Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Economic Analysis

For this assignment, you will write a 23-page paper (double-spaced, 1-inch margins) providing at least 1 example of how government has overstepped biblical principles in some form of economic policy. Be sure to adhere to the format specified in the Course Style Guidelines document. Must use 2 sources.

Options include the following topics:

A specific piece of legislation relating to business regulation or taxation.

The party platform of either the Republican Party or the Democratic Party (or both).

The role of the Federal Reserve.

The budget process.

School Improvement Plan

Description of Assessment or Task: School Improvement Plan: (Field Experience)

Candidates will develop a school improvement plan. Create and develop a comprehensive school improvement plan for a failing school involving teachers, faculty and community stakeholders based on the following: the need to improve student achievement in a subject of your choice. The need for improvement should be based on student achievement from data of an actual school and be sure to include the school and community demographics. Your school improvement plan must include the following components under their own headings, you may add others if you wish. This assignment requires candidates to use of the William Cecil Golden, School Leadership Development Program as they research this issue.


a) Introduction

b) Organizational Vision – Develop and state your Vision/Mission/Belief Statements based on William C. Golden resources modules

c) Positive school culture – Show how you will examine various positive indicators including the schools diversity within the school culture. (ELCC 2.1)

d) Plan of Action – List the current academic weaknesses demonstrated by certain populations of the students. (show data from state and federal assessments to support these identified weaknesses) Show how you will examine performance data of all students and indicate how you plan to address identified weaknesses. Show how your plan will give adequate time for improvement to occur. ELCC 3.1

e) Assessment Survey – Develop and administer an assessment survey for Staff. In addition, Show how you will assist staff to involve Parents and community more in teaching and learning. ELCC 3.2

f) Action Plan – Develop a detailed Action Plan for Improvement which includes student achievement, utilizing all resources available. Show how you will seek creative resources to improve teaching and learning. Include in your plan, how you will deal with Safe and Orderly School Environment. ELCC 3.3

g) Discuss how you plan to evaluate your plan and how often.

h) Conclusion

i) References (atleast 4 academic sources)


*Remember: I have already submitted the attached information for other courses, so it is imperative to change the wording/formatting to meet the requirements for this assignment!! Thank you!!! 😀

Social medias effect on business marketing

I need a research argument paper supporting my topic “Effects of social media on business marketing” -“Social media has a positive impact on the businesses marketing”.I have the exact instructions and I will attach them with my annotated bibliography. where you can find the sources, feel free to use other reliable journal articles that support my topic.NO PLAGIARISM PLS.  I will also attach a sample of how the essay should look like.

emergency mgmt

There are different triage systems used (i.e., SALT, START, JumpSTART (pediatrics), etc.) in mass casualties. Based on the case scenario below, which triage system do you think is best suited int the emergency? Please explain your selection and reasoning.

Case 1. The hospital disaster plan is activated while all victims are sent to a triage area set up in a safe location (e.g., hospital parking lot). A physician, accompanied by nurses from the emergency department, initiates triage. Patients with critical illnesses or trauma are transported directly to the emergency department. Those most severely affected are treated in the emergency department and receive immediate evaluation, while those with less severe injuries are given first aid in the parking lot or wait until they can be treated in the emergency department. The hospital disaster plan includes utilizing staff from other hospital departments to assist in the event of a mass casualty incident.
i have given you some references but you can use some of your own as well if you want to

Disscussion Board

Utilizing one of the internet search engines, find an organization that has recently implemented a new quality initiative. Discuss specifically the steps taken to implement the new process along with the expected impact to the organization and their customers. Be sure to provide any URLs you used as a reference source for your answer. The selected article must provide well-rounded information and address the topic. You must post the annotation in the reference section.

2 References

Disscussion Board

The best, most effective selling that identifies and addresses the needs of a customer is to no avail if it does not result in a sale. When a salesperson has done his or her job, honestly representing a product or service that serves the customers requirements, then closing the order is the final and natural process in a sales call.

Thread: Respond to the following:

Describe probing questioning and explain how this leads to verifying the readiness of customer to make a commitment. Provide an example.
Identify 2 methods of obtaining a commitment and explain how a salesperson uses the methods to close an order.
Describe the goal of effective negotiations. Provide a personal example of having successfully negotiated with a sales person.
Explain how Proverbs 1:7 relates to the Christian worldview, and provide an example of how this applies to the sales effort.

1 reference

Explaining the multisensory process and memory

Multisensory Processing and memory-  both essays need to be 1000 words each 10% -/+

1. Describe and Explore the cognitive and biological mechanisms of multisensory perception, with reference to conditions that are the result of atypical multisensory integration.

2. Discuss the concept of adaptive memory with particular reference to survival processing and animacy effects on memory performance.
You will have a +-10% allowance as with all other assignments.

This needs to be done to a 2:/ first standard In your OWN words! Preference would be someone with great psychology knowledge.
This essay must include a bibilography of at least 8 APA cites written correctly.
references should also be used within the essay.

Font times new roman size 12 should be used throughout the essay.

Thankyou for working with me! 🙂


Read Teamsters and UPS Strike a Deal for the 21st Century in your textbook.

Based on the information given, which of the terms in the new contract are favorable for workers? Which terms are favorable for UPS?

What effects, if any, do you think the employment contract will have on UPSs ability to meet its goals for serving customers and improving efficiency?

Write an essay of at least 300 words in APA style, with a reference page and cover page. APA requires double space. Your essay will be automatically submitted to Safe Assign so it can be checked for originality. There is not a target for matching but your instructor will be assessing that you have used your own words with proper in-text citations and quotation marks for direct quotes.


Assignment: Please watch the Parts Unknown video on Porto, Portugal. It is from Season 9 and it is Episode 8. The link below will take you to the places where it is available. Note: Remember that there is a charge for these episodes unless you already have a subscription to the services (e.g., Vudu, Youtube, Amazon prime).

As you now know, the videos in this Parts Unknown series were done by Anthony Bourdain, a famous chef, travel author, and critic. They are very informative, interesting, and they give you a fantastic look at the different regions of Spain and Portugal. In my opinion, this is as close as you can come to actually visiting these places and that is why I feel so strongly about seeing as many of the episodes on this region as we can this semester.

ASSIGNMENT: What I am asking you to do is this: Take notes you watch the videos and then submit those notes in Canvas in Regional Profile 12.

People take notes differently, so it is difficult to give a length requirement. Instead, please follow the guidelines below.


1.    Think of this as a travelogue in which you are writing a journal about where you go and what you see and eat and who you meet. I also want you to make note of any CULTURAL ITEMS of interest that catch your eye, from fashion to food to interpersonal relations.

2.    Make note of important PLACES, DATES, PEOPLE, TRADITIONS, etc. from EACH PLACE THAT YOU VISIT (capoeira, etc.).  You might have to pause the video to do this part, but that is the most important part of this assigment.

3.    Prove that you watched the entire video(s) carefully by including notes from all sections of it (from beginning to end). If in doubt, add MORE details. Err on the side of caution, but use your best judgement. You do NOT need to write down everything you hear.

4.    PLEASE USE COMPLETE SENTENCES. Make sure the context and/or importance of the item is clearly stated (i.e., dont just write a random name/date/fact.)

5.    You MUST include a brief concluding paragraph outlining which place (or event) from the video you would most like to visit (or experience). It can be a city, a museum, a festival, or any other attraction.

6.    Points will be deducted for VAGUE, INCOMPLETE, UNINTELLIGIBLE, or UNREADABLE responses. This is an unstructured, fun, and easy assignment, but the onus is on you to make it readable and understandable.

7.    You are welcome to submit handwritten notes that are scanned in and attached BUT they must follow the guidelines given above. You may also type them directly into the textbox for this assignment.

8.    Finally, do not under any circumstances use parts or all of the transcript for this video as your submission. Taking notes is NOT the same as transcribing the video and you are not being asked to write down every word you hear. If you do this, I will assume you took the material from a transcript and at a minimum I will assign a zero for that grade. [This might seem harsh, but it happened seven times last semester so I want to be crystal clear about this up front.]

30 pts. Total

video link:

Optional Companion Site:

Optional Article on the late Anthony Bourdain:



INTRODUCTION: The second section of Part IV deals with the court system and issues of social justice and inequality. The readings examine whether crimes may be related to larger economic and social inequalities. Furthermore the readings explore whether current processes and procedures in the justice system disadvantage the poor. You will write a (4-7 pages double-spaced) persuasive/argumentative essay. A persuasive/argumentative essay uses reason to show that one idea is more legitimate than another idea. It attempts to persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view or to take a particular action. This type of essay must present theory, evidence, facts, or examples, in order to defend ones claims. You are required to use data you have gathered from your readings. Outside research is welcomed, but you will be graded (please see grading rubric) on how well you summarize, integrate, and theorize on information we have covered in class thus far.

ESSAY QUESTION: You are a Criminal Justice Professor at NMSU and have been called to give expert testimony at a U.S. Congressional hearing on whether or not economic inequality impacts the outcome of court cases and the ability of our system to serve justice. You must argue whether or not the criminal justice system and our current court system is biased in the treatment of the rich and the poor. You must define, explain, and give examples of Multiple-Strategies of Utilitarianism and Rawls-Justice and Fairness and discuss how these theories relate to your argument. You may also discuss data from “Crime and the American Dream” and “Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison” book chapters. Be sure to define and give examples of each ethical theory and compare and contrast the theories to one another. You will be graded on your ability to connect the required readings from class to your argument. Please provide concrete examples to defend your claims.

DIRECTIONS: Please submit your Essay (4 to 7 pages double-spaced) as a Word or Pdf document in the Essays section.


The guidelines for the assignments are as follows:

4-7 pages in length

APA (American Psychological Association) Formatting required

In-text Citations and Reference page is required (citations according to APA standards)

No Abstract is required


Using Times New Roman 12pt Font

Please no messing with the margins

Formal grammar, syntax and organization are expected