Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

International Drug Trafficking

Step 1: Prepare a shortened version of your Final Paper (at least four pages) by including the following:

Introduction paragraph and thesis statement you developed for your Week 3 Assignment.
Background information of the global societal issue you have chosen.
Brief argument supporting at least two solutions to the global societal issue.
Conclusion paragraph.
Must document any information used from at least five scholarly sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Centers Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) Note that you will need at least eight scholarly sources for your Final Paper in Week 5.

I need you to write a thesis statement also bc i kind of didn’t really do that in my 3rd week paper. Can you make my paragraph better. I included my week 1 assignement that you can look at.

I’m sending you my week 3 assignment and all the resources you’ll need.

Reysen, S., & Katzarska-Miller, I. (2013). A model of global citizenship: Antecedents and outcomes. International Journal of Psychology, 48(5), 858-870. 

Cheap labor

Please discuss how U.S. companies that move factories to undeveloped nations barely pay employees enough to live on. Is it unethical to pay cheap wages or are companies doing those workers a favor?

page 1- cover paper/abstract
page 2-3: Body
page 4: reference page

Advocacy and its role in Cultural Diversity

Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care, Joyceen S. Boyle & Margaret M. Andrews. (2016), 7th edition.

    Chapters 14 – Cultural Competence in Ethical Decision Making. Click here to download the chapter 14
    Chapters 15 – Nursing and Global Health. Click here to download the chapter 15


In the last few weeks of the class, we will be dealing with some specific topics, including telecommunications law and policy, media effects and telecomm ethics. Each has associated chapters in the text (15, 16, 17).

This assignment will be very much like assignment #4. Find a current article or example of media content that relates to one of these areas. For example, how has the FCC responded to the current increased demand on the telecommunications infrastructure? Have social media companies reacted ethically and responsibly in the face of social distancing? What might be the long-term social effects, if any, of increases in gaming?

Craft a 200 – 400 word essay on how that media behavior or content illustrates an idea or concept from class. Draw on the lectures or readings for general ideas and make sure to tie your example to course content. As always, critical commentary is encouraged,

Space Law

Please write a 1,000 word essay (including footnotes and bibliography) by 7 May 2020 at 2pm on the following topic:

Is there a need to establish an international court to adjudicate on legal issues concerning outer space? With reference to academic commentary provide reasons for your answer.

Some Tips:

1. Always start with the point you are trying to make not the details of your argument. Readers and listeners remember and absorb information better when they first know why it matters and how it is relevant. So identify the purpose of your essay/ key argument keep this in mind at all times when writing in order to ensure a focused final essay.

2. Read the essay title carefully and have a clear understanding of what you are being asked before you commence.

3. Before writing the essay, it may be a good idea to create a skeleton outline, in order to ensure that your essay follows a logical structure. Use headings, sub-headings and paragraphs to enhance the clarity of your essay. Take care with spelling and grammar. Be prepared to complete more than one draft of your essay.

4. Resolve issues as you go, dont keep criticism until the end of the essay. Your introduction should state clearly your views on the essay questions. Offer your own opinion/ analysis consistently throughout the essay and not just at the end. Nothing new should appear in the conclusion to your essay.

5. Do not have more than four headings, and attempt to keep a balance between sections. The reason for this is that an imbalance in page numbers raises questions about your way of dividing up things or that you are lacking in research.

6. Appreciate fully the purposes of footnotes. They give the reader an instance illustrating a generalisation you make in the text. E.g. See X v Y, try not to make legal statements without such a footnote. They demonstrate additional depth to your research.

7. Keep your quotations short and to the point. Quotations are necessary to demonstrate your knowledge of the material, but over use of long quotations may demonstrate a lack of understanding and should thus be avoided. Any quotation over 30 words (two lines typed) should be separated from the text and indented. Use of ellipsis () is vital to saving word count, quote key phrases. Never end a paragraph or a section with a quotation. Dont mirror the language of a case or article you are discussing any more closely than is necessary.

8. It is important to demonstrate that you understand the material and to use it intelligently. Your essay should only refer to the most relevant materials and you must engage with the material and offer your own analysis of it. Note how this is achieved by authors of journal articles. References must be complete and accurate.

9. Demonstrate that you have read the primary materials (case law, statutes) for yourself and are not simply relying on secondary descriptions of such material.

10. Avoid emotive language, such as I believe or I feel use alternatives like it is submitted or it is suggested.

Notes relating to preparation and submission of essays:

1. Presentation of essays

Essays should preferably be typed using double-spacing. If this is not possible, they should be written in legible handwriting. The writing should be on every second line and on one side of the page only.

The first page of your assignment must include the short title of the essay, name of student, module code, student number and word count.

Care should be taken with the structuring of the essay and with spelling and punctuation. Please proof-read your essays prior to the submission.

Students must adhere to the word limit. Please note that the bibliography and footnotes are not included in the word count.

2. Referencing: Footnotes and Bibliography

i. Footnotes

Proper and consistent referencing of materials is essential. See the detailed New Zealand law citation guide. Footnotes for books should normally give:

Title, underlined or in italic
Place of publication
Edition (if more than one has been published)
Date of publication
Specific pages (if relevant)

For example: I. Brownlie, Principles of Public International Law, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 4th edition, 1990, pp.1-4.

Footnotes for articles in periodicals normally include:

Title of article in inverted commas
Date and / or volume number of periodical
Name of periodical
Page number of commencement of article
Specific pages

For example: R A Edwards, Reading down legislation under the Human Rights Act (2000) 20 Legal Studies 353, p.357.

ii. Bibliography

Include a Bibliography in your essay. The Bibliography should be sub-divided into primary and secondary sources. All materials used in the preparation of the essay must be acknowledged in the bibliography.

3. Plagiarism

The primary consideration is that the essay should be the candidates own work. This does not, of course, preclude the use of others ideas, nor does it mean that quotations cannot be used. What is required is that, as in all academic work, full attribution of sources and references must be given.

Plagiarism is forbidden. It can be defined as the taking of passages, ideas, structure etc. from another work or author without attribution. Clearly one will frequently have to quote from judgments, statutes, books, academic articles etc. In doing so, the writer must be sure to indicate that the material is taken from another source. Where one quotes directly from another source, the relevant passage must be enclosed within quotation marks () or, in the case of longer quotes, indented so as to distinguish it from the rest of the text.

Students should also remember, when using other sources, that their essay should not amount to a patchwork of large quotations strung together by short sentences. There should instead be evidence that the student has thought about the subject.

Whenever use is made of an idea or method of analysis which has been used, to the candidates knowledge, by another writer, due acknowledgement must be given in the text, e.g. as X states or as X pointed out, etc.


answer each of these questions fully and concisely. Answers should fully explain the relevant views, and make clear how aspects of the views are relevant to the particular cases under discussion.

1.Your landlord believes that they are entitled to your rent every month in vitrtue of owning the property. Consider how this belief could be justified according to a Lockean theory of property and assess whether this a satisfactory justification of your landlords belief.

2. Aldo Leopold said that All ethics so far evolved rest upon a single premise:  that the individual is a member of a community of interdependent parts. (203). Explain the significance of this idea to Leopolds thought, and assess whether it is successful.

3. Aimi Hamraie thematizes the experiences of fitting and misfitting. Explain the importance of these experiences in thinking about the construction of public spaces. Then use those concepts to identify an example of unjust construction of public space not discussed by Hamraie (perhaps one that affects a group of people different from people with disabilities).

4. Explain the problem of identifying a baseline for conservation as discussed by Emma Marris, then consider whether an analogous problem arise in the ethics of gentrification. How should we respond in the case of gentrification?

Amazon/ Wholefoods


Complete 6., and 7 on 4 pages, then provide a power point covering strategy as well as implementation separate with the remainder of pages left over/ possibly 4-5 page power point with picture and bullet points. Reference page for all work.

6. Strategy suggestions and alternatives analysis

This is the most essential part of your paper. Refer to your chapter 5 worksheet. For EACH of the suggested strategies, your analysis should address: what are the advantages and disadvantages of this strategy, what are the possible alternatives and what are the advantages/disadvantages of these alternatives, what company strengths enable the company to use this strategy, what company weakness may prevent the company from using this strategy. How this strategy will help the company to improve its long-term performance and strategic position. Always remember your strategy suggestions should be based on your internal and external analysis. All the sections should be related, not stand alone!

7. Implementation

In order to implement the strategies you suggested, you want to cover the following topics. You dont need to cover all of them. Choose the relevant ones.
    What kinds of programs and policies should the corporation develop to implement the recommended strategies? Who should develop the programs? Who should be in charge of the programs?
    Are the programs feasible (e.g., financially)? What do you recommend for a budget and a schedule for implementing each of the recommendations? How will you capitalize your recommendations?
    What new policies and standard operating procedures does the corporation have to develop?
    Can the corporations current information system provide sufficient feedback to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation activities and performance? Can you pinpoint performance results by area, unit, project or function? Is the information timely?
    Are adequate control measures in place to ensure conformance with the recommended strategic plan? Are appropriate standards and measures used? Are accountability systems capable of recognizing and rewarding good performance and taking corrective actions for poor performance?
    What new performance measures and evaluation and control techniques do you recommend for your preferred alternatives?


Use summary of internal and external analysis below to complete 6. Strategy suggestions and alternatives analysis, 7. Implementation. Also Worksheet 5 is attached.

Amazon/ Whole Foods

4. External Factors: (The OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS in SWOT)
1.    External  Factors
1.    Societal, Political, Regulatory, Community Factors            12-14
Although strength in the United States economy will be at a halt or take a slight dive in the next upcoming years, industry revenue growth is still expected to increase. Despite our current unfortunate situation, shares of Amazon, the worlds biggest online retailer, climbed over 5% to a new all-time high for the stock giving the colossal company a market value of more than $1.1 trillion (Variety, 2020). Industry will continue to grow steadily but profits will increase as well.
Societal values and lifestyles are one of the key factors that will impact the business. In recent years, theres been an increase in healthy eating which has created a greater demand for premium products such as organic food, which has increased industry revenues. Affluent households are more likely to buy more from sources of brand names and thats because Affluent households with higher income have more disposable income to spend on specialty brands or retailers such as trader joes. That being said, this would be an advantage for the industry. In general, the rural population tends to visit more groceries and supermarket stores more frequently, increasing foot traffic in supermarkets and groceries stores.
With technology being part of our everyday lives, its no surprise that it has an impact on the industry as well. Because of technology, online competition is expected to increase in popularity, such as demand for online grocery shopping. This may not be good news for everyone as there are some stores that depend solely on foot traffic.

2.    Industry and Competitive Analysis                    15-21
In the retail industry, there are a lot of competitors. Below is a list of well-known competitors in the retail industry:
    Whole foods

    Some of the brand names mentioned above have been successful over the years therefore, it makes the force strong for the industry. As for the pace of technological innovation in the Production process, grocery retail must remain competitive and innovating by investing in new technologies as other stores are striving to sell natural and organic products. Technology is constantly improving therefore, its imperative to everything up to date and this will keep the force strong. As for the pace of technological innovation, its important to newer models in equipment in hopes to increase the overall quality of the products. As a result of having better equipment to perform better, this will be a strong force.
    There are a couple different ways in which rivals differentiate their products and/ or services. One may choose to take the time to understand customer needs and figuring waves to improve the estimated delivery time. Offering a location near by for pickups has always led to positive results and feedback from customers. One may choose to lower their prices while providing good quality products. If the quality of the product is as good as the competitor or even better but at a lower cost, this will attract more customers.  Sometimes price cuts increase the revenue as long as the product cost isnt too high. With so many competitors in the industry, customers, especially millennial’s are expecting to purchase products at a low cost.
3.    Summary of External Factors                    22

All these external factors present an opportunity and threats for Amazon/wholefoods. As the world evolves, an organization such as this one, just by analyzing the macro environment factors internet provides opportunities for e-commerce by providing consumers the ability to make purchases right on our smartphones, people are likely to make purchases online. The availability to make purchases right on our smartphones, people are more likely to make purchases online because of the convenience.

1.    Companys Competitive Capabilities
Wholefoods focus on quality products and natural and organic foods has been key to its success. Wholefoods, under Amazon has many competitive advantages and some disadvantages in the industry. These competitive capabilities will dictate role it will play in this tough industry:

    Wholefoods technological advances which will improve innovation and improve process. Amazon has dominated the industry through its sophisticated use of e-commerce and ability to have an advantage in cost this in turn will aid Wholefoods in becoming a key competitor.
    Wholefoods image is to provide high quality and organic products. Brand Name is well known among sophisticated and customers with higher incomes. Customer focused approaches are not seen in many groceries stores but others can duplicate such as traders Joes.
    Whole Foods has maintained and led the industry in offering organic foods but many other competitors who also operate in this segment. Customer base is primarily households with large disposable income
    No, Whole Foods has 500 store fronts across the US while competitors such as Costco has 533 warehouses in the US alone.
    No, operations are mostly in US and UK as oppose to giants like Walmart that operate across the globe

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Topic is: Should Australia introduce a sugar tax to improve the health of its population? Discuss both the impact on individual health and the Australian healthcare system.

Consider the following questions:
– What is sugar tax and why should the Australian Government consider introducing a sugar tax?
– Has a sugar tax been introduced overseas and if so, has it been successful?
– What are the potential health benefits of introducing a sugar tax?
– What are the potential impacts to the Australian healthcare system?
– What are the potential negative effects of introducing a sugar tax?
– What are your opinions as to whether Australia should introduce a sugar tax? (Conclusion) – I’m saying yes, to introduce the sugar tax

Following the TEEL format.
T-opic Sentence

Introduction, 3 Paragraphs with two-three well detailed examples and explanations.

Paragraph 1: Impact on Australian Health
Paragraph 2: Oversea’s Experience (Mexico and Berkley, California)
Paragraph 3: Negative Impacts

Need to provide at least 5 references from credible peer reviewed sources. Must include in text citations and a reference list.

Discussion Board: “Chasing Coral”

Discussion Board:  “Chasing Coral”
Chasing Coral is an excellent movie with phenomenal footage chronicling the real-time decline of coral reefs around the globe. Unfortunately, it is only available on Netflix (we cannot get an OSU version thus far, so it will only count for Extra Credit!), but you could watch it with a fellow student, friend, or family member with Netflix (which will help to spread the word!) or sign up on Netflix for a free 30 day trial.

20 points extra credit is available for this assignment.
It is very helpful to read the questions first and write down the times when these points are discussed in case you need to hear those parts again.

Note that you MUST SUBMIT your write-up in TWO LOCATIONS:

Documents not uploaded in both venues will receive a score of 0!

1.  Here, as a DISCUSSION BOARD post, where you can discuss your ideas with others in the class (make sure to respond to others posts!).

Unfortunately, to ensure there is no copying from others posts, we can only grade the first document submitted to the discussion board.
It is generally best to create your response in Word where you can save your work as you go.  Then paste it in the “Reply” box at the end of this Discussion Board and upload it to the UPLOAD page immediately following this Discussion Board in the Weekly Canvas module.
2.  As an UPLOAD TO CANVAS on the UPLOAD page immediately following this Discussion Board in the Weekly Module. Canvas then submits your document to Turnitin where a report will be generated that highlights any potential unoriginal text compared to documents available on the Internet, many print journals, and the database of other papers submitted in this and previous versions of this class (details in yellow highlight at end of document).

PLEASE USE YOUR OWN WORDS and DO NOT PLAGIARIZE even from subtitles.  If Turnitin shows a high degree of similarity your assignment is automatically submitted to the OSU Board for Student Conduct and Community Standards (SCCS) which can (and has!) led to Zero’s on Assignments or an F in class for students in every term of this class.  If you already have a record at SCCS it could also lead to expulsion from OSU. This is not fun for anyone. 



Welcome to the Chasing Coral assignment!  Coral is one of the most interesting and complex animals on the planet. Coral reefs are colonies of coral polyps and are home to more than 25% of the ocean species.  They are considered the Rain-forests of the Sea and are central to the ecosystems of the oceans. It is possible that we will lose coral reefs due to warming oceans within our lifetime so it is important to learn as much as we can about them and perhaps we can find a way to save them.

Please do not attempt to answer the questions if you do not watch the movie.  Also, it is good to describe specific items from  the movie in your responses as this helps to show what you learned from watching the movie.

1.  INTRODUCTION  (2 pts)

How much do you know about coral before the movie?  Have you been able to see and experience coral in the ocean, if so describe your experiences!

2.  THE DYING CORAL  (2 pts)

Describe the stages of what happens to coral as the oceans warm. Try to put this into words like you are describing this to a friend.


Current studies show that greater than 99% of the coral is expected to be lost if we reach 2 degree C global temperature rise. (See IPCC reference below and note they use “very high confidence” for this statement.) 

Describe the different ways it would impact the world if we lost the coral.  (50-100 words minimum)


Discuss what you have learned about coral with a friend or family member who is not familiar with coral reefs.  This is such an important issue, it is good for everybody to be familiar with it.  How did the conversation go?!  (50-100 words minimum)

5.  THERE IS HOPE  (4 pts)

Describe some possible ways how we might help save coral reefs.  (50-100 words minimum)


Discussion of this topic is so important!  Provide substantive responses that add to the discussion of at least two other posts!

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Living Paycheck to Paycheck
Shady Sam
Impact of Credit Score on Loans (requires another form be worked through first, not required for upload)
What if you Invested the Latte?
Each activity has worksheets and/or reflection questions and most have links out to other sources on the internet. Please save the Google docs, complete the activities and questions, label each with your last name and worksheet title (Smith_Shady Sam) and submit all four worksheets in a single submission to when you complete.Assignments

last name Mustafa