Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Why can my grandfather not speak as well since his stroke

I’m taking a music course in a university. This course requires a research essay about vocals. The essay need 2 references that can be from a book, journal, or website. Please have a strong written paper which focuses on the vocals (what are they and why my grandfather’s vocal changed). Thanks!

The Value of Segmentation

Module 2 Application
Submit at the end of Module 2.
The Value of Segmentation
Customer relationships must be established and maintained as defined by the target market.
You will use an executive summary to implement a segmentation and customer relationship
management strategy.
Course Objective
Analyze concepts and techniques relevant to marketing decision making, with an
emphasis on creating, capturing, and sustaining customer value.
1) Save and print the Module 2 Application PDF.
2) Create a 1-page executive summary in a Word or text document for your response. Use 12-
point Arial or Times New Roman font. Follow APA (6th editon) format for the paper, title
page, references page, and in-text citations.
3) Develop an introduction and conclusion for your paper.
4) Follow the directions to submit your final Word or text document.
Step 1. Brainstorm
For the company you selected in the Module 1 assignment (UnitedHealth Group), brainstorm ways to develop a
segmentation and customer relationship management strategy.
Step 2. Develop
Develop an executive summary describing the segmentation plan and ways to implement it.
Identify the target market, the segmentation strategy used, and what tools will improve
relationship management with the end customer base. Include a SWOT analysis (analysis of
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats).
Step 3. Address Importance
Address the importance of the segmentation strategy and CRM tools you recommended. In
other words, why should the organization implement the proposals you have suggested?
Step 4. Compile
Compile all content in a 1-page PDF. Use a high-quality template to organize the layout such as
the one found on the Learning Objects page


Question: Do you think Arabic speakers will have a hard time learning English pronunciation? Talk about which vowels and consonants they might have a hard time with. Be specific about your reasoning, and talk about natural classes whenever possible. Also, the same question but flipped: Do you think English speakers will have a hard time learning Arabic pronunciation? Talk about which vowels and consonants they might have a hard time with. Be specific about your reasoning, and talk about natural classes whenever possible.

The Value of Segmentation

Module 2 Application
Submit at the end of Module 2.
The Value of Segmentation
Customer relationships must be established and maintained as defined by the target market.
You will use an executive summary to implement a segmentation and customer relationship
management strategy.
Course Objective
Analyze concepts and techniques relevant to marketing decision making, with an
emphasis on creating, capturing, and sustaining customer value.
1) Save and print the Module 2 Application PDF.
2) Create a 1-page executive summary in a Word or text document for your response. Use 12-
point Arial or Times New Roman font. Follow APA (6th editon) format for the paper, title
page, references page, and in-text citations.
3) Develop an introduction and conclusion for your paper.
4) Follow the directions to submit your final Word or text document.
Step 1. Brainstorm
For the company you selected in the Module 1 assignment, (UnitedHealth Group) brainstorm ways to develop a
segmentation and customer relationship management strategy.
Step 2. Develop
Develop an executive summary describing the segmentation plan and ways to implement it.
Identify the target market, the segmentation strategy used, and what tools will improve
relationship management with the end customer base. Include a SWOT analysis (analysis of
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats).
Step 3. Address Importance
Address the importance of the segmentation strategy and CRM tools you recommended. In
other words, why should the organization implement the proposals you have suggested?
Step 4. Compile
Compile all content in a 1-page PDF. Use a high-quality template to organize the layout such as
the one found on the Learning Objects page.

discussion board 1

Psychology professionals require research and writing skills for their day-to-day work. It is important for those working in psychology to use both academic and professional writing within the appropriate settings since they differ according to the types of items created. It is also of primary importance that all claims be supported with appropriate research within the discipline. This discussion has two components:

Part 1: Visit the Ashford Online Library and find three articles of interest to you from a general area in psychology (Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Congnitive Psychology, etc). Develop an annotated bibliography using the attached templatePreview the document putting all citations/sources in APA format, and conclude with a summation of the topic overall based on the information from all three articles. Save this as a word document.

Part 2: In your initial post, reflect on the process of finding the articles:

What specific issues did you encounter?
What were the challenges in both the research and writing processes?
How did you work to overcome the challenges in this assignment, and how might you use this experience to inform future research and writing practices?
How were the resources in the Ashford University Library and the Ashford Writing Center useful to you during the process?
Are there specific additional resources you would like to have for future assignments?
Attach the annotate bibliography and summation.

My Son Was a Columbine Shooter

Week 4 – Journal
My Son Was a Columbine Shooter
[WLOs: 1, 3] [CLOs: 1, 3, 4]

Prior to beginning this journal, please watch the video, My Son Was a Columbine Shooter. This Is My Story (Links to an external site.). In a one- to two-page journal entry:

    Examine Mrs. Klebolds observations about the link between mental health and violent criminal behavior. What have you learned in the course so far that supports what Mrs. Klebold asserts in her talk?
    It is clear that Mrs. Klebold is grappling to understand how she missed signs that her son could be so violent, and that he was in fact suicidal. It seems, based on the diversion program paperwork you read, that the juvenile justice system missed it as well. Based on what you have learned in the course so far about the nature of mental illness, violent behavior, and crime, explain to Mrs. Klebold why she and the system were unable to prevent this horrible tragedy from occurring.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Job Description: Car Salesman

Write about an idea for task crafting: how might you alter the tasks of your job in some way? Be detailed in your response but dont ramble. Also, It should be written in the first person POV since it’s about your job. (This could include improving the way something is done, using skills you have that aren’t being used much, taking on more tasks, taking on fewer tasks, expanding or diminishing the scope of your tasks.)

2. Write about another idea for relational crafting: how might you alter the extent or nature of the interactions you have with others at your workplace? Again, be detailed but dont ramble on.

There is a decline in the elephant population in a specific area in Africa. You are an activist trying increase the elephant population. You are required to present a proposed solution to this problem.

Create a proposal to solve this elephant problem. Please include the following:

1: Background Information. (Describe the main biome where elephants are located; describe an ecosystem, and describe 4 other types of biomes)
2: Name and discuss how elephants are threatened in Africa. (Research)
3: Discuss how biodiversity can affect the increase and decline of the elephant population.
4: Differentiate between the types of population growth models that can increase or decrease the elephant population.
5: Discuss how community populations relate to your proposal.

Writing Assignment

The CEO of the company plans to market the new patented design and formulation combination drug/device product (i.e. EpiPen) as soon as possible and meets with you for your recommendation for the best strategy.
One approach is to seek regulatory approval overseas (i.e. Europe, China, Australia, Canada) in order to facilitate approval for product on the market overseas prior to approval to market in the U.S.A. via US FDA.  Another is to seek approval from US FDA for U.S.A. market prior marketing internationally.
As the regulatory head for this company, what steps should the company take to accomplish approval via US FDA, if you think this is the best first course of action prior approval within other countries?  Otherwise if you think that approval/marketing overseas would cost considerably less and is the shortest pathway, what steps are taken to approve this product overseas first prior accomplishing US FDA approval for USA markets?
Include ICH s recommendations and regulatory steps within the country of your choice (Europe, China, Australia, or Canada) that include pre-clinical and clinical information.  Can this information be applied towards US FDA applications, or do they have to be repeated?
Include the regulatory applications, adverse reporting requirements, and post-market surveillance.
There are no right or wrong answer for this strategy.  The outcome is subsequent approval and marketing of this product within the global level.  Expected length is 5 to 10 pages for this Research Paper.

Thanks Email

I need to write a thanks email to our professors  to thank them for all their support and effort that they made to us during my master journey.

and small paragraph mention that apology if there was any miss understanding for not paying the tuition and just a note that the full tuition will be paid by next Sunday. ( this paragraph can be removed without effect the concept

the email i would like to be emotional and express a thankful for all the guidance and support made