Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

ECOL 100 Module 2 SLP

You learned about the negative impact of economic growth and human utilization of resources that can lead to global climate change and extinction. In your Case Assignment, you reviewed many pieces of evidence and developed your own conclusions about the relationship between human activities and global climate change. Now review the conclusions that have been drawn by NASA regarding this information at NASA Climate

Part I:  A Closer Look at the Evidence

For the first part of this assignment, answer these questions using the NASA website:

Describe the graph on the NASA website. What does it show us about the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere? According to the following site (the United Kingdom’s National Meteorological Service), what recent event contributed to the rising carbon dioxide levels? Met Office
The supporting data on climate change are grouped into different categories on the NASA website. How are these groups labeled? Is there agreement on these categories between the NASA website and the UK website (Met Office). If not, how do they differ?
Select the Effects tab at the top of this web page: Summarize the effects of climate change listed here in one paragraph. Be sure to address the effect of climate change on our weather and water resources.
Part II:  How Can Economic Growth Become Part of the Solution?

Read the article from The Economist:

The outlook: Averting the sixth extinction. (2013). The Economist, 408(8853), 15. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Now answer the following questions regarding economic growth and climate change discussed in this article in paragraph format.

How does economic growth negatively impact other species?
What is described as the principal threat to biodiversity as the global economy and human population grows?
Is economic growth necessarily bad for our planet? What points suggest that economic growth can benefit biodiversity?
Conclude your summary by drawing connections between economic growth, climate change, habitat loss, and biodiversity.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Organize this essay assignment using subtitles that summarize the topic from each question above. For example, to answer Question 1, use a descriptive subtitle like the following: Part I: A Closer Look at the Evidence/Recent Events.

Answer each question under the subtitle using complete sentences that relate back to the question. Be sure to use APA formatting throughout your essay with 1-inch margins, 12-point type, and double spacing throughout. Include a title page, introduction, answers to the questions with subtitles, and concluding paragraph. Remember to include in-text citations within the body of the essay referencing your resources (e.g., Murray, 2014). Also, be sure to include a reference section at the end of your assignment listing all required readings and any additional resources you used to complete your essay. A helpful guide to writing a quality essay can be found in Trident’s Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper. This guide also provides links to example essays written in APA format.

Direct quotes should be limited and must be designated by quotation marks. Paraphrased ideas must give credit to the original author, for example: (Murray, 2014). Direct copying from homework help websites will not receive credit. Once you have completed your assignment within a Word document, please upload your final version to the SLP 2 Dropbox. Please also note your Turnitin originality score and make revisions as needed. Please contact your instructor with any questions.

ECOL 100 Module 2 Case

Mass extinctions are periods in Earth’s history when abnormally large numbers of species die out simultaneously or within a limited time frame. The Cretaceous-Tertiary (or K-T) extinction event is probably the best known to many people because it wiped out the dinosaurs, but many other mass extinction events have occurred throughout the history of the Earth. Some of these mass extinction events are even more devastating than K-T. The most severe occurred at the end of the Permian period when approximately 96% of all species disappeared. Many smaller-scale mass extinctions of plants and animals have occurred as recorded in the fossil records. Discover more about Earth’s major extinction events below in the following Case Assignment.

Case Part I: Geologic History of Earth

The first part of this assignment requires that you consider the history of extinction on our planet.

From the Sam Noble Museum, answer the following questions:

How many major mass extinction periods are listed here? Follow the links from that page to learn more about each period. What caused each, and which major groups of species disappeared from each period?

Read the article link on Recent Extinctions:
Choose two of the recent extinctions listed on this link and explain why they occurred.
Case Part II: Global Climate Change

Scientists have concerns that human activities are changing our environment at rapid rates that could result in a sixth mass extinction. Lets examine the evidence:

Review the Recent, Past and Present section from Mass Extinctions.

Also review the following link from the NASA website:

Define greenhouse effect. Describe which gases are important to the greenhouse effect.
What were listed as human activities related to greenhouse gas production from each link?
How do humans contribute to both climate change and major extinction events?
Some scientists think that human activities may be contributing to a sixth mass extinction event. What specific evidence do they site for this possible event? (you may need to conduct additional research to support your findings).
Part III: Drawing Conclusions

Now provide a summary that explains what conclusions you can make for yourself based on the evidence provided and what you now know about the geologic time scale of the history of the Earth.

Assignment Expectations
Organize this essay assignment using subtitles that summarize the topic from each question above. For example, to answer Question 1, use a descriptive subtitle like the following: Part I: Geologic History of the Earth/Major Events.

Answer each question under the subtitle using complete sentences that relate back to the question. Be sure to use APA formatting throughout your essay with 1-inch margins, 12-point type, and double spacing throughout. Include a title page, introduction, answers to the questions with subtitles, and concluding paragraph. Remember to include in-text citations within the body of the essay referencing your resources (e.g., Murray, 2014). Also, be sure to include a reference section at the end of your assignment listing all required readings and any additional resources you used to complete your essay. A helpful guide to writing a quality essay can be found in Trident’s Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper. This guide also provides links to example essays written in APA format.

Direct quotes should be limited and must be designated by quotation marks. Paraphrased ideas must give credit to the original author, for example: (Murray, 2014). Direct copying from homework help websites will not receive credit. Once you have completed your assignment within a Word document, please upload your final version to the Case 2 Dropbox. Please also note your Turnitin originality score and make revisions as needed. Please contact your instructor with any questions.

EDM402 Module 2 SLP

Tentative Reference List of 10 or more scholarly sources including reports, studies, and-or manuals. Please avoid non-scholarly sources such as Wikipedia, newspaper articles, and blogs. Choose 5 from the 10 references that you submitted in the previous SLP and explain in some detail its contents and relevancy to your whole report.

For Module 2 SLP: Submit a tentative reference list of 10 or more sources (in alphabetical order) that you will be citing, reviewing, and referencing in your final paper. Briefly describe the contents of each article in a few sentences (APA formatting recommended).

As your SLP begins to take shape, be sure to revisit the Session Long Project Overview at the SLP page of module 1 to keep you going on the right direction.

SLP Assignment Expectations
Sources are to be presented in alphabetical order.
Sources are to be formatted in an academic writing style (e.g., APA).
Sources must be scholarly.

investment analysis and portfolio management

The report should contain the following:

My stock is walmart
Presentation of the company: business model; industry, its peers and the company’s position within that group; history; leadership; etc.
Fundamentals of the company: past performance of the stock; revenue and earnings and their development over the years; appropriate financial ratios.
Price and price expectations: based on the previous section, run a DCF analysis to arrive at your best estimate for the intrinsic value of the company and your best estimate for the share price. Clearly explain your assumptions and provide two alternate scenarios. The report should contain the main table of the DCF for readers to observe your calculations and assumptions. For your DCF you need to find beta which you can do with a regression analysis, as well as the credit rating. Feel free to reach out to me if you need help with the credit rating and its implication for cost of debt.
Risks and headwinds: your DCF is based on assumptions about the future of the company, its industry environment, and the market and business environment. How sensitive is your analysis to this? More specifically, what are the headwinds and risks that the company faces in its operations in the near and medium-term future?
Conclusion and recommendation for three investors (see below).
The stock report must be submitted as a word document. Use the APA style formatting. Font size 11 or 12 are acceptable.
Additionally, attach the Excel spreadsheet in which you performed your analysis. You have to create your own excel spreadsheet; that means, downloading, using and submitting prepared DCF Excel documents from the Internet will lead to a loss of points.

Please make sure your text is grammatically correct and free of spelling mistakes, as such diligence is going to be taken into account for your final grade as well.

The three investor profiles are as follows:

Bryant is a 25-year old young professional, employed in a major city in the northeast. Since joining the workforce three years ago, he contributes as much money as possible to his retirement accounts which is invested in a diverse set of index funds. An avid fan of Benjamin Graham’s “The Intelligent Investor”, he has decided to consider a few individual stocks of companies with good and stable long-term prospects as well as a great management. Explain and justify your recommendation for Bryant. If you choose to not recommend your stock, propose an alternative from the same industry.

Nicole is 52 years old, and a few months ago, she retired from her well-paying job after aggressively saving and investing her money prudently for much of her life. While she could go back to work if necessary, she prefers her financial independence. In order to maintain a steady cash-flow, her portfolio is heavily geared towards high yielding stocks, allowing her and her family to live of dividend payments for the most part. Aware of the downturn of General Electric and their dividend cut, she focuses on companies from which she expects a solid and steady dividend growth. Explain and justify your recommendation for Nicole. If you choose not to recommend your stock, propose and alternative from the same industry.

Paul is in his mid 30s. Starting late to contribute to his retirement fund, he wants to complement his investments in ETFs in his individual retirement account (IRA). For this purpose he sets aside $10,000 every year for the next ten years to seek out riskier, but potentially much more profitable high-growth opportunities. Similarly, he is open to shorting stock for fundamental or hedging reasons, if the opportunity presents itself. After the ten years of active portfolio management, he wishes to wind down his positions to seek more stable investments. Explain and justify your recommendation for Paul. If you choose not to recommend your stock, propose and alternative from the same industry.

EDM402 Module 2 Case

Assignment Overview
Major infrastructure damages have occurred and have deterred operations as a result. This assignment will center around comparing and contrasting natural disasters and their impacts on various critical infrastructures. Students will derive observations and draw logical conclusions from data, and how partnering is necessary for infrastructure security.

Case Assignment
The Module 2 Home page noted five major natural disaster events:

Severe devastation from Hurricane Dorian in Bermuda
Severe devastation from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico
Severe devastation from Tropical Cyclone Hagibis in Japan
Wildfires in California
Extreme heat events nationwide
Choose two events above and present a comparative analysis; you can use a table format noting:

Number of infrastructures destroyed or damaged
Number of homes destroyed or damaged
Type of power (electricity, gas, oil) destroyed or damaged
Dollar amount of total damages
Numbers injured/killed (Healthcare/ Public Health Sector)
From your statistical results, draw a conclusion or conclusions. Include a statement regarding partnering for infrastructure security.

Note: Avoid unprofessional or secondary sources such as Wikipedia, media (CNN, FOX, NPR, newspapers, etc.).

Assignment Expectations
Length: This Case Assignment should be at least 3-5 pages, not counting the title page and references.

References: At least two references should be included from academic sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles). Required readings are included. Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it MUST be enclosed in quotes. The references should be cited within the text and listed at the end of the assignment in the References section (preferably in APA format).

Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to question.

Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted for minor errors, assignments are expected to adhere to standards guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Answer the following in a paragraph
Do you believe the primary objective of a correctional system should be punishment or rehabilitation? Do you believe that a punitive system can be rehabilitative?

Answer the following in a paragraph
What’s the role of social workers in the criminal justice system?
How can social workers influence the inequalities that exist within the criminal justice system? Personally, what changes would you like to see implemented?

finish a total addressable market model and revenue model

finish a tam model, an example is provided. THIS IS THE EXAMPLE Revenue Model: The buyer for our software product is the Head of Sales (or Sales Ops) of companies that are responding to at least 1-2 RFPs per week. Our average customer is $10k in recurring revenue per year and $12k of total revenue per year. Our total revenue last year can be broken out into three revenue models as follows: 60% of total revenue is SaaS subscription revenue model (per user per month); majority are 12-month contracts and we receive cash up front; revenue is recognized by month and the rest is booked as deferred revenue; 75% gross margins and 95%+ net revenue retention. 20% of total revenue is professional services; customers pay for implementation services; cash is received, and revenue is recognized on a percentage of completion basis; 20% gross margins. 20% of total revenue is Hardware (patented) and related equipment. Customers are billed when shipped. 30% gross margin and some recurring nature due to maintenance of the hardware. Total Addressable Market (TAM): We estimate our TAM in the U.S. as $300 to $400 million per year as follows: Low High Potential customers 30,000 40,000 Ave. revenue/customer/year $10,000 $10,000 U.S TAM per year ($ millions) $300 $400 Our estimated range of potential customers was based on XX [include reference or link to article, book, what you are referencing]. be free to edit the revenue mode

Solar Panels/Solar Energy

Research the product category: Solar Panels/ Solar Energy

1.    Conduct a store audit by visiting a store to observe/record the following in a table:
    Identify each of the categorys brands, varieties of these brands (e.g. size, flavor, etc.).
    Identify each products parent manufacturer, unit price, and brand imagery (as communicated by the package copy and graphics).
    Identify segments or buckets these products can be divided into (ie dividing the category by product types, price or quality segments, important benefits offered, consumer groups served, and so forth).
    Identify how products are displayed and what role each manufacturer plays within the category (e.g., leaders, challenger, nicher).

2.    Research and write an analysis in which you obtain basic information about the category and its competitors from secondary research sources. This includes information on:
    Category size
    Rate of growth or decline
    Primary competitors and their brands
    Market shares of manufacturers and their brands
    Channels of distribution
    Recent product innovations

Instrumentation Effect

For the Discussion reply this week, I would like you to reply to one of your classmates examples and clearly state if the example is (or is not) an accurate example of the concept. Please provide sufficient detail in your reply so that it is clear you understand the concept describe by your classmate. Please post your Discussion reply by Sunday, 04/19/2020 at 11:59PM.

A different example of Instrumentation Effect that leads to a threat to the internal validity in an experimental study is as follows.

Imagine a study where the researcher uses toys to measure the amount of play a female child has with them based on their appearance.  If the researcher originally uses toys that are gender neutral in the pretest and uses different toys that are more female directed in the posttest there will be an increase in the amount of play by the participants.  The changing of the toy from pretest to posttest is the instrumentation effect that leads to a threat to the internal validity in this experimental study.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read article and answer questions:

What is the basic research question, or problem?

Is the purpose of the study descriptive, exploratory, explanatory, or evaluative?Justify your answer.

What features identified the study as deductive or inductive? Defend your answer.

What were the stated hypotheses? Were these hypotheses justified adequately in terms of the theoretical framework and in terms of prior research? Define your answer.

What was the independent variable in the hypotheses? What were the dependent variables in the hypotheses? Were any other variables identified as potentially important?

Which type of research design was used: experimental, survey, participant observation, historical comparative, or some combination? How well was this design suited to the research question posed and the specific hypotheses tested, if any? Why do you suppose the author(s) chose this particular design?

Was a sample or the entire population of elements used in the study? What type of sampling was selected? How would you evaluate the likely generalizability of the findings to other populations?

Did the instruments used, the measures of the variables, seem valid and reliable? How did the authors attempt to establish this?

Did the study seem consistent with ethical standards?Justify your answer.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the study? What is its contribution to the advancement of knowledge, theory, or practice?