Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Professional Work Experience Synthesis Paper

This paper, professionally written, in accordance with acceptable English grammar, spelling, and punctuation, should synthesize what you learned from your 1,000 hour professional work experiences.  You are expected to reference what you learned (i.e., technical skills, soft skills, professional etiquette and work ethos for each position), how these learning outcomes related to your course work, and lastly what these lessons mean to your future career.

The expectation is that to do the above well, thoughtfully, and successfully, you would need about four (4) to five pages of typed, double-spaced, 1 inch margins, New Times Roman font of text.  Your name and page numbers should be on each page (use the Header or Footer tool to do so).

There is a general writing rubric posted here and I expect you will be thoughtful. Try to minimize the first person, meaning, not every sentences should be constructed as “I learned…I was….I did….” Try to vary and be introspective.  Avoid superlatives, such as “very, always, ultimate” .  I know this exercise will be revealing and hope it is deeply instructive to your professional growth.

If you would an extension to turn this in later, please know that I will keep that option open to you (with a penalty for lateness).  I would much rather you give care to this assignment than just haphazardly put something poorly together.

crisis management

Also attached in this weeks Lessons file is your final small assignment, which focuses on the Lean, Finely Textured Beef (aka Pink Slime) case study.  Your task is to pretend that you are in the corporate communications department of Beef Products, Inc. and you must help manage the crisis related to your product.  There are three parts to the assignment; be sure to address each one.

Benchmark – Framework Findings and Recommendations

This assignment requires someone with IT/Cybersecurity specific/background because of some software to successfully complete it. Strictly follow its rubrics/templates/directions.
Follow the assignment directions and the required steps in the template.
Screenshots are required according to the template.

City Council Meeting

For this activity, you will need to attend a city council meeting in the city of your choice (you must attend the meeting in person to understand the entire depth of what takes place and the feeling of a city council meeting). Pay special attention to the topics discussed in the meeting and what topics seem to be pertinent to the city council members as well as the community members. You will then write a reflection paper regarding your experiences which includes the date of the meeting as well as the city. The reflection paper should include information regarding your experiences and how they relate back to the material in this class. The reflection paper should be 3-5 pages double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font. You will need to give the link of the city council meeting you chose.


3-4 page (double-spaced) paper evaluating an article from a popular media source and comparing it to the original peer-reviewed published research article.
To evaluate the limits of the original research and examine the presentation of the research in the popular media.

Select article from popular media source that describes a research study in the human sciences: article needs to be published/posted AFTER June 2018.
Then find the original scientific article cited in the popular article.
Read both carefully and compare.
Answer the following questions:
What type of study is described (correlational, experimental)?  Provide a rationale for your answer.
Who were the subjects and how were they selected (random sample or not)?  How might the sampling strategy affect generalizability?  If it doesnt say how subjects were selected, how might this effect your interpretation of the findings?
How were the variables operationalized (defined for the purposes of the study)?  Does it seem like a reasonable approach (is it a good way to measure the phenomenon)?  What problems/limits may be associated with this approach?
Do the conclusions seem justified based on the study design?  Have the data been manipulated to make a stronger (and possibly less accurate) statement about the results?  Is cause being inferred when the study design does not allow the authors to draw that conclusion?
Does the brief article accurately reflect what is presented in the longer journal article?  Is the science really well-represented in the more popular media (short article)?  Did you have enough information with just the brief article alone to feel confident in the conclusion?

Review of a Notable Speech

Watch each video :
1.  Dave Ramsey’s Total Money
2.  Randy Pausch Lecture
3. Clinton’s Remarks
4.  John F. Kennedy’s speech
5.  President John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address
6.  “Berlin Wall” Speech
7: Ronald Reagan inaugural address

Watch each video and Use the attachment template to write a one and a half to two pages (SINGLE-SPACE) review for each video, fill out the template for each video as well .  Do some explaining, give examples, be specific.  Lastly, defend your responses.

Please separate each video review in a different file( Do not put all in the review essay as  one file)


describing your social justice issue “Healthcare, medical professionals and Plan of Care, lack of healthcare for transgenders”. So, what are the stakes? What are the societal implications of this issue if it continues to go unaddressed? Is this a global or a local issue, or some combination? Why is this issue important and what are the specific reasons? Be sure to include at least two academic literature citations in describing your social justice issue.

2. Tell us the theoretical perspective you are currently considering to apply to your issue and use to inform your shared action.

3. The action or action(s) your group is currently considering and why you think it aligns will with your issue and theoretical perspective.


In your post, include facts from lecture or video along with your opinion.

What are your thoughts on bioengineered Salmon being available to eat within the next year.  Will you buy it; why or why not?
Bioengineered crops are best critiqued individually.  Consider one of the bioengineered crops (HT soy, BT corn or Hawaiian papaya).  What are your thoughts on it being safe for you and the environment.
Under the NBFDL (National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Law), a food manufacturer can choose among 3 different labeling options.  What are your thoughts on these options?

RE: Chindogu

Task: Create an unuseless invention to celebrate St. Patricks Day or another holiday (if no holiday, that’s ok. This was just to give a starting point)


Review Chapter 2 of inGenius and the Chindogu readings. Pay attention to the definition and examples of unuseless inventions and the tenets of Chindogu.
Create a Chindogu of your own to celebrate the spirit of St. Patricks Day. DO NOT BUY any items for your invention. Use the items that are freely available to you or that youre willing to give away.
Give a name to your Chindogu


Explain your creative process. I.e. HOW you went about creating your unuseless invention, in 300-400 words. This is the most important part of the assignment. Explain HOW you came up with the idea. Consider the steps that Tina Seelig offers in Chapter 2 for creating unuseless inventions. Which of these steps did you follow in creating your invention and why?
Parts of the Innovation Engine
Convergent thinking
Divergent thinking
Talking to people
Building on existing ideas
Using a metaphor or analogy
Anything else?
Reflect on the MSOE Mindset. What parts of the MSOE mindset did you use in this activity?
What parts of the mindset would you like to develop further? Why?

Describe internship experince

I have an internship at a clinic.  I had to follow up with clients on their physical activities and provide them basic workout plans through email. at the e end of the internship I have to complete this report as follows.

Reports should be around a paragraph or two describing your internship experiences

-Report should include:

  .  Summary of your activities 

  .  Self evaluation

  .  Areas of strength

  .  Areas of weakness

  .  Steps taken to correct weaknesses