Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

after effect presentation

i will send you topic today, thank you

The purpose of the seminar presentation is to give you the opportunity to contextualise your

concept, research, planning and inspiration for the final project.

The seminars should be approximately 5-7 minutes in length and consider the following:

Clear concise pitch of project. What is it about and what is it going to look like?
Examples of the materials and techniques you will be using including potential sound sources.
Presentation of themes, styles and techniques in films or videos that are a significant influence on your project.
Include a 10-30 second test or visual experiment made by you to demonstrate some aspect of your final project. For example, you could test a technique using proxy footage or demonstrate the visual style of your piece by finding a few sources that will be used in the project then composite them together. If you are doing a cutout character animation, find the character and make it walk. 


I want the language to be simple since I am a 3rd year university student,
include graphs not too sophisticated ones
VERY EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to follow the instructions in the TWO files i uploaded and follow them.

*include gulf news when in your research

Health Informatics

Question 1 **250 words**
Standards and Interoperability

Based on this week’s readings, videos and other research, describe the overall purpose of healthcare information system standards. Research one standard discussed in more detail and elaborate on who and how it was developed, how often is it updated, which systems utilize it, and anything else you found of importance.

Question 2 **250 words**
HIPAA Privacy and Security

Research recent HIPAA violations and security breaches for the US healthcare system. Discuss at least 2 separate breaches/violations you found most alarming and share your thoughts on how they might have been prevented.

RE: Week 5 Discussion

Please respond to the following:

Evaluate the business-level strategy of either Starbucks or Lockheed Martin to determine whether you believe the strategy is appropriate to offset forces in the industry. Provide specific examples to support your response.
Make recommendations for improving this strategy as well as describing any challenges you foresee in executing those recommendations. Provide specific examples to support your response.

Cardiovascular Sonography

choose a profession that you would like to pursue after graduation and complete an in depth study of the profession, the requirements, curriculum, clinical experiences, responsibilities, job opportunities , license and certifications, and, vertical or horizontal movement within the profession.  Review the professional association website(s), codes of ethics, accreditations, and professional journal publications. Discuss some of the major issues you see facing the profession at this time, the trends and data in the literature you find related to the profession and your final comments and conclusions about the profession.

a well thought out and organized APA paper with headings,  on the profession you choose,  The paper should be around 6-7 pages and should contain 5-6 reference sources.


Two songs that are covered during the first four lectures will be compared and contrasted. The songs must be chosen from the provided lists  – one from list one and one from list 2 -and the paper should be no shorter than 3 pages (excluding bibliography). A bibliography must be included with proper citations for the songs themselves and at least 2 proper references.

One of the references should be Stinging Like Tabasco by Imani Perry
Be Sure to Listen to the Songs and Choose Ones that you feel that you may have a lot to say about, and remember, youre comparing the songs not how you feel about the songs.


Starting Points

You do whats asked 2 songs from the lists, 3 pages long, bibliography, both compare and contrast the songs, offer equal opinion and insight into both songs, offer proper support for info=15 pts before deductions.

Miss major elements only one song, songs are from the same list or are not on the list, no bibliography, 1.5 pages or less. 7.5 points before deductions.

but examples include unsupported/wrong information, incorrect citations, obviously poor effort, didnt compare songs but wrote about how one feels about the songs, skate.

Song lists for the assignment

List One

Queen Latifah Ladies First

Public Enemy Bring The Noise

NWAHundred Miles and Runnin

Ice Cube Black Korea

List Two

Beastie Boys Fight For Your Right To Party

A Tribe Called Quest Can I Kick It ?

Dr. Dre – Fuck Wit Dre Day

Raekwon Ice Cream

Use Imani Perrys Stinging Like Tabasco to compare the types of flow.

Compare  the way that the beat is created

Compare the use of Signifyin in the lyrics.

Compare the environments that the songs came from and how we hear them

Compare anything else that you can think of !!

Principle Management Theory

Identify an organization and develop an organizational chart listing all the key leaders. List their roles as well as discuss how their responsibilities tie to the organizations mission, vision, and values.  Please conduct a search and select a company that provides the information.  Please make sure there is also an introduction and conclusion to the paper. Company suggestions to use are Leidos or Lockheed Martin.


The assignment should be between 5-7 pages which include the cover page and reference page.
Your paper should include an introduction and conclusion that summarize the contents of the entire paper.

Your paper should be written in proper APA format. 

References: A minimum of two references are required for this assignment.  You may use your textbook as a reference in addition to the two references. 

Waste sorting

You will need to write a reflexive critical commentary, including:
-the ways in which you have reflected production (and ethical as appropriate) principals covered in the course
-the ways in which your piece can be considered as civic engagement and/or reflecting aspects of your citizenship
-how the piece reflects key theoretical perspectives on the course

I will upload everything you will need to do it properly + Academic References

Managed Care

Write a 1,000-1,500-word paper about the role of managed care and integrated health system. Include and address the following in your paper:

A key theorist and brief description of a behavioral therapy.
A key theorist and brief description of cognitive therapy.
A definition of managed care and a description of its purpose.
A discussion of how behavioral and cognitive approaches fit into managed care.
A minimum of three scholarly sources.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency:

BS Behavioral Health Science

5.4: Discuss the role of managed care and integrated health system in behavioral health.

Analysis of the film, The Hate U Give

The film The Hate U Give addresses many contemporary issues that African American teenagers and their families face as they go around their lives today. Identify and discuss 3 themes or patterns reviewed in that was originally in Unit 3. That unit covered the following topics: Parenting & Child Development; Racial Socialization; Racial Identity. These topics addressed distinct aspects of African American family life and are each addressed in the film.

Using your reaction paper as an opportunity for personal reflection on the film. Take notes while viewing the film to aid your writing. Complete the assigned reading before you write your paper. Ideally, the reading should be completed before you view the film.

Your paper should address your thoughts and impressions about the film with respect to 2-3 key issues that are addressed in some way in the readings. What have you learned about the issues faced?
It should address at least 1 of the assigned readings in a substantive manner.

Addressing one or more of the readings in a substantive manner means going beyond the mere mention of the reading. Higher scoring papers will demonstrate some analysis and depth of understanding of how the film and readings reflect major themes covered in the course/course unit.

Please attend to issues of grammar, punctuation, clarity, and organization.