Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


You are assuming the role of teacher in this exercise.  A student submitted a paper in response to an assignment in your class.  A second student has come to you indicating he is aware the first student plagiarized on this assignment.  You ask a few questions to get a better understanding of the accusations and you commit to investigating this charge.  You will find the submitted paper in this weeks module of your course.  Your research shows the first highlighted area was copied from Masciarelli and the second from Frisch & Green.

Additionally, write a 825 word, APA 6 structured (no abstract required) double-spaced summary of your investigation.  Did the student plagiarize?  Presume you did not know the outcome going into your investigation.  What evidence would have helped you make the determination?  Provide examples of evidence in your response.  How would you confront this student about the plagiarism?  Presume this is an online course.  What would you say to the student?  As part of your response to the student, please list at least two (2) resources you would recommend to help guide him/her to an improved product.

As this exercise is more applied, there is no need for scholarly resources.

Natural Resources

1. According to OECD data which country spends the most on primary education? Use link:

2. According to OECD data which country has the highest poverty rate in children from 0-17? Use link:

3. Look at the same chart on poverty rate in children Use above link: . How many countries score better than USA?

4. Examine the pie chart. What does USA spend most of its mandatory spending money on? Use link:

5. Please explain what changes you (select one from pie chart) would you make (if any) to the USA total federal spending budget?

No cover page
No header
No title
No paragraph titles
No page numbers
No name on paper
Times New Roman
12 pt
Reference web pages and resources used

M7D1: Radical Functions and Their Graphs

For this activity, you will need to create and post a graph. The easiest way to plot points and graph a function and then generate an image of the work is to use Desmos, a free, online graphing calculator (Links to an external site.). The following information will help you with this work:

Written directions on using the online calculatorPreview the document [PDF, 409 KB]
Video directions on using the online calculator [Video, 3:32 mins]

Create a function of the form f of x equals the ath root of (b times x) plus c” title=”f of x equals the ath root of (b times x) plus cto plot and graph. Make sure it is different than any already posted. Post your function in your initial post with the subject line: My radical function [your name].

In your post:

1. Create a table containing at least four ordered pairs (x, y) that are on the curve

2. Graph the radical function

3.Include the table you created

4.Include the image of your graph (refer to the calculator directions above)

5.Describe the general behavior of the graph

6.Determine and include the range and domain of the radical function

7Write the function in equivalent form using rational exponents


How does a firewall work and how can it be used to protect a network? What are some common mistakes made that can lead to a vulnerable network? What can you do to prevent those mistakes?

Yes, the word count has increased. This is better so you have room to make it proper paper with a good introduction, solid content answering the questions, and conclusion. Do not copy a list of firewall tips from a reference; write good paragraphs.

Therapy Program for Juvenile

Your fully developed final proposal for a criminal justice program is based on your Stage Papers 1 through 6 and will contain all stages of development that you created in these papers. However, the paper is not a mere restatement of the previous stage papers. Think of this as a formal proposal that you are submitting for approval, incorporating any feedback given and removing any redundancies. Items should be included in one section only, even though they may have been discussed at multiple stages.

Use headings similar to those used at the various stages (removing any redundancies).

Formatting Reminders:

Considering the recommendations form stage papers in the first seven weeks
The final proposal should be approximately 35 pages, excluding cover and reference pages
Forms and charts can be submitted in an appendix and should be referenced by appendix number in the paper
MS Word
12-point font.
Use APA style for your citations, including a proper citation for all sources used


Each answer should be at a minimum a half-page, double-spaced page (Times New Roman, 12-point font). The text book does not have to be the only source for your answers. If you use other sources, please reference them within the text of your answer and at the end of your answer. Submit answers in a Microsoft Word or PDF document.

Select three (3) questions to answer.

1.    Discuss how both disciplines of adult education and human resource development connect to adult learning.

2.    Discuss the relative ease and difficulty of adults controlling the various learning phases: a) need, b) create, c) implement, and d) evaluate.

3.    Report on an personal experience confirming two (2) of the following principles: a) Learners need to know, b) Self-directed learning, c) Prior experience of the learner, d) Readiness to learn, e) Orientation to learning problem solving, f) Motivation to learn.

4.    Discuss the relative significance of cognitive, personality, and prior knowledge differences for adult learning.

5.    What is the difference between learning and learning how to learn and learning?

6.    Why is the Whole-Part-Whole Learning Model particularly helpful in planning adult learning?

7.    Discuss why some educators end up almost totally fixated on the parts while others are fixated on the whole.

8.    What are the barriers to succeeding as a facilitator?

9.    Given there are times you need to be a teacher and other times a facilitator, what would you need to do to mentally prepare yourself for each role?

10.    Why is leadership important in releasing the energy of others?

research methodological issues that you read about or can infer from the article and the video.

Please watch the video below and also read the article that is provided. You assignment is to provide your assessment of Dr. Birx’s comments and also to point out any research methodological issues that you read about or can infer from the article and the video.

Limit your response to 250 to 300 words. Please do not use big terminology.!

Dr. Birx: Coronavirus Data Doesn’t Match The Doomsday Media Predictions

Posted By Ian Schwartz

On Date March 26, 2020

White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Deborah Birx warned the public not to panic when they hear about models and projections of the pandemic’s spread.

“Models are models,” she said. “When people start talking about 20% of a population getting infected, it’s very scary, but we don’t have data that matches that based on our experience.”

She said the media should not “make the implication that when they need a hospital bed it’s not going to be there, or a ventilator, it’s not going to be there, we don’t have evidence of that.”

“It’s our job collectively to assure the American people,” she also said. “There is no model right now — no reality on the ground where we can see that 60% to 70% of Americans are going to get infected in the next eight to 12 weeks. I want to be clear about that.”

DEBORAH BRIX: I’m sure you have seen the recent report out of the U.K. about them adjusting completely their needs. This is really quite important. If you remember, that was the report that says there would be 500,000 deaths in the U.K. and 2.2 million deaths in the United States. They’ve adjusted that number in the U.K. to 20,000. Half a million to 20,000. We are looking at that in great detail to understand that adjustment.

I’m going to say something that is a little bit complicated but do it in a way we can understand it together. In the model, either you have to have a large group of people who a-asymptomatic, who never presented for any test to have the kind of numbers predicted. To get to 60 million people infected, you have to have a large group of a-symptomatics. We have not seen an attack rate over 1 in 1,000. So either we are measuring the iceberg and underneath it, are a large group of people. So we are working hard to get the antibody test and figure out who these people are and do they exist. Or we have the transmission completely wrong.

So these are the things we are looking at, because the predictions of the model don’t match the reality on the ground in China, South Korea or Italy. We are five times the size of Italy. If we were Italy and did all those divisions, Italy should have close to 400,000 deaths. They are not close to achieving that.

Models are models. We are — there is enough data of the real experience with the coronavirus on the ground to really make these predictions much more sound. So when people start talking about 20% of a population getting infected, it’s very scary, but we don’t have data that matches that based on our experience.

And the situation about ventilators. We are reassured in meeting with our colleagues in New York that there are still I.C.U. Beds remaining and still significant — over 1,000 or 2,000 ventilators that have not been utilized.

Please for the reassurance of people around the world, to wake up this morning and look at people talking about creating DNR situations, Do Not Resuscitate situations for patients, there is no situation in the United States right now that warrants that kind of discussion. You can be thinking about it in the hospital. Certainly, hospitals talk about this on a daily basis, but to say that to the American people and make the implication that when they need a hospital bed it’s not going to be there or a ventilator, it’s not going to be there, we don’t have evidence of that.

It’s our job collectively to assure the American people, it’s our job to make sure that doesn’t happen. You can see the cases are concentrated in highly urban areas and there are other parts of the states that have lots of ventilators and other parts of New York state that don’t have any infected. We can meet the needs by being responsive.

There is no model right now — no reality on the ground where we can see that 60% to 70% of Americans are going to get infected in the next eight to 12 weeks. I want to be clear about that. We are adapting to the reality on the ground and looking at the models of how they can inform but learning from South Korea and Italy and from Spain and I know you will look up my numbers.


Strategic Planning & Development

Within the last ten years, the health care industry has seen big change, not only in philosophy, but with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. There have been changes in political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors that influence strategic planning. Americans desire increased quality patient care, wellness, and prevention programs. Health care organizations are seeing changes in volume and demographics related to their patients, and labor and technologies related to the health care organization.

For this assignment, select a health care organization within your state or region. Imagine you have been selected by the facility’s Executive Committee to develop a strategic plan that aligns to the organization’s mission and vision. Use critical thinking skills and research current events of your chosen organization to prepare your assignment.
Instructions and Grading Criteria

Write an 810 page strategic plan. Your plan must include the numbered elements listed below. Note that the instructions correspond to the grading criteria for this assignment. You may also want to review the performance level descriptions for each criterion in the scoring guide to see how your work will be assessed:

    Differentiate between strategic management, strategic thinking, strategic planning, and managing strategic momentum.
    Propose one specific analytical tool suitable for use as an adaptive strategy or strategies that will be the most effective in helping an organization achieve its strategic plan.
    Propose the manner and provide an example of how the selected analytical tool will be used to support the strategic proposal.
    Research three internal and three external factors that could become barriers to the success of the proposed strategic plan.
    Recommend at least one solution to each of the possible barriers to implementing your proposed strategic plan.
    Determine the specific segment of the market that your organization’s strategic plan will target.
    Recommend the most effective approach to marketing your strategic plan and provide examples.
    Use at least three quality academic resources.
        Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.


This exercise is about tracing the origins of the clothes and shoes you wear and about asking Why? The cost of labor…is important, but it certainly isnt the only factor in determining where garments and shoes are made (Domosh et al. 2013: 345).
Your essay must first describe briefly the historical and contemporary patterns of trade in primary and secondary production related to the garments industry (see textbook and PPT files for details), and their spatial distribution, in your own words. Then you will discuss the most important characteristics of the garments industry including its evolution and current state. A summary of these facts can be found in this exercises PowerPoint presentation as well.
As it is mention in the book, The Human Mosaic: … the textile and garments industries have historically been very footloose, able to move production facilities to locations that suit manufacturers, often because of the low cost of labor. In todays global world, that tendency is even more pronounced, with manufacturers of clothing and other garment-related materials outsourcing many aspects of production and often subcontracting with other companies to complete different tasks in different parts of the world (Domosh et al. 2013: 345). Please note that this quote includes several key definitions that must be included in your essay. You can find additional key definitions in the Instructions PPT file.
Any geographically-based study must answer three broad questions: Where? Why? and, So what? (or, in other words, why is this important?) For example, where are the garments you selected to compose this exercise where made and where are the headquarters of these companies located? Why are these items made in these countries? What are the similarities of the countries were these garments are produced and those where the company headquarters are located? What are the differences? In answering to the So what? question (why is this important?) you must use the information you have included in the first two sections (Where? and Why?). This is an overview of the principles characterisitcs of todays garment industry and must include a conclusions paragraph of your analysis. While answering these questions, you must also consider each of the locational factors mentioned in the course textbook and the corresponding PPT (i.e., labor, markets, state policies, consumer trends), and try to generalize the why of what you wear.
This essay must include a minimum of at-least 800 words in length. You must also demonstrate knowledge of the topic using key definitions related to this topic. In addition, it is required to include at- least one additional reference (textbook or other reputable source; not Wikipedia) in the essay portion of your work that relates to this topic making a proper citation in your essay. You must also include this

reference in a separate page (Bibliography/Reference), making a full citation of all sources cited in your essay. Making a notation in your essay but not including it in your bibliography, or the other way around, makes this source invalid; hence, it will not count. Note that this portion (including an external source) corresponds to 5% of the final grade of this assignment.
Technical Aspects: Your essay must conform to the following formatting: 12-point font (Arial, Times New Roman, Garamond, or Book Antiqua), one-inch margins all around, double-spaced, and number the pages. Essays that do not format their work accordingly will receive a 10-point discount.
Final Details (VERY IMPORTANT): You must upload your essay, including your table and map in a word document (one file only), to You can find the link to in the Assignment Dropbox. If you experience any difficulties to upload your exercise to, you must send me your complete work using the course messaging system in a word document before the deadline.
Your answer must be your own, original thoughts. If you plagiarize your thoughts from a website, journal, or any other source, not only you will be sad because you cannot write the small number of words of your own, but you will earn a failing grade in our class. See course syllabus for more details regarding plagiarism issues.


Geography: Realms, Regions, and Concepts

Harm J. de Blij, Peter O. Muller

Wiley, 14th Edition, 2010

ISBN-10: 0470462426

ISBN-13: 9780470462423

Position Paper

You will write a Change Management Position Paper. You will select a large organization, profit or nonprofit, that has recently gone through significant change. Choose an organization that you can find substantial written material documenting the change effort. Analyze the organization on the basis of the readings covered in this course and write a 5 page paper discussing the change effort.

The paper will follow APA Format and Style.
The body of the paper is 5 pages excluding title and reference pages.

The paper should follow this outline:
1. Introduction: Describe the situation, organization, and context for the change?
2. Analysis: Analyze the approach taken by the change agent(s), and address the following:
    a. the image of the type of change held by the change agent,
    b. the culture of the setting that is changing and the role culture played in the                change,
    c. the extent to which the (envisioned and actual) change was first or second order vs. adaptive or transformational,
    d. the method(s) for implementing change,
    e. the vision for the change, and
    f. how the change was communicated
3. Overall Evaluation: Evaluate the quality of the change agents work based on class readings.
4. Recommendations: Include recommendations suggesting what steps could have been taken to increase the success of the project.