ideas that appeared to work best for the company?

(b)  When describing the acquisition, be sure to address considerations such as revenue, risk, and, and focus on how it impacted internal operational processes, external challenges, and positioning in the market or industry. 

(c) What was the key strategy the company used and the rationale behind the acquisition? Discuss at least two different steps/approaches that you found the company effectively used. If the case study highlights challenges or failures, what do you assess might improve the positioning of the company? 

Step 2:  Write a paper.  Please review the links provided below, containing the essay rubric and APA formatting guidelines, prior to proceeding:

How to Buy a Business. (n.d.).  Entrepreneur. Retrieved from

Allahar, H. (2015). An Overview of Key Issues in Mergers and Acquisitions: A Case of Trinidad and Tobago, International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 3(8), pp. 409-425.

Entrepreneurship and Finance

Essay Objective: Learn the fundamentals of new venture creation. 

The SBA has stated that since every business is different, and has its own specific cash needs at different stages of development, there is no universal method for estimating your startup costs. Some businesses can be started on a smaller budget, while others may require considerable investment in inventory or equipment. Additional considerations may include the cost to acquire or renovate a building or the purchase of long-term equipment. 

Deliverables: A minimum of 3 full pages required (exclusive of title and reference pages).

Activity Details: 

Step 1: Essay Assignment: Costs Analysis 

In this two-part essay assignment, search for two film cases [use sites like YouTube to find these case studies] representing entrepreneurs discussing start-up costs. Compare and contrast their stories.

Then, analyze the Case Study: A Cool Business MooBella, Inc. MooBellas founder and CEO, Bruce Ginsberg, is an entrepreneur who grew up in the ice cream business, recognized a need in the ice cream industry and quickly filled it. 

Read pp. 251-252: Case Study: A Cool Business MooBella, Inc. from Mariotti, S., & Glackin, C. (2013). Entrepreneurship: Starting and Operating a Small Business (3rd ed., pp. 251-52). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. 

Research two case studies. 

Search for two cases representing entrepreneurs discussing start-up costs. 

Compare and contrast their stories in a 1-2-page summary. 

Step 2: Document category costs for MooBella Case Study 

Document the categories of costs you would expect to see in a list of MooBellas start-up costs. Summarize MooBellas sources of start-up funding in a 1-2-page summary 

Step 3:  Write a paper. 
Compare and contrast their stories in a 3 full page paper. Please review the link provided below, containing the essay rubric, prior to proceeding: 

Essay Rubric


300-word response to the following question(s)/prompt(s), include at least one APA-formatted citation/reference to a source from this lesson.

Read SBA blogs and ask yourself if you have that special personality to be a franchise owner.
Explore the following:

Franchising Resources (2018).

Terms, process, legal, and international aspects of franchising.

Libava, J. (2018) The 3 Things that all successful franchisees should do

Search the SBA blogs for articles on the special personality of franchise owners and respond to the questions:

Do you have that special personality to be a franchise owner?

What do you see as the advantages and disadvantages of owning a franchise?

explain your Chinese Calligraphy work

Explain the content, format and style of your final project calligraphy work.

content: The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Laozi, Daode Jing)

the format you can find in the attached photo

styple: Regular script