Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Business Law

1. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt FDR took office in 1933 (during the Great Depression).  15 million people were unemployed. Your response must be at least two paragraphs (at least 16 sentences) and answer the following: 

What is the NIRA, NLB and NLRA? What was FDRs New Deal?
What happened in the case of NLRB vs Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp?
Having read the above, do you think restaurant workers will organize as a union now that they have experienced no job security? Why or why not?

2. Write two separate paragraphs, one on Mediation and the other on Arbitration. Then do a concluding sentence on the difference between the two.

3. Employment Law-Gender
1) What is gender discrimination?
2) Discuss in at least 8 sentences either the Price Waterhouse vs Hopkins case or the Joes Stone Crab, Inc. case. (By the way in the 1980s my husband and I would fly to Florida to see his brother and we would go to Joes Stone Crab every time.)  Interesting case.  You can also find any other case on the Internet about Gender Discrimination and give the name of the case, the facts and how they did or did not discriminate.  Hopkins and Joes Stone Crab cases can be easily found on the Internet.

Diversity in Workplace News Summary

You need to find examples of news stories and videos displaying issues of diversity in the workplace or other relevant contexts.

For this multimedia assignment, you should submit examples of electronic or print media along with a one page summary.

You should submit two of these papers for 25 points each (course points, not percentage points).

The quality of your submission will be evaluated and graded.

Child Psychopathology Case Study

Read the following case study:

Case Study #3: Scott

After you read the case study, answer the questions below. Please clearly number each question and submit your answers as a word document. The goal of the assignment is to demonstrate that you can apply knowledge from class to the case study, so you should use concepts from your text and class notes to support your answers. Make sure to cite your sources (your notes and text) using APA format, and include a reference page.

1. Based on information from the case study, what diagnosis (or diagnoses) would you consider for Scott? What specific criteria are present to support the diagnosis (or diagnoses)?

2. Identify at least 3 possible causal factors in the case, and give specific examples of these factors.

3. Develop a treatment plan for Scott that includes at least two components, and discuss your rationale for your treatment plan.

Please Cite only the Book Chapters and Powerpoints.

Prenatal and neonatal development

The prompt is below. I attached the textbook to cite (CH 3 & 4) in addition to the PowerPoint to make it easier. Thanks!

Government Support

The United States has no real system for supporting couples or individuals through pregnancy and the first years of a babys life. This is not the case in many other countries. For example, France (Moore, 2006) and Sweden (De Bernardi, 1995) provide special incentives and support for people who wish to conceive and raise children.

Using the reference below, in addition to your own individually researched research citations, investigate 1-2 particular countries maternal and family support plans and present their findings. Discuss the implications for these support plans. Finally, how might you work to encourage these plans in the United States?


Moore, M. (2006). As Europe Grows Grayer, France Devises a Baby Boom. Washington Post. Retrieved from

John Q movie review

movie Paper Due  11.59pLaw in Film

student will be responsible to prepare a 4-5 page final paper, which will be worth 75 points. Students will examine legal/ethical issues in business law and compare them to the images shown in popular culture. As a class we will watch the movie John Q. You are to evaluate the portrayal of business and the law with respect to the film. Provide a brief overview of the film Discuss some of the legal and ethical issues you found in the film (specifically discuss the issue of John Qs extreme actions to save his sons life)Is healthcare a right or a privilege?Should a persons income (or social class) determine the quality of healthcare they receive?Was John Qs punishment just?Incorporate the readings in your analysi

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Michelle has asked you to send her a memo that explains the target market for MMs new product. Because a global market is under consideration, she wants you and Elena to meet for an in-depth discussion of the different characteristics of your target market before sending her the information.

Elena meets you for coffee the next morning to explain her reasons for advocating the global market. As you finish your discussion, Elena stops and says,

“We’ve discussed a lot of different market segments to target with the new product, but the choice comes back to you,” says Elena. “What’s your final decision on the target market that we should focus on? Are you going to propose that we try to market this product globally?

You sigh, knowing this is a key decision in your marketing strategy. “I appreciate our discussion today. I’m going to have to do some more research to determine the exact market and if we should go global or not.”

You know Michelle is expecting a detailed description of your targeted market segment including justification for selecting the market. You also need to remember to include your recommendation for or against marketing globally.

What are the demographic characteristics of your target market and why are they important?

Where is your target market located geographically and why is that important?

What psychographic characteristics define your target market? How do these impact your marketing strategy?

What behavioral characteristics are shared by your target market? Why are these important? 

see below

Clicking for a Cause: Researching an Online Campaign
An activist uses Twitter during protests in EgyptActivism on the Internet has had a number of notable successes and several notable failures. Some have argued that online activism has a powerful impact that shapes and transforms online communities, while others have claimed that online activism is more about feeling good than actually doing good. For this assignment, you will choose one new media activism campaign to research and evaluate in order to determine whether you believe online activism has a transformative effect and achieves real and lasting change. Some examples include:

  Kony 2012
  ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
  Anonymous hacktivism

Writing Requirements

For this assignment you will write an essay. It will be composed of two parts, each will be completed in approximately 2 pages. Please address each of the bulleted points in your essay.

Part 1

Using your selected campaign, research 3-4 credible sourcessuch as academic journals, books, magazines and newspapersand examine the campaigns goal, the methods it used to try to reach that goal, and whether the campaign was effective. Please refer to the assignment tip sheet (Links to an external site.) [PDF, File size 158 KB] and subject guide (Links to an external site.) to help you accelerate your research.
Did the campaign achieve its goal? What made the campaign effective or ineffective?
How were online communities or networks involved in spreading the campaigns message?
Would the campaign have been as effective if it had used only traditional media?
Part 2

Then, using what you have learned from how this campaign was organized, select an issue of importance to you and briefly propose how you would organize a new media activism campaign to achieve a goal related to that issue. Be sure to identify the goal you hope to achieve, the new media you would use to achieve that goal, and why you feel this would be a successful way to reach your goal.
Finally, reflect briefly on the impact of online activism. Does participating in online activism reinforce or shape individuals sense of being engaged and active citizens? How does it reflect, shape, or determine how individuals think about or participate in social and political causes?
Technical Requirements:

Cite the text, specified readings, and research (with page numbers) and reference it at the end of the essay.
Identify five college-level sources and evaluate them thoroughly by summarizing their main ideas and evaluating their relevance to the project.
Write in APA style using correct grammar and spelling.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Timberline Health, an integrated delivery system serving residents in five counties in eastern Washington, is considering new opportunities to increase community awareness of the organizations outpatient health services. As the new business development manager of hearing health services, Jack Andrews is responsible for evaluating the feasibility of marketing activities for the hearing service line and must allocate resources to promotional activities that forecast positive return on investment. One option under consideration is to sponsor the health and wellness pavilion at the Spokane County Fair. Research from comparable markets has shown

that wellness fairs are not only effective at educating communities about potential risk factors for health problems, including hearing loss, but also increasing consumer awareness of new or existing health services provided by local health organizations. These activities are essential to Timberline Healths mission within the community.

Since little is known about the hearing status of residents in the market area, Jack enlists the services of his organizations epidemiologist, Dr. Ruth Litchfield, to help him evaluate the potential return on investment for this marketing campaign. Dr. Litchfield incorporates several factors into her analysis. She reviews public health data on hearing loss, occupational and age distribution data for local residents, as well as a query of Timberline Healths patient databases. Based on this research, she estimates the prevalence of hearing loss in the five-county service area at 18 percent, slightly higher than the national average (NIH, 2010). Jack receives information from the fairs sales and marketing department to help in his calculations. Specifically, sponsorship consists of an investment of $50,000 for the design and production of promotional materials and rental of pavilion space for the duration of the twelve day fair. Data from the previous three years shows on average 250,000 people attend the fair, of which 1% visit the wellness pavilion and participate in health screening services.

If Timberline Health is to offer mobile hearing screening, the organization must invest in new portable audiology equipment. Jack receives a quotation from his supplier and estimates the total investment in new audiometers and audiometric booths at $16,000. Timberline Health will use existing diagnostic equipment to test people who have failed the initial screening (i.e. test positive for hearing loss), so it is unnecessary to invest in additional equipment for the hearing centers. Vendor specifications for the screening and diagnostic equipment are indicated in Table 1.

Table 1

Vendor equipment specifications




Portable audiology equipment for free screening



  Clinic-based audiology equipment for follow-up diagnostic testing                                                                                                             



Furthermore, Jack calculates that he must provide coverage for three 6-hour shifts per day and each shift must have three audiologists to meet demand for screening tests. He anticipates hiring nine people to provide coverage for the duration of the fair. The hourly rate for audiologists is


People who fail the initial screening at the fair are referred to an audiologist for a diagnostic test. Jack assumes in his calculations that all people who are referred for diagnostic testing follow up with an audiologist in one of Timberline Healths hearing centers. Initial screening tests at the fair are free; however, Timberline Health charges $57.00 for a diagnostic hearing test, which costs the organization $24.00. Using past sales data and industry metrics, Jack forecasts that of

the total number of people diagnosed with hearing loss at hearing centers only 20% will purchase hearing aids (NIH, 2010). He reviews sales and margin data from the prior year to identify the product mix for his calculations as indicated in Table 2.

Table 2

Sales and margin data

Hearing Aids

Unit Price

2015 Sales















National Institutes of Health (NIH) (2010, October 1). Fact Sheet: Hearing aids. Retrieved from
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: National Institutes of Health:
Write a Memorandum directed to your faculty answering the questions below.

Based on the  2-by-2 contingency table to determine the total number of people who fail the diagnostic test, which represents the target market for hearing aid sales from Assignment  2  and the information from  the case study, calculate:

How many people will buy the hearing aids?
How much the clinic will make on hearing aid sales to those people based on the

Hearing aid sales mix Hearing Aids

Unit Price

Sales (show the calculations)













Calculate how much the clinic will expense on the staffing (HINT: you need to calculate the number of employees and the time worked first).
Discuss if it might be a good idea to conduct the Fair and follow up appointments considering the amount of money made and the expense for staffing.
What other potential considerations could influence the marketing department final recommendation?

part two Week 4 Assignment: Paper & Presentation Greater Good Analysis (Groups)

Week 4 Assignment: Paper & Presentation Greater Good Analysis (Groups)
Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 150 Submitting a file upload
Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: review previous chapters
Minimum of 2 scholarly sources
Review the following dilemmas:

The Mayor of a large city was given a free membership in an exclusive golf club by people who have received several city contracts. He also accepted gifts from organizations that have not done business with the City, but might in the future. The gifts ranged from $200 tickets to professional sports events to designer watches and jewelry.
A college instructor is pursuing her doctorate in night school. To gain extra time for her own studies, she gives her students the same lectures, the same assignments, and the same examinations semester after semester without the slightest effort to improve them.
Todd and Edna have been married for three years. They have had serious personal problems. Edna is a heavy drinker, and Todd cannot keep a job. Also, they have bickered and fought constantly since their marriage. Deciding that the way to overcome their problems is to have a child, they stop practicing birth control, and Edna becomes pregnant.
This is a group activity. You will work in the same groups as before. You may wish to meet throughout the week to share ideas. Collaborate with your team, using email, phone meetings, or any collaboration tool you find useful or prefer.

For this assignment, addresses each dilemma in this assignment. For each dilemma, address the following:

Identify the consequences of the actions taken
Determine whether the actions taken represented a greater good, who would benefit from the good, and whether the consequences ethically justify the decisions and actions.
How would Locke have addressed or solved the problem? You may also address whether or not your team agrees with Locke and, if not, state how you would address it differently. Be sure to explain your reasoning.
Your group will submit both of the following:

A written reportthat discusses all three ethical dilemmas in depth (Be sure to give equal time to each dilemma.)
An oral presentation (using VoiceThreador a PowerPoint narrated slide show) that summarizes the report and examines the ethical ideas beyond the particulars of the dilemmas.
Writing Requirements (APA format)

Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page or references page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources)
Presentation Requirements

Length: 2-3 minutes
This activity will be graded based on the Ethical Analysis Grading Rubric.

Weekly Objectives (WO)
WO2.3, 2.5, 2.6

Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday

File UploadGoogle Doc
Upload a file, or choose a file you’ve already uploaded.


I agree to the tool’s End-User License Agreement.Links to an external site.
This assignment submission is my own, original work

Ethical Analysis Grading Rubric – 150 pts
Ethical Analysis Grading Rubric – 150 pts
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength
5.0 pts
Meets length requirement
0.0 pts
No Effort
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
10.0 pts
Addresses all aspects of the assignment.
8.5 pts
Above Average
Addresses most aspects of the assignment.
7.5 pts
Addresses some aspects of the assignment.
6.0 pts
Below Average
Addresses few aspects of the assignment.
0.0 pts
No Effort
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis
50.0 pts
Throughout the whole work, the writing shows depth of critical thought; leverages readings and course materials in support of writers evident effort to understand ethical problems; establishes good use of theoretical underpinnings.
42.5 pts
Above Average
Throughout most of the work, the writing shows depth of critical thought; leverages readings and course materials in support of writers evident effort to understand ethical problems; establishes good use of theoretical underpinnings.
37.5 pts
Throughout some of the work, the writing shows depth of critical thought; leverages readings and course materials in support of writers evident effort to understand ethical problems; establishes good use of theoretical underpinnings.
30.0 pts
Below Average
Throughout little of the work, the writing shows depth of critical thought; leverages readings and course materials in support of writers evident effort to understand ethical problems; establishes good use of theoretical underpinnings.
0.0 pts
No Effort
50.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
25.0 pts
Ideas are logically organized, including inviting introduction (with a thesis statement) and a satisfactory conclusion that come together in complete concepts.
21.25 pts
Above Average
Ideas are well organized, including inviting introduction (with a thesis statement) and a satisfactory conclusion, with complete concepts.
18.75 pts
Organization and concepts need some restructuring.
15.0 pts
Below Average
Organization and concepts are difficult to follow and incomplete.
0.0 pts
No Effort
25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting
25.0 pts
Throughout the whole work, the writing/presentation actively engages with the topic; is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety.
21.25 pts
Above Average
Throughout most of the work, the writing/presentation actively engages with the topic; is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety.
18.75 pts
Throughout some of the work, the writing/presentation actively engages with the topic; is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety.
15.0 pts
Below Average
Throughout little of the work, the writing/presentation actively engages with the topic; is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety.
0.0 pts
No Effort
25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA: Citation and Reference Formatting
10.0 pts
Throughout the whole work, in-text references are formatted using APA style; references page/slide includes complete bibliographic information for sources using APA style; format (margins, spacing font size) adheres to APA style (paper).
8.5 pts
Above Average
Throughout most of the work, in-text references are formatted using APA style; references page/slide includes complete bibliographic information for sources using APA style; format (margins, spacing font size) adheres to APA style (paper).
7.5 pts
Throughout some of the work, in-text references are formatted using APA style; references page/slide includes complete bibliographic information for sources using APA style; format (margins, spacing font size) adheres to APA style (paper).
6.0 pts
Below Average
Throughout little of the work, in-text references are formatted using APA style; references page/slide includes complete bibliographic information for sources using APA style; format (margins, spacing font size) adheres to APA style (paper).
0.0 pts
No Effort
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation
25.0 pts
Throughout the whole work, the presentation has a professional and consistent format, and the narration is articulated clearly.
21.25 pts
Above Average
Throughout most of the work, the presentation has a professional and consistent format, and the narration is articulated clearly.
18.75 pts
Throughout some of the work, the presentation has a professional and consistent format, and the narration is articulated clearly.
15.0 pts
Below Average
Throughout little of the work, the presentation has a professional and consistent format, and the narration is articulated clearly.
0.0 pts
No Effort
25.0 pts
Total Points: 150.0


Reaction to the documentary Street Gangs A Secret Society (pt. 1 & 2).
link provided below

In 800+ words, please answer the following questions:

-Discuss the characteristics, features, and behaviors of gangs and their members during the various time periods presented

-What are the societal factors or conditions that enabled gangs to change over time, for better or worse? (Please give detailed examples)

-Discuss some of the similarities and differences of gangs and organized crime syndicates in the early 20th century

-Discuss some of the geographic and cultural differences of gangs in the U.S. (e.g., gangs in the West vs. gangs in the East) (Please give detailed examples)

-What are some of the challenges that our society faces with gangs today?

-In your opinion, will gangs ever be eradicated?

-What did you like most about the documentary? What did you like least?

**link to doc:

at least 800 written words please
no cover page needed