Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Principles of Marketing

A. How does the stage of a products life cycle affect price? Give some examples.

B. The U.S. Postal Service regularly raises the price of a first-class stamp but continues to operate in the red year after year. Discuss whether you think that uniform delivered pricing is the best choice for first-class mail?

Principles of Marketing

A.  Which social media tools do you think are the most useful for most businesses? Why?

B.  What are some of the ways in which social media has changed your daily life? What can marketers take advantage of for their promotional purposes?

Dance research

This assignment replaces the group research presentation we were going to have in class.  In your Unit 3 Study Guide, you have a listing of prominent artists in the history of dance (their names are bolded).

For your research paper, please choose one of these artists and write a paper which includes the following, in this order, to organize your paper:

1) Personal/professional background–what are the important factors in their background that contributed to their development as artists

2) Talk about their contribution to their genre (ballet, hip hop, modern, postmodern, contemporary) in the period of time that they create/created.

3) Discuss a minimum of 3 notable works, describing them in detail (themes, choreographic approaches, scenographic elements, etc).  Include links to these works in your bibliography.

4) In your conclusion, discuss their contribution to dance history.  How did/does their work push the art form forward?

Your paper should be 4 complete pages of text, double spaced, 12pt font, 1″margins covering the areas I requested.  Please include a separate title page with your name, course, title of your paper, etc.  Please also include a separate bibliography, in MLA style, with your sources and also the links to the works of choreography you discuss in the paper.

elevate hammock

1. What pricing strategy would you advise Greyson Junggren, the founder of Elevate Hammock Company, to adopt to achieve his company’s growth goals. Clearly explain the tests that Greyson can conduct to validate the pricing strategy you are recommending.

2. What are the two distribution channels that you would recommend that Greyson focus on to achieve company’s goals? Justify your response,

3. Considering the challenges new ventures experience and your understanding of financial statements, which strategy (pricing or distribution) would be better for achieving his goal of increasing net income? Clearly explain your response.

Japanese culture


Do research on buraku issues in the prefecture you chose. Then write a discussion post including the following:

Number of buraku
Common occupations
Restrictions (such as restrictions on work and/or marriage)
Curriculum of Dowa education
Include two references

Outside Film Screening essay

Write a 5-7 page (double spaced) essay answering one of the following 3 prompts:

1) Watch a Bollywood film at a local movie theater. With regard to both the film and the viewing experience (including the audience), make an argument about how the film experience expresses both Indian and global desires. AMC Theatres (especially Fashion Valley) are a great place to look for new Bollywood films. Additionally, you may consider the following films, which are available online:

Gully Boy (Zoya Akhtar, India) (Amazon Prime)
Kapoor & Sons (Shakun Batra, India) (for rent on Amazon, Google Play, YouTube, iTunes)

2) Watch a non-U.S. festival film in theaters and find reviews and program notes for it online. How does the writing express the contradictions of formula vs. freedom and national vs. universal discussed in the reading and lecture? Landmark Theatres, Digital Gym Cinema, and Cine Tonal (Tijuana) regularly screen international films that have played the international film festival circuit. Please contact the instructor if you have questions identifying eligible films. Additionally, you can consider the following films available online:

Atlantics (Mati Diop, Senegal/France) (Netflix)
Too Late to Die Young (Dominga Sotomayor, Chile) (for rent on Amazon, iTunes)
Shoplifters (Hirokazu Kore-eda, Japan) (Hulu, and for rent on Amazon, Google Play, YouTube, iTunes)
Happy as Lazzaro (Alice Rohrwacher, Italy) (Netflix)

3) Watch a new Korean or Chinese blockbuster at a local movie theater. Make an argument about how the film expresses local, national, inter-Asian, and/or global characteristics (must choose at least two of the four). Note: because of the Coronavirus, new releases in Korea and China have dwindled, and that has affected their international releases as well. It may be harder to find films in theaters, but a place to start is AMC La Jolla. Additionally, you may consider the following films, which are available online:

1987: When the Day Comes (Jang Joon-hwan, South Korea) (for rent on Amazon, Google Play, YouTube)
A Taxi Driver (Jang Hoon, South Korea) (Hulu, and for rent on Amazon, Google Play, YouTube)
Miss Granny (Hwang Dong-hyuk, South Korea) (Amazon Prime, and for rent on iTunes, Google Play, YouTube)
The Wandering Earth (Frant Gwo, China) (Netflix)
Us and Them (Rene Liu, China) (Netflix)
Youth (Feng Xiaogang, China) (Amazon Prime)
You must submit your 5-7 page paper via the Turnitin tool in the “Essays” section in Blackboard.


In this class, we have looked at chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, and 11 of Fuentes’ book The Creative Spark.

For this assignment, select a chapter we have NOT covered in class (7, 8, or 9) and write a short (about 250 words) discussion post. Your post should include three elements:

1. A very brief summary of the main chapter points (bullets are OK).
2. Your thoughts on how the chapter ties to other things from the course.
3. An open-ended question for discussion.

Strategies for IT leaders to successfully deal with the lack of cyber security professionals Chapter 2 Corrections

Please review the professor comments and make revisions based on feedback. With all changes made please reply to the professor comments stating what was done to address concerns.

– Grammatical errors
– More references needed
– Fix all inconsistencies with citations

**Please ensure all changes are tracked**


For your discussion this week:
What is one misconception that you think people in general have regarding any topic that we have covered in this class? Are there any broader consequences of this misconception?
Topics Discussed: race, species, paleoanthropology, evolution, early civilizations, etc.
As usual, please comment on two of your peers posts.

Reply to classmate 1:
I think for me, I had a complete misconception about the many different types of “species” and evolutionary changes it took to make the modern day humans as we are. When I think about evolution, I always only thought of some kind of monkey that warped in to a human in just a short amount of time. The consequences of this misconception I feel are a lack of respect for what our ancestors had to go through to bring us to this current day and time. A lot of the tools and concepts we have came from them and their struggles. I look at the knife cutting my steak now and think of it as a tool created such a long time ago by someone as a means to survive. Not just created by a scientist in a lab who was trying to think of a way to cut meat. So a lack of understanding and respect come with the misconception.

Reply to Classmate 2:
I think my own biggest misconception were regarding race. I remember during class assignment 2 how we had to listen to an hour-long audio about race and genetic makeup, and I learned about how race is truly just a social construct. How the instructor, who was white, made an example of one black male student being more genetically similar to another white female student than she and that white female student were. That was kind of surprising, because although I knew we all have majority of the same genetic makeup, I didn’t think of how it could intersect that way. This just goes to show how race itself isnt real, but the consequences of race have always been very real. I do believe there are broader consequences of this misconception, it kind of speaks for itself at this point. Racism is such a big problem in our country today, when in reality, race itself is only a social construct. I feel like if many people knew and understood that, then there probably wouldn’t be that many race-centered issues today.

American History to 1877

Research Paper-350  points total-Five page biography on significant individual living during the time frame of the course. Thesis is supported and based upon the following;  at least  four primary sources from Voices of Freedom (i.e., letters, diaries, publications) as well as two valid secondary sources (the text Give Me Liberty, Wikipedia, or any Wiki options are not valid choices for this assignment.) If you have a question about valid sources contact me.
Is the information from primary and secondary sources sufficiently documented and properly formatted?  Was Chicago Manual of Style used consistently?  (Failure to provide documentation is deemed plagiarism)
It considers the controversial issue announced by the instructor;  it avoids spelling errors, awkward language, improper grammar, flawed punctuation, and other compositional  mistakes.  The thesis is clearly presented and supported and the content flows clearly from the introduction through the body and includes a developed conclusion.
It includes at least five pages of full-typed, properly formatted text circumscribed by one-inch margins, making each double-spaced page approximately 250 words and 25-27 lines using a Times New Roman 12-point font, including page numbers, title page and author’s name.
It concludes a complete and properly formatted bibliography.