Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Sometimes, during heated discussions and debates about social policy, the underlying reasons for the policy go unnoticed. Advocates and policymakers may become so committed to their perspectives and to winning the debates that they lose focus on the larger context surrounding an issue. The purpose of policy is to improve the lives and well-being of individuals and groups in our society. As you assume the role of a social work policymaker, consider the importance of keeping the needs and experiences of vulnerable populations at the forefront of your mind in your advocacy efforts. This can help to assure effective policy practice.

For this Assignment, you will analyze a state of Florida, federal, or global social welfare policy that affects an at-risk, marginalized, oppressed, underrepresented, or over looked group population. Finally, consider the impact of social policy from the perspective of the group you selected.

In addition to a minimum of eight scholarly references, which may include electronic government documents and reputable websites, your paper should include:

A description of the current policy approach for addressing the social issue you selected
A description of the current policy goals for addressing the social issue you selected
A description of the population the current policy approach covers
An explanation of the funding levels for the current policy approach and whether they are sufficient to address the issue
An explanation of how this policy may affect at-risk, marginalized, underrepresented, overlooked, or oppressed populations. Identify a specific at-risk population.
An analysis of whether or not the policy meets the needs of the population groups most affected by the policy.
Recommendations for alternative policies that would address the gaps identified in the policy. Please be specific in recommendations.

Legal Correspondence


Based on the above fact scenario, draft the following legal correspondence:

1. Case Brief on a relevant Law Society Tribunal matter about Good Character.
2. Memo to File for JPR Law’s records on the work that you did for the file.
3. Letter to Drake scheduling a follow-up meeting.
4. E-mail to JP, summarizing the above.

*Find a case case that addresses issues of good character specifically please.*

Summarize what you done:

-Past/ Present state weather its without prejudiced. 
-The assignment scenario is used accordingly.
-Demonstrates understanding of writing process and sentence structure (grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation).
-Demonstrates ability to draft client-centered material, legal documents in an organized, clear, concise and plain language manner.

Draft the first three documents as separate Word documents.

compare and contrast

look up Sojourner Truths Aint I A Woman speech and compare and contrast her concerns with womens rights and liberties with those of Ch. 16s Gloria Steinem speech in her Testimony Before Senate on the Equal Rights Amendment. Please look these 2 speeches on women’s rights and compare and contrast their tones, ideals,how they get there arguments cross and the period of time these women were making this push towards women rights.

Watch the dance piece provided to you very carefully. Using Microsoft Word as you watch, compose a five-paragraph critique about the piece. Follow the instructions for each paragraph.

Watch the dance piece provided to you very carefully.  Using Microsoft Word as you watch, compose a five-paragraph critique about the piece.  Follow the instructions for each paragraph.

Paragraph 1 (20 points): Compose an introductory paragraph that is interesting and attention grabbing.  Use this paragraph to do the following:

        Give the Title of Performance (3 points)

        Give the Choreographer’s Name (3 points)

        Give the Venue or type of stage (3 points)

        Name the style of the piece (ie: ballet, modern dance, jazz, social dance, etc.) (5 points)

o  Explain how you know it is the style you chose (6 points)

Paragraph 2 (15 points): Compose a paragraph detailing the contextualization of the dance piece addressing the following:

        What is the background of the choreographer?  How might her work be influenced by what he/she has been through?

        Who are the dancers of the piece?  Is there anything significant about them?

        Is there any historical or social significance to the piece? How, why?

        Do you think the shape/size/layout/location of the venue may have had an impact on the performance? Why or why not?

Paragraph 3  (15 points): Compose a paragraph detailing your interpretation of the dance piece addressing the following:

        What do you think the piece(s) was/were about?  Why?  Does the context support this?

        What was the choreographer trying to say?

        Was there any symbolism in the piece?  What was it & how was it used

Paragraph 4 (25 points): Compose a paragraph describing the dance piece using the formal terminology listed below:

        Describe how each of Laban’s Effort/Shape Theory elements is manifested in this piece.

o  Body, Space, Time, Effort (5 points each)

        Is the piece plotless or dramatic? (5 points)

o  If dramatic, is it chronological or psychological?

Paragraph 5 (15 points):

        Compose a paragraph discussing your own likes and dislikes when it comes to dance (your personal aesthetic) and how your personal aesthetic has or hasn’t changed over the course of the semester.  (4 points)

        Then discuss whether you liked or disliked the piece and why. (4 points)

        Use this paragraph as an opportunity to show some things that you have learned this semester that may not be addressed by other areas of the critical analysis. (4 points)

        Conclude your paper (3 points)  <– is the video you need to watch

Sports participation, screen teim and personality traits in children

I have several papers which my professor did like, but they were horrible in writing, such as the genetics, so I need to use some of what I have but added on to them with proper in-text citations and appropriate APA formats with references 6-8 of them the files were horrible. Still, it’s something I started but hasn’t completed, and time is an issue were doing t-test and stats, etc. were going to have to put in how we would do the testing, etc. a research paper on that topic.

Executive Memorandum – Nordstrom, Inc.

Include a narrative overview of your expansion opportunity. Describe the expansion project, the country in which the expansion will take place, and the
reasoning behind this expansion into this country at this particular time. In other words, why does this particular project and country make sense for your
chosen company?
Include key information sources related to the company you have chosen. Sources should provide an introductory, authoritative, future-oriented
understanding of the company itself, the industry, technology, customers, suppliers and competitors, and the economic environment of the company and
of your proposed expansion. Sources could be published or online; they could even include a person you know with experience in that industry. The
sources will almost certainly include the companys website; you might also follow its Facebook and Twitter feeds.

Also, the paper needs to provide an actual list of different research sources with an explanation of how each of those sources is relevant to your proposal.  Providing a reference page is not adequate.  A reference may provide information supporting your proposal, but the reference list is not necessarily all-encompassing of the sources that you plan to use for a full paper and proposal.  A reference page certainly does not provide a discussion and rationale for using each source.

Make sure that you provide a short discussion linking your sources with the reasons for their use with adequate depth of explanation of why the sources are so relevant.

Change in demand for airline tickets

I.    Introduction: The current relative demand for Airline tickets within the U.S.
II.    How does the change in demand for Airline tickets affects the Airline prices?
III.    With the Pilot shortage how does this affect the prices for airline tickets?
IV.    The rise of ticket sales impact the total cost of airline tickets?
V.    Conclusion

Using these references:

Abdella, J., A., Zaki, N. & Shuaib, K. (January 10, 2019). Automatic Detection of Airline Ticket     Price and Demand: A Review. Retrieved from https://ieeexplore-ieee-org.ezproxy

Atems, B., Bachmeier, L. & Williams C. (September 12, 2018). Do Jet Fuel Price Movements         Help Forecast Airline Fares and The Demand for Air Travel? Retrieved from https://

Dhake. (March 16, 2019). Local Airlines See Fresh Fuel Price Hike as a Major Blow.             Retrieved from

Fiig T., Guen, R., L. & Gauchet, M. (April 12, 2018). Dynamic Pricing of Airline Offers.             Retrieved from

Granados, N., Han, K. & Zhang, D. (February 24, 2017). Demand and Revenue Impacts of an         Opaque Channel: Evidence from the Airline Industry. Retrieved from       

Silk, R. (December 31, 2018). Airlines. Retrieved from https://bi-gale-com.ezproxy.libproxy.

The bystander effect

You will continue the research process and prepare a FINAL, polished and proofread, 8-page minimum research paper (12-pt font, double-spaced) containing at least six (6) credible sources cited (parenthetically) in-text and in a Work Cited list per MLA. Specifically:

    Your Title/Cover page is not included in your page count
    One page of your Work Cited can be included in your page count


s we close out our time together, lets reflect on what weve learned throughout the course.
1. First, lets take a few moments to talk about how our time together in this course has impacted your writing and other forms of communication. Are there lessons you will take away to your professional and/or personal life?

2. This is one of the colleges first Writing Enriched courses. To what extent were the peer support forum activities and draft submissions to Smarthinking helpful to you in improving your writing? What else do you think would help you and other students with written communication?

3. Is there anything about the course that you would like to see addressed or improved? Please feel free to share any observations, insights, and ask any lingering questions you may have for me and/or your classmates!

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Your proposal is fine for a sociological paper.  However, you did not establish any linkage to the folkloric content and context of the course.  You can consider to what extent folkloric aspects of Nigerian culture is impacting the country’s effort at eradicating poverty.  Revise and resubmit.