Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


Essay Objective: Learn the fundamentals of new venture creation. 

Introduction: Deciding how to finance your business venture necessitates a lot of thought and planning before making critical decisions about the early phase for the business. During the early phase, business owners must put forth considerable attention towards multiple differing financing options with varying conditions that can have contractual arrangements. Therefore, entrepreneurs must review all of the financing options while learning about the conditions that must be met in order to obtain capital investment during the early stages of the business.

Deliverables: Minimum of 3 full pages required (exclusive of title and reference pages).  APA format.

Activity Details: 

Step 1: You are planning your financial strategy for your business. You are in the early stages and trying to determine the next phase of financing. Determine whether you should seek an angel or a venture capitalist. 

Step 2: The Essay will also need to include and apply: 

Definition of an angel, when they invest, and what they look for 

Definition of a venture capitalist; and what is attractive to a venture capitalist. 

High-level overview of (1) Capital Resources, (2) Assessment of External Resources, and (3) Intellectual Property.

Contrast Angel investment and financing and their preferences and compare with Venture Capitalists. 

What do angel investors provide and not provide, and also venture capitalists? 

Why is an investment more attractive for an angel but not a venture capitalist, and vice versa? 

What is attractive to both angels and venture capitalists? 

Step 3: For the conclusion paragraph state your determination whether to seek an angel or a venture capitalist. Follow up with reasons why and align with your research analysis. Please review the links provided below, containing the essay rubric, prior to proceeding:


PearsonUsheProductions (2018).Sources of Financing: Debt and Equity, Chapter 13: Section IV, Retrieved from

Barringer, B.R., & Ireland, R.D. (2012). Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures (4th ed., pp. 321-322). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.


1. Discuss the most interesting item/topic you found in the chapter of your choice.

2. Give a detailed description of your selection and how it fits into the larger themes of evolution and diversity in the kingdom of your chapter choice (e., microbes, plants and fungi, or animals).

3. Explain why this topic is so interesting to you.

4. What else would you like to know about your selection? Or, provide new questions you would like to see addressed.

Native American Studies

the paper concerns Native American studies. please watch the video that is attached and please follow the instructions of the rubric exactly that are attached for the response. you don’t need to use other sources than the video thank you:). Here is the link to the video please make sure it works thanks again:


The essay for this lesson is required to be 2000-3000-words and clearly demonstrate your understanding of the prompt. Essays should be 5 or more paragraphs with a clear introduction, thesis statement and conclusion, written in APA format (


How have emerging communication technologies (e.g., smart phones and their texting and video chat features) influenced the way we relate to one another? In what ways do they foster improved human connection and in what ways do they isolate? Your essay should have a clear thesis statement, i.e., a debatable position for which you must offer support, and the body of your essay should consist of a compelling argument and evidence supporting your claims.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

ENC 0017C: Argumentative Essay Assignment

In the world of education, an academic argument is not a knock-down, drag-out fight to the finish. Rather academic argument is more like a debate. It is sensible, rational, and persuasive. Therein, authors advance their topics with a point and support.

Your task is to read and understand chapter 13 in your textbook. Annotate carefully. Then consider your chosen field of study (major). If you are undecided, write about a hobby or about the type of job you would like to have. Explain/define your field of study. Defend your major field of study or interest. For instance, why have you chosen to become a pilot instead of an aeronautic engineer? Or… why have you chosen to become a CPA who owns and operates his or her own business instead or working for a large company? Or… why is business management better than interior design? Note that the ideas listed above are simply to get you thinking about ways to defend your choice of study.

This is an APA research paper. It must be written from the third person point of view. It must be at least 6 pages in length including the References page. Your APA formatted paper will need a:

title page
abstract (ABSTRACT: The abstract needs to provide a brief but comprehensive summary of the contents of your paper. It provides an overview of the paper and helps readers decide whether to read the full text. Limit your abstract to 250 words.1).
main body
subsections within the body, with headings
a graphic such as a table or figure
As always, consider your readers? Who is the target audience that you are trying to persuade?

You should also consider the following:

Is your introduction compelling? Does it provide useful background information?
What is the thesis?
Why are you writing about this career? What is the purpose? Write that purpose in a thesis statement.
Your position on the topic/issue must be clear in your thesis, as the rest of the essay must support your thesis.
NOTE: Do not announce your thesis. That is, your thesis cannot be, “In this paper I will…,” or “This paper will prove….” More specifically, “This essay will prove that the field of education is superior to the field of science,” will NOT work. Simply state, “The field of education is far superior to the field of science because  educators provide knowledge to the young who will one day become the future, educators have opportunities to positively influence learners, and finally, without education in any format there would be little or no formal, learned experts in most fields.”

On the other hand, a student could also write a thesis about the science field, stating that “Of all the major fields for study, science — particularly biology — is by far better because it allows practitioners to get up close and personal with nature, helps people to understand creation, and provides a deep understanding of behavioral acts.”

Body Paragraphs: How will you use logos (logic), pathos (emotional appeal), and ethos (ethical appeal) to present evidence. What sources will you use? Are they academically reliable? Are your sources and information convincing?

Counterargument (rebuttal / refutation): Naturally, everyone will not agree with your choice of a major. Think of the negative or dissuasive comments people would make about your field, acknowledge them in writing; and use the negativity to help prove your point about your field.

For example: “While Many people believe that it costs too much money to attend medical school, spending that money up front pays for itself in the end as doctors can make hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly. Some people also complain that it takes too long to become a doctor; but who wants someone who only studied for six months to perform surgery on them? No one would raise a hand. Therefore, the time spent in learning to become a doctor is necessary. The human body is very complex and learning to prevent injuries, repair, the body also takes time.”

Conclusion: A solid conclusion makes your argument sound and valid. Restate our thesis/claim using different words. There should also be a connection to your topic. If you used a quote as part of your attention-getter, connect to it in this paragraph. Truly alert your readers to the importance of your topic. Leave your readers thinking about your field as something they should look into. Do not present new arguments in your conclusion. Instead, finalize your point. Wrap up the content.

Additionally, here is BC’s APA style guide for your review:

Socioeconomic status and Nutrition

This is my final paper. A research proposal. I already have my Lit review to be sent to whoever. What I simply need Is a one page introduction and three pages of methodology following these instructions: clearly outline a survey-research strategy for conducting this research. This should have 3 subcomponents: a) sampling (how you will select survey respondents); b) measurements (how you will measure your key variables–IV, DV and CVs–and why); and c) actual draft questionnaire.


the SOP must include a cover memorandum (in the form of an executive summary) that addresses the following:

A brief summary of the content
A dissemination plan
A training plan
An inspection and a review plan
All the documents must be in Microsoft Word format
Sources documented in APA style
All writing must be original. You are encouraged to look at other general orders and standard operating procedures. This can include existing real-world documents as well as model policies such as those developed by the International Association of Chiefs of Police and similar state associations. However, documents turned in by students in this class must be original.

This should be the same as what you would find in a General Order Manual, as such it should:

Be concise and to the point, condensing relevant information into a 3-5 page document. (3-page minimum)
Use relevant sources based upon the topic you choose. Typically, 3-5 sources such as working manuals, case studies, model and real-world policies, and peer reviewed articles but, is not limited to these sources. (3 source minimum one of which needs to be a peer reviewed article, resources available thought the Stafford library online)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

During the 2008 recession, the Federal Reserve started to follow “unconventional” monetary policies to kick-start the economy. Explain what is an unconventional monetary policy. How is it different from a conventional monetary policy? What are the possible dangers of following an unconventional monetary policy? Did this policy achieve its desired result?
2. What are the costs and benefits of unexpected inflation? How are they different from that of expected inflation?
3. What is the classical dichotomy? Explain using the theories and examples taught in this course.

Defective Adults Assignment


Write a short, organized paper explaining, in your own words, the notion of the blank slate and expressing your understanding of some of the arguments that we are not blank slates (found in the Human Nature and the Blank Slate video). Finally, you will describe the notion that children are defective adults and contrast it with the point that childhood has a purpose and that the purpose has to do with making us able to adapt flexibly to the particular environments that we live in.

Your work should be entirely in your own words. Do not use quotes. You can mention outside sources as support for your claims, but put those claims into your own words.

Organize your work into paragraphs and, possibly, into separate sections with headings.
Use complete sentences and correct grammar (word usage, punctuation, capitalization, etc.).
Use examples to illustrate your points.

These articles and videos should provide you with the information that you need in order to complete this assignment:

Blank Slate
Defective Adults
Human Nature and the Blank Slate (video)
What Do Babies Think? (video)

Your work will be judged on these criteria and you will get feedback on how well you did on these:

Define the blank slate notion.
Any acceptable work will include a clear definition of the blank slate notion, with an example of what blank slate theorists believe about why people are the way they are.
Analyze arguments that we are not blank slates.
Solid work here will include an explanation of at least one of Pinkers arguments that we are not blanks slates and make clear why a blank slate theorist would expect something to happen that in fact does not happen. These should be taken from Pinkers common sense arguments, the point about cultural universals, and/or the point about twin studies.
Any acceptable work will include an explanation of at least one of Pinkers arguments that we are not blank slates.
Explain what having a relatively long period of dependence on caregivers does for human children in terms of their ability to adapt flexibly to their unique environments.
Solid work here will explain the children are defective adults notion and explicitly point out why it is important for us to have a period of development during which children acquire their abilities, attitudes, behaviors, and so on. That development will be explicitly tied to childrens need to adapt to a wide range of different environments. Ideally, the work will explain how things would be different if we were entirely programmed by our genes and why this would make us much less able to adapt to changing environments.
Any acceptable work will talk about the purpose of childhood as a period of adaptation to the childs specific environment.


Tell grandchildren about COVID 19

Produce one episode of The COVID Chronicles. Assume you will have grandchildren. One day you will hear, I just learned about the COVID 19 Pandemic of 2020 in school. It sounded stressful. What was it like for you at that time in history? Your three to five minute episode of The COVID Chronicles will answer that question.
Project Specifications
– Your project can answer this question from any perspective you wish, however, the content should reflect any aspect of your own feelings, thoughts, and experiences during this historical time period. Let your unique perspective, experiences, and personality show. Tell your story.