Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Cuts at the state level and their impact on students and tuition

This 10-page paper written in APA style will include:

I. Title Page
II. Abstract
III. Problem Statement
IV. Review of Literature
V. Historical, Current and Future Context of the Problem or Trend
VI. Plan to Address the Problem (integrating budget, planning, and governance

****** Separate subheading for budget; for planning; and for governance) *******************

VII. Evaluation of Plan Implementation (This should be detailed)
VIII. Conclusion
IX. References (strict adherence to APA guidelines)


The Conclusion should not start any later than page 10 in your paper. It is acceptable if your References page starts on page 11.

In adherence to the APA style, be sure to cite references in text and be sure the references appear in the reference list at the end of your paper.


Paper Proposal

My paper will be based on Cuts at the state level and their impact on students and tuition.
Long stretches of cuts in state financing for public colleges  and universities have possibly driven up educational costs and hurt students educational  encounters by constraining staff reductions, less course contributions, and campus closings. These decisions have made school more expensive and less open for understudies who need degrees cational to prevail in the present economy. Most of the states educational cost increments somewhere in the range of 2008 and 2019 have not completely balanced slices to state higher education financing. The cuts  to state funded education mean tuition cost climbs, loss of extracurricular exercises and mounting student loan debt. This budget cut additionally, can be a potential effect on students turning out to be part time and commuting because they have to work to pay for school not being able to experience dorming and being a full time ‘traditional student.

I would address how this adjustment in tuition cost trends impacts the budget, enrollment of understudies, and diversity.

I will talk about how plans are being gathered to offset the effect of the trend, just as what job the trustees (governance function) may play in tending to this matter.

Budget influences educational cost just as understudies’ achievements, what plans colleges universities have put to subsidize students or suit them because of absence of assets, and what school trustees have done on their campus grounds are somethings that will be examined in my paper.

Rational Choice and Strain theories and how they can relate to being an attorney

What I have written so far:

For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to be an attorney, in more recent years I have found where I would like my focus to be.  That focus would be tax law, probate, wills, etc. at the federal, state and local level.  Many of my cases would-be white-collar type crimes that involve organizations, individuals and even some government entities. I believe that rational choice theory and strain theory most closely relate to this career and most financial type crimes.  According to our text book rational choice theory is when the offender weighs their options in the cost and benefits of crime before they commit any crimes. This shows that every person is faced with a choice and they make this willingly. Under strain theory not everyone has the same opportunities and this can often cause a stain on finances, especially if an individual feels limited by how successful they are. Nobody likes to be seen as a failure. For some being unable to reach their dream can make them cross moral lines and often engage in illegal behavior. Societal pressures and the allure of the American dream can create criminals if they see their own failure as a threat to their or their family’s wellbeing.

Rational choice theory is defined by Siegel as a theory that law-violating behavior is the product of careful thought and planning. It assumes that people are self-interested and will be willing to violate the law after considering both personal factors (such as money, revenge, thrills, and entertainment) and situational factors (such as target availability, security measures, and police presence). Anyone is a potential criminal if they calculate that the profits are great and the risks are small. (Siegel, 4-2). Many studies have been done on this topic, some have failed and others have been very successful using the theory. One of those such successful studies

Need to use Criminolgy The Core by Siegel and 4 sources,

General Electric (GE)

Finish my powerpoint slides, and in the notes section write for me in bullet form what I need to read while presenting the slides.

You should talk about in the slides, The companies introduction who they are and what business they do, then move onto the framework we are going to be using that is in the document also uploaded, The ISO31000, then separate slide talk about the risk dashboard, in this company we have 3 risks also in the document and you can find more information online are 1. Strategic Risk, 2. Operational Risk and 3. Cyber Risk. you have to fill the chart with the risk type and categories and description as stated. I can upload class slides for you to understand how to do it if you would like. Then talk about our Proposal and its pros and cons.




    Ethical Egoism              (Warner Case #6:  Electro Industries) – see attached

  Kants Formalism Theory      (Warner Case #6:  Electro Industries) – see attached

    Each of the terms listed below relate to ethicseither a theory or a concept.  You are to prepare a definitive research writing submitted in a Word document file that explains the concept/theory, applies it to the identified Warner case study, and finally analyze each of the concepts explaining what you like/dislike, agree/disagree, etc. with each theory or concept.

Theory Description:    The descriptions of the theories should be such that anyone would be able to read and understand the concepts.  This part should have references.  See below for instructions.

Theory Application:  The theory applications are to be applications of the theories to the case studies in the Warner text.  The case numbers for the applications are identified below.

Theory Analysis:  The theory analysis is a critical analysis of the theory comparing likes/dislikes, weaknesses/strengths, pros/cons of the theories as you interpret them from your research. 

The theory description portion especially should be a documented research description with references.  The format for the references will be references-cited format.  Within the body of the text the citation will be included with the authors name, the year of the publication, and the page numbers in parentheses.  Example:  (Smith,1990, 29-33).  If there is no page number, use n.p.  A reference list will then be included at the end of the paper with a complete bibliographic reference which will include the authors name, the title of the publication, the year of the publication, and the place of the publication. If it is a journal article, the page numbers will be included also. For online references you will need to include the URL address.    The reader should be able to replicate your research for further information on the topic.  Remember to include Frankena references as you use them in your papers but you should also conduct other research on the theories. 
There is a wealth of information on ethical theories and you should find references that add the most to your understanding of the theories. 


Any topic (writer’s choice)

Go to and read the essay, I, Pencil by Leonard E. Read. Prepare a page and a half summary of the article. I am most interested in your opinion. The paper should be typed and double spaced.

Here is the link again:

Integrated experiential learning Viacom project- Annotated Bibliography

Viacom Project: Annotated Bibliography
The first step in your project is to understand the domain expertise of the Viacom Project. This will allow you to become an expert within the domain area so you can provide a comprehensive and efficient solution for your client.
In order to develop the expertise needed, you are asked to do research about the domain. This means finding peer reviewed articles specific to the domain and the challenge that are found within the domain. These articles should also have relevance to the business question of the sponsor or the business questions that will help you define a solution.
As you begin to gather article and sources, you may want to develop a map to help organize and categorize the articles and research you are doing along the way for this project. There are a variety of tools available to you to create visual maps.

For this assignment, find one article about Viacoms finance relate with Audience Performance, submit a Two Paragraph summary of one article. The summaries should include:
    An APA citation of the article
    A short summary of the main points of the article
    The findings of the research
A statement of how the article is related to the business question.
This document will become what in academic circles is called an annotated bibliography.
Project background
Sponsor: Viacom
Company name:  Viacom
Project title:  Visualization for Audience Performance
Research Domain: Finance
Project Description:  Some background- as a media and entertainment company Viacom creates content, and creates content on behalf of client advertisers, which we distribute to our various platforms, one being our social handles. On our social handles we target many different types of audiences. For this project we hope to understand which audiences have been most successful for us in the past, and using this knowledge can we understand which audiences will be most valuable for us in the future. Audiences on social come in all shapes and sizes, some may be very niche and specific, for example all tennis-players above 65, and some may be much more broad, for example anyone living in the US above 18. Each audience will have a unique behavioral profile that we wish to understand. We want to students to strategize, given the performance and delivery data that we have on our social audiences, what types of audiences should we focus our resources on given various objectives.  First, we want to understand the performance of our content across the various audience types. For example, how many impressions, video views, engagements have these audiences accrued, how many times have the audiences been targeted for various ad campaigns, and how much does it cost to target them. We also want to understand the size of the audiences and how that may relate to performance of given ad campaigns. The objectives we want to optimize for are total impressions, total reach (unique impressions), total video views, total engagements, engagement rate (engagements/impressions), high video retention, and low cost. We’re looking for understanding on which audiences should be used given the objective, and can we understand attributes of an audience may contribute to good performance in a given objective.

Goal:  Students will be expected to create visualizations of the performance of the audiences; these may include average number of impressions delivered per ad, average cpm per ad etc. Also, which audiences or group of audiences would be most suitable for a given objective and what are audience attributes that contribute strongly to performing well in a given objective. Students are expected to summarize their results in a powerpoint presentation.  Students will help Viacom understand if they are reaching the right audience on their social media channels by analyzing the performance of various ad campaigns that target various audiences. Students will develop an analysis using real-world data to understand what drives success in reaching the right audience for the right objective. Finally, students will gain experience in summarizing their results using visualizations and presentations.

Integrated experiential learning Viacom project- Annotated Bibliography

Viacom Project: Annotated Bibliography
The first step in your project is to understand the domain expertise of the Viacom Project. This will allow you to become an expert within the domain area so you can provide a comprehensive and efficient solution for your client.
In order to develop the expertise needed, you are asked to do research about the domain. This means finding peer reviewed articles specific to the domain and the challenge that are found within the domain. These articles should also have relevance to the business question of the sponsor or the business questions that will help you define a solution.
As you begin to gather article and sources, you may want to develop a map to help organize and categorize the articles and research you are doing along the way for this project. There are a variety of tools available to you to create visual maps.

For this assignment, find one article about Viacoms finance relate with Audience Performance, submit a Two Paragraph summary of one article. The summaries should include:
    An APA citation of the article
    A short summary of the main points of the article
    The findings of the research
A statement of how the article is related to the business question.
This document will become what in academic circles is called an annotated bibliography.

Project background
Sponsor: Viacom
Company name:  Viacom
Project title:  Visualization for Audience Performance
Domain: Finance
Project Description:  Some background- as a media and entertainment company Viacom creates content, and creates content on behalf of client advertisers, which we distribute to our various platforms, one being our social handles. On our social handles we target many different types of audiences. For this project we hope to understand which audiences have been most successful for us in the past, and using this knowledge can we understand which audiences will be most valuable for us in the future. Audiences on social come in all shapes and sizes, some may be very niche and specific, for example all tennis-players above 65, and some may be much more broad, for example anyone living in the US above 18. Each audience will have a unique behavioral profile that we wish to understand. We want to students to strategize, given the performance and delivery data that we have on our social audiences, what types of audiences should we focus our resources on given various objectives.  First, we want to understand the performance of our content across the various audience types. For example, how many impressions, video views, engagements have these audiences accrued, how many times have the audiences been targeted for various ad campaigns, and how much does it cost to target them. We also want to understand the size of the audiences and how that may relate to performance of given ad campaigns. The objectives we want to optimize for are total impressions, total reach (unique impressions), total video views, total engagements, engagement rate (engagements/impressions), high video retention, and low cost. We’re looking for understanding on which audiences should be used given the objective, and can we understand attributes of an audience may contribute to good performance in a given objective.

Goal:  Students will be expected to create visualizations of the performance of the audiences; these may include average number of impressions delivered per ad, average cpm per ad etc. Also, which audiences or group of audiences would be most suitable for a given objective and what are audience attributes that contribute strongly to performing well in a given objective. Students are expected to summarize their results in a powerpoint presentation.  Students will help Viacom understand if they are reaching the right audience on their social media channels by analyzing the performance of various ad campaigns that target various audiences. Students will develop an analysis using real-world data to understand what drives success in reaching the right audience for the right objective. Finally, students will gain experience in summarizing their results using visualizations and presentations.

Under Armor

Section 1: Introduction, Leadership, & Mission Statement

Name (Under Armor)
Nature of the business
Founding date
The number of employees
The brief biographies of founders and current leaders
Major shareholders
The composition of clientele
Annual revenue
The growth history of the business

The Firms Mission Statement
The mission
The vision
Values (corporate culture)
Major goals


Please analyze.
You have been hired as a consultant to provide recommendations as to whether or not an operation should invest in an electronic individual animal identification system (i.e., RFID).  Your recommendation should provide the pros and cons of such a system, what it will cost on an annual basis, and any suggested changes you might have (and why) as to the general management of the operation.  Your report should be well organized and to the point.  The people that have hired you are busy people and do not want to wade through lots of excess paper, but they are good business managers and want to make a good decision.  Thus, your report should focus on quality of information NOT quantity (i.e., you probably should be able to hit the important points in several pages of text plus any supporting tables or figures).
Feedlot Hired by Feeders R Us, Inc., a feedlot with a one-time capacity of 25,000 head and turns two times per year.  The feedlot has two processing and load out facilities as well as a chute with a scale in the hospital.  The feedlot markets about half of their cattle on a live weight basis in the cash market and the other half on a grid-basis (some are contracted in advance and some are priced at delivery).  At this time, the feedlot does not sort cattle with the exception of very large groups so as to avoid mixing cattle from different owners in the same pen.


Stocker Hired by KeepEmAlive Stockers, LLC a stocker operation that has historically run 1,500 head per year, but this number has varied from 750 to as many as 3,000.  Calves are currently individually weighed at the ranch upon arrival when they are processed, but are not weighed at sale time as they are sold directly out of the pasture.  However, the ranch owner has indicated a willingness to set up a scale in the pasture to weigh cattle as they come off grass if it would be economical.