Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

reading response

Reading Requirement:

Lysistrata – First Half of Play – 1 to 27
Reading Response Prompt for RR #11:

This reading response has 2 components.  You must respond to both in order to get full credit.

1. Provide 3 questions you have for me or your peers in regards to Lysistrata. These questions can be about something maybe you didnt fully understand or an aspect of the play that you want to discuss more.

2. Choose ONE of the questions below and provide one piece of evidence from the story to support your interpretation.

a. At the beginning of the play when Lysistrata is trying to persuade the other women to give up sexual relations with their husbands, many of them are hesitant and unwilling to to do so.  Why do you think thats the case? Also, considering this play is supposed to be a comedy, Aristophanes is really providing a very alternative view on both men and women. So, do you think he meant for this part to be funny?  Do you think he actually believes that women would have difficulty giving up sex with their husbands? Why or why not?

b. Why do Lysistrata and the women shes working with decide to occupy the treasury?  Why is that an important part of making the men listen to their demands? Why does Lysistrata believe that women are more than capable of handling the monies of the treasury? Consider again, that this is a comedy.  What do you think Aristophanes is trying to say about men when Lysistrata knows that simply witholding sex from them wont allow them to listen? Do you think Aristophanes actually believes that this is all that matters to men: sex and money? Why or why not?

c. Towards the end of the section that we read for today, the Magistrate tells Lysistrata that it is men who suffer in war, not women.  Lysistrata responds ardently with various ways in which women suffer even more than men. Discuss those reasons here (in 2 to 3 sentences tops).  What else do you think impacts women and their families when men are always away at war? What do you think Lysistrata is most invested in: seeing her husband come home from war or peace?  Is there a difference to her? Why or why not?

d. Do a close reading of the following passage stated by the Magistrate:

And tis well done too, by Posidon!  We men must share the blame of their ill conduct; it is we who teach them to love riot and dissoluteness and sow the seed of wickedness in their hearts.  You see a husband go into a shop: Look you, jeweller, says he, you remember the necklace you made for my wife. Well, tother evening, when she was dancing, the catch came open.  Now, I am bound to start for Salamis; will you make it convenient to go up to-night to make her fastening secure? Another will go to a cobbler, a great, strong fellow, with a great, long tool, and tell him: The strap of one of my wifes sandals presses her little toe, which is extremely sensitive; come in about midday to supple the thing and stretch it.  Now see the results. Take my own case – as a Magistrate I have enlisted rowers; I want money to pay em and lo! the women clap to the door in my face. But why do we stand here with arms crossed? Bring me a crowbar; Ill chastise their insolence! (19)

What is the Magistrate trying to communicate to us about women in this passage? What do his metaphors of going to the jeweler and cobbler have to do with mens roles in this particular society and the way they relate to women? What does all of this show us about Athens ideas of gender roles and how women should be treated?

Are the ADRs influenced by their home country’s market for BP and CEA

1.Determine whether the performance of each of your foreign stocks is driven by the corresponding market where the firm is based. First go to the site and find the name of the country index of concern. Click interactive under the chart; next, click on comparison above the chart and then type the name of the index in the compare symbol box.then assess the relationship between the market price movements appear to be driven by local market conditions. Repeat this exercise for each foreign stock in which you invested.
2.detemine whether your foreign stock prices are highly correlated. Repeat the process just describe, except insert the symbol representing one of the foreign stocks you own in the compare symbol box.
3.determine whether your foreign stocks performance is driven by the US market (using the S&P 500 as a market proxy). Erase the symbol you typed in the compare symbol box and click on S&P

Statistical Quality Control

Statistical Quality Control
Assignment: Please read the material (Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement) and use the book to answers all questions as followed.
Note: Questions are from Exercise and Problem of Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement.

Question 1 (Chapter 4, Problem 4-25):
A local hospital estimates that the number of patients admitted daily to the emergency room has a Poisson probability distribution with a mean of 4.0. What is the probability that on a given day
a) only 3 patients will be admitted?
b) at most 8 patients will be admitted?
c) no one will be admitted?
d) For each patient admitted, the expected daily operational expenses to the hospital are $600. If the hospital wants to be 94.1% sure of meeting daily expenses, how much money should it retain for operational expenses daily?

Question 2 (Chapter 4, Problem 4-30):
The specifications for the thickness of nonferrous washers are 1.0 +/- 0.04 mm. From the process data, the distribution of the washer thickness is estimated to be normal with a mean of 0.97 mm and a standard deviation of 0.02 mm. The unit cost of rework is $0.10, and the unit cost of scrap is $0.15. For a daily production of 10,000 items:
a) What proportion of the washers is conforming? What is the total daily cost of rework and scrap?
b) In its study of constant improvement, the manufacturer changes the mean setting of the machine to 1.0 mm. If the standard deviation is the same as before, what is the total daily cost of rework and scrap?
c) The manufacturer is trying to further improve on the process and reduces its standard deviation to 0.015 mm. If
the process mean is maintained at 1.0 mm, what is the percent decrease in the total daily cost of rework and scrap compared to that of part (a)?

Question 3 (Chapter 4, Problem 4-33):
The time to repair an equipment is known to be exponentially distributed with a mean of 45min.
(a) What is the probability of the machine being repaired within half an hour?
(b) If the machine breaks down at 3P.M. and a repairman is available immediately, what is the probability of the machine being available for production by the start of the next day? Assume that the repairman is available until 5P.M.
(c) If there are two machines being repaired, what is the probability that both machines will not be available within the next 50 minutes?

Question 4 (Chapter 4, exercise 4-4):
Explain the difference between accuracy and precision of measurements. How do you control for accuracy? What can you do about precision?

Question 5 (Chapter 4, exercise 4-11):
Consider the price of homes in a large metropolitan area. What kind of distribution would you expect in terms of skewness and kurtosis? As an index, would the mean or median price be representative? What would the interquartile range indicate?

Voice Wars Case review

To prepare our Voice Wars case discussion read the case carefully and prepare and upload your typed answers to the following questions: 

1.  Who is the best positioned firm in the Voice Wars?  Weakest positioned?  Consider Google, Apple and Amazon.

2.  Is voice a winner-take-all or winner-take-most market?  Why?

3.  What should be Google’s strategy in voice?  What is the business model?  How is it different from Apple and Amazon?

Graduation speech

Think about a speech that you would like to present on a topic of your choice. You can use the same speech topic that you selected in Unit 1 or choose a new one.
The speech can be for any context and any length. See the list of example speech occasions and purposes for inspiration.
Download and answer each question in the the Unit 2 Touchstone Template based on the speech you are thinking of: Touchstone_2_Template.doc
Consider your audience, purpose, and thesis and complete Part 1 of the template.
Utilize your program resources, the internet or a local library to find three credible sources that are relevant to your speech and complete Part 2 of the template.
Read through your sources to identify five pieces of evidence that support your thesis and complete Part 3 of the template. Be sure to use at least three different types of sources (example, statistic, analogy, definition, visual, story, testimony).
Review the rubric to ensure that you understand how you will be evaluated. Ask a Sophia learning coach if you have any questions.
Review the checklist and requirements to ensure that your Touchstone is complete.
Submit your completed Unit 2 Touchstone Template on Sophia.

Building and Managing Teams


The nurse leader must have strong interpersonal communication skills, be able to effectively manage conflict, and be able to build and develop high functioning teams. The purpose of this paper is for you to discuss a highly effective leader in your organization following the criteria in items 1-5.

Describe the characteristics of a highly effective leader. Which of these characteristics does the leader exhibit?

    Describe the leaders communication skills with staff, physicians, other members of the interdisciplinary team, peers, and executives. What techniques do they use to address sensitive topics and conflict? Is it effective? Be specific.
    Discuss the types of interpersonal power they use to accomplish work and overcome resistance to change.
    Describe the leaders team(s).  Are they high-performing? If so, please explain why the team is high performing. If not, why does the team not perform well?
    Discuss the leadership skills the leader uses to building and manage groups and teams.


Minimum of four (4) total references: two (2) references from required course materials and two (2) peer-reviewed references. All references must be no older than five years (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information)


Sullivan (2018) Read Chapters: 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 24

Alkorashy, H., & Moalad, F. (2016). Workplace violence against nursing staff in a saudi university hospital. International Nursing Review, 63, 226-232.
Click here to download

Mueller, C., & Vogelsmeier, A. (2013). Effective delegation: Understanding responsibility, authority, and accountability. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 4(3), 20-27.
Click here to download

Tan, T., Zhou, H., & Kelly, M. (2017). Nurse-physician communication-An integrated review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 3974-3988
Click here to download

Wickersham, A., Johnson, K., Kamath, A., & Kaboli, P. (2018). Novel use of communication technology to improve nurse-physician communication, teamwork,
and care coordination during bedside rounds. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 11(1), 56-61
Click here to download

Persuasive Text Analysis Paper

Students will write a 5-6 page paper in APA style that will analyze a persuasive text (for example: speech, Public Service Announcement script, patriotic song lyrics, etc.). The paper will focus primarily on ways in which the arguments present in the text shape public discourse and influence civic life. The Persuasive Text Analysis Paper is not a research paper; the majority of this assignment consists of your analysis with the use of credible sources in APA style to support your viewpoint. Make sure to utilize your textbook and notes as well as reliable external sources to incorporate and apply relevant concepts discussed in the course to support your analysis; however, please ensure that this paper consists primarily of your viewpoint. Please include in-text citations in APA style as well as a Bibliography in APA style.

Legislative Practicum Paper

The Legislative Practicum Paper reflects on health policy initiative identified by the elected local, state, or national official, organizations (Health department, school board); but also nursing’s role/implications in this process. The paper is to follow APA guidelines, be double-spaced, 12 point font.
Focus on the emergency response to Covid 19 in the public health system, schooling and feeding the kids at home.

IP — Assignment

Andy King owns a small sandwich shop in Boca Raton, Florida. The shop is called “Andy The Burger King” and has been open for about one month.

Andy sells typical burger place food, including hamburgers, chicken sandwiches, french fries, onion rings, sodas and milkshakes. As a nod to his Cuban heritage his mother was born in Havana he also sells Cuban sandwiches in two sizes: The Regular and The Whopper.

In his shop, Andy enjoys playing a variety of music over the speaker system. Generally, he plays whatever music he recently bought on his own and downloaded to his iTunes account. Lately, his favorite to play for his customers has been Night Visions, an album by the band Imagine Dragons.

Andy receives two letters in the mail. The first is from the Burger King Corporation, demanding that he cease and desist the use of the name of his restaurant and the name of the large Cuban sandwich. The second is from Broadcast Music, Inc., on behalf of Imagine Dragons, advising that he must pay royalty fees to the band or stop playing the music. Both companies write that if action is not taken immediately, they will sue Andy.

What are the basics for each potential lawsuit, what are the legal analysis (including the “elements” of each legal claim) that each plaintiff (Burger King and BMI/Imagine Dragons) could use to make its argument, what defenses could Andy use, and how do you think that each case would be decided in court?

You shall be graded on your complete and proper explanations, research and language usage, all as noted below. The report must be submitted in typed, double-spaced form. A report that does not follow this form will be deducted per the grading rubric. This project is 15% of your overall grade

Administration of children and families

Assignment Overview
For this and the following assignments you will take on the role of a consultant for a government agency. The first role of the consultant is to familiarize yourself with the agency, its departments, and key actors.

You can find contact information on their website

After selecting an agency and department, you are expected to:
Provide a rationale for your selection, and research the agency and department.
Research the literature regarding issues that involve the selected agency and public administration in general. The following websites can be useful for finding news and current events about your selected agency:
Governing. Select one of the articles under Latest Headlines to get started.
Government Agencies and Elected Officials at Click AZ Index of U.S. Government Agencies, click an agency, then click the agencys website to find articles, news, and other publications.
Assume the role of a consultant who works for a consulting firm that has asked you to research this agency and file a report with the vice president (VP) of accounts and client support.

Assignment Instructions~~~~~~~~
Write a 23 page paper, titled Part I: Background of and Rationale for the OFFICE OFCOMMUNITY SERVICES, in which you separate the content into the following sections:
Provide background information about the agency and its department, its mission, and its goals and objectives. Title this section Introduction.

Describe 35 functions of this agency. Title this section Functions of the Agency.

Analyze 23 current events involving the agency. Title this section Current Events.
Explain the rationale for selecting this agency with 23 justifiable reasons. Title this section Rationale.

locate and list 45 academic sources and government websites you expect to access in your research. Include no more than one non-government website.

Some websites you may want to access are:
U.S. Government Publishing Office.
The Federal Register.
U.S. Government Accountability Office.
American Society for Public Administration.
If you cite information from these sites, make sure you follow APA formatting within the text and on the References page.