Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

plants-motifs are used in ceramic decorations

research and prepare  a Power Point   
presentation  describing the different ways plants-motifs are used in   
ceramic decorations for each section below.

1) 13th Century Mongol ( India) ( 10 Marks)
Wall Tiles
Decorative panels

2) 14th Century Islamic Chinese designs (10    Marks)
Wall Tiles
Decorative panels

3) 15th Century Safavids and Timurids Ceramic Styles (10  Marks)
Wall Tiles
Decorative panels

4) 14th 16th C Seljuk and Ottoman Ceramic styles (10  Marks)
Wall Tiles
Decorative panels

Content of the presentation:

The presentation should describe how    the    plants are used in    the style    design. ( You may want to use Color, Singular pattern, mirrored    patterns, radial patterns, etc.)

You  must provide examples for building, Interior, wall panel, dishes,    floor panels.
Find one research article (.pdf) on each style and integrate parts of that article into your presentation.

Add a bibliography to your style section.

Power Point should have:

describe the differences in how plants are used    in the composition,    color, pattern    formation, ( 1 slide)
Provide zoom in    details to show   
the differences, ( 1 full slide 6 detail zooms)
Provide a detailed research summary on the panel, ( 1 full slide of text)   
Provide evidences for the style in architecture, interior, dishes, wall panels, tile designs ( 2 Marks)
It is important to provide description for each slide for full marks. No discription 50% of the    mark will be deducted.
You may use more slides as needed to make an    excellent presentation.   

Music in Uncertain Times

Essay Option: Music in Uncertain Times

I was born in 1949, a member of the generation known as the baby-boomers. I came of age in the fabled 1960s. The decade opened with the inauguration of John F. Kennedy and the Camelot era. Everyone was beguiled by Kennedy and his optimism as well as by his charming familyhis wife Jacqueline or Jackie as she was popularly known and his daughter Caroline. In his now iconic inaugural address, he begins by asserting that his election victory is not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom–symbolizing an end as well as a beginning–signifying renewal as well as change.  He continues by reaffirming Americas commitment to survival and the success of liberty.  He continues with some words for allies old and new. For America at the time this speech was truly a new beginning. The Kennedy charisma and vision gave hope to a world still trying to heal itself from the tragedies of the Second World War and the nervous stalemate of the Cold War that followed it.  It was a hope that was short lived. As we all know, the realities of history intervened.

            In November of 1963, JFK was assassinated, and the Camelot illusion was brutally dispelled. At the same time, the American involvement in Viet Nam, a country divided since the French defeat and withdrawal in 1954, was beginning to escalate. And at home, the Civil Rights movement had begun in earnest, pointing out that the commitment to survival and the success of liberty needed to begin at home. It was a time of uncertainty that left many people questioning the accepted norms of the establishment.

            This was particularly true of the baby boomers.  Many of them rebelled. They preferred to tune in, turn on and drop out and live outside the mainstream society, forming a counter-culture of their own. The new sensation, Rock & roll, ceased to be just music for teenagers phenomenon but became a way of expressing the hopes, fears and spirit of many in that generation.

            In the late 50s and the early 60s, folk music began to rival rock n roll.  The folk scene in New York Citys Greenwich Village was booming lead by artists like Joan Baez and Pete Seegar.  The subjects of these songs were often a bit more serious than the usual popular music fare. In that fatal year of 1963, the young Bob Dylan, an up and comer in the new folk scene, recorded a song Blowin In The Wind that became an example of what became known as protest songs.  It doesnt actually protest much but it does make some wry observations on the paradoxical nature of life:

            How many roads must a man walk down

Before you call him a man?

Yes, n how many seas must a white dove sail

Before she sleeps in the sand?

Yes, n how many times must the cannonballs fly

Before theyre forever banned?

The answer, my friend, is blowin in the wind

The answer is blowin in the wind

How many years can a mountain exist

Before its washed to the sea?

Yes, n how many years can some people exist

Before theyre allowed to be free?

Yes, n how many times can a man turn his head

Pretending he just doesnt see?

The answer, my friend, is blowin in the wind

The answer is blowin in the wind

How many times must a man look up

Before he can see the sky?

Yes, n how many ears must one man have

Before he can hear people cry?

Yes, n how many deaths will it take till he knows

That too many people have died?

The answer, my friend, is blowin in the wind

The answer is blowin in the wind

Copyright 1962 by Warner Bros. Inc.; renewed 1990 by Special Rider Music

            This song reflected the questioning attitude of many people, especially among the youth of the nation. It was in many ways the defining song of that generation. Listen to it here:

Dylan on TV Blowin in the wind:

            In a similar way, the old Negro Spirituals played a big part in energizing the civil rights activists. Here is a link to a great essay on the importance of music in those times. (There are also some links at the end of this article to similar articles on these turbulent times.)

      We live in similarly uncertain times and the recent virus pandemic has made it all the worse. Has music helped in any coping with virus scare? But more importantly, Im interested to know is what music do you think has expresses the mood of young people today and how it has helped you cope with the world you live in but did not necessarily create?  The current social isolation is a good time to do a little soul searching.

          1000 words in length and include a complete bibliography as well as proper footnotes for all sources consulted. It is due by the end of the day on May 1st. It must be formatted as MS Word file or some compatible type of word processing program.

museum research paper

Please read the paper instructions carefully, which contains detailed analysis requirements. I put some pictures in the instruction file, you can choose to analyze. You can also refer to the sample article to learn how to write. And, I need to get extra credits for this essay (required in EC file).


*SIDE NOTE #1 – “HIM” = Health Information Management

*SIDE NOTE #2 – The textbook for this course is an online textbook. It is called “Pharmacology – First Edition” by Soomo Learning, 2017.

Basic pharmacology principles can be useful to the health information management professional. Understanding patient rights as they relate to drug administration, knowledge of the drug cycle, and familiarity with standards put in place by external agencies and their enforcement is integral in maintaining organizational compliance. While health information management professionals may have no direct contact with patients and medication administration, they serve a major role in making sure the organization meets accreditation and regulatory standards.

Mary K. Emerson is a patient at Felder Community Hospital. She was admitted last Thursday due to a diabetic episode and an upper respiratory infection that left her unresponsive at work. She was admitted to the ICU, and medical staff attempted to stabilize her condition. There were some problems with her care due to the wrong information being entered into the patients medication record in her chart. When the nursing staff was trying to update her medications from a previous episode, they chose Mary J. Emerson instead of the current patient, Mary K. Emerson. Mary J. Emerson was also a patient admitted around the same time to another unit. Mary K. was given penicillin for the upper respiratory infection but was found to have an extreme allergy, which sent her into acute respiratory distress. The penicillin was administered and documented on Mary J. Emersons chart before the clinical staff noticed the error.

As Mary remained in the ICU and drifted in and out of consciousness, clinical staff tried to make sure they remained on schedule with her medications. On two noted occasions, the scheduled dose of 30 units of insulin that was to be administered subcutaneously with meals was delayed during the shift. On a separate occasion, the nurse tech drew up 40 units to be administered intramuscularly instead of the prescribed subcutaneous route.

On the fifth day of her admission, Mary K. was exhausted from the testing and medication changes. When the nurse came in to administer her scheduled dose of insulin, she stated Please, no more meds!

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

A.  Discuss the basic principles of pharmacology by doing the following:

1.  Discuss the four stages of the drug cycle.

2.  Discuss the physiological factors involved in drug absorption and drug distribution.

3.  Discuss the difference between a side effect, a contraindication, and an adverse reaction to a medication.

a.  Provide an example of a side effect, a contraindication, and an adverse reaction to a medication.

B.  Using the scenario, discuss the seven drug rights when auditing documentation for a patient encounter by doing the following:

1.  Identify the seven drug rights that were violated in the scenario.

a.  Explain why the situations in the scenario are a violation of the seven drug rights.

2.  Discuss the process an HIM professional would need to take to report the violations in the scenario to the appropriate party.

C.  Explain the roles of OSHA, the FDA, and the DEA in enforcing the Controlled Substances Act.

D.  Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

E.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Pericardial effusion, Cardiac Tamponade

written in APA, including cover and reference pages (ASE, SDMS, SonoWorld, or other such sites) I’m a cardiac sonographer student. .Include all of the relevant facts from the case study( patient history, clinical findings, diagnosis, treatment options, and outcome. We have to track the amount of time that the project took to complete and give a synopsis of the hours on a separate page. My externship interrupted because of the COVID19. I need (officially ) 47.5 hr to prove I spent on it. Online CME’s (free or otherwise) may be utilized as reference material. (I’ m trying to use this case study) So it has to be ECHO related.

game music

the upload file are the book we read this semester

For this assignment, students should adopt the case-study model used by many of the authors we will read this semester, and craft an argument about video game audio by using one specific game as an exemplar.  These arguments can be rooted in music theory (that is, how the notes of a soundtrack or piece are put together), in musicology (how culture and history informs both soundtrack and game), or in technical implementation (how the ways the music is coded or otherwise implemented into the game informs the composition).  One brief example for each of these cases:

Music theory: Triple meter (3/4 time) is used for underwater levels in Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario World to create a sense of bobbing along with the waves.

Musicology: A performance of The Beggars Opera by John Gay during the introduction of Assassins Creed III helps situate the player in a very specific time and place (18th century London).

Technology: The Super Nintendo often uses timpani with more notes than standard orchestration allows because there are only eight channels available to represent the entire orchestra; as a result, timpani and string bass get conflated to a single instrument sound.

Essays should be at least 1,500 words and no more than 3,000 words in length. 

Week 4 Discussion 1 HUM III

What did you learn about this structure that was a surprise to you or resonated with you about building relationships in the workplace? Did the people who built this wall have to work together? Are there any lessons to be learned about building relationships across philosophical divides (differing world views) in the workplace?

Note: Please avoid comments or references to the southern border between Mexico and the USA. This is a highly controversial subject and your comments may be taken out of context and appear as harassment. Any comments about the southern border or Mexico will be immediately removed and points deducted from your score.

  The Wall of China is the structure

Week 3 Discussion 1 HUM III

Have you selected your topic yet for next week’s assignment? Which of these two ancient mysteriesKing Tut and the Pyramids of Gizainterests you the most? Why?

Share two reasons why you find your choice interesting.
What is it about these two mysteries that have captivated us for centuries?


The project is one of the major components of this course. The goal is to write a
research proposal, and research progress and report. You will first work in teams to
develop pre-proposal (2 pages long, see the guidelines at the end of the instructions)
study and choose a topic and then develop a research proposal. The projects may
address technologies, devices, application systems, or the constraints imposed by one
upon another; however the projects MUST contain MEMS or microsystem devices
( various micro sensors, micro actuators etc.) or flexible electronics, with most
desired applications in biomedical and/or health areas. You are more than welcome
to come up with your own topic, as long as it satisfies the stated following criteria; i) the
project must be RELEVANT to micro-manufacturing, microelectromechanical systems,
flexible electronics research and development; ii) you are STRONGLY encouraged to
come up with your own design and manufacturing approaches rather than compiling
technologies introduced in the past literature, iii) you are more than welcome to suggest
CREATIVE/INNOVATIVE ideas. You dont need to prove your ideas, it is often very
difficult to prove your creative/innovative ideas. However, you need to provide
supporting materials to make your statements viable; iv) you must provide
FABRICATION PROCESS FLOW. You cannot simply assume to have a MEMS or
microsystem device already published and build an assembly for this project. It is not
acceptable to pursue non-technical aspects as a MAJOR thrust in the proposal such as
market analysis, intellectual property, small business supports, etc. The purpose of the
course project is to explore technical aspects based upon what you learn from the class.
Each teams ideally should be composed of 4 students (We would have 12 teams;
total enrollment: 48). The grade for each student will depend upon a number of things,
including the quality of project (presentations, term papers), the level of participation in
the panel discussion, and the insight shown in the individual written review.
The presentations will take place on for about 3 lecture slots (about 4.5 hours),
which is tentatively scheduled on April 29th. We will have 1 week for the presentation
preparation right before the presentation. Groups should have their slides in (ppt form)
to me by 5 pm the previous day (i.e. April 28th) via email. The final presentations should
be 15 minutes max plus 5 minutes for Q&A. The total number of slides is best limited to
25. The presentation should include: (a) background and motivation; (b) abundant
literature study and process flow of major components in the devices; (c) brief
description about your proposed innovative idea; (d) a summary of the goals, (e)
proposed designs, manufacturing steps to realize the proposed work and/or any
calculation, analysis to support and/or justify your work, (f) noteworthy discoveries. After
each presentation, students will be required to submit (in class) an assessment of the
presentations and the proposed projects, along with a rating (Poor, Fair, Good, Very
good, Excellent). The attendance of the presentation and peer-review are required.

Operations Management

The project regarding Face Mask industry, your report should include the followings:
Introduction section: purpose, types, demand, flow chart regarding production stages from raw materials all the way to final consumers, specifications of different types.

Section two: Production stages:
Include detail description of each stage with inputs, outputs, and machines used