Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Stress and its effects on projects

Discuss the aspects of stress that you have experienced on a project, and how you coped with them. Determine how you can best maximize your own time on a project and increase your productivity to minimize the typical stress that is present in any project. Also consideration the following in your response:
1.    Types of stress you have or are experiencing on a project.
2.    Effects of each area of stress on both the project manager and the team.
3.    Approaches you are using or have used to cope with this stress.
4.    Approaches you can take to enhance your own productivity.

Include a personal action plan to minimize your stress and improve your time management skills for future projects.

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness

Please respond to the following:

Assess your satisfaction with Aldi and make recommendations about how the company could modify its business-level strategy to both increase your overall level of satisfaction and to attract new customers. Provide specific examples to support your response.
Analyze the five business-level strategies discussed in Chapter 4 to determine which strategy most likely applies to Aldi. Determine how a shopper’s experience might change if it switched to one of the other four strategies (your choice). Explain your rationale.

response paper

please follow the instruction and give comment for the essay(my professor essay) I uploaded. Thanks!
The essay by Holly Edwards, called “A Million and One Nights: Orientalism in America, 18701930,” was written as the introduction for an exhibition about American Orientalist artwork, and gives a great overview of the key images and ideas of American Orientalist art in the early twentieth century.
The essay I wrote, called “A Meeting of Two Minds,” looks at a handful of artists, an art critic, and an art historian who also thought about the intersection of Islamic art and contemporary art, but in the 1970s. Here’s a little anecdote about my experience writing that essay: In that essay, I made the decision not to use the concept of “Orientalism” as a major framing idea for my essay, because I was of the opinion that the artists were doing something slightly different. However, I later met one of the artists I wrote about in the essay and his first criticism of my essay was that I had forgotten to discuss “Orientalism!”
So, what do you think? How did late nineteenth/early twentieth-century American Orientalist art compare (similarly or differently) to the work of American artists in the 1970s? In what ways is “Orientalism” a useful category–or not?
Write a 300-word response thinking through some of these questions. And please don’t hesitate to be critical of my own essay: the more feedback the better!

Choosing the “right” mentor

Choosing the right mentor is critical to ones long term success in life.  Mentors assist us in determining what it takes to be successful in ones chosen vocation, academic program, or in reaching a short or long term goal.  How do you go about locating a mentor?  How do you know if a mentor is right for you? What are some important characteristics (strengths/weaknesses) you should look for in potential mentors?  How could a mentor assist you in achieving your current academic and career goals related to the DSL program?

Must use at least 2 references  with reference page. MUST CITE ALL SOURCES USED THROUGHOUT THE PAPER.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The first question in this discussion is opinion and experience-based, so you can begin immediately. Please watch the 6 minute video, Josie King: Fixing Healthcare Delivery
(Links to an external site.)
, and discuss the first question:

1. Based on viewing this video and what you have learned so far in this course, what are your initial thoughts as to the events that led to Josie Kings death?
For each of the subsequent questions please meaningfully integrate your readings including the text, articles, videos, and module notes in your conversation with each other.

2. Technology was much different at the time of Josies hospitalization and death. Many different systems in the hospital supported the care of Josie and her family. Knowing the technologies available today, what type(s) of technology might have helped to eliminate or minimize the potential for the error(s) that occurred in this situation? Please provide specific examples from your course materials. 

3. What are some of the human factors relevant in this situation? (Hint: Be sure to review the section on evaluating new technology.)

4. Josies mother has dedicated her life to sharing her daughters story to prevent this from ever happening again. Given what we have learned this week and over the entire term, what lessons can we learn? What informatics related workarounds can be used to prevent this situation from ever occurring again? These may be workarounds already in existence, or you may want to brainstorm new ideas based on what you have learned.


strategic career

Having a personal strategy can increase your odds of achieving success (however defined) in your life. This does not mean your life will play out as you plan but rather that you can and should have an active role in creating and shaping opportunities available to you. If you think about it, individuals are similar to firms in that that they both:

1.    Possess unique resources and capabilities
2.    Face constraints (e.g., limited time, energy, social capital, etc.)
3.    Can only capture value if value was originally created

Just as a firms success can result from external trends and luck but also from their deliberate strategy, the same is true for personal success. However, your personal strategy can be better or worse at preparing you to capitalize on these trends or luck. This assignment asks you to develop and communicate your personal strategy using concepts from the class. Just like any firm, youll want to:

1.    Understand the macro-environment and external trends that will likely affect your success (e.g., trends in the industry youll be working in, etc.)
2.    Identify your resources and capabilities (discussing internal, external, and dynamic (in)consistencies within yourself and with your environment)
3.    Utilize other course concepts (at least two)
a.    For example, you could discuss the resource relatedness between different aspects of your life, and explain how diversifying your experiences actually creates more value in each aspect of your life than would have been created individually

The deliverable has two components.  The first component is a write-up of your personal strategy. Please draw on the article on Blackboard or in the HBSP coursepack. How Will You Measure Your Life? for some elements that you may want to include in your personal strategy. This portion should be approximately two to three double spaced pages. The second component should be a description of a day in your working and personal life if you have assuming you have successful executed your personal strategy. Pick a specific date in the future, at least five years from now, and write a detailed description of your day. Think of this a visioning exercise. The vision should have a future date on it this is essential (it could be a specific day or month, but it must have some date).  It should be written in the present tense though it describes a state in the future. It should contain specifics and images (descriptions) of this future state.  This portion should be approximately two pages double spaced. 

The Strategic Careers Paper will be evaluated out of 100 points as follows:

1)    Required topics (25 points)
a)    Did the writer clearly address the three points as mentioned in the description? (15 points)
b)    Did the writer draw on some of the topics from the How Will You Measure Your Life article (10 points)
2)    Use of Course Content (25 points)
a)    Did the writer use course content and/or theoretical frameworks and connect it directly to matters in the case or in the article(s)? (10 points)
b)    Did the writer use the course content and or theoretical frameworks correctly? (15 points)
3)    Clarity and Technical Aspects (30 points)
a)    Was it easy for the reader to see that case questions were answered? (5 points)
b)    Was the document well written and clear? (10 points)
c)    Was the document free of spelling errors, grammatical errors? (10 points).
d)    When using materials outside of the case or the class did the author provide a citation or link showing where they drew the evidence? (5 points)
i)    Any format for citation, – APA, MLA, Chicago, is acceptable.
ii)    OWL/Purdue is a great resource for citations,
4)    Fictional Future Day (20 points)
a)    Did the writer put a future date on the writeup? (5 points)
b)    Does this vision seem attainable? (not fantastical or wish fulfilment) (5 points)
c)    Does this vision logically follow from the personal strategy statement?(5 points)
d)    Does the writer provide specific details, images and descriptions of this future state? (5 points)

Further explanation

Again, please read the syllabus to make sure that you have hit all of the points. But here are also three further things to think about:

A)    There is an article by Clayton Christensen called How Will You Measure Your Life that I fully recommend that you read. It will give you some ideas about how you can think about a strategy for your career. You will find a copy of it in the Case Write Up Folder on Blackboard

B)    There are lots of different ways that you can think about how to write this assignment. In years past, some students have thought about their professional lives, and considered their own skillsets as resources and the job market as a competitive setting.  You can imagine talking about inimitability, synergies between skills, etc. in that context. Some students think about other aspects of life more broadly.  Students have applied these concepts to their relationships, to family matters, and to religion. These are just some of the ways you could go. As long as you think about the things listed in the assignment as written on the syllabus you will be on the right track

C)    Get creative with the description of your future day! Specific details help. In the past when I have had students do the visioning exercise, they have found that in doing the visioning they have actually revised some of the thoughts about the strategic career plan. So really get into it!

RE: Week 3 Discussion

One of the most concerning issues for students today is plagiarism.  While everyone knows that you cant pass off someone elses work as your own, and technology makes it easier and easier to spot plagiarism, a growing number of college students still do it.  The question is, Why?

Of the four options listed below, which one do you think is the most common reason that students continue to plagiarize, and how can a student avoid it?  Make sure to respond to your fellow students.

Students dont manage their time well and run out of time to do the work.
The internet makes it easy to buy papers and do it anonymously.
Students struggle with the topic and dont want to fail.
Theres a perception that if its on the internet, anyone can use it.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

First, lets consider this question based on what youve learned over this course:
1. We all have come into this course with values and beliefs around professional presence, whether they emanate from our own work experiences and organizational norms, or based on what we have observed in watching how professionals present themselves. What does professionalism and professional presence mean to you?  Verbal and nonverbal communications are a big part of presence. Knowing this, how has your perspective on professional presence evolved over the past 15 weeks?

Based on what you have learned in the course and your experience, lets move on to these questions:

2. Professional presence can be challenged by unprofessional attitudes and behaviors of other people, including colleagues and supervisors. Negative encounters with patients can shake our professional demeanor. What are some strategies to maintaining your own professionalism when someone else is not being professional?  We have talked about the challenges that unprofessional presence can have on our own presence. What are some of the other challenges we may face in the workplace (or if not working, in a volunteer or classroom setting)?

3.What takeaways from this week and this course overall will you carry forward into your professional life to improve your professionalism and professional presence?

Please carefully read and provide a synopsis of the following articles. Plan to devote 1.5 pages to each article. The first article can be found under Zimbabwe on the course Moodle site. The New Yorker article is listed under the homework assignments.

Please carefully read and provide a synopsis of the following articles.  Plan to devote 1.5 pages to each article. The first article can be found under Zimbabwe on the course Moodle site. The New Yorker article is listed under the homework assignments.

Articles about 2 texts about africa, I need a summary that is like 3/4 page long and then another 3/4 page long personal reflection on the text.

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness

Please respond to the following:

Many companies use their brand as a competitive advantage. Given your knowledge about the global economy, identify three brands you believe have the strongest likelihood of remaining a source of advantage in the 21st century and explain why. Explain the effects you believe the Internet’s capabilities will have on the brands you identified in the previous discussion and what the owner of the brand should do in light of them.